3 research outputs found

    Проценка на здравствениот ризик од водата за пиење во релација со болести поврзани со водата

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    Healthy and safe drinking water in sufficient quantities provided to consumers improves living conditions, raises health culture at a higher level and promotes the environment as a whole. The aim is to see if there is a correlation between irregular water samples with intestinal infectious diseases related to drinking water. Materials and method. The preparation of the Republic Computer Program (1996) for issuing laboratory findings (RCP) from the analyses of samples of drinking water (physico-chemical and bacteriological), in accordance with the methodology for application of ID numbers in the computer system in the Public Health Centers has created the possibility of complete health records of drinking water supply facilities under health surveillance for the territory of the entire Republic. Evaluation has been made of the results of basic physicо-chemical and bacteriological analyses of drinking water in the settlements of the Republic of North Macedonia and the water-related diseases – waterborne intestinal infectious diseases in the period 2014-2018. Results. Drinking water from city water supply in the examined period in terms of physico-chemical analysis ranged 2.9-4.3%, while in relation to bacteriological analysis 0.9-2.6%.. Waterborne intestinal infectious diseases show a decline in their incidence in 2018. Conclusion. The registered data from the physicо-chemical and bacteriological analysis showed that the drinking water from the city water supply systems in the period 2014-2018 was safe. According to the processed data, access to safe drinking water for the population was 97% by 2018, which ranks the country in the group of countries in the world with the highest access to safe drinking water, and there is no significant connection with drinking water related diseases.Безбедна и здравствено исправна вода за пиење во доволни количини обезбедена на потрошувачите ги подобрува условите за живот, ја подигнува на повисоко ниво здравствената култура и ја унапредува животната средина во целост. Цел на трудот е да се утврди дали постои поврзаност помеѓу неисправните примероци вода со цревните заразни болести поврзани со водата за пиење. Материјали и методи: Со изготвувањето на Републичкиот компјутерски програм (1996 година) за издавање на лабораториски наоди (РКП) од извршени анализи на примероци вода за пиење (физичко-хемиски и бактериолошки), согласно методологијата за примена на матични броеви во компјутерскиот систем во Центрите за јавно здравје е создадена основа за целосна здравствена евиденција на објектите за водоснабдување со вода за пиење кои се под здравствен надзор за територијата на целата Република. Извршена е евалуација на резултатите од основната физичко-хемиска и бактериолошка анализа на водата за пиење во населените места од Република Северна Македонија и на болестите поврзани со водата за пиење-цревните заразни заболувања од хидрично потекло во период 2014-2018 година. Резултати:  Водата за пиење од градските водоводи во горенаведениот период во однос на физичко-хемиската анализа се движела во опсег 2,9-4,3%, додека во однос на бактериолошката анализа 0,9-2,6%. Цревните заразни заболувања од хидрично потекло прикажуваат опаѓање на нивната инциденција во 2018 година. Заклучок: Согласно регистрираните податоци од физичко-хемиската и бактериолошката анализа водата за пиење од градските водоснабдителни системи во периодот 2014-2018 година била безбедна. Според обработените податоци пристап до безбедна вода за пиење на населението изнесувал 97% до 2018 година, што ја рангира земјата во групата земји во светот со највисок пристап да безбедна вода за пиење и не се забележува значителна поврзаност со болестите поврзани со водата за пиење

    The influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the vaccination of the population with the influenza vaccine in the Republic of North Macedonia

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    The implemented actions to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had a powerful effect on the transmission of other respiratory viruses, particularly influenza viruses. Influenza is a disease of viral aetiology that causes epidemics and occasionally pandemics during the wintertime almost every year. Generally, it is a mild and self-limiting disease, but it can represent high morbidity and even mortality when affecting the elderly population or people with latent chronic diseases. The existing circumstances of a persistent and ongoing epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, increase the probability of having active coincidence with the anticipated annual epidemic of influenza. Thus, the key is a logistic strategy for clinical and viral diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that will determine the importance of understanding the role of influenza vaccines in virus-induced COVID-19 disease. This paper aims to compare the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the vaccination coverage of the population with the influenza vaccine. The official data for seasonal influenza vaccination were used, obtained from the weekly reports on the influenza situation in the Republic of North Macedonia from the Institute of Public Health as well as the data from the national system “MojTermin” for total vaccinated individuals with influenza vaccine for the season 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 including the 5th week. The analyzed data for the season 2021/2022 show an increase of applied doses by 8.3% compared to the season 2020/2021 and an increase of 11.5% compared to the season 2019/2020. Regarding the target groups in the season 2021/2022, including the 5th week, the coverage of influenza vaccination in children aged 6 months to 5 years has a significant decrease of 87.9% compared to the season 2020/2021. There is an increase in coverage in health professionals by 24.3% compared to last season, in the chronically ill the decrease of the applied doses is by 11.4% compared to last season, and in the elderly, over 65 it is noticeable an increase in coverage by 100% compared to the 2020/2021 season. Furthermore, there is a significant decrease of 95.7% in the vaccines administered to pregnant women compared to last season. The reduced coverage of influenza vaccination is partly due to the ambiguities arising from the influenza immunization campaign, which emphasized the importance of receiving a vaccine to minimize the spread of the influenza virus as an additional threat to the presence of COVID-19. Although the influenza vaccine does not protect against COVID-19, influenza vaccination has been part of the public health strategy to flatten the disease curve caused by respiratory viruses that attack the respiratory system, to protect and preserve the health of healthcare professionals providing care to patients with COVID-19. Influenza vaccination is still the most efficient preventive measure against influenza infections at our disposal and it is recommended by the most expert bodies including CDC, WHO, ECDC, and the National Committee for Immunization of the Republic of North Macedonia