3 research outputs found

    The Opinions of Poles about the Need to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Refugees from the Area Covered by the Russian–Ukrainian War

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    The armed conflict in Ukraine has caused a lot of emotions around the world. Many countries have been involved in helping brutally attacked people, especially mothers and children. The versatile involvement of large powers is monitored and noticeable by the media. Active help from Poland is a very visible sign of human solidarity with the suffering Ukrainian nation. Open hearts, houses and institutions and humanitarian and medical aid are elements of Polish kindness and empathy. The aim of the research was to collect Poles’ opinions about the need to provide humanitarian aid to Ukrainians from the territories of the Russian–Ukrainian war. Capturing feelings of Poles towards Ukrainians during the war is an interesting issue that shows subjective opinions about the existential situation perceived in the space of mutual personal interactions. The results showing opinions on help were collected from a group of 1012 people throughout Poland with the help of an authorial questionnaire. The obtained data shows a positive attitude of Poles to Ukrainians. The most willing to help are people over 49 years old, more often with a good and very good financial situation. Respondents believe that general assistance from other countries and the European Parliament is not sufficient. Military support is accepted the most by the oldest participants of research, and less by the age group up to 30 years who support medical help more. More concerned about the ongoing conflict are respondents under the age of 30 and the least wealthy, including, more often, women. The richest respondents are least afraid of the effects of the ongoing Russian–Ukrainian conflict. The conducted research confirms the openness of Polish society to refugees and brings opinions about existential solidarity with the suffering Ukrainian nation

    Subiektywna ocena b贸lu u pacjent贸w po operacjach kardiochirurgicznych

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    聽Wst臋p: W okresie pooperacyjnym, pacjenci nara偶eni s膮 na zwi臋kszone odczuwanie b贸lu, co 聽wp艂ywa na stan psychofizyczny. Stopie艅 odczuwania b贸lu pooperacyjnego determinuje szereg czynnik贸w takich jak: przygotowanie 聽do zabiegu, typ osobowo艣ci, wcze艣niejsze do艣wiadczenia zwi膮zane z b贸lem. Zadaniem wielospecjalistycznego leczenia dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych staje si臋 niwelowanie cierpienia fizycznego, poprawa komfortu psychicznego, szybszy powr贸t do sprawno艣ci i zapobieganie 聽powik艂aniom pooperacyjnym. Cel: Celem pracy by艂a pr贸ba subiektywnej oceny b贸lu pooperacyjnego. Materia艂 i metody: Badania przeprowadzono metod膮 sonda偶u diagnostycznego 聽od聽 lipca do 聽pa藕dziernika 2016 roku. Grup臋 badan膮 stanowi艂o 349 pacjent贸w 聽hospitalizowanych w Klinice Kardiochirurgii SPSK Nr 2 w Szczecinie. W badaniach wykorzystano kwestionariusz autorskiej ankiety. Wyniki: Wykazano korelacj臋 mi臋dzy stanem psychicznym chorych przed operacj膮, a nasileniem b贸lu pooperacyjnego. Najsilniejszy b贸l badani odczuwali w 3-4 dobie, a nast臋pnie w 1-2 dobie po zabiegu operacyjnym w trakcie poruszania si臋. Za okres najmniejszego nat臋偶enia b贸lu po operacji serca respondenci wskazywali pi膮t膮 dob臋 po przebytym zabiegu. Wi臋kszo艣膰 ankietowanych (194 osoby) odczuwa艂o przed zabiegiem podenerwowanie i napi臋cie. W ocenie stanu psychicznego聽 przygn臋bienie i trudno艣ci z koncentracj膮 deklarowa艂o 58 badanych, natomiast spok贸j i opanowanie 94 osoby. Wnioski. 1. Stan psychiczny i przygotowanie pacjent贸w do zabiegu operacyjnego, wp艂ywa w spos贸b istotny na zachowanie chorych po operacji. 2. Zar贸wno prawid艂owe leczenie b贸lu pooperacyjnego, jego systematyczna ocena, jak i troskliwa opieka zespo艂u piel臋gniarskiego, wp艂ywaj膮 na pozytywny wizerunek szpitala w sonda偶ach oraz podniesienie jako艣ci 艣wiadczonych us艂ug medycznych.3.Wskazane jest prowadzenie systematycznych szkole艅 dla personelu piel臋gniarskiego i lekarskiego z zakresu terapii b贸lu, celem podniesienia 艣wiadomo艣ci dotycz膮cej niekorzystnych skutk贸w b贸lu ostrego.S艂owa kluczowe: pacjent, kardiochirurgia, b贸l pooperacyjny, opieka piel臋gniarsk

    Interventions to increase patient safety in long-term care facilities - umbrella review

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    Introduction: Patient safety in long-term care is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the scientific literature. Organizational problems such as shortages of medical staff, insufficient numbers of facilities or underfunding increase the risk of adverse events, and aging populations in many countries suggests that these problems will become more and more serious with each passing year. The objective of the study is to identify interventions that can contribute to increasing patient safety in long-term care facilities. Method: A systematic review of secondary studies was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. Searches were conducted in Medline (via PubMed), Embase (via OVID) and Cochrane Library. The quality of the included studies was assessed using AMSTAR2. Results: Ultimately, 10 studies were included in the analysis. They concerned three main areas: promoting safety culture, reducing the level of occupational stress and burnout, and increasing the safety of medication use. Promising methods that have an impact on increasing patient safety include: preventing occupational burnout of medical staff, e.g., by using mindfulness-based interventions; preventing incidents resulting from improper administration of medications, e.g., by using structured methods of patient transfer; and the use of information technology that is more effective than the classic (paper) method or preventing nosocomial infections, e.g., through programs to improve the quality of care in institutions and the implementation of an effective infection control system. Conclusions: Taking into account the scientific evidence found and the guidelines of institutions dealing with patient safety, it is necessary for each long-term care facility to individually implement interventions aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of care and patient safety culture at the level of medical staff and management staff