283 research outputs found

    Planiranje sječe i operativno planiranje za planinska područja: studija slučaja planske jedinice Ikisu

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    Harvest scheduling has emerged as time consuming and difficult activity especially when includes operation plans in the absence of decision support systems. In this study, the level of allowable cut and timber extraction system for every stand was determined for spruce management unit of a mountainous İkisu planning unit in Turkey using linear programming model designed for 50 year planning horizon. First, different considerations such as maximization of timber cut with non-exceeding more than a certain distance between the centroids of compartments and the nearest forest roads were taken into account in determining the level of harvest. Approximately 68,728 m3 annual allowable cut was determined for the first period of planning horizon. Then, six different timber extraction systems were incorporated during the designation of timber extraction method for the first 10 year period of the planning horizon. These are man power, animal power, skidder, small size cable crane, medium size cable crane and sledge yarder. Different factors such as transport direction, slope, distance to forest road, efficiency or cost were also taken into account in decision making. Various planning strategies were developed, including maximization of profit, minimization of timber loss, under time restrictions and solved with LINDO software. One of the strategies was selected based on the availability of the machineries, legal arrangements, staff and economic conditions of the forest enterprise. According to the selected strategy (STR2), with the maximal total profit from timber production including time constraints less than 2,000 hours for cable cranes and sledge yarders, 6,365,205 € would be earned, 19,055 hours would be spent, and 1,697.8 m3 timber would be lost, while 91.77 damage would occur. As a result this determination could bring us benefits especially in environmental awareness, time, labor and money when compared to the classical approaches.Planiranje sječe dugotrajna je i zahtjevna aktivnost, posebice kad uključuje operativne planove bez sustava za donošenje odluka. Ovime se istraživanjem odredila razina etata i sustavi privlačenja drva za svaku sastojinu u jedinici za upravljanje smrekovom šumom u planinskoj jedinici İkisu u Turskoj pomoću modela linearnog programiranja napravljenog za vremenski horizont planiranja od 50 godina. Prvo, kako bi se odredila razina sječe, razmatrala se maksimizacija debla koja ne prelazi određenu udaljenost od centroida odjeljka i najbliže ceste. Za prvi period vremenskog horizonta planiranja određen je godišnji etat od otprilike 68728 m3. Zatim je uključeno šest različitih sustava za privlačenje drva tijekom određivanja metode privlačenja drva za period od prvih 10 godina horizonta planiranja. To su ljudska snaga, životinjska snaga, šumski traktor, mala pokretna dizalica, srednja pokretna dizalica i vitlo na saonicama. U donošenju odluka također su razmatrani različiti čimbenici kao što su smjer transporta, nagib, udaljenost od ceste, učinkovitost ili troškovi. Razvijene su različite strategije planiranja, uključujući maksimizaciju profita, minimizaciju gubitaka u proizvodnji, vremenska ograničenja, te su problemi riješeni pomoću sustava LINDOTM. Jedna od strategija odabrana je temeljem dostupnosti strojeva, zakonskih rješenja, osoblja i ekonomskih uvjeta šumarije. Prema odabranoj strategiji (STR2), uz maksimalni ukupni profit od proizvodnje debla, uključujući vremensko ograničenje od manje od 2000 sati rada žičare i vitla na saonicama, zaradit će se 6365205 €, potrošit će se 19055 sati, i izgubit će se 1697.8 m3 debla te će nastati šteta od 91.77. Kao rezultat, ta odluka bi mogla donijeti i koristi, posebice u ekološkoj svijesti, vremenu, radu i novcu kada se usporedi s klasičnim pristupima

    Uloga genskih polimorfizama u metabolizmu vitamina D i multiploj sklerozi

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) resulting in neurological impairment and disability. There is evidence that adequate vitamin D levels may lower the risk of MS development. The aetiology of MS is complex and involves both genetic and environmental factors. In fact, not one but several genes are believed to lead to the disease. As for environmental factors, one of the most important risk factors is vitamin D deficiency, which, in turn, is closely related to gene polymorphisms that play a role in vitamin D metabolism and regulation. However, information about these gene polymorphisms is quite contradictory. The aim of this review is to discuss the association between some of the vitamin D-related gene variants and MS.Multipla skleroza složena je upalna bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava koja dovodi do neuroloških poremećaja i invalidnosti. Prema nekim istraživanjima, rizik od multiple skleroze manji je u osoba s dovoljnim razinama vitamina D. Etiologija bolesti je složena i obuhvaća nasljedne i okolišne čimbenike. Štoviše, vjeruje se da je više gena odgovorno za nastanak bolesti, a od okolišnih se čimbenika najviše izdvaja nedostatak vitamina D, što je opet povezano s genskim polimorfizmima koji su važni za regulaciju njegova metabolizma u tijelu. Dosadašnja saznanja o tim polimorfizmima i njihovoj ulozi, međutim, prilično su oprečna. Stoga je namjera ovoga preglednog članka raspraviti o mogućoj povezanosti između pojedinih varijanti gena za metabolizam vitamina D i nastanka multiple skleroze

    Procjena mreže šumskih cesta i određivanje sustava privlačenja drva pomoću GIS-a: studija slučaja u planskoj jedinici Anbardağ

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    Secondary forest road network planning and primary timber extraction systems play very important roles in sustainable forest management. The progression of forest areas in Turkey and the world towards mountains as well as the increase in working obligations have made timber extraction systems gain more importance. The forest areas found in mountainous lands with harsh slopes in Turkey makes timber extraction systems more problematic and more complex. The objective of this study is to develop a model for timber extraction systems using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis considering terrain morphology and secondary forest road network. Additionally the forest road network in Anbardağ forest planning unit of Giresun province in Turkey was investigated considering forest road density and forest road spacing. According to obtained results, the forest road length was 226.34 km, forest road density was 11.74 m/ha, forest road spacing was 851.7 m and road coverage was 51% of the study area. Chainsaw–small size cable crane (36.76%) and chainsaw–medium size cable crane (27.94%) were selected as the most suitable timber extraction systems for the steep terrain study area according to our model. They were followed by chainsaw–forest tractor (23.52%), chainsaw–agriculture tractor (10.29%) and chainsaw–sledge yarder (1.49%). The results of this study showed that GIS saved a considerable amount of labor force, time and cost for the evaluation of forest road network as well as the development model for timber extraction system.Planiranje mreža šumskih cesta i sustavi privlačenja drva igraju vrlo važnu ulogu u održivom razvoju šuma. Širenje šumskih područja u Turskoj i svijetu prema planinama, kao i povećanje radnih obveza povećali su važnost sustava privlačenja drva. Sustavi privlačenja drva puno su problematičniji, a time i složeniji u šumskim područjima u planinskim krajevima s visokim obroncima u Turskoj. Cilj je ove studije razviti model sustava privlačenja drva pomoću analize Geografskog informacijskog sustava (GIS) uzimajući u obzir morfologiju terena i mrežu šumskih cesta. Uz to, istražena je mreža šumskih cesta u jedinici planiranja šuma Anbardağ u provinciji Giresun u Turskoj, s obzirom na gustoću i udaljenost cesta. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, duljina šumskih cesta bila je 226,34 km, gustoća cesta 11,74 m/ha, udaljenost cesta 851,7 m, dok je pokrivenost promatranog područja cestama iznosila 51%. Motorna pila za strme terene uz malu lančanu dizalicu (36,76%) i motorna pila uz srednju lančanu dizalicu (27,94%) odabrani su kao najbolji sustavi za privlačenje drva za promatrano područje prema našem modelu. Nakon toga slijedi motorna pila – šumski traktor (23,52%), motorna pila – poljoprivredni traktor (10,29%) te motorna pila – žičara (1,49%). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je GIS uštedio značajnu količinu rada, vremena i troškova tijekom procjene mreže šumskih cesta, kao i razvoja modela sustava za privlačenje drva

    Ormanlarda iklim değişikliğinin etkilerinin belirlenmesinde bazı önemli parametreler: Cerle planlama birimi örneği, Antalya, Türkiye

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    Climate change is one of the most detrimental issues of the earth in this century. It is evident that a change in climate parameters would affect considerably the entire global ecosystem’s environment. On the other hand, different forest related parameters such as natural disaster occurrence or land cover change of forest ecosystems could also help to understand the effects of climate change besides climate parameters such as temperature, precipitation or relative humidity. Therefore, in this study, selected parameters describing climate change were tried to display in a Mediterranean forest planning unit called “Cerle” located in Antalya. Firstly, trend analysis was carried out using climate parameters in the selected study area to detect the amount of climate change. Then, different natural disaster occurrences such as forest fire, windstorm, insects and pest attack evolution were displayed over a period of 30 to 50 years. Spatiotemporal changes for the same period were also tried to be demonstrated, based on historical and actual maps to identify the impact of climate change on the structure and composition of forest ecosystems. In brief, Mann-Kendall test results showed significant increasing trends in annual mean temperature and precipitation. Moreover, the natural development of crimean pine as a result of land use change analysis, as well as the increasing frequency of wildfires and windstorm leading to salvage cutting have been interpreted as the impact of climate change. It is concluded that changes in selected climate parameters are very important to display the climate change digitally. The outputs of this study could help in future forest management planning decisions and determination of silvicultural prescriptions. Furthermore, the obtained results might be the basis for the integration of climate change to forest management planning related to future climate projections and scenarios

    Siegfried Lenz ve Franz Kafka'nın eserlerindeki baba motifinin incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Karşılaştırma kavramını bilimsel bir metot olarak incelendiği bu çalışmada, karşılaştırma kavramının bilim adamları ve komparatistler tarafından verilen tanımları üzerinde durularak bu kavramın tarihsel süreç içerisindeki değişimi ve gelişimi irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Bilimi alanında yapılan çalışmaların, son yıllarda önemli bir yer edindiği görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda değerlendirilecek olursa, 20. yüzyıl Alman Edebiyatının en önemli temsilcileri arasında yer alan Çek asıllı Franz Kafka ile günümüzde yaşamını sürdüren Alman asıllı Siegfried Lenz?in belirli eserlerindeki baba motifini ne şekilde ele aldıkları, aynı zaman diliminin farklı dönemlerinde yaşamını sürdürüp eserler veren iki yazarın bakış açıları ve düşünceleri göz önünde bulundurularak karşılaştırılmıştır. Günümüzde oldukça önemli bir yere sahip olan karşılaştırmalı edebiyat kavramı, kullanım alanları ve hangi yöntem ve metodlar ile birlikte kullanıldığı, bu kavramın edebiyat bilimindeki yeri ve önemi, Siegfried Lenz ve Franz Kafka?nın adı geçen eserleri esas alınarak örneklerle açıklanmıştır.Çalışmamızın son bölümünde, Franz Kafka ve Siegfried Lenz?in eserleri baba motifi açısından değerlendirilerek bu motifin her iki yazarın ele alış biçimindeki benzer ve farklı noktaları incelenmiş ve uygulamalı bir karşılaştırma örneği sunulmuştur.Sonuç olarak, aynı dönemin farklı zaman dilimlerinde yaşamını sürdüren her iki yazarın da eserleri, döneme damgasını vuran düşünceler göz önünde bulundurularak karşılaştırılmış, benzer ve farklı noktalar vurgulanmak istenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: motif karşılaştırması, karşılaştırmalı edebiyat, komparatistik, baba-oğul ilişkisi.In this study, the comparison is examined as a scientific concept. On this concept, the definitions given by scientists and comparatists. It?s tried to be reflected from its beginning how this definition is detected and how the scientists interpreted its changes.The use of this terms is not limited to only the literature. It refers to certain areas of the literature related to sociology, philosophy, art, music, fine arts, literature, or other areas. Researches on issues of comparative literature have an important place in literature science. This work aims to reveal how both of these two writers interpret the theme of father motif. We tried to compare the work of both authors who lived in different periods of life.We tried to determine which methods are used in the works of this authors. In this context we evaluated the similarities and differences of the works of this authors by comparison.It?s tried to be reflected from its beginning how this definition is detected by literary people and how they interpreted its changes. The areas and methods of comparative literature are described with examples of the works of Franz Kafka and Siegfried Lenz.In the last part of this study the works of Franz Kafka and Siegfried Lenz are discussed with regard to father motif. It?s studied how this type of motif appears in Franz Kafkas and Siegfried Lenzs works.As a result, we tried to compare the work of both authors who lived in different time frames. In this context the father motif in the works is criticized by comparing them with each other. Keywords: comparison of motif, comparative literature, father-son relatio

    The change of diameter increment percentage in even- aged and pure oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) stands by age and diameter classes

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    Trees of diameter increment are known to vary according to the time and the site quality. In this study, we investigated instead of diameter increment for its proportionate percentage of the diameter increment by diameter and age classes. In this analysis, 204 sample plots data were used in the even-aged and pure oriental spruce stands. To examine the percentage change in age classes and diameter classes, the mean values of the 1011 measured diameter and age is used. As a result of a regression analysis, the relationship between the percentage of diameter increment and age classes was found to be about 95%. The relationship between diameter increment percentage and diameter classes was determined about 92%. Both are based on mathematical models derived from the relationship

    Diameter distribution modelling for pure oriental spruce

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    Ormanların meşcere yapıları, bu meşcerelerin günümüz ve gelecekteki çap dağılımlarının ortaya konulması ile tanımlanmaktadır. Meşcerelerin çap dağılımının modellenmesi ise, meşcerelerden elde edilebilecek ürün çeşitleri tahmini olanağı sağlaması bakımından da ormancılık planlanmasında karar verme sürecinde değerli bir bilgi olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Artvin yöresi saf Doğu Ladini (Picea orientalis (L.) Link) meşcerelerinden alınan 45 adet örnek alan verilerine bağlı olarak, çap dağılımlarının modellemede başarıları bakımından 2 parametreli Weibull, 3 parametreli Weibull, 2 parametreli Gamma, 3 parametreli Gamma, Beta, 2 parametreli Lognormal, 3 parametreli Lognormal, Normal, Johnson SB olasılıklı yoğunluk fonksiyonları karşılaştırılmıştır. Rennolds vd. (1988) tarafından geliştirilen hata indeksi “error index” değerlerine bağlı olarak yapılan bu karşılaştırmada, farklı çap dağılımlarını temsil etmede en başarılı fonksiyon olarak Johnson SB fonksiyonu belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra ise; Beta, 2 parametreli Weibull, Normal, 3 parametreli Gamma, 3 parametreli Weibull, 3 parametreli Lognormal, 2 parametreli Gamma, 2 parametreli Lognormal fonksiyonları gelmektedir. 4 parametreli Johnson SB fonksiyonu, farklı yapıdaki çap dağılımlarını temsil etmede kabiliyetleri ve esneklikleri oldukça yüksek olup, farklı çap dağılımlarını modelleme oldukça başarılı bir fonksiyondur.Stand dynamics were characterized by displaying actual and predicted diameter distribution. The modeling diameter distribution is valuable information to can be used to forecast the range of products, which might be expected from a stand in forest management. In this study, some probability density functions, Weibull with two parameters, Weibull with three parameters, Gamma with two parameters, Gamma with three parameters, Beta, Lognormal with two parameters, Lognormal with three parameters, Normal, Johnson SB, were compared based on describing different diameter distribution for oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link) stands in Artvin province. The results based on error index of Rennolds et al. (1988) showed that Johnson SB function is the best successful function to describe diameter distributions, and other functions were ranged in order of merit, Beta, Weibull with two parameters, Normal, Gamma with three parameters, Weibull with three parameters, Lognormal with three parameters, Gamma with two parameters, Lognormal with two parameters. The Johnson SB with four parameters is flexible and capable to describe different diameter distributions, and so this function was successfully used to model diameter distributions

    Evaluation of the Polar Code in different environments and for different maritime activities in the two polar regions

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    Because of the decrease in sea ice coverage, maritime activities in the polar regions have increased steadily over the years and several issues related to maritime activities have arisen. It is essential to understand these challenges because they could have serious political, environmental, and economic consequences. Although there are significant geographical and legal differences and differences in the types of activities between the Arctic and the Antarctic, a single International Maritime Organization Polar Code covers both regions. In this analysis, changes in polar regions are introduced, and the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic are discussed. The differences in maritime activities in the two polar regions are then discussed, and the Polar Code is evaluated in terms of these differences

    Characterization and inhibition studies of an α-carbonic anhydrase from the endangered sturgeon species Acipenser gueldenstaedti.

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    An α-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC was purified and characterized kinetically from erythrocytes of the sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedti, an endangered species. The sturgeon enzyme (AgCA) showed kinetic parameters for the CO(2) hydration reaction comparable with those of the human erythrocytes enzyme hCA II, being a highly active enzyme, whereas its esterase activity with 4-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate was lower. Sulphonamide inhibitors (acetazolamide, sulphanilamide) strongly inhibited AgCA, whereas metal ions (Ag(+), Zn(2+), Cu(2+) and Co(2+)) were weak, millimolar inhibitors. Several widely used pesticides (2,4-dichlorophenol, dithiocarbamates, parathion and carbaryl) were also assayed as inhibitors of this enzyme. The dithiocarbamates were low micromolar AgCA inhibitors (IC(50) of 16-18 μM), whereas the other pesticides inhibited the enzyme with IC(50)s in the range of 102-398 μM. The wide use of dithiocarbamate pesticides may be one of the factors enhancing the vulnerability of this sturgeon species to pollutants

    Primjena kometnog testa u procjeni oštećenja DNA nastalih zbog ishemijskoreperfuzijskih ozljeda u bolesnika podvrgnutih kirurškim zahvatima na koronarnim žilama

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    Ischaemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is responsible for a number of conditions such as coronary bypass and myocardial infarction, and deaths. Oxygen-free radicals formed during I/R have been proposed as the leading causes of tissue injury, and they play an important role in I/R injury. I/R induces oxidative DNA damage (such as purinic and pyrimidinic base lesions). Comet assay is a suitable and sensitive method for early detection of low-level DNA damage. We used modified alkaline comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes and evaluated I/R-induced DNA damage in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operation (in vivo model for I/R). No statistically significant difference in DNA damage levels was found before surgery, after anaesthesia, ischemia, reperfusion, and surgery. However, blood lactate levels (assessed in parallel with the comet assay) increased after I/R and did not return to the baseline level. Our findings showed that I/R injury did not induce DNA damage, but increased the lactate levels. This finding suggests that there might be reversible and uncommon necrosis that did not refl ect on overall DNA base damage. Further studies are needed using this approach.Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska (I/R) ozljeda čest je uzročnik pobola i smrtnosti u slučajevima kao što su ugradnja koronarnih premosnica, infarkt miokarda i sl. Slobodni kisikovi radikali koji nastaju tijekom procesa ishemije i reperfuzije smatraju se jednim od glavnih uzročnika oštećenja tkiva i imaju važnu ulogu u I/R ozljedama. I/R ozljede izazivaju oksidativna oštećenja u DNA (primjerice oštećenja purinskih i pirimidinskih baza). Kometni test osjetljiva je metoda koja omogućuje utvrđivanje niskih razina primarnih oštećenja u molekuli DNA. U ovom smo istraživanju primjenom kometnog testa na bijelim krvnim stanicama procjenjivali razine oštećenja u DNA nastale zbog I/R ozljeda u bolesnika podvrgnutih ugradnji premosnice koronarne arterije (in vivo model za I/R). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da nema značajnih razlika u razinama oštećenja DNA izmjerenim u uzorcima krvi uzimanima prije kirurškog zahvata, nakon anestezije te tijekom ishemije, reperfuzije i zahvata. Međutim, uočeno je da su nakon I/R ozljede porasle razine laktata u serumu koje se više nisu vratile na početne vrijednosti. Takve vrijednosti laktata u serumu upućuju na to da tijekom I/R nastupa neobična i reverzibilna nekroza koja se, međutim, ne odražava na stupanj oštećenja DNA. Za objašnjenje ovih zapažanja potrebna su daljnja istraživanja