2,830 research outputs found

    Sampling-based Algorithms for Optimal Motion Planning

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    During the last decade, sampling-based path planning algorithms, such as Probabilistic RoadMaps (PRM) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT), have been shown to work well in practice and possess theoretical guarantees such as probabilistic completeness. However, little effort has been devoted to the formal analysis of the quality of the solution returned by such algorithms, e.g., as a function of the number of samples. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap, by rigorously analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the cost of the solution returned by stochastic sampling-based algorithms as the number of samples increases. A number of negative results are provided, characterizing existing algorithms, e.g., showing that, under mild technical conditions, the cost of the solution returned by broadly used sampling-based algorithms converges almost surely to a non-optimal value. The main contribution of the paper is the introduction of new algorithms, namely, PRM* and RRT*, which are provably asymptotically optimal, i.e., such that the cost of the returned solution converges almost surely to the optimum. Moreover, it is shown that the computational complexity of the new algorithms is within a constant factor of that of their probabilistically complete (but not asymptotically optimal) counterparts. The analysis in this paper hinges on novel connections between stochastic sampling-based path planning algorithms and the theory of random geometric graphs.Comment: 76 pages, 26 figures, to appear in International Journal of Robotics Researc

    Calorimetric and magnetic study for Ni50_{50}Mn36_{36}In14_{14} and relative cooling power in paramagnetic inverse magnetocaloric systems

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    The non-stoichiometric Heusler alloy Ni50_{50}Mn36_{36}In14_{14} undergoes a martensitic phase transformation in the vicinity of 345 K, with the high temperature austenite phase exhibiting paramagnetic rather than ferromagnetic behavior, as shown in similar alloys with lower-temperature transformations. Suitably prepared samples are shown to exhibit a sharp transformation, a relatively small thermal hysteresis, and a large field-induced entropy change. We analyzed the magnetocaloric behavior both through magnetization and direct field-dependent calorimetry measurements. For measurements passing through the first-order transformation, an improved method for heat-pulse relaxation calorimetry was designed. The results provide a firm basis for the analytic evaluation of field-induced entropy changes in related materials. An analysis of the relative cooling power (RCP), based on the integrated field-induced entropy change and magnetizing behavior of the Mn spin system with ferromagnetic correlations, shows that a significant RCP may be obtained in these materials by tuning the magnetic and structural transformation temperatures through minor compositional changes or local order changes

    From Uncertainty Data to Robust Policies for Temporal Logic Planning

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing robust disturbance feedback policies for systems performing complex tasks. We formulate the tasks as linear temporal logic specifications and encode them into an optimization framework via mixed-integer constraints. Both the system dynamics and the specifications are known but affected by uncertainty. The distribution of the uncertainty is unknown, however realizations can be obtained. We introduce a data-driven approach where the constraints are fulfilled for a set of realizations and provide probabilistic generalization guarantees as a function of the number of considered realizations. We use separate chance constraints for the satisfaction of the specification and operational constraints. This allows us to quantify their violation probabilities independently. We compute disturbance feedback policies as solutions of mixed-integer linear or quadratic optimization problems. By using feedback we can exploit information of past realizations and provide feasibility for a wider range of situations compared to static input sequences. We demonstrate the proposed method on two robust motion-planning case studies for autonomous driving

    Microestructura de quesos blancos turcos bajos en grasa producidos industrialmente, influencia de la homogenización de la crema

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    The microstructure and fat globule distribution of reduced and low fat Turkish white cheese were evaluated. Reduced and low fat cheeses were manufactured from 1.5% and 0.75% fat milk respectively which were standardized unhomogenized and homogenized cream in a dairy plant. Homogenized and non-homogenized creams and cheese whey were analyzed for fat globule distribution and cheese samples were also analyzed for microstructure characteristics. According to the results, the homogenization of cream decreased the size of fat globules; and showed that a large number of fat particles were dispersed in the in matrix and improved the lubrication of cheese microstructure. According to the micrographs for the fat, which was not removed, they exhibited a more extended matrix with a few small fat globules compared to the defatted micrographs. Homogenization of cream produces small fat globules and unclustured fat globules were found in the resulting whey. These results are important for dairy processors for using cream homogenization as a processing tool at the industrial level.Se estudia la microestructura y distribución de los glóbulos de grasa de quesos blancos turcos bajos en grasa. Quesos con reducida y baja cantidad en grasa fueron fabricados conteniendo entre el 1,5% y 0,75% de grasa de leche, respectivamente, y con cremas homogeneizadas y no homogeneizadas, en una planta de lácteos. Las cremas homogeneizadas y no homogeneizadas y el suero de los quesos se analizaron para determinar la distribución de los glóbulos de grasa y también se analizaron las características de la microestructura de muestras de queso. De acuerdo con los resultados, la homogeneización de la crema reduce el tamaño de los glóbulos de grasa, mostrando un gran número de partículas de grasa dispersa en la matriz de caseína que mejoró la lubricación de la microestructura del queso. De acuerdo con las micrografías de la grasa que no se elimina, estas exhiben una matriz más amplia en la que hay pocos glóbulos de grasa en comparación con las micrografías de las muestras desgrasadas. La homogenización de la crema produce pequeños glóbulos de grasa y el suero resultante contiene glóbulos de grasa no incrustados. Estos resultados son importantes para los procesadores de productos lácteos, y muestran la utilidad de la homogeneización de crema como una herramienta del procesamiento a nivel industrial

    Anisotropic photoconductivity in graphene

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    We investigate the photoconductivity of graphene within the relaxation time approximation. In presence of the inter-band transitions induced by the linearly polarized light the photoconductivity turns out to be highly anisotropic due to the pseudospin selection rule for Dirac-like carriers. The effect can be observed in clean undoped graphene samples and be utilized for light polarization detection.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Investigating Open-World Person Re-identification Using a Drone

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    Abstract. Person re-identification is now one of the most topical and intensively studied problems in computer vision due to its challenging na-ture and its critical role in underpinning many multi-camera surveillance tasks. A fundamental assumption in almost all existing re-identification research is that cameras are in fixed emplacements, allowing the explicit modelling of camera and inter-camera properties in order to improve re-identification. In this paper, we present an introductory study push-ing re-identification in a different direction: re-identification on a mobile platform, such as a drone. We formalise some variants of the standard formulation for re-identification that are more relevant for mobile re-identification. We introduce the first dataset for mobile re-identification, and we use this to elucidate the unique challenges of mobile re-identification. Finally, we re-evaluate some conventional wisdom about re-id models in the light of these challenges and suggest future avenues for research in this area.

    Cross-entropy Temporal Logic Motion Planning

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    This paper presents a method for optimal trajectory generation for discrete-time nonlinear systems with linear temporal logic (LTL) task specifications. Our approach is based on recent advances in stochastic optimization algorithms for optimal trajectory generation. These methods rely on estimation of the rare event of sampling optimal trajectories, which is achieved by incrementally improving a sampling distribution so as to minimize the cross-entropy. A key component of these stochastic optimization algorithms is determining whether or not a trajectory is collision-free. We generalize this collision checking to efficiently verify whether or not a trajectory satisfies a LTL formula. Interestingly, this verification can be done in time polynomial in the length of the LTL formula and the trajectory. We also propose a method for efficiently re-using parts of trajectories that only partially satisfy the specification, instead of simply discarding the entire sample. Our approach is demonstrated through numerical experiments involving Dubins car and a generic point-mass model subject to complex temporal logic task specifications

    Finding a needle in an exponential haystack: Discrete RRT for exploration of implicit roadmaps in multi-robot motion planning

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    We present a sampling-based framework for multi-robot motion planning which combines an implicit representation of a roadmap with a novel approach for pathfinding in geometrically embedded graphs tailored for our setting. Our pathfinding algorithm, discrete-RRT (dRRT), is an adaptation of the celebrated RRT algorithm for the discrete case of a graph, and it enables a rapid exploration of the high-dimensional configuration space by carefully walking through an implicit representation of a tensor product of roadmaps for the individual robots. We demonstrate our approach experimentally on scenarios of up to 60 degrees of freedom where our algorithm is faster by a factor of at least ten when compared to existing algorithms that we are aware of.Comment: Kiril Solovey and Oren Salzman contributed equally to this pape

    Diazepam stability in wastewater and removal by advanced membranes technology, activated carbon and micelle- clay complex

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    Stability and removal of the anti-anxiety drug diazepam (valium) from spiked wastewater samples were studied. An advanced wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), utilizing ultrafiltration (UF), activated charcoal (AC), and reverse osmosis (RO) after the secondary biological treatment showed that UF and RO were relatively sufficient in removing spiked diazepam to a safe level. Kinetic studies in both pure water (abiotic degradation) and in sludge (biotic degradation) at room temperature were investigated. Diazepam showed high chemical stability toward degradation in pure water, and underwent faster biodegradation in sludge providing two main degradation products. The degradation reactions in sludge and pure water showed first-order kinetics with rate constant values of 2.6 × 10−7 s−1 and 9.08 × 10−8 s−1, respectively (half-life = 31 and 88 d, respectively). Adsorption of diazepam by activated carbon and composite micelle–clay (octadecyltrimethylammonium montmorillonite) complex was studied using both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Based on the determination coefficient, Langmuir isotherm was found to better fit the data, indicating the retention of diazepam monolayer on both adsorbents. Filtration of 100 mg L−1 solutions of diazepam by micelle–clay filter yielded almost complete removal at flow rates of 2 mL min−1

    Endoscopic Removal of an Unusual Foreign Body Causing Gastrointestinal Bleeding

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    Foreign body ingestion is a condition more common in the pediatric population than in adults. In adults, although foreign body ingestion can be well tolerated, approximately 10-20% of patients require endoscopic intervention. Delayed diagnosis and unremoved foreign bodies can cause serious and fatal complications including perforation, fistula and gastrointestinal bleeding. Here we report a patient with bleeding duodenal ulcer thought to be initiated by a large foreign body
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