4 research outputs found

    The readiness level of prospective geography teachers for their professional competences

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    Bu araştırmada coğrafya öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yeterliklerine yönelik hazır bulunuşluk düzeyleri ve bunun çeşitli değişkenlerle olan ilişkisi ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırma 2010-2011 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde 4 farklı üniversitede 4. ve 5.sınıf toplam 252 coğrafya öğretmen adayı ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplamak amacı ile araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen coğrafya öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yeterliklerine yönelik hazır bulunuşluk düzeyleri ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde, bağımsız değişkenlerin bağımlı değişken durumundaki faktörlere bağlı olarak ikili karşılaştırmalarında t-testi ve/veya Mann Whitney U testi, grup karşılaştırmaları için tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve/veya Kruskal Wallis H testi kullanılmıştır. Gruplar arası fark bulunduğunda ise farkın kaynağını bulmak için, Scheffe ve/veya Mann Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Veriler arasındaki ilişki düzeyi ise Pearson Korelasyon test tekniği ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, coğrafya öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yeterliklerine yönelik hazır bulunuşluk düzeylerinin yeterli seviyede olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra hazır bulunuşluk düzeylerinin, cinsiyet, öğrenim gördükleri üniversite, sınıf, okul mezuniyet alanı, yaşanılan yerleşim birimi, arazi çalışmalarına katılım durumu gibi değişkenlere göre anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu, mezun olunan okul türü, bölüm tercih sıralaması, iş kaygısı, öğretmenlik yapmayı düşünme ve sosyal kültürel faaliyetlere katılım durumu gibi değişkenlerin mesleki yeterliklerine göre hazır bulunuşluk düzeylerini etkilemediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular ışığında öğretmen adaylarının hazır bulunuşluk düzeylerinin geliştirilmesine ve ileride yapılacak bilimsel araştırmalara dair öneriler sunulmuştur.The readiness level of prospective geography teachers for their professional competences and its relation with various variables are revealed in this study. The study was conducted with totally 252 prospective geography teachers from 4th and 5th grades of 4 different universities in the spring term of the 2010-2011 academic year. A scale for the readiness level of prospective geography teachers for their professional competences, which was developed by the researcher, was used in order to collect data. In analyzing the data obtained in the study, t-test and/or Mann Whitney U test was/were used in the double comparison of independent variables depending on the factors which are in the state of dependent variables. One way variance test (ANOVA) and/or Kruskal Wallis H test was/were used for group comparisons. When differences were found among the groups, Scheffe and/or Mann Whitney U test was/were used so as to find the source of differences. Correlation level between the data was determined by the Pearson Correlation test technique. As a result of the study, it was determined that the readiness level of prospective geography teachers for their professional competences is adequate. Besides, it was revealed that there are significant differences in the readiness level according to such variables as student's gender, university, grade, graduation discipline, living neighborhood and participation in field surveys. However it was determined that such variables as type of the school of graduation, order of discipline preference, employment anxiety, thinking of performing teaching and participation in social and cultural activities do not effect the readiness level for their professional competences. In the light of the data obtained in the study, proposals were put forward for the development of readiness level of prospective teachers and for scientific research that will be done in the future


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    Located in the Mediterranean region, Erdemli district has been on its way to becoming a greenhouse production center in recent years, with the effect of favorable climatic conditions. In the study, it was aimed to determine the current situation in Erdemli, where greenhouse cultivation is carried out intensively, the characteristics of the greenhouses, the problems encountered in production and to develop suggestions for their solution. For this purpose, a questionnaire application prepared by the researcher was carried out in order to reveal the current situation of greenhouse operators in the district. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program and tables were created. Maps showing the location, topography and land use status of the region were produced with the ArcMap 10.4 package program. Face-to-face meetings were held with greenhouse operators, brokers and traders. As a result, it has been observed that especially greenhouse agricultural activities in the region are carried out with traditional agricultural methods in smaller scale family businesses, mostly plastic greenhouses are used to produce tomatoes and cucumbers, and they are negatively affected by natural disasters and cost increases. Solutions for the detected problems are presented

    Changes in land use between the years of 1990-2018 in Mersin province based on corine (Coordination of information on the environment) system

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    By determining the change of land use characteristics over the years, changes in urban growth and land use can be revealed. Monitoring of the change in the land cover allows for better protection of forest areas as well as efficient agricultural areas and regular urbanization. Corine System is one of the commonly used methods for the determination of land use. This system established by the European Union countries, is used by Turkey. In this study, using the Corine System, changes in urban growth and land use in Mersin province between 1990-2018 were determined. Based on the Corine System, simplification was made in the classification. Thus, the change in the land was tried to be revealed more clearly. The changes in land cover in Mersin province have been tried to be presented based on 15 classes considering 1990, 2000 and 2018. Within the scope of the study, the reasons and consequences of the changes occurring in these periods are emphasized. As a result, the changes occurring in the 28 years in the land cover examined in 3 periods are presented within the frame of visual and measurement values. It has been observed that residential areas in Mersin are getting bigger and bigger. Planning for the future in Mersin should be made by considering these changes in land cover