146 research outputs found

    Comparison in a rat thigh abscess model of imipenem, meropenem and cefoperazone-sulbactam against Acinetobacter baumannii strains in terms of bactericidal efficacy and resistance selection

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    BACKGROUND: We compared imipenem, meropenem and cefoperazone-sulbactam against hospital originated A. baumannii strains in terms of bactericidal efficacy and selection of resistant mutants during treatment in a rat thigh abscess model. METHODS: A total of 18 strains were inoculated in 54 animals (one strain for three animals). Randomly selected 10 among these 18 strains were inoculated in another 10 rats as the control group. Imipenem, meropenem and cefoperazone-sulbactam were the antibiotics compared. After four days of treatment, Wistar albino rats (200 to 250 g) were sacrificed and the abscess materials were processed for mean colony counts and for the presence of resistant mutants. RESULTS: The mean CFUs per gram (mean ± (std. deviation) [×10(4)]) of the abscess were: 9,14 (25,24), 2,11 (3,78), 1,20 (1,70) in the imipenem (n = 17), meropenem (n = 18) and cefoperazone-sulbactam (n = 17) groups, respectively. The differences were not significant. On the other hand, no resistant mutant was detected in abscess materials. CONCLUSION: This study indicated; first, cefoperazone-sulbactam is comparable to carbapenems in bactericidal efficacy in this particular abscess model and second, emergence of resistance due to spontaneous mutations is not at least a frequent phenomenon among A. baumannii

    Anthropometric characteristics are highly correlated with anaerobic power in male handball and soccer players

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and anaerobic power of volunteer male athletes. Male athletes in the college soccer and handball teams (n: 20; age: 23.20±1.94 years; height: 179.81±7.96cm; weight: 79.50±9.23kg) volunteered for the study. For anthropometric characteristics, some measurements (body height, arm span, hand length, and chest, waist, arm, thigh and leg circumferences) were taken. Vertical jump height via Countermovement Jump (CMJ) test and body weight were also measured. Anaerobic power value was obtained using Lewis formula. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analyses were performed using the SPSS 17.00 package program. Significance value was set as p<0.05. There found a positive correlation between anaerobic power values ​​and the values of body height (r=.660), body weight (r=0.912), arm span (r=0.547), dominant hand length (r=0.578), upper arm circumference (relaxed) (r=0.690), upper arm circumference (flexed) (r=0.689), thigh circumference (r=0.643), calf circumference (r=0.533), waist circumference (r=0.826), chest circumference (r=0.704), vertical jump height (r=0.493).​​ The results showed that there was a statistically significant and high correlation between all measured anthropometric characteristics and anaerobic power values. Therefore, it is recommended trainers pay attention to these characteristics in player selection, training plans and determining performance of athletes

    Effects of gestational and lactational exposure to low dose mercury chloride (HgCl2) on behaviour, learning and hearing thresholds in WAG/Rij rats

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    We investigated the effects of inorganic mercury exposure during gestational/lactational periods on the behaviour, learning and hearing functions in a total of 32, 5-week-old and 5-month-old WAG/Rij rats (equally divided into 4 groups as 5-week and 5-month control mercury exposure groups). We evaluated the rats in terms of locomotor activity (LA), the Morris-water-maze (MWM) test and the passive avoidance (PA) test to quantify learning and memory performance; we used distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) tests to evaluate hearing ability. There were no significant differences between the 5-week-old rat groups in LA, and we detected a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the HgCl2-treated group in PA, MWM and DPOAE tests compared with the control group. The HgCl2-treated 5-week-old group exhibited worse emotional memory performance in PA, worse spatial learning and memory performances in MWM. There were no significant differences between the groups of 5-month-old rats in LA, MWM or PA. However, the DPOAE tests worsened in the mid- and high-frequency hearing thresholds. The HgCl2-treated 5-month-old group exhibited the most hearing loss of all groups. Our results convey that mercury exposure in young rats may worsen learning and memory performances as well as hearing at high-frequency levels. While there was no statistically significant difference in the behavior and learning tests in adult rats, the DPOAE test produced poorer results. Early detection of effects of mercury exposure provides medicals team with an opportunity to determinate treatment regimens and mitigate ototoxicity. DPOAE test can be used in clinical and experimental research investigating heavy metal ototoxicity

    Grands foraminifères benthiques de l’Oligocène et sédimentation du bassin de Burdur, sud-ouest de l’Anatolie, Turquie

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    Cette étude se concentre sur les successions de l’Oligocène du bassin de Burdur, au sud-ouest de l’Anatolie (Turquie), qui contiennent principalement des calcaires siliciclastiques avec de grands foraminifères benthiques. Les coupes des niveaux oligocènes de Burdur-1 et de Burdur-2 sont décrites et ont été échantillonnées pour la lithologie, la biostratigraphie, l’analyse des microfaciès et le contenu paléontologique. Les plus grands foraminifères benthiques ont été principalement échantillonés dans les calcaires de la partie supérieure de la coupe de Burdur-2. L’analyse des lames minces de l’assemblage de grands foraminifères benthiques révèle que la partie supérieure de la coupe de Burdur-2 contient Nummulites fichteli Michelotti, 1841, Operculina complanata (Defrance, 1822), Nephrolepidina praemarginata (Douvillé, 1908), Eulepidina sp, Planorbulina sp., Amphistegina sp. et Asterigerina sp. Cette association de foraminifères représente la Zone de foraminifères benthiques peu profonds n°22 (SBZ 22) d’âge Rupélien-Chattien inférieur. L’analyse sédimentologique des coupes de Burdur-1 et Burdur-2 a révélé une association de conglomérat massif non organisé, de grès à litages parallèles, de mudstone massif, de conglomérat massif, de grès massif, de conglomérat organisé bien trié, de grès à lits parallèles bien trié et de faciès calcaire à lits parallèles contenant des microfossiles. Les communautés de faciès carbonatés de type éventail alluvial/rivière, fan-delta, plage et plateforme peu profondes ont été identifiées par corrélation latérale et verticale des faciès. Il en est déduit que le cône alluvial de Burdur s’est développé dans un bassin de Graben qui s’est ouvert et a été inondé par une branche de l’océan Téthys qui a envahi le sud-ouest de l’Anatolie pendant l’Oligocène.This study focuses on the Oligocene successions that contain predominantly siliciclastic, limestones with larger benthic foraminifera in the Burdur Basin of southwest Anatolia, Turkey. The Burdur-1 and Burdur-2 sections in the Oligocene deposits are described sedimentologically and were sampled for lithology, biostratigraphy, microfacies analysis and fossil content. Larger benthic foraminifera were mainly recovered from limestones in the upper part of the Burdur-2 section. Thin-section analysis of the larger benthic foraminiferal assemblage reveals that the upper part of the Burdur-2 section includes Nummulites fichteli Michelotti, 1841, Operculina complanata (Defrance, 1822), Nephrolepidina praemarginata (Douvillé, 1908), Eulepidina sp., Planorbulina sp., Amphistegina sp., and Asterigerina sp. This foraminiferal association represents the Shallow Benthic Foraminifera Zone 22 (SBZ 22) of Rupelian-early Chattian age. Sedimentological analysis in the Burdur-1 and Burdur-2 sections has revealed an association of massive-unorganized conglomerate, parallel-bedded sandstone, massive mudstone, graded-massive conglomerate, graded-massive sandstone, well-sorted organized conglomerate, well-sorted parallel-bedded sandstone and microfossil-bearing parallel-bedded limestone facies. Alluvial fan / river, fan-delta, beach and shallow shelf carbonate facies communities were identified by lateral and vertical correlation of facies. It is concluded that the large Burdur Fan developed in a graben basin that opened and was flooded by a branch of the Tethyan Ocean that invaded southwest Anatolia during the Oligocene.</p

    Investigation of levels of adenosine, deaminase, and subtle interleukin-2 in cerebrospinal fluid in purulent, tuberculosis and viral meningitis

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    Tıp dünyasında tüm teknolojik ilerlemelere rağmen menenjitlerin ayırıcı tanısı hala büyük bir problemdir.özellikle beyin omurilik sıvısında (BOS) düşük sayıda hücresi olan pürülan menenjit (PM), başlangıç dönemindeki viral menenjit (VM) ile 1 tüberküloz menenjit (TBM) sıklıkla karışmaktadır.Çalışmamızda t beyin omurilik sıvısında adenosin deaminaz (ADA) aktivitesi ile solübl interlökin-2 reseptör (sIL-2R) düzeylerini ölçtük.ADA enzimi pürin katabolizmasında rolü olan bir enzimdir.T lenfositlerde saptanmıştır.sIL-2R T ve B hücre aktivasyonu sonucunda oluşan ve patogenezinde hücresel immünitenin rol oynadığı birçok hastalıkta artan bir moleküldür. Menenjit olgularında her iki testin, TBM'in VM'ten ayırd edilmesinde çok yararlı olduklarını saptadık. Bazı olgularda PM ile TBM' deki BOS değerlerinin üst üste çakışması nedeniyle bu iki menenjitin ayırd edilmesinde ek parametrelerin de dikkate alınarak değerlendirme yapılmasının faydalı olacağı kanaatindeyiz

    Prevention of intraocular pressure increase after Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy

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    1993-1994 yılları arasında ekstrakapsüler katarakt ekstraksi- yonu+arka kamara lens implantasyonu yapılmış ve arka kapsül opasitesi sebebiyle Nd-YAG laser arka kapsülotomi yapılmak üzere U.Ü.T.F. Göz A.B.D. ön Segment birimi'ne sevk edilen yaş ortalaması 57±13(20-80) olan 42'si kadın 36'sı erkek olmak üzere toplam 78 hastanın 80 gözü çalışmaya alınmıştır. Nd-YAG laser arka kapsülotomi sonrası göziçi basınç artışını önlemede 125mg acetazolamid tab.P.O.,%0. 5 timolol coll. ve %1'lik apraclonidin'in etkisini araştırmak amacıyla, hastalar her gruba 20'şer göz düşecek şekilde rastgele 4 gruba ayrılarak, preop.l saat önce sırasıyla;l. gruba plasebo,2.gruba acetazo lamid, 3. gruba timolol, 4gruba ise apraclonidin verildi. Arka kapsülde 3-4mm açıklık sağlayacak şekilde Nd-YAG laser kapsülotomi yapıldıktan sonra, göziçi basınç artışını izlemek amacıyla l.,3.ve 24. saatlerde app.tonometrisi ile ölçümler yapıldı. Sonuçta; plasebo ve acetazolamid grubunda özellikle l.ve 3. saatlerde %60 oranında 5mmHg'yi aşan,%20 oranında lOmmHg'yi aşan göziçi basınç artışları görülürken, timolol grubunda ise l.ve 3.saatlerdeki göziçi basıncı plasebo grubuna göre düşük bulun makla birlikte %25 oranında 5mmHg'yi aşan,%15 oranında lOmmHg 'yi aşan basınç artışı görüldü..43- Apraclonidin grubunda ise göziçi basınçlarında belirgin bir düşüş gelişerek, postop.24 saat içinde hiçbir olguda SmmHg'yi aşan basınç artışına rastlanmamıştır. Günümüzde apraclonidin gibi yeni geliştirilen antiglokomatöz ilaçlarlar özellikle optik sinir harabiyeti gelişebilecek glokoma- töz hastalarda Nd-YAG laser arka kapsülotomi sonrası göziçi basınç artışının profilaksisinde ümit vermektedirler

    İngilizce yazma becerisi sınavları öncesinde yapılan standardizasyon toplantılarının puanlayıcı ve puanlama güvenirliğine etkisi.

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    Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. There are two types of reliability: (a) inter-rater reliability which means consistency between two or more markers; and (b) intra-rater reliability which refers to consistency between the assessments of the same work by the same rater at different times. There are many factors that affect rater reliability. Rater bias, educational background, rater language background and the amount of experience in teaching and/or assessment are some of them. The literature has a number of studies concerning how to eliminate, or reduce, the factors that decrease rater reliability. For instance, it discusses that using a rubric or multiple/double marking protocol could improve rater reliability. However, many in the field believed all these attempts could not yield the desired level of rater reliability per se so they suggested these practices be assisted with standardisation sessions, or in other words rater training sessions. These sessions are believed to reconcile teachers’ judgements as much as possible by providing them with clear understanding of the rubric and the criteria that teachers need to take into consideration during their assessment.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. English literature