27 research outputs found

    Features of the Physical Development of Children of Primary Stage of Education Who are Engaged in Swimming

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    У статті наведено річні темпи приросту довжини тіла, маси тіла й окружності грудної клітки у хлопчиків і дівчаток, які займаються плаванням; індивідуальні можливості дітей 7 – 10 років до спринтерської та стаєрської роботи. Установлено, що ефективність тривалого процесу юних плавців залежить від характеру й темпу розвитку морфологічних особливостей організму дітей. In the article the year’s rates of increase length of boys and width pelvis in the girls that to be occupied with swimming are examined. The influence of the individual possibilities in the young school age to sprinter and stayer work. Installed that effection of the training of process young swimmers depend on character and rate of progress of the organism children

    Formation of Coordinating Capabilities of Junior Schoolboys on Sectional Employments by a Rhythmic Gymnastics

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    У статті на основі аналізу й узагальнення науково-методичної літератури висвітлені питання розвитку координаційних здібностей молодших школярів у процесі занять із ритмічної гімнастики, яка найбільш відповідає потребам, здібностям та можливостям дітей молодшого шкільного віку й має цінний педагогічний потенціал для фізичного виховання. In the article on the basis of analysis and generalization scientifically of methodical literature the questions of development of co-ordinating capabilities of junior schoolboys are lighted up in the process of employments of rhythmic gymnastics. A rhythmic gymnastics most answers necessities, capabilities and possibilities of children of midchildhood, and has valuable pedagogical potential for physical education

    Polyurethane–poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) semi- IPN–nanooxide composites

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    Two sets of hybrid polyurethane–poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) semi-interpenetrating polymer network–nanooxide composites with 0.25 or 3 wt% nanosilica or nanoalumina functionalised with OH, NH2 or CHLCH2 groups were prepared. A combination of atomic force microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, thermally stimulated depolarisation current measurement, differential scanning calorimetry and creep rate spectroscopy analysis of the nanostructure and properties of the composites was performed. The pronounced dynamic heterogeneity and the strong impact of oxide additives, basically suppression of the dynamics and temperature-dependent increasing modulus of elasticity, were observed. The effects correlated with either interfacial interactions (for silica) or the nanostructure (for alumina). A low oxide content strongly affected the matrix due to the formation of an unusual cross-linked, via double covalent hybridisation of three components, structure of the nanocomposites

    Preparation of polyclonal and monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies against morphine-specific immunoglobulins

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    The preparation and study of anti-idiotypic (secondary) antibodies (Ab2) against monoclonal primary antibodies (Ab1) specific to biologically active molecules with a known structure is of great scientific and practical importance. Due to partial antigenic similarity of Ab2 and the initial antigen structures, these antibodies can be the basis of the vaccine, if the antigen usage is not possible, or is limited by law. In particular, one may create Ab2-based preparations, designed for immunization, in order to prevent and treat the drug addiction. The value of Ab2 properties increases even more if Ab1, used to obtain them, recognize different parts of the antigen molecule, which makes it possible to obtain second-generation antibodies with a wide range of specificity. In this work, the morphine-like polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 were obtained. In each case, as the first-generation immunoglobulins for immunization, we used two murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to different morphine derivatives: 3K11 antibodies to 3-0-carboxymethyl (CMM) and 2-p-carboxyphenylazomethyl (FAM) derivatives, as well as 6G1 antibodies to 6-hemisuccinyl derivative (GSM). After immunization of the horse with Ab1 and development of immune response, three pools of specific polyclonal antibodies were isolated from the animal blood serum: horse anti-species antibodies to the total mouse immunoglobulins (HAM); horse anti-idiotypic antibodies against 3K11 antibodies (HAM-K11), and against 6G1 antibodies (HAM-G1). In parallel, immunization of mice with 3K11 and 6G1 antibodies and fusion of obtained lymphocytes with Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells by the Milstein-Köhler method resulted in three producers of anti-idiotypic antibodies: a clone producing mouse monoclonal Ab2 specific for mAb-6G1 (AIG1), as well as clones producing anti-mAb-3K11 antibodies (AI-K11A and AI-K11B). The physico-chemical and antigenic properties of all the Ab2 obtained were characterized. It was shown that the horse anti-idiotypic immunoglobulins not only belong to different classes, but are also polyvalent, while all monoclonal Ab2 obtained are represented by IgM immunoglobulins, being also strictly specific to the corresponding first-generation antibodies. Subsequently, the morphine-like properties of the first domestic polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 obtained in the work will be investigated in a cellular model. Likewise, we shall study their ability to induce Ab3 as well as morphine-specific Ab1

    Трудности диагностики детского мультисистемного воспалительного синдрома, ассоциированного с COVID-19, в сочетании с ранней стадией первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19 is a rare life-threatening immunopathological complication of COVID-19 that develops 1-6 weeks after the acute coronavirus infection. MIS-C is characterized by fever and multiorgan inflammation.We present a clinical case of a 10-year-old boy with skin lesions at the onset of MIS-C (erythematous malar rash, lacelike rash on the trunk and extremities and petechiae) with macrophage activation syndrome development and the early stage of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection (EBV infection) which required the exclusion of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.This clinical case demonstrates the complexity of diagnosis in MIS-C with skin manifestations at the onset of the disease, especially with concurrent activation of other infections, particularly EBV infection.Детский мультисистемный воспалительный синдром (ДМВС), ассоциированный с COVID-19 — это редкое жизнеугрожающее иммунопатологическое осложнение, развивающееся через 1-6 недель после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции, протекающее с лихорадкой и мультиорганным воспалением.В статье представлено клиническое наблюдение мальчика в возрасте 10 лет с поражением кожи в дебюте ДМВС в виде полиморфной сыпи (эритема на щеках, сыпь в виде кружевного рисунка на туловище и конечностях, петехии), с одновременным обнаружением маркеров ранней стадии первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ЭБВ), а также развитием гемофагоцитарного синдрома, что потребовало исключения Х-сцепленного лимфопролиферативного синдрома.Данное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует сложность диагностического поиска при кожных проявлениях в дебюте ДМВС, а также возможность сочетания ДМВС с другими инфекциями, в частности с ЭБВ-инфекцией

    Control of Body Loads in the Process of Young Sportswomen Trainings

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    У статті висвітлено загальні закономірності та основні тенденції в плануванні різних за величиною, характером та змістом фізичних навантажень, які стали основою для розробки класифікації фізичних наван тажень у тренувальному процесі юних дзюдоїсток. Завдання дослідження – зробити порівняльний аналіз та оцінку величини фізичних навантажень у тренувальному процесі й дослідити реакцію організму юних спортсменок-дзю¬доїсток на різні види навантаження. Класифікація фізичних навантажень ґрунтується на реакції серцево-судинної системи, що визначається за ЧСС протягом хвилини. Фізичне навантаження, при виконанні якого ЧСС змінюється в межах 80–100 уд. за 1 хв, ми віднесли до “малих”, при “середніх” навантаженнях ЧСС дорівнює 100–120 уд., при “значних” – збільшується до 120–140 уд., при “великих” – до 140–160 уд., а при “максимальних” – 160–180 уд. Це дає змогу встановити контроль за величиною фізичних навантажень і регулювати тренувальний процес. The article gives information about the general peculiarities and main tendencies in planning of body loads of different value, character and content that became the background for development of physical loads classification in the process of young women-judoists training.Objectives of the study: comparative analysis and assessment of the value of physical activity in the training process and investigation of reaction of the body of young athletes for various types of loads. Classification of physical activity is based on the reaction of cardiovascular system which is determined by heart rate per minute. Exercise when the heart rate which varies in the range of 80–100 bpm, we assigned to the “small”, with “average” stress in heart rate is 100–120 bpm., with “significant” – is increased to 120–140 bpm., with “large” – up to 140–160 bpm. and with “maximum” – 160–180 bpm. This makes it possible to establish control over the value of physical activity and regulate the training process

    Parvovirus b19 infection in children in the district pediatrician's practice

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    At present, an increasing number of researchers are turning their attention to various exanthemas. The article provides a brief literature review of the current concepts of parvovirus B19 infection in children, and personal observations of district paediatricians in a municipal children's clinic. Based on the obtained findings, practical recommendations for pediatricians and general practitioners are offered


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    Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome (ICD-10 code: Q 87.3) is a congenital disease characterized by macrosomia, macroglossia, hernia umbilical cord, overgrowth in the first few years of life, asymmetry of the body and a predisposition to embryonal tumor development. The disease was first described by American pathologist J.V. Beckwith in 1963 and, independently of him, by the German pediatrician H.R. Wiedemann in 1964. Thereafter, it was named the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome to honor of these scientists [1--4]