7 research outputs found

    Growth-Development, Yield and Quality Characteristics of Aronia Varieties Grown in Pots

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    This study was carried out to determine the growth, development, yield and some quality characteristics of Nero and Viking Aronia varieties grown in open field and pot in Samsun ecological conditions. Three-year-old Aronia plants were planted in 80-liter pots containing a 1%253A1%253A1 (v%252Fv) mixture (barnyard manure%2Bsoil%2Bsand) and 5 plants were included in each replication. Number of shoots, flower buds and clusters, berry weight (g), yield (g%252Fplant), firmness (N), number of fruits per cluster, must yield (ml%252F100g), TSSS (%25) and pH values were measured in Aronia cultivars. In addition, monthly shoot growth rate (cm%252Fmonth) was determined and phenological observations recorded. According to Viking and Nero Aronia varieties, the number of shoots (7.8 and 7.6 pieces), the number of flower buds (22.63 and 22.85 pieces), the number of clusters (45.06 and 44.80 pieces), the weight of berry (0.82 and 0.79 g), the fruit number in the bunch (21.45 and 21.53 pieces), berry firmness (4.90 and 5.35 N), amount of must (49.67 and 54.00 ml%252F100 g) and TSS (17.07 and 16.47) and pH values (3.65 and 3.52) were found to be close to each other. Bud burst (10 March), flowering (26 April), berry set (12 May) and harvest time (24 August) were also similar in cultivars. It was also revealed that while the shoot length was 97.47 cm and 95.47 cm on March 11, respectively, in Viking and Nero varieties, it reached 124.73 and 120.73 cm in August, five months later

    Root Architecture and Development of American Grape Rootstocks Grafted with Foxy Grapes (Vitis labrusca L.) Cultivars

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    One of the important factors affecting rootstock performance in grafted grapevine production is root structure and its ability for different soil. In the present study, foxy grape varieties registered for the first time in the Black Sea Region in Turkey by the selection, and several American grape rootstocks were bench grafted. In this study%253B it is aimed to examine the root architecture of foxy grape grafted saplings for their root architecture and the development of rootstocks. In the experiment lsquo%253BRizessi, lsquo%253BÇeliksu, lsquo%253BÜlkemiz and lsquo%253BRizellim foxy grape cultivars grafted on 140Ru, SO4 and 110R rootstocks. WinRhizo root analysis program (Regent Instrument Inc. Canada, ver.2013) was used to determine rootstocks%252339%253B architecture and development of grafted vine saplings. Roots prepared for scanning were placed on the scanning part of the device and transferred to the computer context. Root length and mean root diameter are two of the essential features that reveal the root architecture of rootstocks. In the study, root length (cm), root surface area (cm2), root diameter (mm), root volume (cm3), root tip number (piece), root branching number (piece), and root intersection number (piece) were determined. Total root length was determined between 330.05 - 595.40 cm (%252339%253BRizellim%252339%253B%252FSO4 and %252339%253BÇeliksu%252339%253B%252F140Ru) and mean root diameter of 2.04 - 3.13 mm (%252339%253BÇeliksu%252339%253B%252F140Ru and %252339%253BRizessi%252339%253B%252F110R). Negative relationships were found between root length and mean root diameter. Among the rootstocks, the highest root surface area was 399.67 cm2, root volume was 29.32 m3, the number of root tips was 1605.75, the number of root forks was 5421.89, and the number of root crossing was 671.61 on 110R rootstock. In all combinations obtained as a result of the study, it was determined that the rootstocks showed good root development and were in harmony with the new foxy grape cultivars

    Gümüşhane İlinin Agro-Turizm Potansiyelinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Günümüzde giderek önemi artan ve alternatif turizm çeşitlerinden biri olan agro-turizm, tarım ve turizmin bir araya gelmesi ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Agro-turizm, yoğun şehir yaşantısından uzaklaşmak isteyen bireylerin genellikle çiftlik tarzı evlerde konakladığı, organik ürünlerden faydalandığı doğa ile iç içe yapılan bir turizm faaliyetidir. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde oldukça yaygın olan bu turizm çeşidinin ekonomik, sosyolojik ve biyolojik açıdan birçok katkısı bulunmaktadır. Agro-turizm ülkemizde özellikle Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgesinde yaygın olarak faaliyet göstermektedir. Gümüşhane, Doğu Anadolu ve Karadeniz Bölgesi arasında kalan, bu iki bölgenin iklimini yaşayan ve 113 bin ha’lık tarıma elverişli araziye sahip bir bölgedir. Diğer yandan gerek doğal güzellikleri gerek kültürel mirası ile hâlihazırda bir turizm potansiyeline sahip olan Gümüşhane ilinin agro-turizm açısından da değerlendirilmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, ilin agro-turizm potansiyeli değerlendirilerek, agro-turizm açısından SWOT analizi yapılmış ve son olarak ilin agro-turizm potansiyelinin geliştirilmesi kapsamında öneriler sunulmuştur. Bu amaçla, ikincil kaynaklardan yararlanılarak veri toplanmıştır

    Organic Plant Production in the Black Sea Region

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    Organic agriculture approach started with coming up the adverse effect’s of chemical and genetic inputs on human health and natural environment in time, it has been also continued by raising the importance nowadays. Organic agriculture production amount of Turkey was 331.361 tons in 191.785 ha areas, although it was reached up to 1.627.106 tons (391% increased) in 379.042 ha (98% increased) areas. Black sea region has nearly 18.000 ha area (4.7%) of organic agriculture areas of Turkey. The region has organic agriculture potential with regard to regional land structure and qualification of produced products. In 2010, organic agriculture production was 31.960 tons in 88.322 ha areas, although it was 119.425 tons (274% increased) in 18.061 ha (80% decreased) areas in 2016. In recent years, Rize (57%), Tokat (14.6%), Ordu (7.5%), Gümüşhane (4.9%) and Samsun (3.8%) are leading provinces in the region in terms of organic production quantities. Tea (67.927 tons: 57.7%), hazelnut (11.785 tons: 9.9%), apple (11.253 tons: 9.4%), pear (5.207 tons: 4.4%), maize (4.705 tons: 3.9%) and alfalfa (4.301 tons: 3.6%) are major organic products of Black Sea region. At present study, current situation of organic plant production and potential in the Black Sea region were presented

    Evaluation of Pomological and Morphological Characteristics and Chemical Compositions of Local Pear Varieties (Pyrus communis L.) Grown in Gumushane, Turkey

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    Karabulut, Besim/0000-0003-0198-8447WOS: 000432206200011The aim of the present research was to investigate the fruit quality of twenty different local pear varieties (Pyrus communis L.), namely Ahlat, Ankara, Arpa, BA +/- ldA +/- rcA +/- n, Cermai, Cinci, Gelin Bogan, HacA +/- Hamza, HahA +/- r, Kabak, KA +/- zA +/- l, Kokulu, Mehrani, Menendi, Sulu, Aalgam, Tokat SultanA +/-, TurAYu, Yaz, and Yaz Meyrigi, grown in Gumushane province in terms of pomological and morphological characteristics and chemical compositions. the fruit mass, fruit width and length, fruit stem thickness and length, fruit kernel width and length, hardness of pulp, number of seeds, leaf width and length, leaf stem length and thickness, and water soluble dry matter (WSDM) of the pear fruits have been determined as pomological and morphological characteristics. on the other hand, the chemical compositions of the pear varieties have been evaluated in terms of protein, ash, sucrose, fructose, glucose, total sugar, titratable acidity, moisture, and mineral element levels. Both pomological and morphological results demonstrated that the local pear varieties are important in terms of rehabilitation studies and detailed selection studies on these local varieties should be performed. the chemical analyses result of the pear varieties revealed that there is no component that may be harmful to human health when consumed, and also these varieties contains the necessary amount of mineral elements.Research Council of the Gumushane University [16.B0123.02.01]The authors wish to thank the Research Council of the Gumushane University (Project No: 16.B0123.02.01) for the financial support of this study