18 research outputs found


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    The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the implementation of the al-Adl Concept on the Practices of Muzara'ah and Mukhabarah. This research particularly examined and determined the most suitable profit-sharing contract decisions to be applied to the leading agricultural sector in Bantaeng Regency. A qualitative research design was adopted in this study by using a phenomenological research approach. The data collection methods used in this study were observation, document analysis, and direct interviews with several informants. The data of this research were analyzed using descriptive qualitative data analysis and pairwise comparison scale qualitative analysis using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The study results indicated that the community's practices of muzara'ah and mukhabarah in Bantaeng Regency had been well conducted

    Hukum Perbankan Syariah

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    Sejalan dengan perkembangan industri keuangan syariah/perbankan syariah maka industri keuangan syariah harus menempatkan aspek hukum sebagai bagian terpenting dalam kegiatan dan usaha perbankan syariah. Hal ini sesuai dengan tuntutan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh industri keuangan syariah/perbankan syariah. Buku ini sangat berguna dan bermanfaat bagi akademisi, praktisi hukum, advokat yang menangani sengketa ekonomi syariah/perbankan syariah serta mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan perbankan syariah, hukum perbankan syariah, ekonomi syariah dan hukum ekonomi syaria


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    The main problem of this research is how to empower society through utilizing productive zakat at the Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi. This study classifies the main issue into three problems: (1) What is productive zakat utilization in the Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi? (2) What factors influence society empowerment through utilizing productive zakat in Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi? And (3) The impact of the utilization of productive zakat at Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi on Society Empowerment. The approach used in this study was qualitative descriptive in terms of Case study. The results of this study were; First, the form of productive zakat utilization carried out by Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi, namely 1). Surplus Zakat Budget; refers to Amil’s zakat funds as companies’ funding by making mustahik zakat as workers. 2) In-Kind; refers to zakat funds given in the form of production tools used by mustahik to run a productive business. 3). Revolving Fund; it refers to the utilization of zakat by providing loan funds to mustahik in the form of qardhul hasan or benevolent loans.The main problem of this research is how to empower society through utilizing productive zakat at the Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi. This study classifies the main issue into three problems: (1) What is productive zakat utilization in the Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi? (2) What factors influence society empowerment through utilizing productive zakat in Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi? And (3) The impact of the utilization of productive zakat at Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi on Society Empowerment. The approach used in this study was qualitative descriptive in terms of Case study. The results of this study were; First, the form of productive zakat utilization carried out by Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakat institution of South Sulawesi, namely 1). Surplus Zakat Budget; refers to Amil’s zakat funds as companies’ funding by making mustahik zakat as workers. 2) In-Kind; refers to zakat funds given in the form of production tools used by mustahik to run a productive business. 3). Revolving Fund; it refers to the utilization of zakat by providing loan funds to mustahik in the form of qardhul hasan or benevolent loans


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    This artickel discusses the system of recruitment of an employee at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Bone. One of the activities that are important in the management of human resources is a recruitment of employees. If in terms of recruitment of insufficient surely will result in employees who are not qualified in accordance with the company's expectations. Subject matter in the study is how the system of recruitment, selection, and placement of an employee at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Bone. The purpose of this research is to know the system of recruitment of an employee at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Bone. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study, methods of data collection consists of observation, interviews, and documentation, data processed with three stages namely reduction data, data verification and interpretation of the data by analysis approach sociological, and philosophical approach. The research found that the system 1) recruitment of employees at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Bone based on the analysis of the needs of employees, the recruitment process is carried out by means of: a) the preparation of the strategy of recruiting, b) search applicants-applicants, c) allowance for applicants-applicants that are not relevant or that don't match and the creation of groups of applicants. In the process of recruiting employees at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Bone yet it all fits with the theory that there is, especially in terms of employee experience more diutakan than the scientific background is concerned, have not put forward analysis feasibility and appropriateness with the Shariah-compliant management approaches include shiddi > q, ama > well, fat} a > well, and tabligh.


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    Tulisan ini mengurai tentang perkembangan pembangunan ekonomi kawasan perbatasan negara Indonesia Malaysia di Sambas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus (case study). pengumpulan data secara detail dengan menggunakan berbagai macam prosedur baik dengan observasi, wawancara, maupun dengan studi dokumentasi serta dalam waktu yang berkelanjutan. Adapun jenis studi yang dipakai yakni studi mengenai model pengembangan ekonomi kawasan perbatasan negara Indonesia Malaysia di Sambas perspektif ekonomi Islam. Untuk melihat strategi pengembangan kawasan perbatasan negara Indonesia Malaysia di Sambas, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis mendalam terhadap kinerja Bagian Pengelolaan Perbatasan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Sambas. Kemudian akan dikembangkan kesimpulan sementara sebagai bahan dalam pengamatan selanjutnya. Sumber data primer adalah pihak expert/ ahli atau orang-orang yag terlibat langsung dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan kawasan perbatasan negara di Kabupaten Sambas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis ekonomi Kabupaten Sambas menunjukkn bahwa pembangunan infrastruktur kawasan perbatasan Indonesia Malaysia di Sambas yang sedemikian pesatnya hakikatnya belum mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat perbatasan itu sendiri. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan tipologi daerah menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Sambas adalah merupakan daerah relatif tertinggal (low growth and low income), yang memiliki rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih rendah dari rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, dengan rata-rata kontribusi sektoral hanya 5,37 persen. Adapun yang menjadi sektor potensial di Kabupaten Sambas adalah sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan. Sedangkan salah satu sektor berkembang yang harus diperhatikan adalah sektor  penyediaan akomodasi dan makan minum


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    The aim of this essay is to analyze the influence of falah value in culture and local wisdom trade of Sambas  in Malay Temajuk people. Then we will find a tremendous fact, that our culture and local wisdom has an falah value. Talking about culture, culture is something very important in a society, because culture is an identity. Culture makes a society different with the other society. In a society, culture has a value, but it different in every societies, because it is influence by society background. Temajuk culture is different with Arabic culture. Arabic culture influnce by desert, so they live in hard life, that is completely different with Temajuk life because they live in fertile area. Fertile area will create a tremendous culture, namely local wisdom. Local wisdom in a society could influenced by religion. In Temajuk, local wisdom was influenced by Islamic value. It happened, since Islam had becomed a majority that influenced every people in our society. Further, Temajuk had a local wisdom trade than it was combined with Islam, especially Islamic value. It made a trade culture has Falah value

    Eksponential Smoothing Model untuk Mengintensifkan Dana Pihak Ketiga Bank Umum Syariah

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    Abstrak Pertumbuhan setiap bank sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan kemampuannya menghimpun dana masyarakat. Meramalkan pertumbuhan dana pihak ketiga dimaksudkan untuk memprediksi nilai penjualan yang diharapkan selama periode waktu tertentu dan memberikan informasi kepada bank syariah untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang intensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui gambaran umum terhadap dana pihak ketiga, kemudian dilakukan peramalan untuk memprediksi dana pihka ketiga yang akan datang menggunakan metode Holt Winter’s Exponential Smoothing. Data diperoleh dari statistic perbankan Syariah januari 2018 sampai dengan desember 2020. Dengan metode ini selain dapat memprediksi dana pihak ketiga mendatang (januari sampai desember 2021) dan untuk mengetahui akurasi/ketepatan dalam peramalannya menggunakan nilai MAPE (Mean Absolute Precentage Error). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Dana Pihak Ketiga baik giro wadiah dan tabungan wadiah meningkat walaupun terjadi Pandemi Covid karena kerpercayaan nasabah pada bank Syariah. Hasil peramalan menemukan DPK investasi NPS baik tabungan, giro dan deposito mengalami penurunan hingga akhir 2021. Kata Kunci: Dana Pihak Ketiga, Giro, Tabungan, Deposito, Exponential Smooting Abstract The growth of each bank is strongly influenced by the development of its ability to collect public funds. Forecast the growth of third party funds to predict the expected sales value over a certain period of time and provide Islamic banks to develop intensive marketing strategies. This study uses descriptive analysis to find out the general picture of third party funds, then forecasting is carried out to predict future third party funds using the Holt Winter's Exponential Smoothing method. Data obtained from Islamic banking statistics from January 2018 to December 2020. With this method, apart from being able to predict future third party funds (January to December 2021) and to find out the accuracy/accuracy in forecasting using the MAPE (Mean Absolute Precentage Error) value. The results showed that Third Party Funds, both wadiah current accounts and wadiah savings, increased despite the Covid pandemic due to customer trust in Islamic banks. Forecasting results found that NPS investment deposits, both savings, current accounts and time deposits, decreased until the end of 2021. Keywords: Third Party Funds, both, current accounts,deposit