83 research outputs found

    Continuous Time Least Square PI Control Method for Quasi-Z Source Inverter

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    This paper presents the proposed model of proportional Integral (PI) controller using continuous time least square method (CT-LSM) for a quasi-Z source inverter (qZSI). PI control is one of the most applicable control methods in power systems. Then, CT-LSM is mainly a statistical optimization method including parameter estimation for nonlinear systems to control. The proposed model is designed to set a control structure without using the nonlinear loads of qZSI and also improve PI control applications against the nonlinear system dynamics. Controller design for qZSI is divided into two parts which are explained as dc side and ac side in both two mode operations. For the dc side of the system, PI controller is designed according to approved system and its estimated parameters which are calculated from state space analysis of qZSI. As for the ac side, the voltage and current regulations are controlled in order to transfer the power to inverter legs based on design criteria. Simulation results by using the current qZSI model on Matlab/Simulink are used to research and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed control design

    Severe head trauma in children: Analysis of 68 cases in light of current guidelines

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    Aim: To assess the characteristics of severe head trauma in the pediatric age group and to analyze its results under the currentguideline.Material and Methods: Eighty pediatric patients (<18 years) admitted to our hospital with the diagnosis of severe head trauma andtreated by neurosurgery and the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) between 2014 and 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. Of these,68 patients who met the study criteria were selected. Besides the demographic data of the patients, the presenting neurologic, clinic,radiologic and laboratory findings were recorded. Then the association between these variables and 1-year Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS) scores was analyzed.Results: There is a correlation between the presenting GCS scores and 1-year GOS scores of the patients when grouped as favorable(4-5) and unfavorable (1-3). Regarding the other admission findings, the patients with hypothermia, the patients with hyperglycemia,the patients to whom CPR was applied, the patients with pupillary areflexia, the patients with hypoxia and the patients with neurologicaldeterioration have lower 1-year GOS scores. There was no difference between the gender, age, type of injury, type of trauma (isolatedhead trauma or multiple trauma), presence of shock on admission, having hematoma surgery, having decompressive craniectomy,treatment with ICP monitoring and 1-year GOS scores. The overall mortality rate was 29.4% (20 patients), and the rate of poorprognosis (GOS 1-3) was 48.5% (33 patients).Conclusion: Children with severe head trauma should be treated at centers that are experienced in the field per updated guidelines.Since the morbidity and mortality rates of severe head trauma are still high, efforts toward improving preventive measures shouldalso be considered

    The Prevalence of Antinuclear Antibodies in Patients with Sarcoidosis

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    Introduction. Sarcoidosis, which is a chronic inflammatory granulomatous disease, can mimic different rheumatologic diseases including connective tissue diseases. Antinuclear antibodies are the markers used for connective tissue diseases. Aim. To determine antinuclear antibody frequency and any possible correlation with clinical and laboratory data in sarcoidosis patients. Material and Method. Forty-two sarcoidosis patients, 45 rheumatoid arthritis patients, and 45 healthy volunteers who were followed up in rheumatology outpatient clinic were included in this study. Demographic, clinical, serological, and radiological data of all patients were recorded. Antinuclear antibodies were determined with indirect immunofluorescent method and 1/100 titration was accepted as positive. The cases that were ANA positive were evaluated with immunoblot method. Results. Average age of the 42 patients (10 males) with sarcoidosis was 45.2 (20–70 years), and average disease duration was 3.5 years. ANA positivity was detected in 12 (28.5%) patients with sarcoidosis (1/100 in 10 patients, 1/320 in two patients), in 19 of RA patients (42.2%), and in two of healthy volunteers in low titer (P<0.001). In the subgroup analysis made by immunblot test, one patient had anticentromere antibody, one had anti-Ro antibody, one had anti-Scl-70 antibody, one had anti-dsDNA antibody, and eight patients were negative. The two patients who had anticentromere and anti-Scl-70 antibodies had also Sjögren’s syndrome and scleroderma diagnosis, respectively. Discussion. The prevalence of ANA in patients with sarcoidosis was found to be significantly higher than healthy control group and lower than RA patients. This result shows that ANA may have an important role in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis and also could be important in revealing the overlap syndromes of sarcoidosis-connective tissue diseases. Further studies with larger series are necessary in this subject

    Effects of lighting programme and early feed restriction on performance, some stress parameters and quality characteristics of breast meat in broilers

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    This study was conducted to determine effects of lighting program and early feed restriction on performance, stress and meat quality characteristics in broilers. Broilers (320) were randomly assigned to 4 groups based on lighting program (23 h lighting, 1 h dark or 16 h light, 8 h dark/day) and feeding program (ad lib. or feed restriction) with 4 replicates. Broilers in feed restricted group received feed as 50% of daily ad lib. consumption recommendations from 8 to 14 days of age. Final body weight, heterophil-lymphocyte ratio (H/L), tonic immobility (TI) duration and the percentages of total SFA of breast meat were lower, whereas the percentages of PUFA and PUFA/SFA were higher for broilers in feed restricted group than those fed ad lib. H-L ratio and TI duration of broilers exposed to 16L:8D were lower than those exposed to continuous lighting. In conclusion, early feed restriction negatively affected growth performance of broilers. However, broilers subjected to early feed restriction had less fat deposition and healthier fatty acid profile in breast meat and also they had less stress level, compared to ad lib. fed broilers. Lighting program of 16L:8D decreased the stress situation of broilers without any negative effect on production performance and meat quality characteristics

    The invetigations of the works of ismael al-qonawi on science of discourse (Kalam)

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    Devrinin büyük âlimlerinden olan İsmâil el-Konevî’nin (ö. 1195/1781) kaleme aldığı risâleleri kelam ilmine dâir mühim meseleleri açıklığa kavuşturmaktadır. İsmâil Efendi yer yer el-Beydâvî (ö. 684/1286) tefsîri üzerine yaptığı hâşiyeye ilâvelerde bulunmakta, yer yer de müstakil konuları ele almak suretiyele gerekli alıntıları yaparak sorulan sorulara cevap vermektedir. Çalışmada sekiz risâlenin tahkîkini yapılmıştır. İsmâil el-Konevî birinci risâlesinde kelimei tevhîdi, ikinci risâlesinde Allah Teâlâ’nın ilminin herşeyi kapsamasını, üçüncü risâlesinde kıyametten sonra tekrar dirilmenin cisimle olmasını, dördüncü risâlesinde mükelleflerin tâkatinin yetmeyeceği şeylerden sorumlu olup olmamasını, beşinci risâlesinde Kur’ân’ın mukadderâtını, altıncı risâlesinde نَو خ ﴿ ع ِ اد خُيَ َ َ للا ين الَّذِ َ خ و وا ن َ ﴾ آم) el-Bakara, 2/9) âyetinin içerdiği kelâmi konuyu, yedinci risâlesinde ﴿ َن لَو َكا ا َ ِهم ي ِ ف ة َ ِ َِّّل آِل إ خ َت َ للا َد َس َ ﴾ فَل) el-Enbiyâ, 21/22) âyetindeki kelâmi konuyu, sekizinci risâlesinde de Allah Teâlâ’nın ilmini ele almaktadır. Eserlerin tahkîkinde, bulduğumuz yazma eserlerin dört tanesinden istifâde edilmiştir. Bu nüshalardan س harfiyle işaret edilen İstanbul nüshası, ر harfiyle işaret edilen Kayseri nüshası, ص harfiyle işaret ettiğimiz Köprülü Ktp. nüshası ve ك harfiyle işaret edilen Süleymaniye Kılıç Ali Paşa nüshasıdır. Tahkik yapılırken alıntı eserlerin kaynakları ve yeri belirtilmiş, meşhur olmayan kişiler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.The main purpose of this study is to make the great Islamic scholar Ismael Al-Qonawi (b. 1195/1781) recognized by scholars and to bring his works of the Science of Discourse in today and to present them to the benefit of the scholars. Ismael Efendi, because he is one of the great scholars of the era, clarifies the important issues of the science of discourse by his papers that he wrote. Ismael Efendi sometimes adds to his annotation on al-Beydâvî’s commentary (Tafser) (b.684/1286) and sometimes he deals with individual issues. He makes the necessary quotations and answers the questions asked. The papers that we work and examine are eight pieces: In the first paper, he deals the word of tawhid; in the second paper, the science of Allah encompasses all things; in the third paper, the resurrection in the doomsday to be with the body; in the fourth paper, whether or not the obligants are responsible for the things that they cannot condone; in the fifth paper, the destiny of Quran; in the sixth paper, the subject of discourse including the verse خوا﴾ ن َ آم َ ين َّذِ ال َ خوَن هللاَ و ع ادِ َيُخ]﴿9 / 2 ،البقرة ;[in the seventh paper, the subject in the verse نَ َكا ْ ﴿لَو َدَت َ لََفس ََِّّل هللاخ ةٌ إ َ ِ ا آِل َ يِهم ِ ﴾ ف[, 22/ 21 ،األنبيآء ]and finally, in the eighth paper, the science of Allah the Greatest. In the examination of the works, we benefitted from three of the works that we found. These copies are the copy of Istanbul indicated in the letter س ,the copy of Kayseri indicated with the letter ر ,and the copy of Süleymaniye Kılıç Ali Pasha indicated in the .ك letter The sources and place of the quoted works were stated during the investigation. It is informed about unrecognized people

    Mediating role of psychological well-being in the effect of human resources practices on employee performance: the case of participation banks

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    Bu çalışma, insan kaynakların uygulamalarının çalışan performansına etkisinde psikolojik iyi oluşun aracı rolünü ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda Türkiyede faaliyet gösteren 6 farklı katılım bankasında görev yapan personel ile anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerle güvenirlik analizi, açımlayıcı/keşfedici faktör analizi, betimleyici analizler, normal dağılım testleri, korelasyon analizi, regresyon analizi, t-testi ve anova analizleri, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modellemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda insan kaynakları uygulamalarını temsil eden en önemli boyut ödüllendirme, psikolojik iyi oluşu temsil eden en önemli boyutun ise olumlu ilişkiler olduğu görülmüştür. Katılımcıların insan kaynakları uygulamalarına yönelik algısı, psikolojik iyi oluş durumları ve çalışma performanslarının çalıştıkları departmana, unvanlarına, kurumda çalışma sürelerine, kurumun faaliyet sınırı ve faaliyet alanına, cinsiyetlerine ve medeni durumlarına göre farklılaşmaktadır. İnsan kaynakları uygulamaları; psikolojik iyi oluş ve çalışan performansının önemli bir yordayıcısı konumundadır. Psikolojik iyi oluş ise çalışan performansını yordamaktadır. Çalışmada elde edilen faktörler bir model dahilinde ele alındığında, psikolojik iyi oluş hali, insan kaynakları uygulamalarının çalışan performansı üzerindeki etkisine aracılık etmektedir. Çalışanlar iş yerinde iletişime önem vermektedir. Bununla birlikte çalışmakta oldukları kurumların kendileriyle iletişimine yönelik tutumları kararsızlık seviyesindedir. İnsan kaynakları uygulamalarının ortaklaşa kazanç üzerine inşa edilmesi, çalışanlara yönelik plan ve politikaların salt onların performansını yükseltmeye odaklanmaması ve yürütülen politikalarda çalışanların psikolojik konforlarının da göz önünde tutulması gerekmektedir.This study aims to reveal the view of participation banks employees towards human resources practices, the relationship between their psychological well-being and their work performance. In the study, a survey was conducted with employees of 6 different participation banks that are active in Turkey. With the data obtained; reliability analysis, exploratory/exploratory factor analysis, descriptive analysis, normal distribution tests, correlation analysis, regression analysis, t-test and anova analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were performed. As a result of the analyzes, it was seen that the most important dimension representing human resources practices was rewarding, and the most important dimension representing psychological well-being was positive relationships. The participants' perceptions of human resources practices, their psychological well-being and work performance differ according to the department they work for, their titles, the duration of work in the institution, the activity limit and field of activity of the institution, their gender and marital status. Human resources practices are an important predictor of psychological well-being and employee performance. Psychological well-being predicts employee performance. When the factors obtained in the study are handled within a model, psychological well-being mediates the effect of human resources practices on employee performance. Employees attach importance to communication with employees. However, the attitudes of the institutions they work with towards communication with them are at the level of indecision. Human resources practices should be built on mutual gain, plans and policies for employees should not only focus on improving their performance, and the psychological comfort of employees should be considered in the policies implemented

    A New Compression Design that Increases Proximal Locking Screw Bending Resistance in Femur Compression Nails

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    Our aim is to present our new method of compression, a compression tube instead of conventional compression screw and to investigate the difference of proximal locking screw bending resistance between compression screw application (6 mm wide contact) and compression tube (two contact points with 13 mm gap) application. We formed six  groups each consisting of 10  proximal locking screws. On metal cylinder representing lesser trochanter level, we performed 3-point bending tests with compression screw and with compression tube. We determined the yield points of the screws in 3-point bending tests using an axial compression testing machine. We determined the yield point of 5mm screws as 1963± 53 N (mean±SD) with compression screw, and as 2929±140 N with compression tubes. We found 51 % more locking screw bending resistance with compression tube than with compression screw (p=0,000). Therefore compression tubes instead of compression screw must be preferred at femur compression nails

    Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne Başvuran Adli Nitelikteki Olguların Dağılımı 1994-2006

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    Dentofasial yaralanmalar, diş hekimliği açısından günlük rutin uygulamalarda fazla yer tutmayan ancak, getirdiği adli ve tıbbi sorumluluklar açısından hiç de küçümsenemeyecek konulardan birisidir. Tanımlayıcı tipteki çalışmamızda; Ocak 1994 - Şubat 2006 yılları arasında Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi (OMÜ) Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne müracaat eden adli nitelikteki olgulara ait özelliklerin (sosyodemografik özellikler, olayın türü, kırık yeri, radyolojik inceleme, klinik tanı tedavi şekli, ek hasar, sekel kalıp kalmadığı, diş kaybının varlığı, cerrahi uygulanıp uygulanmadığı) belirlenmesi ve bu konuda yapılmış benzer çalışmalarla karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamındaki 53 kişinin yaş ortalaması 32,8 + 16,08 (7-76) yıldır. 46’sı (%86,8) erkek, 7’si (%13,2) kadındır. Dentofasiyal travma geçiren 53 olgunun; ll’i (%20,8) serbest meslek sahibi, 10’u (%18,9) öğrenci, 8’i çiftçi, 12’si (%22,6) diğer meslek gruplarından olup 12’sinin (%22,6) mesleği belirtilmemiştir. Orijinleri incelendiğinde sırasıyla en fazla 34 (%64,2) kişi darp, 11 (%20,8) kişi de trafik kazası nedeniyle başvurmuştur. Panorex grafi, tanı amacıyla en sık yapılan tetkik olup 48 (%90,6) olguda çekilmiştir. Olguların 5 Tinde (%96,2) yüz ya da çene kemiklerinde kırık saptanmıştır. Darp sonucu gelen 34 kişinin 33’ünde (%97,1) ve trafik kazası sonucu gelen 11 kişinin 10’unda (%90,9) kırık olduğu saptanmıştır. Olgular alveoler kırık ve diş kayıpları açısından incelendiğinde; 13 olguda (%24,5) alveoler kırık, 23 (%43,4) olguda en az bir diş kaybı olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak; bugüne kadar tıp fakülteleri içerisindeki bazı bölümlerce müdahale edilen ve adli tıbbi işlemleri yapılan dentofasiyal travmalı olguların, bundan sonra diş hekimliği fakültelerindeki cerrahi servis ve yetişmiş uzman sayısındaki artış nedeniyle bu fakültelere kayacağı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle adli süreçte bir hataya neden olmamak ve yasal bir yaptırımla karşılaşmamak için, diş hekimlerine adli odontoloji konusunda meslek içi eğitimler verilmesi faydalı olacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Dentofasial yaralanmalar, adli olgu, kırı

    Application of wireless audio transmission circuit using laser technology

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    In technology, we see major innovation and improvements in our daily tools and machines. Meanly, technology is in constant race to get better than yesterday. It has been amazing upwards trend in technology over last 20 years to the level of „space time”. One of the major technology development areas are in the laser field. Although laser technology has been out there for many years, we have seen tremendous new laser applications recently. We are taking advantage of laser technology in all aspects of our life. As long as we use its precise and right parametric range, we get very valuable results. In this study, general information about lasers and laser wireless audio transmission circuit application was designed