13 research outputs found
Evaluation of ecotourism potential of uzundere district and ıts environs
Uzundere İlçesi doğal zenginliği, kültürel, tarihi ve rekreasyonel değerleri açısından Kuzeydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinin önemli turizm potansiyeline sahip yörelerindendir. Çok geniş kültürel mirasa ve doğal zenginliğe sahip olan ilçe yerli ve yabancı turistler için alternatif bir turizm bölgesi potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu çalışmada bölgedeki mevcut potansiyelin, bölgesel düzeyde turizme kaynak oluşturan değerler yönünden sınıflandırılması hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmada yöntem olarak SWOT Analizi tekniği kullanılmış, yörenin ekoturizm açısından güçlü ve zayıf yanları ile fırsatlar ve tehditler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. SWOT Analizi, gözlemler ve yörede yapılan çalışmalar yardımı ile mevcut ve potansiyel turizm etkinlikleri değerlendirilmiş, sınıflandırılmış ve haritalanmıştır. Aktif turizm etkinlikleri (1) İnanç Turizmi Etkinlikleri, (2) Tortum Şelalesi ve Yıkıklar (Yedi Göller) Odaklı Etkinlikler, (3) Piknik Aktiviteleri, (4) Festival ve Şenlikler olarak belirlenmiştir. Potansiyel turizm etkinlikleri ise, (1) Botanik Turizmi, (2) Kuş Gözlemciliği, (3) Kelebek Gözlemciliği, (4) Yaban Hayatı Gözlemciliği, (5) Trekking, (6)Manzara Seyri, (7) Tortum Gölü’ne Dayalı Etkinlikler olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucu olarak yörede coğrafi, ekolojik ve sosyo-kültürel açıdan ekoturizme kaynak oluşturan önemli değerler bulunduğu ve yörenin sivil toplum, üniversite, yerel yönetim ve kamu yatırımları ile önemli bir ekoturizm merkezi olabileceği görüşü oluşmuşturUzundere with is naturel beauties, culturel, historical and recreational facilities is one of the most important environs of Northeastern Anatolian Region which has the potential for tourism. Having natural beauties and cultural heritage, Uzundere have on alternative tourism potential for the native and foreign tourists. In this study, it is aimed to make valuable contribution to the environs in the way of preserving natural and cultural sources and to make it be a part of tourism sector with the help of ecotourism planning in order to preserve these areas and to classify ecotourism sources. In this study, SWOT Analysis in used as a method and we try to define the strong and weak aspects of environs with the oppurtunities and threats in terms of ecotourism. The present and potential tourism activities are evaluated, classified and mapped with the help of observations and researches done in the environs. Active tourism activities are defined as (1) Faith Tourism Activities, (2) Activities focused one Tortum Waterfull and The Ruins (Seven Lakes), (3) Picnic Activities, (4)Festivities. Potential tourism activities are assessed as (1) Botanical Tourism, (2) Bird Watching, (3) Butterfly Watching, (4) Wild Life Watching, (5) Trekking, (6) Sightseeing, (7) Activities focused one Tortum Lake. As result of the research, we reach conclusion that the significant values which form the source of ecotourism in terms of geographical, ecological and sociocultural in the environs and the environs may be significant ecotourism center with its civil society, university, local authorities and public investment. Key Words: Ecotourism, Tourism Planning, Recreation, SWOT Analysis, Uzundere
Effect of W substitutions on the phase stability and oxidation behaviour of Mo-Si-B alloys
Mo-Si-B alloys are potential candidate materials for extreme environments, especially at temperature regimes beyond the operating limits of superalloys. Metal rich compositions show excellent creep resistance and fracture toughness, but the oxidation resistance is poor due to low Si and B content. Intermetallic rich compositions show excellent oxidation resistance, but poor fracture toughness. Therefore, the inherent challenge in this system is designing an alloy with excellent prime reliance on its intrinsic oxide scale, with excellent creep and adequate fracture toughness. We address this conundrum by attempting to destabilize the brittle phase A15 Mo3Si in the intermetallic phase field. In the current work, ab-initio calculations were used to evaluate the thermodynamic phase stability of the A15 phase. Experiments indicated that this phase becomes unstable beyond a critical W content (~ 10 atom%). Single crystal studies revealed the site occupancies with W addition to be in accordance with the thermodynamic models. Following studies on phase stability, a series of oxidation experiments were carried out at different temperatures and time intervals with sintered as well as cast alloys. The microstructural length scales and morphologies changed significantly with processing conditions. Transient oxidation studies reveal a strong microstructure dependence of oxidation in this alloy. In addition to transient oxidation studies at 1100 and 1400°C, we shall also present isothermal oxidation behavior of this alloy in the 1100 – 1500°C range. Tungsten additions modify the pesting range of this material, due to the higher volatilization temperature of (WO3)3. The lower vapor pressure of (WO3)3, in comparison to (MoO3)3 also results in a lower initial metal recession, especially in alloys with finer microstructures. The oxidized cross-sections revealed the formation of a continuous borosilicate scale that covers the alloy surface completely resulting in excellent high temperature oxidation resistance
İlk dönem müfessirlerinin gayrimüslimlerle evlilik konusundaki görüşlerinin fıkhi açıdan değerlendirilmesi
06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Müslüman olan bir kişi, ibadetlerinde, insanlarla ilişkilerinde, aile hukuku ile ilgili meselelerde kutsal kaynak olarak kabul ettiği Kur'an ve Sünnet'in mesajlarına uygun olarak hareket etmekle yükümlüdür. Müslüman bireylerin farklı dinden olan kimselerle evlenip evlenemeyecekleri ya da bir Müslüman için hangi din mensuplarıyla evliliğine izin verildiği konusu aynı zamanda güncel dini meseleler/problemler arasında yer almaktadır. Şöyle ki günümüz teknolojisinin ülke sınırlarını ortadan kaldırması sonucunda dünyamız büyük bir kent haline dönüşmüş; farklı din, dil, ırka mensup insanlar birbirlerine rahatlıkla ulaşabilir hale gelmiştir. Müslüman-gayrimüslim evliliği meselesi, İslam aile hukuku kapsamındadır. İslam aile hukukuna ilişkin konuların ilk kaynaklarını Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Sünnet oluşturmaktadır. Evlilikte dini inanç farkı ise geçici evlenme engelleri arasında yer almaktadır. Gayrimüslim kavramı müşrik/kâfir, mürtet ve ehlikitap gruplarını kapsamaktadır. Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Müslüman-gayrimüslim evliliği meselesiyle ilgili doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak ilgili olan ayet-i kerimeler bulunmaktadır. Müslüman bir erkeğin, müşrik/kâfir bir kadın ile Müslüman bir kadının müşrik/kâfir bir erkekle evliliğinin yasak olduğuna dair doğrudan hüküm bildiren ayetler mevcuttur. Müslüman bir erkeğin gayrimüslim olan ehlikitap kadınlarla evliliğine izin veren ayet de bulunmaktadır. Fakat Müslüman bir kadının ehlikitap bir erkekle evliliği hakkında doğrudan hüküm bildiren bir ayet yoktur. Çoğunluk tarafından Müslüman bir kadının ehlikitap bir erkekle evliliğinin yasak olduğuna dair hükmün Kur'an'ın dolaylı ayetleri, sünnet ve icma ile sabit olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Biz de çalışmamız ile dördüncü asrın başlarında vefat eden müfessir âlim İbn Cerîr et-Taberî dâhil olmak üzere ilk dönem müfessirlerinin, gayrimüslimlerle evlilik meselesiyle doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak ilgili olan ayetler hakkındaki yorumlarını inceleyip konu hakkındaki fıkhî hükmün başlangıç noktasına dair bir kanaat ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktayız.A Muslim is obliged to act in accordance with the messages of the Qur'an and Sunnah, which he considers to be a sacred source in matters of worship, relations with people, and family law. The issue of whether Muslim individuals can marry people from different religions, or which religious members are allowed to marry for a Muslim, is also among current religious issues / problems. As a result of today's technology eliminates the borders of the country, our world has become a big city; people of different religions, languages and races can easily reach each other. The issue of Muslim-non-Muslim marriage is covered by Islamic family law. The first sources of issues related to Islamic family law are the Quran and Sunnah. The difference in religious belief in marriage is among the temporary barriers to marriage. The concept of non-Muslim includes the groups of idolaters, apostates and people of the book. The Quran contains verses directly or indirectly related to the issue of Muslim-non-Muslim marriage. There are verses expressing a direct ruling that a Muslim man is forbidden to marry a polytheist and a Muslim woman with a polytheist. There is also a verse that allows a Muslim man to marry women who are non-Muslims. However, there is no verse that directly verifies the marriage of a Muslim woman to a man of the people. It was accepted by the majority that the ruling that a Muslim woman was forbidden to marry a man of the People's Book was fixed by the Qur'an's indirect verses, circumcision and icma. In this study, we aim to examine the comments of the first period commentators on the verses which are directly or indirectly related to the issue of marriage with non-Muslims and to provide an opinion about the starting point of the fiqh judgment on the subject
Evaluation of Ecotourism Potential of Uzundere District and Its Environs
Uzundere with is naturel beauties, culturel, historical and recreational facilities is one of the most important environs of Northeastern Anatolian Region which has the potential for tourism. Having natural beauties and cultural heritage, Uzundere have on alternative tourism potential for the native and foreign tourists. In this study, it is aimed to make valuable contribution to the environs in the way of preserving natural and cultural sources and to make it be a part of tourism sector with the help of ecotourism planning in order to preserve these areas and to classify ecotourism sources. In this study, SWOT Analysis in used as a method and we try to define the strong and weak aspects of environs with the oppurtunities and threats in terms of ecotourism. The present and potential tourism activities are evaluated, classified and mapped with the help of observations and researches done in the environs. Active tourism activities are defined as (1) Faith Tourism Activities, (2) Activities focused one Tortum Waterfull and The Ruins (Seven Lakes), (3) Picnic Activities, (4)Festivities. Potential tourism activities are assessed as (1) Botanical Tourism, (2) Bird Watching, (3) Butterfly Watching, (4) Wild Life Watching, (5) Trekking, (6) Sightseeing, (7) Activities focused one Tortum Lake. As result of the research, we reach conclusion that the significant values which form the source of ecotourism in terms of geographical, ecological and sociocultural in the environs and the environs may be significant ecotourism center with its civil society, university, local authorities and public investment
Anterior diastema vakalarının direk kompozit restorasyonla estetik rehabilitasyonu: Olgu sunumu
Amaç: Diastema dar ya da konik şekilli dişler gibi dişboyutundaki farklılıklardan ya da arktaki boşluk ve dişboyutu arasındaki farktan kaynaklanabilir. Direkt kompozitrestorasyonlar, estetik olmayan dişler arası boşluklarınkapatılması için konservatif ve düşük maliyetli bir tedaviseçeneğidir. Bu olgu sunumunun amacı, ortodontik tedavisonrası lateral diş boyutu ve arktaki uyumsuzluk nedeniyleoluşan dişler arası boşlukların direkt kompozit rezinrestorasyonlarla tedavisinin anlatılmasıdır.Olgu: Anterior diastemalarından şikâyetçi olan hastalarımızAtatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi DişHastalıkları ve Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı’na başvurdu.Hastalara tedavi seçenekleri anlatıldıktan sonra hastalarında onayı alındı ve direkt rezin kompozit restorasyonile diastemaların kapatılmasına karar verildi. Dişlertemizlendikten ve renk seçimi yapıldıktan sonra, dişlerinizolasyonu sağlandı. Restorasyon uygulanacak dişlerinyüzeylerine 30 saniye asit (Scotchbond; 3M ESPE, Minn,Amerika) uygulandı. Asit yıkandıktan ve kurutulduktansonra şeffaf bant dişeti oluğuna yerleştirildi. Daha sonradiş yüzeylerine adeziv rezin (3M Single bond, Minn,Amerika) uygulandı ve 20 saniye LED (Woodpecker LED-BIşık cihazı, Guilin Wood- pecker Medikal Endüstri, Ltd,Guangxi, Çin) ışık cihazı ile polimerize edildi. Şeffaf bantyerleştirildikten sonra ilk olarak restorasyonun palatinalkısmına mine kompoziti uygulandı. Kompozit rezinin (3MESPE Filtek Ultimate, ABD) polimerizasyonu için bukkal vepalatinal yüzeyden 20’şer sn ışık uygulandı. Sonra üzerinebody kompoziti yerleştirildi ve en üst tabakaya minekompoziti yerleştirildi ve daha sonra aynı şekildepolimerize edildi. Polimerizasyon tamamlandıktan sonraşeffaf bant uzaklaştırıldı. Aşındırıcı diskler ve polisajlastikleri (Sof-Lex; 3M ESPE) kullanılarak konturlama,bitirme ve polisaj işlemleri gerçekleştirildi.Sonuç: 6 ay sonra kontrole gelen hastaların yapılan klinikdeğerlendirmelerinde, restorasyonlarda herhangi bir kırığave renk değişikliğine rastlanmadı
Perinatal outcomes and risk factors in adolescent and advanced age pregnancies: Comparison with normal reproductive age women
The objective of the study was to analyse and compare demographic characteristics and clinical outcomes of pregnancies in adolescent, advanced age and normal reproductive age women. All completed pregnancies in a 6-month period, registered by the family practitioners in Denizli province, were included into the study. A face-to-face questionnaire was used to gather information. Participants were asked for demographic information, pregnancy outcome and obstetric history, obstetric and neonatal problems. Overall 5,882 pregnancies in different age groups: 296 (5%) adolescent ( 35-years-old ) (group III), were included into the study. Adolescent women had a lower educational status (p < 0.01), and family played a major role in decision of marriage (p < 0.01). Birth weight of the baby was lower in adolescents (p < 0.01). While adolescents tended to deliver vaginally (OR = 1.9, p < 0.01), elderly women were more prone to operative delivery (OR = 1.2, p < 0.05). Risk of caesarean section rate was higher in elderly nulliparous women (OR = 2.2, p 0.01). The number of spontaneous and induced abortions were increased with age (p < 0.01). Antenatal problems were seen least frequently in normal reproductive age women. Both antenatal (OR = 1.7, p < 0.01) and neonatal problems (OR = 1.5, p < 0.05), were significantly higher in advanced age pregnancy. It was concluded that with sufficient antenatal care, adolescent pregnancy is not associated with an increase in adverse pregnancy outcome, except low birth weights. Advanced maternal age is more likely to be associated with increased obstetric, maternal and neonatal complications. © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd
A multi-center, double-blind, randomized parallel-group Phase IV study comparing the efficacy and safety of thiocolchicoside ointment versus placebo in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain and an acute muscle spasm
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of thiocolchicoside (TCC) ointment treatment compared to placebo in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain (LBP) accompanied by acute muscle spasms. Patients and methods: A total of 292 adult patients (106 males, 186 females; mean age: 38.5 +/- 11.2 years; range, 18 to 64 years) were randomized to TCC group (n=147) and placebo group (n=145) in 12 centers between March 2020 and March 2021. Eight patients from each group were excluded from the analysis. The primary endpoint was pressure pain threshold (PPT) on Day 3, which was measured using a pressure algometer. Secondary endpoints were PPT on Day 7, patient, and physician Visual Analog Scales-pain (VAS-pain) on Days 3 and 7, and safety. Results: The PPT values on Day 3 was not significantly different between the treatment groups (p=0.701). Similarly, TCC and placebo group had similar VAS-pain scores over trial period (p=0.577 or higher for comparisons). Significantly higher PPT values and lower VAS-pain scores on Days 3 and 7 were observed in both groups (p= 3.87, TCC arm had higher PPT on Day 3 compared to placebo (p=0.029). Three patients (two in the TCC arm and one in the placebo arm) discontinued the trial due to an adverse event. Conclusion: Topical TCC can be an appropriate option in a subset of patients with mild chronic LBP accompanied by muscle spasms. In a subset of patients with milder pain intensity, topical TCC may improve pain earlier. The results of this trial are compatible with the treatment approaches used in daily practice
Common mistakes in the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (dxa) in turkey. A retrospective descriptive multicenter study
Background: Osteoporosis is a widespread metabolic bone disease representing a global public health problem currently affecting more than two hundred million people worldwide. The World Health Organization states that dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the best densitometric technique for assessing bone mineral density (BMD). DXA provides an accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis, a good estimation of fracture risk, and is a useful tool for monitoring patients undergoing treatment. Common mistakes in BMD testing can be divided into four principal categories: 1) indication errors, 2) lack of quality control and calibration, 3) analysis and interpretation errors, and 4) inappropriate acquisition techniques. The aim of this retrospective multicenter descriptive study is to identify the common errors in the application of the DXA technique in Turkey. Methods: All DXA scans performed during the observation period were included in the study if the measurements of both, the lumbar spine and proximal femur were recorded. Forearm measurement, total body measurements, and measurements performed on children were excluded. Each examination was surveyed by 30 consultants from 20 different centers each informed and trained in the principles of and the standards for DXA scanning before the study. Results: A total of 3,212 DXA scan results from 20 different centers in 15 different Turkish cities were collected. The percentage of the discovered erroneous measurements varied from 10.5% to 65.5% in the lumbar spine and from 21.3% to 74.2% in the proximal femur. The overall error rate was found to be 31.8% (n = 1021) for the lumbar spine and 49.0% (n = 1576) for the proximal femur. Conclusion: In Turkey, DXA measurements of BMD have been in use for over 20 years, and examination processes continue to improve. There is no educational standard for operator training, and a lack of knowledge can lead to significant errors in the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation