22 research outputs found

    Reducing the Sodium Chloride Content in Chicken Pate by Using Potassium and Ammonium Chloride

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    AbstractThe aim of this research was to investigate possibility of chicken pate production with reduced sodium chloride content, as well as to establish changes in sensory characteristics. In the study, six experimental groups of chicken pate were produced with the same basic ingredients, but different amounts of added salts. Sensory evaluation was performed in order to determine general taste acceptability, and of the sodium and potassium levels in the chicken pate. The pate from EI and EII groups in which the amount of added sodium chloride was reduced and/or partially substituted with ammonium chloride had a most acceptable taste

    The presence of undesirable mould species on the surface of dry sausages

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    Transition from manufacture to the industrial way of meat production and processing, as well as contemporary concept of food quality and safety, have led to the application of starter cultures. Their application leads towards the streamlining of the production process in the desired direction, quality improvement and its harmonization, and thereby to its standardization. Application of moulds in the meat industry is based on positive effects of their proteolytic and lipolytic egzoenzymes which, as a consequence, leads to the creation of characteristic sensory properties ('flavor') of fermented products. Penicillium nalgiovense is a typical representative of moulds used in the production of fermented sausages-salamis from our region. Samples of 'zimska salama' (dry sausage), produced with Penicillium nalgiovense, were evaluated as hygienically unacceptable. Their sensory properties changed due to contamination of this mould during the ripening process. Micological analysis discovered the presence of Penicillium aurantiogriseum, which is a frequent mould contaminant in the meat industry. At the same time, thin layer chromatography revealed no possibility of metabolic activity of this mould in the creation of mycotoxins. However, the presence of this mould on the surface of 'zimska salama' is considered as undesirable due to formation of 'off flavor' in products. Such product is considered as hygienically unacceptable and cannot be used for the human consumption

    Effects of Different Gas Compositions on the Color Estimations of MAP Packaged Pork Chops

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    AbstractThis study was conducted to observe effects of different gas compositions on color of pork chops packaged in modified atmospheres. Gaseous compositions used were: MAP1 (75% O2:25% CO2); MAP2 (70% O2:30%CO2) and MAP3 (80% O2:20% CO2). Sensory evaluations of meat color and chemical properties (acid number, peroxide value, aw, pH, TVB-N and TBARs), were carried on the 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th day of storage. The sensory evaluations of chop color in different MAP compositions are analyzed in relation to storage period, measured chemical properties and instrumental determination of meat color using linear and multivariate linear regression analysis

    Ispitivanja genotoksičnosti herbicida GAL-57 na Salmonella typhimurium i Escherichia coli

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    Genotoxicity of the herbicide GAL-57, containing two active ingredients, bentazon and dicamba, was investigated using the Ames test. Salmonella typhimurium (tester strains TA98 and TA100) and Escherichia coli (strain WP2uvrA) were used. Nine product concentrations were tested at a range of 19.53-5000 Ī¼g/plate and each concentration, as well as the controls, in triplicate. Testing was done with and without metabolic activation (liver microsomal fraction, S-9 mix). The results of our investigation revealed no biological or statistically significant increase in mutagenic factors, and this offered a basis for our conclusion that the herbicide GAL-57 has no genotoxic properties (with or without metabolic activation) under experimental conditions in the Ames test.Genotoksična svojstva herbicida GAL-57, koji u svom sastavu ima dve aktivne materije, bentazon i dikambu, ispitivana su primenom Ames-ovog testa. KoriŔćene su bakterije Salmonella typhimurium (sojevi TA98 i TA100) i Escherichia coli (WP2uvrA soj). Ispitivano je devet koncentracija preparata u opsegu 19.53-5000 Ī¼g/ploča pri čemu je svaka koncentracija, kao i kontrole, testirana po tri puta. Ispitivanje je obavljeno sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije (mikrozomska frakcija jetre, S-9 mix). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da nema ni bioloÅ”ki ni statistički značajnog povećanja faktora mutacije na osnovu čega se zaključuje da herbicid GAL-57, u eksperimentalnim uslovima Ames-ovog testa, ne poseduje genotoksična svojstva (sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije)

    Ispitivanja genotoksičnosti herbicida GAL-57 na Salmonella typhimurium i Escherichia coli

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    Genotoxicity of the herbicide GAL-57, containing two active ingredients; bentazon and dicamba, was investigated using the Ames test. Salmonella typhimurium (tester strains TA98 and TA100) and Escherichia coli (strain WP2uvrA) were used. Nine product concentrations were tested at a range of 19.53-5000 Ī¼g/plate and each concentration, as well as the controls, in triplicate. Testing was done with and without metabolic activation (liver microsomal fraction, S-9 mix). The results of our investigation revealed no biological or statistically significant increase in mutagenic factors, and this offered a basis for our conclusion that the herbicide GAL-57 has no genotoxic properties (with or without metabolic activation) under experimental conditions in the Ames test.Genotoksična svojstva herbicida GAL-57, koji u svom sastavu ima dve aktivne materije, bentazon i dikambu, ispitivana su primenom Ames-ovog testa. KoriŔćene su bakterije Salmonella typhimurium (sojevi TA98 i TA100) i Escherichia coli (WP2uvrA soj). Ispitivano je devet koncentracija preparata u opsegu 19.53-5000 Ī¼g/ploča pri čemu je svaka koncentracija, kao i kontrole, testirana po tri puta. Ispitivanje je obavljeno sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije (mikrozomska frakcija jetre, S-9 mix). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da nema ni bioloÅ”ki ni statistički značajnog povećanja faktora mutacije na osnovu čega se zaključuje da herbicid GAL-57, u eksperimentalnim uslovima Ames-ovog testa, ne poseduje genotoksična svojstva (sa i bez metaboličke aktivacije)

    Ispitivanja mutagenih svojstava herbicida GAL-57 (bentazon + dikamba) primenom mikronukleus testa

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    A micronucleus test was run to investigate mutagenic potential of the herbicide GAL-57, a formulated mixture of bentazone and dicamba. The test was applied to mice of both sexes (strain: CRL: NMRI BR) and the herbicide (product) was administered by gavage at 2000 mg/kg rate, twice within 24 hs. Cyclophosphamide (positive control) was administered at 60 mg/kg, while distilled water as a solvent was negative control. The animals were sacrificed 24 hrs after second treatment, their bone marrow cells isolated from femur, and effects evaluated. The data acquired showed that repeated treatment of mice with GAL-57 caused neither biological nor significant statistical increase in the number of micronuclei in treated animals. At the same time, the number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow of animals treated with cyclophosphamide (positive control) showed a significant statistical increase. The results suggest that the herbicide product tested did not show any mutagenic activity under the conditions of mouse micronucleus test.Mutageni potencijal herbicida GAL-57, koji je formulisan kao meÅ”avina bentazona i dikambe, ispitivan je primenom mikronukleus testa. Ispitivanja su rađena na miÅ”evima oba pola (soj: CRL: NMRI BR), a ispitivani herbicid (preparat) je doziran oralno (sondom u želudac) u dozi od 2000 mg/kg, dva puta u razmaku od 24 sata. Kao pozitivna kontrola koriŔćen je ciklofosfamid (60 mg/kg), a kao negativna rastvarač (destilovana voda). Životinje su žrtvovane 24 sata nakon drugog tretiranja, izolovane su ćelije koÅ”tane srži (iz femura) i ocenjivan je efekat supstancije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da ponovljen tretman miÅ”eva herbicidom GAL-57 ne izaziva ni bioloÅ”ki ni statistički značajno povećanje broja mikronukleusa kod tretiranih životinja. Istovremeno, kod životinja tretiranih ciklofosfamidom (pozitivna kontrola) broj mikronukleusa u polihromatskim eritrocitima koÅ”tane srži miÅ”eva bio je statistički značajno povećan. Na osnovu ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da ispitivani herbicid (preparat), u uslovima mikronukleus testa, ne ispoljava mutagena svojstva

    Ispitivanja mutagenih svojstava herbicida GAL-57 (bentazon + dikamba) primenom mikronukleus testa

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    A micronucleus test was run to investigate mutagenic potential of the herbicide GAL-57, a formulated mixture of bentazone and dicamba. The test was applied to mice of both sexes (strain: CRL: NMRI BR) and the herbicide (product) was administered by gavage at 2000 mg/kg rate, twice within 24 hs. Cyclophosphamide (positive control) was administered at 60 mg/kg, while distilled water as a solvent was negative control. The animals were sacrificed 24 hs after second treatment, their bone marrow cells isolated from femur, and effects evaluated. The data acquired showed that repeated treatment of mice with GAL-57 caused neither biological nor significant statistical increase in the number of micronuclei in treated animals. At the same time, the number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow of animals treated with cyclophosphamide (positive control) showed a significant statistical increase. The results suggest that the herbicide product tested did not show any mutagenic activity under the conditions of mouse micronucleus test.Mutageni potencijal herbicida GAL-57, koji je formulisan kao meÅ”avina bentazona i dikambe, ispitivan je primenom mikronukleus testa. Ispitivanja su rađena na miÅ”evima oba pola (soj: CRL: NMRI BR), a ispitivani herbicid (preparat) je doziran oralno (sondom u želudac) u dozi od 2000 mg/kg, dva puta u razmaku od 24 sata. Kao pozitivna kontrola koriŔćen je ciklofosfamid (60 mg/kg), a kao negativna rastvarač (destilovana voda). Životinje su žrtvovane 24 sata nakon drugog tretiranja, izolovane su ćelije koÅ”tane srži (iz femura) i ocenjivan je efekat supstancije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da ponovljen tretman miÅ”eva herbicidom GAL-57 ne izaziva ni bioloÅ”ki ni statistički značajno povećanje broja mikronukleusa kod tretiranih životinja. Istovremeno, kod životinja tretiranih ciklofosfamidom (pozitivna kontrola) broj mikronukleusa u polihromatskim eritrocitima koÅ”tane srži miÅ”eva bio je statistički značajno povećan. Na osnovu ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da ispitivani herbicid (preparat), u uslovima mikronukleus testa, ne ispoljava mutagena svojstva

    HematoloÅ”ki efekti herbicida AvalonĀ® (bentazon+dikamba) za pacova

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    Hematological effects of the herbicide Avalon (GAL-57), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba, were tested on rats. Avalon was administered by gavage at three and four dose levels (250, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg/kg weight/day) for 28 and 90 days. Hematological parameters, number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (MCV, MCH and MCHC) were monitored. The results showed that the herbicide Avalon caused decrease in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (both males and females). The changes (mostly) correlated with the doses administered and, in most cases, a lower susceptibility of females than males was observed. The herbicide GAL-57 had no adverse effect on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (both sexes, all doses tested). The results showed that the herbicide Avalon causes weak anemia to the animals tested. Reversibility was apparent during the recovery period of 28 days.U radu su ispitivani hematoloÅ”ki efekti herbicida Avalon (GAL-57), koji je meÅ”avina bentazona i dikambe kao aktivnih materija, na pacovima. Preparat je doziran oralnim putem (sondom u želudac) u viÅ”e nivoa doza (250, 500, 1000 i 1250 mg/kg/telesne mase/dan) tokom 28 i 90 dana. Praćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit i eritrocitni indeksi (prosečna zapremina eritrocita, srednja vrednost hemoglobina po eritrocitu i prosečna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima). Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su pokazali da herbicid Avalon kod oba pola izaziva smanjenje vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa, dok kod drugih ispitivanih pokazatelja (broj leukocita, eritrocita i trombocita) nisu registrovane promene u odnosu na kontrolu. Sve promene su, najčeŔće, u korelaciji sa primenjenim dozama a uočena je, u najvećem broju slučajeva, i neÅ”to manja osetljivost ženki u odnosu na mužjake. Rezultati ispitivanja su, takođe, pokazali da Avalon izaziva blagu anemiju kod ispitivanih životinja s tim da je efekat reverzibilnog karaktera; nakon isteka perioda oporavka od 28 dana vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre se vraćaju na normalu i ne razlikuju se značajnije u odnosu na kontrolu

    HematoloÅ”ki efekti herbicida AvalonĀ® (bentazon + dikamba) za pacova

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    Hematological effects of the herbicide Avalon (GAL-57), a mixture of bentazon and dicamba, were tested on rats. Avalon was administered by gavage at three and four dose levels (250, 500, 1000 and 1250 mg/kg weight/day) for 28 and 90 days. Hematological parameters, number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (MCV, MCH and MCHC) were monitored. The results showed that the herbicide Avalon caused decrease in the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocyte indexes (both males and females). The changes (mostly) correlated with the doses administered and, in most cases, a lower susceptibility of females than males was observed. The herbicide GAL-57 had no adverse effect on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (both sexes, all doses tested). The results showed that the herbicide Avalon causes weak anemia to the animals tested. Reversibility was apparent during the recovery period of 28 days.U radu su ispitivani hematoloÅ”ki efekti herbicida Avalon (GAL-57), koji je meÅ”avina bentazona i dikambe kao aktivnih materija, na pacovima. Preparat je doziran oralnim putem (sondom u želudac) u viÅ”e nivoa doza (250, 500, 1000 i 1250 mg/kg/telesne mase/dan) tokom 28 i 90 dana. Praćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: broj eritrocita, leukocita i trombocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit i eritrocitni indeksi (prosečna zapremina eritrocita, srednja vrednost hemoglobina po eritrocitu i prosečna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima). Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su pokazali da herbicid Avalon kod oba pola izaziva smanjenje vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa, dok kod drugih ispitivanih pokazatelja (broj leukocita, eritrocita i trombocita) nisu registrovane promene u odnosu na kontrolu. Sve promene su, najčeŔće, u korelaciji sa primenjenim dozama a uočena je, u najvećem broju slučajeva, i neÅ”to manja osetljivost ženki u odnosu na mužjake. Rezultati ispitivanja su, takođe, pokazali da Avalon izaziva blagu anemiju kod ispitivanih životinja s tim da je efekat reverzibilnog karaktera; nakon isteka perioda oporavka od 28 dana vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre se vraćaju na normalu i ne razlikuju se značajnije u odnosu na kontrolu

    Somatic mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 are prognostic and follow-up markers in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia with normal karyotype

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    Background. Mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (IDH1 and IDH2) genes are frequent molecular lesions in acute myeloid leukaemia with normal karyotype (AML-NK). The effects of IDH mutations on clinical features and treatment outcome in AML-NK have been widely investigated, but only a few studies monitored these mutations during follow-up. Patients and methods. In our study samples from 110 adult de novo AML-NK were studied for the presence of IDH1 and IDH2 mutations, their associations with other prognostic markers and disease outcome. We also analyzed the stability of these mutations during the course of the disease in complete remission (CR) and relapse. Results. IDH mutations were found in 25 (23%) patients. IDH+ patients tend to have lower CR rate compared to IDH-patients (44% vs 62.2%, p = 0.152), and had slightly lower disease free survival (12 months vs 17 months; p = 0.091). On the other hand, the presence of IDH mutations had significant impact on overall survival (2 vs 7 months; p = 0.039). The stability of IDH mutations were studied sequentially in 19 IDH+ patients. All of them lost the mutation in CR, and the same IDH mutations were detected in relapsed samples. Conclusions. Our study shows that the presence of IDH mutations confer an adverse effect in AML-NK patients, which in combination with other molecular markers can lead to an improved risk stratification and better treatment. Also, IDH mutations are very stable during the course of the disease and can be potentially used as markers for minimal residual disease detection