13 research outputs found

    The effect of windows on thermal comfort

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    I examensarbetet strĂ€var jag att svara pĂ„ frĂ„gorna; Hur pĂ„verkar fönster och dess olika egenskaper den termiska komforten. Och med vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder kan man förbĂ€ttra de egenskaper fönstret har, som pĂ„verkar den termiska komforten. I kapitel tvĂ„ kommer jag att gĂ„ igenom vĂ€rmeöverföring med diverse överförings me-toder och i slutet pĂ„ kapitlet behandlar jag kort termisk jĂ€mvikt. Tredje kapitlet behandlar termisk komfort, bestĂ€mmande av komfort och vilka faktorer pĂ„verkar komforten. I slutet av kapitlet behandlar jag ett par matematiska modeller man anvĂ€nder för att förutse om ett klimat Ă€r komfortabelt eller inte. FjĂ€rde kapitlet behandlar termisk asymmetri och vilka de största pĂ„verkarna för termisk asymmetri Ă€r. Det femte kapitlet behandlar fönster och dess egenskaper och hur dessa pĂ„verkar den termiska komforten. Kapitlet behandlar ocksĂ„ hur man kan förbĂ€ttra dessa egenskaper hos fönstret. I det sjĂ€tte kapitlet kommer jag att diskutera hur fönstrets egenskaper pĂ„verkar termiska komforten i olika klimat och pĂ„ vilka sĂ€tt det gĂ„r att förbĂ€ttra fönstrets pĂ„verkan pĂ„ den termiska komfort zonen. Examensarbetet baserar sig pĂ„ de fynd jag gjort frĂ„n; publiserad literature, standarder och nĂ€tsidor, som behandlar termisk komfort och fönster prestanda.In my thesis I will try to answer the questions; Which of the windows’ characteristics affect the thermal comfort zone and which steps can be made to improve these characteristics. In the beginning there will be a short introduction of the subject Windows and thermal comfort. In the second chapter I will run through heat transfer and the three heat transfer modes and end the part with thermal equilibrium. The third chapter will be about thermal comfort, determination of climate comfort and the six factors that affect the comfort in a climate zone. In this chapter I will also show the mathematical equation that is used to predict if a climate will be comfortable or not. The fourth chapter will treat thermal asymmetry, what it causes and how thermal asymmetry is caused. In the fifth chapter I will present how window characteristics affect thermal comfort and how the characteristics of the window can be improved. In the sixth and final chapter I will discuss how the characteristics of a window affect the thermal comfort zone in hotter and cooler periods and how to make the most of the windows characteristics during these periods. This thesis is based on the findings I have done from published literature, standards and webpages that treat the subject of thermal comfort and window performance.OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ pyrin vastaamaan kysymykseen; miten ikkuna ominaisuudet vaikutta-vat lĂ€mpöviihtyvyyteen ja miten voidaan parantaa ikkunan vaikutusta lĂ€mpöviihtyvyy-teen. Alussa opinnĂ€ytetyö kĂ€sittelee lĂ€mmönsiirron ja sen eri tilat, luvun lopussa kĂ€sittelen mitĂ€ lĂ€mpöenergian tasapainotila on. Kolmas luku kĂ€sittelee lĂ€mpöviihtyvyyttĂ€ ja siihen liittyvĂ€t tekijĂ€t. Luvussa kĂ€sittelen myös matemaattiset kaavat mitĂ€ kaavoja kĂ€ytetÀÀn kun mÀÀritetÀÀn alueen viihtyvyyttĂ€. NeljĂ€nnessĂ€ luvussa puhutaan termisestĂ€ epĂ€asymmetriasta ja mitkĂ€ ovat isoimmat tekijĂ€t tĂ€llĂ€ alueella. ViidennessĂ€ luvussa kĂ€ydÀÀn lĂ€pi ikkunoiden ominaisuuksia ja miten ne vaikuttavat termiseen viihtyvyyteen. TĂ€ssĂ€ luvussa kĂ€ydÀÀn myös lĂ€pi miten voidaan myös parantaa ikkunoiden eri ominaisuuksia. ViimeisessĂ€ luvussa keskustelen miten ikkunan ominaisuudet, vaikuttavat lĂ€mpöviihtyvyyteen ja miten voidaan tehostaa tai parantaa ikkunan ominaisuuksia. OpinnĂ€ytetyö perustuu tuloksiin jotka olen löytĂ€nyt; kirjallisuudesta, standardeista ja verkkosivuilta

    The impact of “digital” when adopting a sustainable strategy

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    This research will give organizations an overview of do’s and don’ts when planning to adopt a sustainable strategy empowered by digital solutions and a digital strategy by answering the research question “ how digital solutions and a digital strategy impact the adoption of a sustainable strategy”. The data collection is based on reviewing existing academic literature regarding digital solutions, digital strategies, sustainability, and sustainable strategies. Sources are analyzed to find a valid explanation of the relationship between digital solutions, a digital strategy, and adopting a sustainable strategy by identifying patterns. The discovered patterns were: organizational changes caused by adopting a new strategy, the importance of communication internally and externally when adopting a sustainable strategy, understanding the value chain and business model, the definition of “digital” and “sustainability”. “Digital” and “Sustainability” related terms can be interpreted in several different ways and the use of these words can vary depending on the situation and context, which made the analysis of the research material challenging. Based on my findings a transformation of any sort is all about change, and change is all about people. When adopting a sustainable strategy, employees are on a journey, adapting the way they work and attitudes towards sustainability. I have discovered organizational elements affected by a digital strategy and digital solutions regarding people, communication, organizational structure, and development. Organizations need to see interdependencies between a digital strategy and a sustainable strategy, to have a successful adoption of a sustainable strategy. To gain an advantage of a digital strategy and digital solutions when adopting a sustainable strategy, it is critical to realize that sustainability is something new and requires a new way of thinking

    Elektroniska flygfraktsedlar - framtidens möjligheter och utmaningar

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    I examensarbetet undersöker jag vad som krĂ€vs för ett företag att ta i bruk elektroniska flygfraktsedlar. Jag undersöker ocksĂ„ för- och nackdelar med dem. En elektronisk flyg-fraktsedel Ă€r ett dokument i elektronisk form som anvĂ€nds dĂ„ man transporterar gods med flyg. Man hĂ„ller pĂ„ att ta den elektroniska flygfraktsedeln i bruk i mĂ„nga lĂ€nder för att ersĂ€tta den traditionella flygfraktsedeln. Undersökningen Ă€r avgrĂ€nsad till internat-ionella flygtransporter. IATA Ă€r den organisation som övervakar och gör bestĂ€mmelser gĂ€llande flygtransporter. Teoridelen i denna undersökning Ă€r baserad pĂ„ IATA:s utlĂ„-tanden, eftersom de arbetar med regleringar och ibruktagande av elektroniska flygfrakt-sedlar. Undersökningen Ă€r kvalitativ med en induktiv teoretisk ansats och ett hermeneu-tiskt synsĂ€tt. För att fĂ„ en djup förstĂ„else av Ă€mnet har jag anvĂ€nt mig av fallstudieme-toden och gjort ett pilottest pĂ„ företaget Finnair Cargo. Den empiriska delen Ă€r baserad pĂ„ en djupintervju med Petteri HellĂ©n, e-solution manager pĂ„ Finnair Cargo. I analysen av intervjun framkom mĂ„nga nya aspekter gĂ€llande elektroniska flygfraktsedlar som inte behandlas i IATA:s material. Som helhet stĂ€mmer IATA:s utlĂ„tanden överens med mitt material, men det finns vissa skiljande faktorer över vad som krĂ€vs för att ett företag skall kunna ta i bruk de elektroniska flygfraktsedlarna. Ämnet elektroniska flyg-fraktsedlar Ă€r aktuellt för att flygtransport vĂ€xer pĂ„ en global nivĂ„. Elektroniska flyg-fraktsedeln ökar Ă€ven miljövĂ€nligheten, effektiviteten och exaktheten i samband med flygfrakt

    Teaching cryptography and access control hands-on

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    Cryptography and access control are perhaps the two most fundamental mechanisms for data protection. This workshop presents hands-on methods for teaching cryptography and access control that leverage software tools developed with funding from the NSF. The workshop will proceed in two sessions. The first session will address teaching well-known ciphers (including VigenĂšre, DES, AES, RSA, and SHA) and elliptic-curve cryptography using tools from the cryptoVisual software suite. These tools step students through an algorithm with either the system or the student computing the result of each step. The second session will address access control and the Multilevel Security, Role Based Access Control, and Domain Type Enforcement models using tools from the acVisual software suite. These tools support graphical policy development and analysis. The presenters have used this material in undergraduate courses in Cryptography and Computer Security. The tools have been used and evaluated favorably at multiple institutions. Participants will install and use the software on their own laptops running Linux, Windows, or MacOS. The acVisual software runs natively on Linux and MacOS and through a Linux virtual machine under Windows. The cryptoVisual software suite is available at http://www.cs.mtu.edu/~shene/NSF-4/. The acVisual software suite is available at http://acv.cs.mtu.edu

    AESvisual: A visualization tool for the AES cipher

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    This paper describes a visualization tool AESvisual that helps students learn and instructors teach the AES cipher. The software allows the user to visualize all the major steps of AES encryption and decryption. The demo mode is useful and efficient for classroom presentation and the practice mode provides the user with an environment to practice AES encryption with error checking. AESvisual is quite versatile, providing support for both beginners learning how to encrypt and decrypt, and also for the more advanced users wishing to see all the details, including the GF(28) addition and multiplication operations. Classroom evaluation of the tool was positive

    SHAvisual: A secure hash algorithm visualization tool

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    This poster presents a visualization tool SHAvisual for instructors to teach and students to learn the SHA-512 algorithm visually with demo and practice modes. This poster will also discuss some findings of classroom use and student reactions, which are very positive and encouraging

    VIGvisual: A visualization tool for the VigenĂšre cipher

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    This paper describes a visualization tool VIGvisual that helps students learn and instructors teach the VigenĂšre cipher. The software allows the user to visualize both encryption and decryption through a variety of cipher tools. The demo mode is useful and efficient for classroom presentation. The practice mode allows the user to practice encryption and decryption. VIGvisual is quite versatile, providing support for both beginners learning how to encrypt and decrypt, and also for the more advanced users wishing to practice cryptanalysis in the attack mode. Classroom evaluation of the tool was positive


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