12 research outputs found

    Mi történik a vízbe hulló avarral?

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    Az évenkénti lombhullás biztosítja az erdei patakok külső szervesanyag-igényét, mely fontos energiaforrás a kisvízfolyásokban. A behulló avar mennyisége jelentősen eltérhet attól függően, hogy milyen a patak menti növényzet. A lehulló növényi részek legnagyobb részét a levelek teszik ki, ezért az avarlebomlás fontos része az ökoszisztéma1 összefüggéseinek. A folyamat vizsgálata segít a biodiverzitás2 megismerésében. A biológiai sokféleség3 napjainkban csökken, melynek okai lehetnek az erős emberi behatás, valamint a klímaváltozás, mely a különböző ökoszisztémákat éri. Erdei patakokban és az egyéb vizes élőhelyeken az avar lebomlása központi folyamat, melynek lefolyása függ a biológiai sokféleségtől. Így az avarlebomlás folyamatának vizsgálata fontos információkat szolgáltathat számunkra az adott víztest állapotáról

    Screening for problematic Internet use may help identify impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease

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    Background. Impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease (PD) represent emerging problems with potentially devastating consequences. The standard screening methods for impulse control disorders are clinically imperfect. Although it is rarely reported, many patients utilize the Internet to fulfill their compulsive behaviors because of its easy accessibility. We designed a study to test the hypothesis that an active screening for excessive Internet use and Internet addiction might improve the sensitivity of identification of impulse control disorders. Methods. The standard screening method included the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease and the modified Minnesota Impulsive Disorders Interview. In the second round, the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire was also assessed for detecting excessive Internet use. Results. While the standard approach identified 19 patients out of 106 (17.9%) with any type of impulse control disorders, screening for the problematic Internet use detected 29 patients with impulse control disorders (27.4%) having significantly better efficacy over the standard method (p=0.004, the McNemar test). Conclusions. Our study suggests that the screening for problematic Internet use by the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire is an effective, feasible, and easy-to-use add-on method for identifying PD patients with impulse control disorders more efficiently and probably at earlier stages

    Shedding light on the pharmacological interactions between µ-opioid analgesics and angiotensin receptor modulators:A new option for treating chronic pain

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    The current protocols for neuropathic pain management include µ-opioid receptor (MOR) analgesics alongside other drugs; however, there is debate on the effectiveness of opioids. Nevertheless, dose escalation is required to maintain their analgesia, which, in turn, contributes to a further increase in opioid side effects. Finding novel approaches to effectively control chronic pain, particularly neuropathic pain, is a great challenge clinically. Literature data related to pain transmission reveal that angiotensin and its receptors (the AT1R, AT2R, and MAS receptors) could affect the nociception both in the periphery and CNS. The MOR and angiotensin receptors or drugs interacting with these receptors have been independently investigated in relation to analgesia. However, the interaction between the MOR and angiotensin receptors has not been excessively studied in chronic pain, particularly neuropathy. This review aims to shed light on existing literature information in relation to the analgesic action of AT1R and AT2R or MASR ligands in neuropathic pain conditions. Finally, based on literature data, we can hypothesize that combining MOR agonists with AT1R or AT2R antagonists might improve analgesia

    Similarity and dissimilarity in antinociceptive effects of dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 inhibitors, Diprotin A and vildagliptin in rat inflammatory pain models following spinal administration.

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    Dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (DPP4) enzyme is involved in the degradation of many biologically active peptides including opioids. Its role in pain transmission is poorly elucidated. Recently we reported on the spinal antihyperalgesic effects of DPP4 inhibitors, Ile-Pro-Ile (Diprotin A) and vildagliptin in carrageenan-evoked acute inflammatory pain in rats. The present study investigated the effects of intrathecal (it.) diprotin A and vildagliptin in Complete Freund's Adjuvant- (CFA) and formalin induced pain in rats. The former assay can model the subchronic inflammatory pain condition and the later one reflects both acute tonic and inflammatory pain conditions. The involvement of opioid receptor (OR) subtypes, Y1-, and GLP1 receptors were also investigated. In CFA pain model it. diprotin A or vildagliptin dose-dependently inhibits hyperalgesia in ipsilateral while has no effect in contralateral paws. The peak effect was achieved 30 min following drug administration which was used for further analysis. Both compounds showed naltrexone reversible antihyperalgesia. Co-administration of OR-subtype-selective antagonists with diprotin A and vildagliptin revealed involvement of μ and δ > μ opioid receptors, respectively. Co-administered Y1 but not GLP1 receptor antagonists reversed the antihyperalgesic action of both DPP4 inhibitors. In touch-hypersensitivity both compounds were ineffective. In formalin test only diprotin A showed μ and δ OR-mediated antinociception and only in the 2nd phase. This effect was Y1 or GLP-1 receptor antagonist insensitive. In conclusion, diprotin A and vildagliptin display antinociception of different mechanisms of action in subchronic inflammatory pain. Furthermore, the spinal pain relay points of inflammatory pain of acute or subchronic conditions were more effectively affected by diprotin A than vildagliptin which needs future elucidation

    The Role of Intraamygdaloid Oxytocin and D2 Dopamine Receptors in Reinforcement in the Valproate-Induced Autism Rat Model

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    Background: autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting around 1 out of 68 children and its incidence shows an increasing tendency. There is currently no effective treatment for ASD. In autism research, the valproate (VPA)-induced autism rodent model is widely accepted. Our previous results showed that intraamygdaloid oxytocin (OT) has anxiolytic effects on rats showing autistic signs under the VPA-induced autism model. Methods: rats were stereotaxically implanted with guide cannulae bilaterally and received intraamygdaloid microinjections. In the present study, we investigated the possible role of intraamygdaloid OT and D2 dopamine (DA) receptors on reinforcement using VPA-treated rats in a conditioned place preference test. OT and/or an OT receptor antagonist or a D2 DA antagonist were microinjected into the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). Results: valproate-treated rats receiving 10 ng OT spent significantly longer time in the treatment quadrant during the test session of the conditioned place preference test. Prior treatment with an OT receptor antagonist or with a D2 DA receptor antagonist blocked the positive reinforcing effects of OT. The OT receptor antagonist or D2 DA antagonist in themselves did not influence the time rats spent in the treatment quadrant. Conclusions: Our results show that OT has positive reinforcing effects under the VPA-induced autism rodent model and these effects are OT receptor-specific. Our data also suggest that the DAergic system plays a role in the positive reinforcing effects of OT because the D2 DA receptor antagonist can block these actions

    Intraamygdaloid Oxytocin Reduces Anxiety in the Valproate-Induced Autism Rat Model

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder affecting about 1.5% of children, and its prevalence is increasing. Anxiety is one of the most common comorbid signs of ASD. Despite the increasing prevalence, the pathophysiology of ASD is still poorly understood, and its proper treatment has not been defined yet. In order to develop new therapeutic approaches, the valproate- (VPA) induced rodent model of autism can be an appropriate tool. Oxytocin (OT), as a prosocial hormone, may ameliorate some symptoms of ASD. Methods: In the present study, we investigated the possible anxiolytic effect of intraamygdaloid OT on VPA-treated rats using the elevated plus maze test. Results: Our results show that male Wistar rats prenatally exposed to VPA spent significantly less time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze apparatus and performed significantly less head dips from the open arms. Bilateral OT microinjection into the central nucleus of the amygdala increased the time spent in the open arms and the number of head dips and reduced the anxiety to the healthy control level. An OT receptor antagonist blocked the anxiolytic effects of OT. The antagonist by itself did not influence the time rats spent in the open arms. Conclusions: Our results show that intraamygdaloid OT has anxiolytic effects in autistic rats

    The Pharmacological Effects of Phenylephrine are Indirect, Mediated by Noradrenaline Release from the Cytoplasm

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    Phenylephrine (PE) is a canonical α(1)-adrenoceptor-selective agonist. However, unexpected effects of PE have been observed in preclinical and clinical studies, that cannot be easily explained by its actions on α(1)-adrenoceptors. The probability of the involvement of α(2)- and β-adrenoceptors in the effect of PE has been raised. In addition, our earlier study observed that PE released noradrenaline (NA) in a [Ca(2+)](o)-independent manner. To elucidate this issue, we have investigated the effects of PE on [(3)H]NA release and α(1)-mediated smooth muscle contractions in the mouse vas deferens (MVD) as ex vivo preparation. The release experiments were designed to assess the effects of PE at the presynaptic terminal, whereas smooth muscle isometric contractions in response to electrical field stimulation were used to measure PE effect postsynaptically. Our results show that PE at concentrations between 0.3 and 30 µM significantly enhanced the resting release of [(3)H]NA in a [Ca(2+)](o)-independent manner. In addition, prazosin did not affect the release of NA evoked by PE. On the contrary, PE-evoked smooth muscle contractions were inhibited by prazosin administration indicating the α(1)-adrenoceptor-mediated effect. When the function of the NA transporter (NAT) was attenuated with nisoxetine, PE failed to release NA and the contractions were reduced by approximately 88%. The remaining part proved to be prazosin-sensitive. The present work supports the substantial indirect effect of PE which relays on the cytoplasmic release of NA, which might explain the reported side effects for PE

    Insights into the Current and Possible Future Use of Opioid Antagonists in Relation to Opioid-Induced Constipation and Dysbiosis

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    Opioid receptor agonists, particularly those that activate µ-opioid receptors (MORs), are essential analgesic agents for acute or chronic mild to severe pain treatment. However, their use has raised concerns including, among others, intestinal dysbiosis. In addition, growing data on constipation-evoked intestinal dysbiosis have been reported. Opioid-induced constipation (OIC) creates an obstacle to continuing treatment with opioid analgesics. When non-opioid therapies fail to overcome the OIC, opioid antagonists with peripheral, fast first-pass metabolism, and gastrointestinal localized effects remain the drug of choice for OIC, which are discussed here. At first glance, their use seems to only be restricted to constipation, however, recent data on OIC-related dysbiosis and its contribution to the appearance of several opioid side effects has garnered a great of attention from researchers. Peripheral MORs have also been considered as a future target for opioid analgesics with limited central side effects. The properties of MOR antagonists counteracting OIC, and with limited influence on central and possibly peripheral MOR-mediated antinociception, will be highlighted. A new concept is also proposed for developing gut-selective MOR antagonists to treat or restore OIC while keeping peripheral antinociception unaffected. The impact of opioid antagonists on OIC in relation to changes in the gut microbiome is included

    The Acute Antiallodynic Effect of Tolperisone in Rat Neuropathic Pain and Evaluation of Its Mechanism of Action

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    Current treatment approaches to manage neuropathic pain have a slow onset and their use is largely hampered by side-effects, thus there is a significant need for finding new medications. Tolperisone, a centrally acting muscle relaxant with a favorable side effect profile, has been reported to affect ion channels, which are targets for current first-line medications in neuropathic pain. Our aim was to explore its antinociceptive potency in rats developing neuropathic pain evoked by partial sciatic nerve ligation and the mechanisms involved. Acute oral tolperisone restores both the decreased paw pressure threshold and the elevated glutamate level in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropathic rats. These effects were comparable to those of pregabalin, a first-line medication in neuropathy. Tolperisone also inhibits release of glutamate from rat brain synaptosomes primarily by blockade of voltage-dependent sodium channels, although inhibition of calcium channels may also be involved at higher concentrations. However, pregabalin fails to affect glutamate release under our present conditions, indicating a different mechanism of action. These results lay the foundation of the avenue for repurposing tolperisone as an analgesic drug to relieve neuropathic pain