2,854 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Popular Path Planning Algorithms

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    The navigation of mobile robots is a key element of autonomous systems, which allows robots to move effectively and securely in changing environments with greater autonomy and precision. This study aims to provide researchers with a comprehensive guide for selecting the best path-planning methods for their particular projects. We evaluate some popular algorithms that are regularly used in mobile robot navigation, in order to demonstrate their specifications and determine where they are most effective. For example, one algorithm is used to model the problem as a standard graph, and another algorithm is found to be the most suitable for highly dynamic and highly dimensional environments, due to its robust path-planning capabilities and efficient route construction. We also filter high-performance algorithms in terms of computational complexity, accuracy, and robustness. In conclusion, this study provides valuable information on its individual strengths and weaknesses, helping robotics and engineers make informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate algorithm for their specific applications

    Hileli finansal raporlama riskini ortaya cikaran faktorler : BIST'da bir uygulama

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    The data users need reliable financial statements when they make any decision. In this study we aim to identify the factors that determine fraud risk in financial statements by examining the listed firms in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) over the period 2009 and 2013. Using quarterly data, we included 408 periods belonging 32 firms that have fraud risk and the control group consists of 20 firms with 400 periods in this analysis. By employing logistics regression analysis, we found that receivables turnover, financial leverage, gross profit margin, BV (Book Value) / MV (Market Value), natural logarithm of total assets, the total duration of the firms in the stock exchange, the big four auditing firm and z score are important factors to detect the fraud risk in financial statements. The correct classification rate of the logistic regression analysis is found 75.1%.peer-reviewe

    How do Managers Balance Multiple Incentives? An Examination of Pre-tax and After-tax Targets

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    In this paper, I examine how managers balance multiple incentives. Specifically, I investigate whether managers, whose compensation is based on pre-tax performance metrics, are less likely to achieve analysts’ after-tax earnings expectations. I also examine how investors react to missed analysts’ EPS forecasts when managers’ compensation is based on pre-tax metrics. I find that when compensation incentives are based on pre-tax performance metrics, managers are less likely to meet analysts’ after-tax earnings targets. I also find that the negative market reaction for firms that miss analysts’ EPS targets is incrementally larger in instances where CEOs’ compensation incentives include only pre-tax performance metrics. I add to the literature on executive compensation by documenting that firm performance can be influenced by the way in which managers balance their multiple incentives. I also contribute to the literature on investors’ firm valuation decisions by examining the influence of compensation-specific information on the market reaction to firm performance

    How do Managers Balance Multiple Incentives? An Examination of Pre-tax and After-tax Targets

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    In this paper, I examine how managers balance multiple incentives. Specifically, I investigate whether managers, whose compensation is based on pre-tax performance metrics, are less likely to achieve analysts’ after-tax earnings expectations. I also examine how investors react to missed analysts’ EPS forecasts when managers’ compensation is based on pre-tax metrics. I find that when compensation incentives are based on pre-tax performance metrics, managers are less likely to meet analysts’ after-tax earnings targets. I also find that the negative market reaction for firms that miss analysts’ EPS targets is incrementally larger in instances where CEOs’ compensation incentives include only pre-tax performance metrics. I add to the literature on executive compensation by documenting that firm performance can be influenced by the way in which managers balance their multiple incentives. I also contribute to the literature on investors’ firm valuation decisions by examining the influence of compensation-specific information on the market reaction to firm performance

    Investigation of Arterial Blood Gas in Radial Artery in Patients with Observative Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Objective: Apnea developing during sleep prevents gas exchange in the body for 10 seconds or more. As a result, there is a significant decrease in partial oxygen pressure (PaO2) and a significant increase in partial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) have systemic hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmia, chronicle artery disease, cerebrovascular diseases, and sudden death. The aim of this study is to determine the undiagnosed OSAS by looking at arterial blood gas changes in the radial artery.Materials and Methods: In this study, the patients were divided into two groups according to the severity of OSAS (the first group consisted of 13 patients, Apnea-Hypopnea Index 5 Ap15 and the second group consisted of 11 patients, Apnea-Hypopnea Index 16 and above). Blood samples were taken from radial arteries of patients in two groups. Arterial blood gases between groups; PaO2, PaCO2, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), hydrogen ion concentration (pH) values and accompanying diseases were examined.Results: There was no significant difference between the arterial blood gases values of patients in two groups. This suggests that arterial blood gas values in the blood taken from the radial artery alone cannot diagnose or fail to diagnose OSAS. However, patients in the two groups; 88% chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was found as the concomitant disease. This suggests us thinking that the abnormal blood gas values (PaO2 level below normal limits and PaCO2 level above normal limits) is associated with COPD which accompanies the disease with OSAS.Discussion: Identification and treatment of OSAS prevent the development of complications associated with OSAS and may provide treatment for OSAS. Undiagnosed OSAS may be considered in the presence of abnormalities in the examination of arterial blood gas in the radial artery in patients presenting with OSAS findings (such as snoring, witnessed apnea, daytime sleepiness etc.) and accompanying COPD.This paper is just a sample template for the prospective authors of IISTE Over the decades, the concepts of holons and holonic systems have been adopted in many research fields, but they are scarcely attempted on labour planning. A literature gap exists, thus motivating the author to come up with a holonic model that uses exponential smoothing to forecast some quantitative variables in labour-intensive production. These varying parameters include the machine utilisation that reflects the demand and the worker absenteeism and turnover that constitute the disturbance. Collective equations are formulated to periodically compute the number of workers required. For model validation purpose, twenty-four-month data analysis is conducted on a mock-up basis. Keywords: OSAS; Polysomnography; PaO2; PaCO2; SaO2 DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/74-05 Publication date:May 31st 202

    A Study on the Relationship between the Levels of Loneliness and Smartphone Addiction of Students who are Studying at the Faculty of Sports Science

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students studying at the faculty of sports sciences. The study was conducted with the correlational survey method. The study group consisted of a total of 281 students, 61 females (21.7%) and 220 males (78.3%). In the study, Mobile telephone addiction scale developed by Sar, Ayas, and Horzum (2015) was used to investigate the mobile phone addiction levels of the participants. Loneliness scale developed by Demir (1989) was used to measure loneliness levels. According to the results of the study, there was no statistically significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction of students according to gender and academic achievement variables. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between loneliness and smartphone addiction according to the departments of the students. Looking at the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction levels, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between all sub-dimensions of smartphone addiction and smartphone addiction total score

    Muhasebe manipulasyonun tespitinde Beneish modelinin kullanimi : BIST imalat sanayii sektorunde bir ampirik calisma

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    Falsifications made on financial tables which are the outputs of accounting decreases the confidence relied on the financial statements. Falsified financial reports emerged as a result of manipulation misguide or misdirect the financial statements’ users. In this study, it was researched whether 132 firms continuously operating in Manufacturing Industry sector at Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) between the years of 2010-2012 are drawn to manipulation in accounting. Beneish model is the most preferred model in literature as manipulation identifying model. In the study, logistic regression method was used and it was concluded that the rates as Working Capital/Total Assets(WC/TA), Working Capital/Sales(WC/Sales), Net Working Capital/Sales(NWC/Sales) and Natural Logarithm of Total Debts(NLTD) are effective in identifying the manipulation in accounting.peer-reviewe

    European Passengers Satisfaction And Fairness Perceptions About Turkish Airports

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    The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between personal and flight characteristics of European passengers satisfaction and fairness perceptions about Turkish airports. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 559 European passengers in Turkish Airports. Respondents voluntarily participated to the survey. Self reported questionnaire forms were filled in by the passengers waiting in the international area of the airports in a face to face interview manner. To analyze the collected data, independent sample of t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Study results indicated that the less flying passengers are more satisfied about Turkish airports than the more flying passengers. Also, passengers travelling for tourism purpose have the highest fairness perception about the services delivered in Turkish airports. But, the services of Turkish airports are perceived relatively less fair by the passengers travelling for health purposes. The most fairly perceiving passengers are of middle income level

    Vakf-ı Lâzım ile İlgili Tespit ve Tahliller

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    Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in tilâvetinde âyetlerdeki murâd-ı ilâhînin anlaşılabilmesini temin için mushaflarda yer verilen vakf alametlerine riayet edilmesi önem arz eder. Bu bağlamda değerlendirilen vakf alametlerinden birisi, ilk olarak Ebû Ca‘fer Muhammed b. Tayfûr es-Secâvendî’nin (ö. 560/1164) ihdas ettiği ve mushaflarda (م) remzi ile gösterilen vakf-ı lâzımdır. Secâvendî’nin vakf tasnifi içerisinde en önemli vakf türü sayılan vakf-ı lâzımın inceleneceği bu çalışmada, öncelikle bu vakf türünün kavramsal çerçevesi, vakf-ibtidâ ilim tarihindeki yeri, önemi ve diğer vakf türleri ile benzer ve farklı yönleri üzerinde durulmuş; daha sonra ülkemiz mushaflarındaki vakf-ı lâzım alameti bulunan âyetlerin kategorik tasnifi ile bazı âyetlerin tahliline yer verilmiştir. Bunun neticesinde vakf-ı lâzım alameti bulunan yerlerdeki vakf gerekliliğinin gerekçesi tespit edilmeye çalışılmış ve aynı gerekçeyi ihtiva eden bazı yerlerde bu tarz bir vakf yaklaşımının tercih edilmemesinin muhtemel nedenleri değerlendirilmiştir

    Open and Distance Learning Vision of Higher Education Institutions in Turkey: Implications for Leadership

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    The current study investigated the open and distance learning vision of higher education institutions in Turkey and revealed several implications for leadership. Considering the potential overlap between vision and mission statements, both of the statements used by 82 units within higher education institutions were qualitatively investigated through content analysis. The findings first revealed that the vision statements of the units cover all system levels from technology to the broader socioeconomic context. Improving quality is the most underlined statement, followed by becoming a leading institution and enabling equity and access. On the other hand, it was observed that there is an overlap between their vision and mission statements, and many of the academic units use similar statements. Based on these findings, several implications were reported for effective leadership in open and distance learning. Although this study encompassed only the context of a specific country, it provided implications for leadership in various contexts