29 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Socio-Cultural Vitality of Modern Russian Settlements of the Former Gorky Line of Kazakhstan

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    The problem of ethnicity being is the most important for the border territories of Russia and Kazakhstan as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious community of the peoples, connecting Europe and Asia, West and East. At a critical stage of historical development again the problem of orientation to the West or the East, the questions of existence of Russia as a specific space of coexistence of different ethnic groups and peoples, cultures and civilizations, languages and religions has been actualized. The population of modern Russian settlements of the former Gorki lines, presented on the territory of Kostanay region, today is mixed and polyethnic. The authors aim to trace the survival of the Russian language and culture in a dense ring of the migrant (Turkic) environment. In this regard, in-depth interviews were conducted, the records of Russian speech in different time periods were compared, data from the questionnaires were analyzed, the transformation zones of the language and culture of Russians, living a long time in isolation from the parent culture in the migrant environment were revealed. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p20

    Linguistic patterns in the lexical-semantic subsystem of new public administration: typology and features

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    The authors analyzed the confeptosphere of public administration from the position of representation in the Rus-sian language as an area of increased interest from the controlling structures in the field of state security. The au-thors relied on the postulates of the presence of three dimensions inherent in verbal signs: due to the indirect connec-tions of words and objects of semantics, determined by the relationship of words to each other syntagmatics and due to the relationship of words and communicants of pragmatics; about the discreteness and continuity of verbal signs, about the relative simplicity and minimal variability of intersystem relations between them, about the limited motivation of verbal signs and the inverse proportion of morphemic complexity and semantic structure of the word. The focus of attention is on studying the influence of language patterns on the functioning of the “dominant” lexi-cal-semantic subsystem of public administration in the Russian language of the recent period, associated with the ideas about the specifics of public administration focused on ensuring law and order and constitutionally estab-lished rights and freedoms of citizens. The paper concludes that lexical and semantic patterns are important in de-termining the main trends in the development of the lexical system of the Russian language in general, individual subsystems and language signs in particular

    Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on computer communication: delayed consequences and new behavioral standards

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    The relevance of this study is revealed in a selection of online communication tools with the forced consequences of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the world, revealing the effectiveness of distance learning. Objective: to trace the transformation of the speech and behavioral standard depending on the internal understanding of their own knowledge about computer-mediated communication in comparison with traditional methods of communication; to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual communication based on the analysis of the needs of communicants in the process of online communication. The presented analysis of the form of communication demonstrates the processes of transformation of the speech and behavioral profile of communicants, which allows for additional research for a wide range of readers who practice online interaction on an observable basis. The material was data from an online questionnaire in which 261 respondents from Kazakhstan took part. The methodology is based on the psychological verbal-communicative method of anonymous online questioning using Google Forms via social networks. Results: online communicants identified the ZOOM platform as an important tool for online communication as an important factor in maintaining stable interaction in a professional environment, training and social communication. Effective computer communication poses the problem of compliance with the norms of online communication for successful interaction. Further study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of various online software tools is of interest for improving the linguistic modeling of educational online discourse with the prediction of the result

    Языковые особенности жанра легенд как основы технологии сторителлинга в рекламном дискурсе

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    Modern world life dictates its own rules and procedures also with respect to advertising. But how is it possible to attract attention of a potential buyer, to maximally interest him in products or services? The answer is pretty simple. People’s purchases base on their inner convictions and preferences, which, in turn, are generated by information received from outside. Organizations involved in the production and provision of services have long understood this pattern. This is what can justify the emergence of such a linguistic phenomenon as «storytelling». Research experts and experience in the field of advertising proved effectiveness of its application. It should be noted that the storytelling technology is based on the legend genre. In other words, in order for potential buyers to have an interest in relation to the consumption of a certain type of product or service, they should be as interested as possible by presenting relevant information. The legend used for this is nothing more than a narration about a product or service in a somewhat embellished form, aimed at influencing the target audience. In order for the legend, as the basis of the storytelling technology in advertising, to succeed, it is necessary that it meets certain language requirements. It should be emotional, bright, rich, etc. Urgency of the problem associated with the study of topics, voiced in the subject of the article, is justified by topicality of the studied issue, its influence on the life of society.La vida del mundo moderno dicta sus propias reglas y procedimientos también con respecto a la publicidad. Pero, ¿cómo es posible atraer la atención de un comprador potencial para que le interese al máximo en productos o servicios? La respuesta es bastante simple. Las compras de personas se basan en sus convicciones y preferencias internas, que, a su vez, son generadas por la información recibida del exterior. Las organizaciones involucradas en la producción y provisión de servicios han entendido por mucho tiempo este patrón. Esto es lo que puede justificar la aparición de un fenómeno tan lingüístico como la «narración de historias». Los expertos en investigación y la experiencia en el campo de la publicidad proporcionan la efectividad de su aplicación. Cabe señalar que la tecnología de narración se basa en el género de leyenda. En otras palabras, para que los compradores potenciales tengan interés en relación con el consumo de un determinado tipo de producto o servicio, deben estar lo más interesados posible al presentar la información relevante. La leyenda utilizada para esto no es más que una narración sobre un producto o servicio en una forma un tanto embellecida, dirigida a influir en el público objetivo. Para que la leyenda, como la base de la tecnología de narración en publicidad, tenga éxito, es necesario que cumpla con ciertos requisitos lingüísticos. Debe ser emocional, brillante, rico, etc. La urgencia del problema asociado al estudio de temas, expresado en el tema del artículo, justificado por la actualidad del tema estudiado, su influencia en la vida de la sociedad.Современная мировая жизнь диктует свои правила и процедуры и в отношении рекламы. Но как можно привлечь внимание потенциального покупателя, максимально заинтересовать его товарами или услугами? Ответ довольно прост. Покупки людей основываются на их внутренних убеждениях и предпочтениях, которые, в свою очередь, порождаются информацией, полученной извне. Организации, занимающиеся производством и оказанием услуг, давно поняли эту закономерность. Именно этим можно обосновать появление такого лингвистического феномена, как «сторителлинг». Исследования специалистов и опыт работы в области рекламы доказали эффективность ее применения. Следует отметить, что технология повествования основана на жанре легенды. Другими словами, для того чтобы потенциальные покупатели имели интерес в отношении потребления определенного вида продукции или услуги, они должны быть максимально заинтересованы в представлении соответствующей информации. Используемая для этого легенда-не более чем повествование о товаре или услуге в несколько приукрашенной форме, направленное на воздействие на целевую аудиторию. Для того чтобы легенда, как основа технологии повествования в рекламе, имела успех, необходимо, чтобы она отвечала определенным языковым требованиям. Оно должно быть эмоциональным, ярким, насыщенным и т. д. Актуальность проблемы, связанной с изучением тем, озвученных в теме статьи, обосновывается актуальностью изучаемого вопроса, его влиянием на жизнь общества

    Verification of communicative types in the judicial public space of media discourse in the USA, Kazakhstan and Russia as a psycholinguistic marker of fact-checking

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    Modern psycholinguistic research and fact-checking actively explore the space of media discourse. However, the representation of the judicial space in the mass media has not been sufficiently studied due to the peculiarities of communicative behavior in the judicial and legal space of the ethno-socius and the attitude to the judiciary. The authors hypothesize that the differences in public behavior in court and the coverage of the work of courts in the American, Kazakh and Russian media are due to the socio-cultural features of the phenomena of judicial and legal communication in public space under the influence of established traditions in such coordinate systems as “person – judicial system”, “openness – closeness of society”, “unity – disunity of society”, “accessibility – stigmatization”, “court – journalistic investigation”, etc. The results confirm the hypothesis of the authors' team, revealing the difference in the perception of the judicial system in the USA, Kazakhstan and Russia, illustrating the "rejection" of the Soviet and post-Soviet stigmatization of the judicial and legal space by the Kazakh society towards democratic norms. The prospects of the study are related to the subsequent development of an automatic system for evaluating speech behavior strategies in court and their coverage in the media as a category of fact-checking


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    The article analyzes the origin, development and application of the term “Information War” in the international media space. The main purpose of the work is the theoretical substantiation of the concepts and definitions related to information technology impact on the mass consciousness. The article considers the root causes of the formation of the concept of information wars, their application in the international media space. The terminological analysis allows us to determine the relationship of propaganda, psychological war, information war and media space over the past hundred years. New concepts and definitions contribute to the understanding of information technology impact on mass consciousness. Separatism has been replaced by a new threat: the growth of xenophobia and related extremist ideologies, which receive a new sound in the era of the information society. The informational semantic blow disorients the person; informational-emotional - destroys its ability to adequate perception, makes it insensitive or irritable; informational and moral - destroys former regulatory ideas about good and evil in a person, and, finally, an informational historical blow leads to the fact that a person ceases to understand who he is and begins to forget his roots. A person loses all of his shells, built up in his culture, and is devoid of tradition and soil by the atom. Atomization of society turns people into a cluster of indifferent people who stop experiencing and reacting.El artículo analiza el origen, desarrollo y aplicación del término “Guerra de la información” en el espacio de los medios internacionales. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la fundamentación teórica de los conceptos y definiciones relacionados con el impacto de la tecnología de la información en la conciencia de masas. El artículo considera las causas fundamentales de la formación del concepto de guerras de información, su aplicación en el espacio de los medios internacionales. El análisis terminológico nos permite determinar la relación de propaganda, guerra psicológica, guerra de información y espacio mediático en los últimos cien años. Los nuevos conceptos y definiciones contribuyen a la comprensión del impacto de la tecnología de la información en la conciencia de masas. El separatismo ha sido reemplazado por una nueva amenaza: el crecimiento de la xenofobia y las ideologías extremistas relacionadas, que reciben un nuevo sonido en la era de la sociedad de la información. El golpe semántico informativo desorienta a la persona; informativo-emocional: destruye su capacidad de percepción adecuada, la hace insensible o irritable; informativo y moral: destruye las antiguas ideas reglamentarias sobre el bien y el mal en una persona y, finalmente, un golpe histórico informativo lleva al hecho de que una persona deja de entender quién es y comienza a olvidar sus raíces. Una persona pierde todas sus conchas, construidas en su cultura, y carece de tradición y suelo por el átomo. La atomización de la sociedad convierte a las personas en un grupo de personas indiferentes que dejan de experimentar y reaccionar.В статье анализируется происхождение, развитие и применение термина "информационная война" в международном медиапространстве. Основной целью работы является теоретическое обоснование понятий и определений, связанных с воздействием информационных технологий на массовое сознание. В статье рассматриваются причины формирования концепции информационных войн, их применение в международном медиа-пространстве. Терминологический анализ позволяет определить взаимосвязь пропаганды, психологической войны, информационной войны и медиапространства за последние сто лет. Новые концепции и определения способствуют пониманию влияния информационных технологий на массовое сознание. Сепаратизм сменился новой угрозой: ростом ксенофобии и связанных с ней экстремистских идеологий, получивших новое звучание в эпоху информационного общества. Информационный семантический удар дезориентирует человека; информационно-эмоциональный - разрушает его способность к адекватному восприятию, делает его нечувствительным или раздражительным; информационный и моральный - разрушает прежние регулятивные представления о добре и зле в человеке, и, наконец, информационный исторический удар приводит к тому, что человек перестает понимать, кто он такой, и начинает забывать свои корни. Человек теряет все свои оболочки, построенные в его культуре, и лишен традиций. Атомизация общества превращает людей в скопление равнодушных людей, которые перестают переживать и реагировать

    The Use of Stable Expressions in Modern Economic Discourse as an Emotional Increase in the Potential Impact on Purchasing Power

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    This study is an attempt to analyse economic discourse metaphors and stable expressions. Significant attention is paid to metaphor creative potential in the field of terms formation as well as representation of certain aspects of economic reality events. Some rhetoric models are especially studied from the point of view of their rhetoric impact on the potential audience. The market of goods and services began to develop rapidly in the modern consumer society, and as a result, the corpus of language tools began to expand to attract the attention of potential recipients of goods and services. Economics and linguistics are two spheres of science that are united by humans – acting and thinking/ speaking. Modern consumer society requires members of society equipped with economic knowledge that facilitate the process of acquiring something. Today, advertising with economic terminology is becoming more diverse, and it can be targeted at professionals and the broadest segments of the population. Recently, not only linguistic but also paralinguistic levels of advertising discourse realisation have become more and more relevant. The authors consider the phenomenon of linguistic metaphors in economic advertising discourse. The complexity of understanding the material is due to the use of linguistic and cultural stereotypes of the local type. The authors propose to pay attention to the fact of using metaphors of a language culture to attract potential consumers of economic services and create an image of an attractive product of economic discourse in one of the primary mechanisms for managing economic interests in the consumer society. Hence, there is a need to study economic terminology and its functioning in modern economic discourse. This study considers the metaphors of economic discourse as a manifestation of his interdiscursive nature. We analyse the compatibility of economic metaphors with national and cultural symbols and possibilities to influence the audience

    A glossy magazine discourse of the early twenty-first century as a tool of globalization: Sochi school of linguistics and rhetoric

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    The authors consider the discourse of a glossy magazine. They highlight the glossy magazine discourse, which appears in the framework of the General media discourse as an institutional discourse from the standpoint of the linguistical-rhetorical paradigm (LRP) of the Sochi scientific school. This type of discourse is a discursive process of a special type, acts as an explicit tool of globalization. The authors emphasize the novelty of this discourse in the context of its influence on the formation and transformation of the modern linguistic personality. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the fact that the glossy magazine discourse is the latest in terms of the chronology of the historical process. In addition, he actualizes the poly-ethno-socio-cultural and educational space (PESCES) of the beginning of the XXI century, on the example of glossy magazine discourse practices in Russia. For the first time, Glossy magazine discourse stimulates transformations in line with the leading trend of the formation of the "planetary language personality (PLP)" - globalization in the value orientations of the "philosophy of glamour"

    Negativizing emotive coloronyms: A Kazakhstan-US Ethno-Psycholinguistic comparison

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    Neurotargeting prioritizes emotions in understanding collective unconscious and individual behavior. Comparative emotive linguistics reveals cross-cultural emotional expression variations. Despite extensive emotion research, gaps remain due to differing response norms. Psychology understands emotions well, but lacks universal classification, hindering linguistic description. Confusion between emotion and emotive obscures psychophysiological and verbal distinctions. Nonverbal emotives, reflecting emotions, require analysis of generation and expression mechanisms. This study examines color's role in conveying negative emotions in Kazakh writer A. Nurpeisov's "Blood and Sweat" and American writer T. Dreiser's "Trilogy of Desire." Authors use linguistic and nonverbal methods to portray emotions. Hypothesis: color as emotive state designation functions with "permissible-unacceptable" and "good-bad" evaluations, evident in shaping emotional reality perception. Analyzing coloristic negative emotives uncovers ethno-cultural metaphorical models, connecting emotive coloronyms with basic emotional concepts. Findings aid standardizing cognitive mechanisms for understanding mental experiences and comparative emotive linguistic terminology