17 research outputs found

    Innovation in the Breeding of Common Bean Through a Combined Approach of in vitro Regeneration and Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Common bean is considered a recalcitrant crop for in vitro regeneration and needs a repeatable and efficient in vitro regeneration protocol for its improvement through biotechnological approaches. In this study, the establishment of efficient and reproducible in vitro regeneration followed by predicting and optimizing through machine learning (ML) models, such as artificial neural network algorithms, was performed. Mature embryos of common bean were pretreated with 5, 10, and 20 mg/L benzylaminopurine (BAP) for 20 days followed by isolation of plumular apice for in vitro regeneration and cultured on a post-treatment medium containing 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, and 1.50 mg/L BAP for 8 weeks. Plumular apice explants pretreated with 20 mg/L BAP exerted a negative impact and resulted in minimum shoot regeneration frequency and shoot count, but produced longer shoots. All output variables (shoot regeneration frequency, shoot counts, and shoot length) increased significantly with the enhancement of BAP concentration in the post-treatment medium. Interaction of the pretreatment × post-treatment medium revealed the need for a specific combination for inducing a high shoot regeneration frequency. Higher shoot count and shoot length were achieved from the interaction of 5 mg/L BAP × 1.00 mg/L BAP followed by 10 mg/L BAP × 1.50 mg/L BAP and 20 mg/L BAP × 1.50 mg/L BAP. The evaluation of data through ML models revealed that R2 values ranged from 0.32 to 0.58 (regeneration), 0.01 to 0.22 (shoot counts), and 0.18 to 0.48 (shoot length). On the other hand, the mean squared error values ranged from 0.0596 to 0.0965 for shoot regeneration, 0.0327 to 0.0412 for shoot count, and 0.0258 to 0.0404 for shoot length from all ML models. Among the utilized models, the multilayer perceptron model provided a better prediction and optimization for all output variables, compared to other models. The achieved results can be employed for the prediction and optimization of plant tissue culture protocols used for biotechnological approaches in a breeding program of common beans

    Recent advancements in the breeding of sorghum crop: current status and future strategies for marker-assisted breeding

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    Sorghum is emerging as a model crop for functional genetics and genomics of tropical grasses with abundant uses, including food, feed, and fuel, among others. It is currently the fifth most significant primary cereal crop. Crops are subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses, which negatively impact on agricultural production. Developing high-yielding, disease-resistant, and climate-resilient cultivars can be achieved through marker-assisted breeding. Such selection has considerably reduced the time to market new crop varieties adapted to challenging conditions. In the recent years, extensive knowledge was gained about genetic markers. We are providing an overview of current advances in sorghum breeding initiatives, with a special focus on early breeders who may not be familiar with DNA markers. Advancements in molecular plant breeding, genetics, genomics selection, and genome editing have contributed to a thorough understanding of DNA markers, provided various proofs of the genetic variety accessible in crop plants, and have substantially enhanced plant breeding technologies. Marker-assisted selection has accelerated and precised the plant breeding process, empowering plant breeders all around the world

    Response of some chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes to salt stress conditions

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    The salt (NaCl) tolerance of 5 chickpea genotypes was investigated. Plants were grown in 5 different NaCl concentrations. Germination percentage, shoot and root length, shoot and root dry weight and salt tolerance percentage in the shoots and roots were evaluated. The salt tolerance index (STI) of the genotypes, expressed as the ratio of dry matter yield produced under the NaCl treatments compared to the control treatment, was found to be a reliable criterion for ranking genotypes for their tolerance to NaCl. İnci, Aydi{dotless}n-92 and FLIP 98-55C showed high levels of tolerance and İzmir-92 medium levels. FLIP 98-63C was the most susceptible genotypes to NaCl

    Agro-morphological characterization of the Turkish lentil landraces

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    A collection of lentil landraces comprising 39 genotypes from the south east Anatolia region of Turkey and 7 commercial varieties, were evaluated for 23 (8 qualitative and 15 quantitative) agro-morphological characteristics. A wide range of diversity of almost all of the plant characteristics that were studied was recorded for the lentil genotypes. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed for 12 quantitative traits. The first three principal components accounted for 73.13% of the total variation. PC1 was positively related to the biological yield, the weight of the pods/plant, the number of the pods/plant, the number of the seeds/plant and the weight of the seeds/plant. PC2 was closely correlated with the flowering duration, days to maturity and the diameter of the seed and was negatively correlated to days of flowering. PC3 was positively related to the plant height, the length of the internodes and the protein content and was negatively related to the 100 seed weight. Following the analysis of the agronomic characteristics over the first and second principal components, the lentil landraces formed 4 - 5 different groups. © 2009 Academic Journals

    Assessment of genotype × environment interactions and stability analysis in field peas (Pisum sativum)

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    This study was conducted during 2000-04 to assess the stability and performance of 10 varieties of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. Genotypic, environmental, and GxE interaction variances were found to be significant for all traits. The amount and distribution of rainfall and soil characteristics had significant effect on grain yield and other plant traits. Estimated stability parameters as co-efficient of variation (CVi), genotypic variances accross environments (S2i), ecovalence (W2 i), regression co-efficient (bi) and deviation from regression (S2di) showed that 2 varieties, namely 'Sprinter' and 'Progress' were the most stable with highest grain yield (2 241 and 2 034 kg/ha, respectively). The lowest bi value of 'Sprinter' was an indication of its specific stability for grain yield. Mean grain yield had a significant negative correlation with CVi and, CVi had a strong positive correlation with S2i and bi. S 2i was significantly positive correlated to the W 2i bi and S2di

    Agro-morphological characterization of the Turkish lentil landraces

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    A collection of lentil landraces comprising 39 genotypes from the south east Anatolia region of Turkey and 7 commercial varieties, were evaluated for 23 (8 qualitative and 15 quantitative) agro-morphological characteristics. A wide range of diversity of almost all of the plant characteristics that were studied was recorded for the lentil genotypes. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed for 12 quantitative traits. The first three principal components accounted for 73.13% of the total variation. PC 1 was positively related to the biological yield, the weight of the pods/plant, the number of the pods/plant, the number of the seeds/plant and the weight of the seeds/plant. PC2 was closely correlated with the flowering duration, days to maturity and the diameter of the seed and was negatively correlated to days of flowering. PC3 was positively related to the plant height, the length of the internodes and the protein content and was negatively related to the 100 seed weight. Following the analysis of the agronomic characteristics over the first and second principal components, the lentil landraces formed 4 - 5 different groups

    Evaluation of advanced lentil lines for diversity in seed mineral concentration, grain yield and yield components [İleri Kademedeki Mercimek Hatlarının Dane Mineral Madde Konsantrasyonu, Verim ve Verim Komponentleri Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi]

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    Lentil is one of the most important grain legumes, which plays a significant role in human nutrition and animal feed through the world. In developing countries, the prohibitively high cost of meat has rendered, lentil, with its high seed protein and essential amino acid content, important source of dietary protein. In this research, 181 lentil advanced lines (F7 generation) of Karacadağ x Silvan and Karacadağ x Çağıl 2004 crosses were evaluated for grain yield, yield components and seed mineral concentrations in two diverse environments in Turkey. Considerable diversity was observed with regard to yield components and seed mineral concentrations in the advanced lentil lines. The greatest phenotypic diversity was observed in the biological yield, number of pods and weight of pods per plant, the number of seeds and weight of seeds per plant, and seed Ca, Zn and Fe concentrations. Grain yield per plant was significantly positively correlated with the biological yield per plant, number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, and number of seeds per plant. Plant grain yield and yield components were strongly positively correlated with seed potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) concentrations but was negatively correlated with Fe concentration. In conclusion, promising lentil advanced lines for the grain yield, yield components and mineral concentrations could be evaluated for developing new lentil varieties and spesific breeding purposes. © Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi

    Variation for selected morphological and quality-related traits among 178 faba bean landraces collected from Turkey

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    Faba bean is cultivated worldwide and widely used in Mediterranean countries, Asia and Europe. However, only a few faba bean breeders are active in cultivar development. As a result, a limited number of varieties are available for growers. Plant genetic resources or germplasm are fundamental sources for plant breeding, and the assessment of the genetic diversity among germplasm accessions is useful to facilitate more efficient use of plant genetic resources. A mini-core collection of faba bean germplasm (178 landraces and four cultivars), from diverse geographic regions of Turkey, was assessed for agro-morphological performance and some quality traits. There were substantial variations for the investigated morphological and quality characteristics. The analysis of variance revealed that the differences among 182 accessions were significant for all the studied characters. Some accessions showed very good agronomic performance for some traits. Positive and negative correlations existed among different morphological and agronomic traits. Landraces have been classified into four different groups using a cluster analysis. These results suggest that an a priori classification of accessions according to the growing area does not strictly correspond to phenotypic grouping. From the spatial distribution of landraces, however, it has been possible to identify 'superior' accessions of some traits. These findings indicate a number of useful traits in the gene pools and a wide range of phenotypic variation that provides a good source of diversity for use in modern faba bean breeding programmes. © 2013 NIAB

    Investigation of grain yield and yield components of some field pea (Pisum sativum l.) genotypes in mediterranean climate conditions

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    The aim of present study performances of field pea genotypes and relationships among the morphological traits were evalation. The present research was conducted with 20 field pea genotypes at two locations including upland and lownland soil conditions under typical Mediterrananean climate in Turkey. Field trails at each location were organized in randomized complate blocks design with three replications during 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 growing period. Combined mean values over year and location for days to 50 % flowering, stem length (total pod number, grain number (number plant-1), 100-seed weight (g plant-1), seed yield (kg ha-1) and harvesting index (%) were 123.2 days, 81.4 cm, 14.7 number plant-1, 82.1 number plant-1, 18.4 g plant-1, 1176 kg ha-1, 35.5 % respectively. In this resarch obtained results showed that grain yields of genotype 102-Bursa, genotype 25-Denizli, Flavora, Ambasador, Sienna and Topaz with short stem lenght and days to flowering gave higher grain yield than the other varieties in both locations. Negative and significant correlations were found between grain yield and days to 50 % flowering, stem lenght. There were also positive and significant correlations between seed yield and harvesting index in field pea. © 2018, Agricultural Research Communication Centre. All rights reserved

    Nutritional and physicochemical variation in Turkish kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces

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    We examined the physical, physicochemical, and cooking properties of 91 kabuli chickpea landraces from Turkey, using two cultivars (İnci and İzmir-92) as controls. All landraces were grown under the same agroclimatic conditions to eliminate variance caused by genotype × environment interactions. There was high diversity among the landraces in the contents of protein (17.55-23.31%), fat (4.45-6.11%), ash (2.54-3.41%), fiber (2.03-4.18%), starch (41.76-49.07%), moisture (6.39-10.57%), 100-seed weight (25.03-51.67 g), hydration capacity (0.2585-0.6169 g/ml), swelling index (0.7207-1.1859), swelling capacity (0.15-0.32 ml seed-1), cooking time (33-72 min), and seed density (0.8450-1.4800 g/ml). Regional analysis of landraces showed significant differences with respect to nutritional characteristics and cooking parameters. There were also significant relationships between various seed quality and cooking parameters. Together, our results provide an initial step toward identification of chickpea landraces that may be useful for development of high-quality chickpea cultivars. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Acknowledgement This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK; project no. TOVAG-104O441)