66 research outputs found

    The Problems of Primary School Teacher Faced in the Science Teaching Process

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    İlkokul çağında fen bilimlerinin öğretimi sınıf öğretmenleri tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. Çocuklar bu derste, doğadaki varlıkları ve olayları bilimsel yönden ele alıp; gözlem yapma, inceleme ve anlama olanağı elde ederler. İlkokulda fen bilimleri öğretiminde karşılaşılan sorunları ve bunlara yönelik çözümlerin üretilmesini en iyi ortaya koyacak kişiler sınıf öğretmenleridir. Sınıf öğretmenlerinin hitap ettikleri yaş grubuna göre karşılaştıkları sorunlar da farklı olabilmektedir. Buna göre bu araştırmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmenlerinin fen öğretimi sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunları ve bu sorunların çözümüne yönelik önerilerini belirlemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim yılında Eskişehir il merkezinde bulunan okullarda görev yapan 20 sınıf öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen ve açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen nitel veriler araştırmacılar tarafından analiz edilerek değerlendirilmiştir.Science teaching is carried out by primary school teacher in the primary school. Children find an opportunity to observation, investigation and understanding creatures and events in the nature by dealing with scientifically. Primary school teachers who take place in the teaching process are most essential persons in order to reveal problems faced in the primary school science teaching and find a solution towards these problems. Due to students’ age, primary school teachers can be exposed different science teaching problems. Depending on all reasons, this study was to aim hat determining the problems of primary school teachers in the science teaching process and the views of primary school teachers towards solving these problems. The sample of study consisted of 20 primary school teachers who work at primary schools in Eskisehir in the 2015-2016 school years. Data was conducted with form of semi-structured interview which consisted of open ended questions and was developed by researchers. The qualitative data obtained end of the research was evaluated analyzing by the researchers

    Examination of competitiveness of irradiated (Caesium-137) Hyalomma marginatum males in copulation

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    Daha önce yapmış olduğumuz bir çalışmada, irradie Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum erkeklerinin, aynı sayıdaki irradie edilmemiş erkeklerle, dişi keneleri dölleme faaliyetinde rekabet edemedikleri görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada ise, irradie H. marginatum erkeklerinin döllemede rekabet gücü sınırlarının sayısal üstünlüklerine göre saptanması ve sahada yararlanılabilecek olası uygulama oranlarının ve esaslarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, erkek keneler caesium137 kaynaklı Gamma radyasyon ile 10 Gy’lik dozda ışınlanmıştır. İstatistiksel farklılıkları ortaya koyabilecek sayısal oranlarda ışınlanmış ve ışınlanmamış erkekler ile aynı tavşan kulağına konan 34 dişinin ağırlıkları, dişilerin doyma süreleri, yumurta sayısı ve yumurtadan çıkan larva sayısı gibi biyolojik parametreler kaydedilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, gerçekleştirilen istatistiksel analizler, irradie H. marginatum erkeklerinin de sayısal eşitlik söz konusu olduğu taktir de ışınlanmamış erkeklerle belli bir rekabet gücüne sahip olmadıklarını göstermiştir. Ancak, eşitliğin erkekler lehine bozulduğu gruplarda yumurtasından larva çıkan dişi sayısı ile yumurta ve larva sayılarının azaldığı görülmüş, bu durumun istatistiksel olarak da önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bu verilerin de olası saha denemelerinde göz önünde bulundurulması gereken parametrelerden biri olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.We had previously reported in one of our studies that the irradiated males of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum were not able to compete with the normal males while mating with the females. In this study, it is aimed to determine the limitations of the competitiveness of irradiated males of H. marginatum in copulation in accordance with their numerical superiority over the nonirradiated males. We also intend to assign the applicable propotions and furthermore we would like to identify the main principles and conditions of possible field examinations. In this study, the male ticks were subjected to gamma radiation with a dose of 10 Gy emitted by a gamma-ray source of Caesium 137. Biological parameters such as feeding periods, weight, number of eggs and larvae hatching from the eggs of female 34 ticks that were placed in rabbit ears together with different numbers of irradiated, nonirradiated or a combination of both irradiated and nonirradiated male ticks were recorded. Reasonable numbers of ticks were employed in order to reach statistically reliable results. In conclusion, statistical analyses showed that the irradiated males of H. marginatum could not compete with the nonirradiated males in the case where these two groups had equal numbers of males. However, data analyzed from the study also deduced that the average number of eggs and larvae of females showed a reduction in trials for cases in which there were more irradiated males and this incident was found to be statistically significant. Finally, we came to the conclusion that our presented results have to be one of the key parameters which must be considered for field applications

    Cryptosporidium parvum oocystleri üzerine laminar flow ultraviole sterilizasyon protokolünün etkisi ve söz konusu etkinin vital boyalarla belirlenmesi]

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    Cryptosporidiosis is a globally widespread protozoan disease with zoonotic character. Protection and control bear great importance for combating the disease that may cause serious economic losses. At this point, UV (ultraviolet) may be used to inactivate the oocysts those are infectious form of the disease. In this study, determination of the effect of UV sterilization process used in routine cell culture laboratory sterile cabins (laminar flow) on Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and the efficiency of vital dyes (DAPI, PI) in the demonstration of the changes made by UV applications in question on oocysts is aimed

    Cryptosporidium parvum'un HCT-8 Hücre Kültüründeki Gelişme Evrelerinin Diferansiyel İnterferans Kontrast Mikroskopisi, Giemsa ve Hematoksilin-Eozin Boyama Yöntemleriyle Belirlenmesi]

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    This study aimed to compare the advantages of differential interference contrast microscopy, Giemsa and haematoxylin-eosin staining techniques for detecting, visualizing and distinguishing the developmental stages of Cryptosporidium parvum in cell culture. Data showed that interference contrast microscopy and Giemsa staining have certain advantages, whereas haematoxylin-eosin staining followed by formalin fixation clearly reveals certain changes occurred in the parasite. In the investigations, it was revealed that direct microscopy is effective in accurate definition of meronts and microgamets, but staining methods can differentiate meronts only

    Phlebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) species around Afyon province

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    Bu araştırma Mayıs 2002-Ekim 2002 tarihleri arasında Afyon yöresinde bulunan Phlebotomus türlerinin tespiti amacıyla yapılmıştır. Phlebotomus örnekleri Afyon iline bağlı 3 merkezde (Çakır köyü, Küçük Çobanlar köyü, Sülün kasabası) sığır barınak-larına yerleştirilen ışık tuzakları ile toplanmıştır. Araştıma süresince 69'u erkek, 44'ü dişi olmak üzere toplam 113 Phlebotomus örneği yakalanmıştır. İnceleme sonucu 3 alt cinse (Adlerius, Phlebotomus, Larroussius) bağlı toplam 8 tür tespit edilmiştir. Bu türlerin yaygınlık sırasına göre P.(A.) halepensis, P.(L.) neglectus, P.(A.) balcanicus, P.(L.) perfiliewi, P.(L.) syriacus, P.(A.) simici, P.(L.) tobbi ve P.(P.) papatasi olduğu saptanmış ve bu türlerin en fazla Temmuz ayında aktif oldukları görülmüştür. Ayrıca P.(A.) halepensis dışındaki türlerin tamamı Afyon yöresinde ilk kez tespit edilmiştir.This study was performed for determining sand fly species in Afyon province between May and October 2002. Sand fly samples were collected with light traps from cow stable in three location (Çakır village, Küçük Çobanlar village, Sülün village) in the centre of Afyon. During this study, a total of 113 sandflies (69 males and 44 females) were collected. In consequence of microscopial examination, 8 species were identified as P.(A.) halepensis, P.(L.) neglectus, P.(A.) balcanicus, P.(L.) perfiliewi, P.(L.) syriacus, P.(A.) simici, P.(L.) tobbi and P.(P.) papatasi respectively. Except P.(A.) halepensis the other species were reported firstly from Afyon and large proportion of the sandflies was collected in July

    Identification of tick-borne pathogens in ticks feeding on humans in Turkey.

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    The importance of tick-borne diseases is increasing all over the world, including Turkey. The tick-borne disease outbreaks reported in recent years and the abundance of tick species and the existence of suitable habitats increase the importance of studies related to the epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in Turkey. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of and to determine the infection rates of some tick-borne pathogens, including Babesia spp., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and spotted fever group rickettsiae in the ticks removed from humans in different parts of Ankara.A total of 169 ticks belonging to the genus Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Ixodes and Rhipicephalus were collected by removing from humans in different parts of Ankara. Ticks were molecularly screened for Babesia spp., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and spotted fever group rickettsiae by PCR and sequencing analysis. We detected 4 Babesia spp.; B. crassa, B. major, B. occultans and B. rossi, one Borrelia spp.; B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and 3 spotted fever group rickettsiae; R. aeschlimannii, R. slovaca and R. hoogstraalii in the tick specimens analyzed. This is the report showing the presence of B. rossi in a region that is out of Africa and in the host species Ha. parva. In addition, B. crassa, for which limited information is available on its distribution and vector species, and B. occultans, for which no conclusive information is available on its presence in Turkey, were identified in Ha. parva and H. marginatum, respectively. Two human pathogenic rickettsia species (R. aeschlimannii and R. slovaca) were detected with a high prevalence in ticks. Additionally, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto was detected in unusual tick species (H. marginatum, H. excavatum, Hyalomma spp. (nymph) and Ha. parva).This study investigates both the distribution of several tick-borne pathogens affecting humans and animals, and the presence of new tick-borne pathogens in Turkey. More epidemiological studies are warranted for B. rossi, which is very pathogenic for dogs, because the presented results suggest that B. rossi might have a wide distribution in Turkey. Furthermore, we recommend that tick-borne pathogens, especially R. aeschlimannii, R. slovaca, and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, should be taken into consideration in patients who had a tick bite in Turkey

    Determination of Developmental Stages of Cryptosporidium parvum in HCT-8 Cell Culture by Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy, Giemsa and Haematoxylin-Eosin Staining Methods

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    This study aimed to compare the advantages of differential interference contrast microscopy, Giemsa and haematoxylin-eosin staining techniques for detecting, visualizing and distinguishing the developmental stages of Cryptosporidium parvum in cell culture. Data showed that interference contrast microscopy and Giemsa staining have certain advantages, whereas haematoxylin-eosin staining followed by formalin fixation clearly reveals certain changes occurred in the parasite. In the investigations, it was revealed that direct microscopy is effective in accurate definition of meronts and microgamets, but staining methods can differentiate meronts only

    Status of tick infestation of cattle in the Kayseri region of Turkey

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    This study was carried out to determine the status of tick infestation of cattle in the Kayseri region in Turkey. Eight hundred and sixty-six cattle and their barns in 12 localities were examined during the period of June 2000-November 2001, where 188 (21.7%) of which were infested by ticks. A total of 1,585 ticks consisting of Rhipicephalus turanicus (2.27%), R. bursa (2.14%), R. sanguineus (0.94%), Hyalomma marginatum (17.16%), H. anatolicum excavatum (24.73%), H. a. anatolicum (19.62%), Dermacentor niveus (1%), Boophilus annulatus (16.71%), Ornithodorus lahorensis (0.25%), Hyalomma sp. nymphs (7.31%), and Boophilus annulatus nymphs (7.82%) were collected. Seasonal fluctuation of ticks was also determined in this region. Rhipicephalus species were generally found in spring, others like Hyalomma in late spring, summer, and early autumn, B. annulatus in September, October, and December, D. niveus in December, January, and February, and O. lahorensis in December. Immature forms (nymphs) of Hyalomma species were found in summer and autumn, while B. annulatus nymphs were observed in October, November, and December

    Use of a newly designed container for the detection of varroa mites in adult bees

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    Dünya genelinde bal arılarının en önemli paraziti olarak bilinen Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman ve V. jacobsoni (Asya bal arısı Apis cerena’ya özgüdür), arılardan hemolenf emerek kolonilerin zayıflamasına, hatta önlem alınmayan durumlarda bulaşmayı takiben birkaç yıl içerisinde sönmesine neden olabilmektedirler. Arıcılıkta önemli kayıplara yol açan parazit ile mücadelede ciddi programlara gereksinim duyulmaktadır ki bu noktada parazitin etkili bir şekilde teşhisi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Varroosis’in tanısı amacı ile geliştirilmiş birçok yöntem bulunmaktadır; bunlardan, uygulama kolaylığı ve iyi sonuç vermesinden dolayı % 70’lik etil alkol ile ergin arıların 30 dk çalkalanması esasına dayanan testler özel konuma sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, geliştirilen özel kap içerisine alınan arılar %70’lik etil alkolde el yardımıyla belli aralıklarla çalkalanmış ve kap dibine düşen parazitler çalkalamanın 1., 3. ve 5. dk’larında sayılmışlardır. Numunelerin ayrıntılı laboratuar muayeneleri sonucunda, incelenen 10 koloniden 8’inde 5 dk’lık çalkalama ile %100 başarıya ulaşıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, düzenlenen yeni teşhis kabı sayesinde, oldukça kısa bir sürede, pratik olarak etkili bir parazitemi saptamasının yapılabileceği görülmüştür.Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman which is known as the most important parasite of the honey-bee throughout the World, may cause the weakening of the colonies by sucking haemolymph from the bees and even in the situations where the precautions are not taken, cause them to be collapsed within a few years following the infection. Serious programs are needed in the combat with the parasites which cause important losses in the apiculture and at this point effective identification of the parasite carries a large importance. There are many methods developed for the diagnosis of the Varroa. Among these the tests based on basis of shaking the adult bee within ethyl alcohol of 70% for 30 minutes has a special place because of its easy application and giving good results. In this study, the bees taken into the developed special pot were shaken by hand inside the ethyl alcohol of 70%, with definite intervals and the parasites which fell to the bottom of the pot were counted in the 1st, 3rd and 5th minutes of the shaking. As the result of the detailed laboratory examinations of the samples, it is understood that 100% success was reached in the 8 of the 10 colonies with a shaking for 5 minutes. As the result, with the help of the arranged new identification pot, it is seen that an effective parasitemia determination can be made practically within a rather short time