1,052 research outputs found

    Nove komunikacijske tehnologije i mijenjanje novinarstva

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    20. Century is an era where many change and innovations in means of journalism practices are being observed due to new communication technologies. News production process, which is being carried on in new media environment is facing a change in news collection, processing, introduction and distribution stages. With the new media technology tools used for collecting and introducing news, structural changes started to occur in production process of news. As a result, the changes and structural conversions caused by new media environment, is important for journalism practices. This study aims to emphasize the changes in news prepared in traditional format up to now, together with the new communication technologies and draw attention to the changing journalism understanding worldwide.20. stoljeće je razdoblje u kojem su mnoge promjene i inovacije u sredstvima novinarske prakse uočene radi novih komunikacijskih tehnologija. Proces stvaranja vijesti koji se odvija u novom medijskom okruženju se suočava s promjenom u dolaženju do vijesti, procesiranju, predstavljanju i distribuciji. Sa uporabom novih medijskih tehnoloških alata pri skupljanju i predstavljanju vijesti strukturalne promjene su se počele pojavljivati u procesu stvaranja vijesti. Kao rezultat, promjene i strukturalna pretvorba prouzrokovane novim medijskim okruženjem su važne za novinarstvo. Ovo proučavanje ima za cilj naglasiti promjene u vijestima pripremljenim u tradicionalnom formatu sve do današnjeg dana zajedno sa novim komunikacijskim tehnologijama i privući pažnju na promjenu razumijevanja novinarstva širom svijeta

    Belgelerle Konya Mevlana Müzesi'nin Kuruluşu

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    Chemical Recycling of Household Polymeric Wastes

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    This chapter provides insights on the disposal of household polymeric wastes and chemical recycling of household polymeric wastes for chemical feedstock. Waste generated may cause environmental, economic and health problems. In 2012, the EU (European Union) generated 2514 million tons of waste, of which 213,410 million tons is household waste. Household waste has lots of polymeric materials. The two most important of the polymers are polystyrene (PS) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). In this study, the results of PS and LDPE obtained from various processes related to polymeric wastes’ chemical recycling were given. Main products of PS chemical recycling were obtained as follows: styrene monomer, toluene, ethylbenzene, α-methyl styrene and other valuable chemicals. When LDPE undergoes thermal degradation in a solvent setting in autoclave, oil like diesel can be obtained

    Türk Ocakları ve Hars Müzeleri

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    Halil Ethem ve Eski Eserlerimizin Korunmasına Yönelik Bir Yaklaşım

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    Interfacial Modification of Hemp Fiber–Reinforced Composites

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    Natural fiber–reinforced biocomposites are increasingly used in various industries such as automotive, construction, biomedical, and recreation, thanks to their distinctive advantages over traditional glass fiber–reinforced plastics. Natural fiber composites are sustainable, environmentally friendly, low cost, low density, and easy to process as well as have high mechanical properties. The quality of fiber-matrix interface is of critical importance since it determines the load distribution capability of the material. The interface between natural fibers and polymer resins has always been problematic because of the low compatibility between cellulose-based hydrophilic natural fibers and hydrophobic polymer resins, which leads to poor fiber-matrix adhesion and therefore inefficient load distribution between fibers and matrix. To date, several interfacial modification methods have been implemented to address this issue and improve the properties of the resulting composites. This chapter focuses on the interfacial modification of hemp fiber–based composites. First, hemp fiber structure and the nature of fiber-matrix interface were explained. Mechanisms of fiber/matrix adhesion as well as qualitative and quantitative methods for the determination of interface strength were outlined. Finally, the interface modification methods for hemp fiber–reinforced biocomposites were presented in the light of scientific literature

    Textile Reinforced Structural Composites for Advanced Applications

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    Textile-reinforced composites are increasingly used in various industries such as aerospace, construction, automotive, medicine, and sports due to their distinctive advantages over traditional materials such as metals and ceramics. Fiber-reinforced composite materials are lightweight, stiff, and strong. They have good fatigue and impact resistance. Their directional and overall properties can be tailored to fulfill specific needs of different end uses by changing constituent material types and fabrication parameters such as fiber volume fraction and fiber architecture. A variety of fiber architectures can be obtained by using two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) fabric production techniques such as weaving, knitting, braiding, stitching, and nonwoven methods. Each fiber architecture/textile form results in a specific configuration of mechanical and performance properties of the resulting composites and determines the end-use possibilities and product range. This chapter highlights the constituent materials, fabric formation techniques, production methods, as well as application areas of textile-reinforced composites. Fiber and matrix materials used for the production of composite materials are outlined. Various textile production methods used for the formation of textile preforms are explained. Composite fabrication methods are introduced. Engineering properties of textile composites are reviewed with regard to specific application areas. The latest developments and future challenges for textile-reinforced composites are presented

    David Koleksiyonu'nda Bulunan Bazı Türk Eserleri ve Düşündürdükleri

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    Reasons for cricket players to start cricket and their expectations for the future: Kriket sporucularının krikete başlama nedenleri ve geleceğe yönelik beklentileri

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the reasons and goals of cricket sport. The research universe consisted of the athletes participating in the Cricket Türkiye Championship. The research data were created with the “Reasons for Starting Sports and Expectations Scale”. A total of 136 cricket players (54 female 82 male) participated in the study. Frequency, t-Test and ANOVA were used in the analysis of the data. In the research, the desire to become a world-famous athlete and a national team athlete stand out among the reasons for turning to cricket. Among the reasons for engaging in cricket sports were the feeling of gaining the most success and loving this sport. When we look at the expectations from cricket, it is seen that although the expectations of being a national team athlete and a well-known athlete are high, the expectation of living a financially comfortable life is the least preferred situation. Gender, being a national athlete, educational status were found to have effects on cricketing, engagement and future expectations (p<0.05) As a result of it has been reported that the desire to be a national athlete in cricket is the most important factor in the orientation and expectations of this sport. (Extended English summary is at the end of this document) Özet   Bu araştırmanın amacı, kriket sporunun tercih edilme nedenleri ve hedeflerinin incelenmesidir.  Araştırma evrenini Kriket Türkiye Şampiyonasına katılan sporcular oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verileri “Spora Başlama Nedenleri ve Beklentileri Ölçeği” ile toplandı. Araştırmaya 54 kadın, 82 erkek olmaka üzere 136 kişi dahil olmuştur. Verilerin analizinde frekans, yüzde, t- Test ve ANOVA analizleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada kriket sporuna yönelme nedenleri arasında dünyaca ünlü sporcu olma ve milli takım sporcusu olma isteği öne çıkmaktadır. Kriket sporu ile uğraşma nedenleri arasında en çok başarı kazanma ve bu sporu sevme duygusu yer almıştır. Kriket sporundan beklentilere bakıldığında ise Milli takım sporcusu ve tanınan bir sporcu olma beklentileri yüksek olmakla birlikte maddi olarak rahat bir yaşam sürme beklentisi en az tercih edilen durum olduğu görülmüştür. Cinsiyet, milli sporcu olması, eğitim durumu kriket sporuna yönelme, uğraşma ve gelecek beklentilerinin farklı süreçleri üzerinde etkileri görülmüştür (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak kriket sporunda milli sporcu olma arzusunun bu spora yönelim ve beklentilerde en önemli faktör olduğu rapor edilmiştir