8 research outputs found

    Analysis of risk factors affecting coagulopathy after donor hepatectomy in a newly established liver transplant center

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    Objective: As might be expected, living donor liver surgery is associated with serious morbidity and mortality risks. Coagulopathy after donor hepatectomy is an important risk factor affecting morbidity. In this study, risk factors affecting the development of coagulopathy after donor hepatectomy was evaluated in a newly-established liver transplant center. Material and Methods: A retrospective evaluation of 46 liver donors to whom hepatectomy was applied in Medipol Universty of School of Medicine Department of Organ Transplantation between April 2014 and July 2015 was made. Coagulopathy was defined as prothrombin time >=15 sec. or platelet count <80000/mm3 on postoperative day 3. Donors were separated into 2 groups as those with (n=24) and without (n=22) coagulopathy. Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative factors acting on coagulopathy were analyzed. Results: In the intergroup analysis, it was seen that remnant liver volume, remnant liver volume % and remnant liver volume to body weight ratio were factors associated with coagulopathy. The cut-off values for these 3 parameters were calculated as 773.5cm3, 40.5% and 0.915 cm3/kg, respectively. Only remnant liver volume % was determined as a risk factor for coagulopathy after donor hepatectomy on multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the most important risk factors affecting coagulopathy after donor hepatectomy were the parameters associated with remnant liver volume

    Hepatosellüler karsinomda tedavi yaklaşımları

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    Hepatosellüler karsinoma (HCC) özellikle viral hepatit insidansı yüksek olan Asya ve Uzak Doğu'da sık görülen bir tümördür. Viral hepatitlere bağlı kronik karaciğer hastalığı zemininde gelişen HCC da tedavi gerektiren sadece tümörün kendisini değil aynı zamanda altta yatan karaciğer hastalığıdır. Cerrahi rezeksiyon, küratif bir yöntem olmasına rağmen sirozun varlığı hastaların %90'nında rezeksiyona engel olmaktadır. Bununla beraber sıklıkla yaygın ya da çoklu lezyonlara rastlanıldığı için, hastalar küratif rezeksiyona uygun olmamaktadırlar. Karaciğer transplantasyonu hem altta yatan kronik karaciğer hastalığının tedavisinde hem de HCC tedavisinde kür sağlayıcı bir tedavidir, merkezimizde genişletilmiş kriterlerle yapılan karaciğer transplantasyonlarda oldukça başarılı sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Cerrahi girişime uygun olmayan hastalarda lokal ablatif tedaviler gündeme gelmektedir. Transarteriel kemoembolisazyon (TACE), perkütan alkol enjeksiyonu (PAE) ya da radyofrekans ablasyon (RF) sık kullanılan yöntemler olup, küçük solid lezyonlarda etkili olabilmektedir. Ekstrahepatik yayılım varlığında, cerrahi rezeksiyona uygun olmayan hastalarda sistemik kemoterapiler kullanılmaktadır. Sisplatin, doksorubisin, etoposit ve 5-Florourasil gibi pek çok ilaç tek başına yada kombine olarak kullanılmış ancak yanıt oranları %8-18 ile sınırlı kalmıştır. Sisplatin, interferon-alfa-2b, doksorubisin ve 5-florourasil (PIAF) kombinasyonu ile bu grup hastalarda yüksek yanıt oranı elde edilmiş olmasına rağmen doksorubisinle karşılaştırıldığında sağ kalım avantajı sağlamadığı görülmüştür. Ciddi morbiditesi olması nedeniyle bu kombinasyonun henüz standart olarak kabul edilmemektedir. Son yıllarda HCC da etkinliği gösterilen bir ajanda, Raf kinaz inhibitörü olan sorafenibdir. Faz III çalışmada plaseboya karşı anlamlı olarak sağ kalım avantajı sağladığı gösterildiğinden dolayı, sorefenib HCC'un tedavisinde umut verici gibi görünmektedir. Hepatocelluler carcinoma is common especially in Asia and Far East where the incidence of viral hepatitis is very high. Treatment of HCC includes the treatment of underlying chronic liver disease caused by viral hepatitis and the tumor itself. Although, surgical resection is the curative treatment procedure for the disease, presence of cirrhosis hinders the resection at about 90% of patients. Besides, owing to diffuse and multiple lesions, most of the patients are not suitable for the curative resection. Liver transplantation can cure both the underlying chronic liver disease and the HCC. Liver transplantation are performed according to expanded criteria and successful results have been obtained at our center. Local and ablative treatments are put on to the agenda in patients whom are not suitable for surgical intervention. Transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE), percutaneous alcohol injections (PAI) and radiofrequency ablation (RF) are the most common procedures that are effective in small solitary lesions. Systemic chemotherapies are used in the case of extrahepatic dissemination or in patients with unresectable disease. Cisplatin, doxorubicin, etoposite and 5-flourouracil have been used both as a single agent and in combinations but the response rates are limited between 8 to 18%. In this group of patients although the higher response rate was achieved with the combination of cisplatin, interferon-?-2b, doxorubicin and 5-flourouracil (PIAF), no survival advantage was obtained when compared with doxorubicin. This combination has not been accepted as a standard because of its severe morbidity. Recently sorefenib, a Raf kinase intibitor, was shown to be effective in HCC. Owing to survival advantage in a phase III trial when comparing to placebo, sorefenib seems to be proming agent in HCC

    Four separate hepatic vein reconstructions in living-donor right-lobe liver transplantation: Case report

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    WOS: 000367416500041PubMed ID: 26707331Living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) with the use of a partial liver graft was established as an option to overcome the donor pool shortage, especially in developing countries. When right-lobe grafts are used for LDLT, appropriate venous drainage of the anterior segment is critical for maximizing the graft capacity. Here, we report a successful LDLT case using a right-lobe graft with 4 hepatic veins that were anastomosed separately to obtain adequate blood flow through the vena cava

    Safra kesesi ameliyatı sonrası cerrahi müdahale gerektiren ciddi komplikasyonlar ve yaklaşımlar

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    Kolosistektomi sonrası görülen ciddi komplikasyonlarla ilgili kliniğimizin deneyimlerini paylaşmak ve önemli gördüğümüz noktaları belirtmek. Gereç-Yöntem: Mayıs 1999 - Kasım 2007 tarihleri arasında kolesistektomi sonrası ciddi sorun gelişen ve hastanemizde ameliyat edilen hastaların dosyaları incelendi. Kolesistektominin tipi, başvuru süresi, başvuru anındaki bulguları, yaralanma tipi, başvurudan ameliyata kadar geçen süre, ameliyat sonrası sonuçları kaydedildi. Bulgular: Yirmi iki hastanın yaş ortancası 50 (27 - 73), kadın/erkek oranı 1,2 idi. Dokuz hastada laparoskopik kolesistektomi (LK), sekiz hastada açık kolesistektomi (AK), üç hastada laparoskopik başlanıp AK, iki hastada kolesistektomi sonrası benign biliyer darlık nedeniyle bilioenterostomi yapılmıştı. Amsterdam sınıflamasına göre hastaların yedisi Tip-B, onbiri Tip-C, üçü Tip-D yaralanma, biri damar yaralanmasıydı Tip-B yaralanma, LK veya laparoskopik başlanıp açığa geçilen olgularda gözlenirken, AK yapılanlarda hiç görülmedi. AK yapılanlardaki hakim yaralanma ise Tip-C idi (n=6/8) (p=0,029). Mortalite bir, ciddi komplikasyon yedi, uzun dönemde sorun iki hastada gözlendi. Komplikasyon gelişme oranları; Tip-D yaralanmalarda 3 hastadan ikisinde (p=0,167), erken dönemde başvuran (10 günden önce) hastalarda (5/9 - 2/13 p=0,046), erken müdahale yapılan (10 günden önce) hastalarda daha yüksekti (6/13 - 1/9 p=0,069). Uzun dönemde sorun yaşama oranı erken müdahale yapılan hastalarda (2/12 - 0/9 p=0,178) daha fazlaydı. Sonuç: AK ile safra yolu darlıkları, LK ile safra kaçaklarının daha sık meydana geldiği görüldü. We aim to share our experience on major complications of cholecystectomy. Methods: Records of patients operated for major cholecystectomy complications between May 1999 - November 2007 were analyzed. Type of cholecystectomy, clinical complaint, type of injury, period from first operation to referral and referral to corrective surgery, postoperative complications and long-term outcome were recorded. Results: Median age of 22 patients was 50 (27 - 73), female/male ratio was 1.2. Type of cholecystectomy was laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) (n=9), open cholecystectomy (OC) (n=8), bilioenterostomy (due to post-cholecystectomy benign biliary stricture) (n=2), conversion to open cholecystectomy (COC) (n=3). Detected type of injury was; Type-B (n=7), Type-C (n=11), Type-D (n=3) and unclassified (n=1) according to Amsterdam classification. All of the Type-B injuries were observed in four LC and three COC patients and none of the OC patients. However, in the OC group, most frequent type of injury was Type-C (n=6/8) (p=0.029). One patient died, 7 patients had complication, and two patients had recurrent biliary problems. Complication rate was more frequent for; Type-D injury (2/3 p=0.167), patients with early (<10 days) presentation (5/9 - 2/13) (p=0.046) and patients with early (<10 days) surgical intervention (6/13 - 1/9) (p=0.069). Experiencing recurrent problem rate was more frequent for the patients with early surgical intervention (2/12 - 0/9) (p=0.178). Conclusion: Most frequent complication of OC was biliary strictures and that of LC was bile leakage

    Predictors for Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Stay After Adult Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

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    Objective: Intensive care unit (ICU) stay consumes physical and financial resources and may increase the risk of complications and possibly mortality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors predicting prolonged ICU length of stay (LOS) after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Materials and Methods: We reviewed the data of 112 adult patients who underwent OLT between January 2000 and February 2009. The data included the demographic and clinical features, preoperative laboratory values, intraoperative hemodynamic parameters and transfusions, and mortalities. Prolonged ICU LOS was defined as more than 3 days stay in the ICU after OLT. Results: Out of 112 patients 59 (53%) of them required prolonged ICU LOS. Patients who required prolonged ICU LOS compared to those who did not had higher model for end stage liver disease (MELD) and Child-Pugh scores (p<0.001), had a lower mean preoperative hemoglobin level (p=0.04), had a higher mean preoperative blood urea nitrogen level (p=0.013), less frequently had coronary artery disease (p=0.046), required higher amounts of blood products transfusions intraoperatively (p=0.004), and had a longer duration of anesthesia (p=0.010). Multivariate logistic regression revealed that only higher MELD scores (odds ratio: 1.4, CI%95:1.2-1.7, p=0.010) was an independent risk factor for prolonged ICU stay after liver transplantation Patients who had developed renal failure in the early postoperative period according to the RIFLE criteria had stayed in the ICU longer [74% (23) vs 44%(36), p=0.006]. Patients who had stayed in the ICU for more than 3 days had higher rates of mortalities [41% (24) vs 9% (5), p<0.001]. Conclusion: In conclusion, 53% of our liver transplant recipients required prolonged ICU stay postoperatively and a higher MELD score was an independent risk factor for prolonged ICU requirement. (Journal of the Turkish Society of Intensive Care 2011; 9: 14-8