24 research outputs found
A generalized mathematical model of the formation of fouling on the heat transfer surface of a plate heat exchanger has been developed. The model is presented by a system of ordinary differential equations and takes into account the distribution of process parameters along the channel of a plate heat exchanger, which allows predicting the development of contamination in time in different places along the channel length. The model is presented in a dimensionless form, which allows extending the range of its application to a wider class of phenomena of contamination of heat transfer surfaces under conditions where the intensity of the process is controlled by mass transfer in the main flow and the reaction rate at the interface between the liquid and solid phases. The application of the proposed fouling formation model made it possible to develop a mathematical model for the formation of fouling in the channels of a plate heat exchanger, taking into account changes in the main process parameters along the heat transfer surface. To check the obtained model and determine the dimensionless parameters that enter into it, it is planned to carry out calculations for specific conditions and compare it with experimental studies and industrial tests of plate heat exchangers when working with media prone to the formation of fouling on the heat transfer surface.Разработана обобщенная математическая модель формирования загрязнений на поверхности теплопередачи пластинчатого теплообменника. Модель представлена системой обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений и учитывает распределение параметров процесса вдоль канала пластинчатого теплообменника, что позволяет прогнозировать развитие загрязнения во времени в разных местах вдоль длины канала. Модель представлена в безразмерной форме, что позволяет расширить диапазон ее применения на более широкий класс явлений загрязнения теплопередающих поверхностей в условиях, когда интенсивность процесса контролируется массопереносом в основном потоке и скоростью реакции на границе раздела жидкой и твердой фаз. Применение предложенной модели формирования загрязнений позволило разработать математическую модель формирования загрязнений в каналах пластинчатого теплообменника с учетом изменения основных параметров процесса вдоль поверхности теплопередачи. Для проверки полученной модели и определения входящих в нее безразмерных параметров планируется проведение расчетов для конкретных условий и сравнение с данными экспериментальных исследований и промышленных испытаний пластинчатых теплообменников при работе со средами, склонными к образованию загрязнений на теплопередающей поверхности.Розроблена узагальнена математична модель формування забруднень на поверхні теплопередачі пластинчатого теплообмінника. Модель представлена системою звичайних диференційних рівнянь і враховує розподіл параметрів процесу вздовж каналу пластинчатого теплообмінника, що дозволяє прогнозувати розвиток забруднення у часі в різних місцях продовж довжини каналу. Модель представлена в безрозмірній формі, що дозволяє розширити діапазон її використання на більш широкий клас явищ забруднень теплопередаючих поверхонь в умовах, коли інтенсивність процесу контролюється масопереносом в основному потоці і швидкістю реакції на межі розділу рідкої та твердої фаз. Використання представленої моделі формування забруднень дозволило розробити математичну модель формування забруднень в каналах пластинчатого теплообмінника с урахуванням змін основних параметрів процесу вздовж поверхні теплопередачі. Для перевірки отриманої моделі і визначення присутніх в ній безрозмірних параметрів планується проведення розрахунків для конкретних умов та порівняння з даними експериментальних досліджень в промислових випробуваннях пластинчатих теплообмінників при роботі з середовищами, схильними до утворення забруднень на теплопередаючій поверхні
The materials are presented to inform about the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference Integrated Technologies and Energy Saving "ITE-2018", Ukraine, in November 2018, which was initiated by representatives of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and the Ukrainian Association of Chemical and Food Engineering (CFE-UA ) and is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the department of integrated technologies, processes and devices (ITPA) NTU «KhPI». A unique opportunity is provided for companies, organizations, teachers, researchers, members of EFCE and CFE-UA to contribute to the development and solution of modern and progressive scientific and technical issues related to chemical and food technology, as well as chemical engineering, in order to solve global tasks of modernity. The materials of the innovative developments of the department (ITPA) NTU «KhPI» are presented in the form of a unique interactive software package that allows you to design flow diagrams of complex heat exchange systems with energy consumption close to the thermodynamically reasonable minimum. The use of the developed methods also makes it possible to estimate the energy-saving potential and the potential to reduce harmful emissions not only from enterprises, but also from large industrial complexes.В статье приведена информация о ХVIII международной научно-практической конференции Интегрированные технологии и энергосбережение «ИТЭ-2018», Украина, в ноябре 2018, которая проведена по инициативе представителей Европейской федерации химической инженерии (EFCE) и Украинской ассоциации химической и пищевой инженерии (CFE -UA) и посвящена 85 годовщине со дня образования кафедры интегрированных технологий, процессов и аппаратов (ИТПА) НТУ «ХПИ». Предоставлена уникальная возможность для компаний, организаций, преподавателей, научных сотрудников, членов EFCE и CFE -UA внести свой вклад в развитие и решение современных и прогрессивных научных и технических вопросов, связанных с химической и пищевой технологии, а также химическим машиностроением, с целью решения глобальных задач современности. Представлены материалы инновационных разработок кафедры (ИТПА) НТУ «ХПИ» в виде уникального пакета интерактивного математического обеспечения, который позволяет проектировать технологические схемы сложных теплообменных систем с потреблением энергии, близкой к термодинамически обоснованному минимуму.У статті наведено інформацію про ХVIII міжнародну науково-практичну конференцію Інтегровані технології та енергозбереження «ІТЕ-2018», Україна, в листопаді 2018 року, яка проведена за ініціативою представників Європейської федерації хімічної інженерії (EFCE) і Української асоціації хімічної та харчової інженерії (CFE-UA) та присвячена 85 річниці з дня утворення кафедри інтегрованих технологій, процесів та апаратів (ІТПА) НТУ «ХПІ». Надана унікальна можливість для компаній, організацій, викладачів, науковців, членів EFCE та CFE -UA внести свій вклад в розвиток і рішення сучасних і прогресивних наукових та технічних питань, пов'язаних з хімічною та харчовою технологіями, а також хімічним машинобудуванням, з метою вирішення глобальних завдань сьогодення. Представлено матеріали інноваційних розробок кафедри (ІТПА) НТУ «ХПІ» у вигляді унікального пакету інтерактивного математичного забезпечення, який дозволяє проектувати технологічні схеми складних теплообмінних систем зі споживанням енергії, що близька до термодинамічно-обґрунтованого мінімуму
Validation of the Coupled Heat and Moisture in the Soil for Underground Thermal Energy Storage Systems
The Renewable Energy System for Residential Building Heating and Electricity Production (RESHeat ) system is a typical application of the utilisation of sun-tracked Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) panels and underground heat storage units. This work introduces a MATLAB simulation model coupled with moisture and heat transfer processes. Validation of the proposed model from experimental measurements was conducted. The simulations were performed for a single year of RESHeat system operation for demo sites located in Cracow City. Results showed that the relative error between calculation and measurement varies from 0.258 % to 5.829 %, along with the same temperature trend. A Control Volume method is used to simulate coupled heat transfer in the ground
Review of Developments in Plate Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Enhancement for Single-Phase Applications in Process Industries
A plate heat exchanger (PHE) is a modern, effective type of heat transfer equipment capable of increasing heat recuperation and energy efficiency. For PHEs, enhanced methods of heat transfer intensification can be further applied using the analysis and knowledge already available in the literature. A review of the main developments in the construction and exploration of PHEs and in the methods of heat transfer intensification is presented in this paper with an analysis of the main construction modifications, such as plate-and-frame, brazed and welded PHEs. The differences between these construction modifications and their influences on the thermal and hydraulic performance of PHEs are discussed. Most modern PHEs have plates with inclined corrugations on their surface that create a strong, rigid construction with multiple contact points between the plates. The methods of PHE exploration are mostly experimental studies and/or CFD modelling. The main corrugation parameters influencing PHE performance are the corrugation inclination angle in relation to the main flow direction and the corrugation aspect ratio. Optimisation of these parameters is one way to enhance PHE performance. Other methods of heat transfer enhancement, including improving the form of the plate corrugations, use of nanofluids and active methods, are considered. Future research directions are proposed, such as improving fundamental understanding, developing new corrugation shapes and optimisation methods and area and cost estimations
Optimal HEN with PHEs for Carbon Dioxide Capture by Amine Absorption Unit at Coal Fired Power Station
The CO2 capture processes are of growing interest to scholars in the struggle against global warming, and for the use of CO2 in the production of clean fuels, chemicals, plastics, and other materials. The post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide from flue gases with monoethanolamine (MEA) Absorption Desorption Unit (ADU) is studied with Process Integration methodology. The optimal structure of the Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) is determined. The study aims to find economically viable options for desorption column parameters by computer modelling and to evaluate the use of novel compact plate heat exchangers (PHEs) with intensified heat transfer. Based on a presented case study, the variation of temperature approach on rich/lean heat exchanger and its influence on heat consumption is discussed. The effect of minimal temperature difference in HEN on the investment cost and its energy efficiency is analyzed. It is shown that the optimal value of minimal temperature difference for HEN with PHEs is 7 °C, which is two times smaller than for HEN based on shell and tube heat exchangers. The use of PHEs in HEN ADU at the same or even smaller purchased cost of heat exchangers saves up to 24 % energy compared to the base case. It is 13 % higher than for the option based on the use of conventional tubular heat exchangers
Using a Neural Network Approach to Predict Deposits on the Surfaces of Heat Exchange Equipment
This work proposes a neural network (NN) approach for predicting the following values: the heat transfer coefficient at the point of interest in the operational period of plate heat exchangers (PHEs), and the time-point to reach the lower allowable limit of the heat transfer coefficient. In this approach, neural network models replace complex mathematical modelling that used systems of differential equations and matrices of heuristic coefficients to calculate the flow rate of deposits on PHE plates, which required the involvement of serious computing resources. Training a feed-forward neural network (FFNN) on a small dataset simulated in the vicinity of reference points obtained by industrial measurements showed the proper coefficient of determination R2 = 0.99 (accuracy) of the short-term prediction forecasts and for operational evaluation of the heat transfer coefficient due to the static type of NN
The effect of plate corrugations geometry on performance of plate heat exchangers subjected to fouling
The novel approach of estimating the influence of plate corrugations geometry on plate heat exchanger (PHE) operation in conditions of fouling is proposed. It is based on the presented mathematical model of the PHE with commercially produced plates. To account for fouling on the heat transfer surface, the fouling model of reaction and transport type presented in dimensionless form is employed. The influence of plate corrugations geometry on PHE performance is discussed on results of modelling PHE installed for thin juice heating at evaporation station of the sugar factory. The corrugations inclination angle to the main flow direction is considered as the main influencing parameter. The effect of this parameter on fouling intensity is shown for the cases when the plates with different corrugations angle are used in one PHE. The measures to mitigate fouling in PHE by optimal selection of plate corrugations geometry are discussed
The optimal design of welded plate heat exchanger with intensified heat transfer for ammonia synthesis column
The modification of heat exchanger networks of industrial enterprises targeting energy saving solutions requires proper heat transfer equipment. The estimation of the optimal design parameters for heat exchangers requires reliable mathematical models for the description of the thermo-hydraulic processes inside the channels, and adequate optimisation methods. This work proposes the novel mathematical model and optimisation algorithm for the selection of welded plate heat exchanger (WPHE) operating in ammonia synthesis column. It enables finding the optimal design with the specified shape of the corrugated plates, distribution of flows and number of plates and passes. The developed algorithm is implemented in Mathcad software. The application of the proposed approach is illustrated by example in which the resulted WPHE with the cross flow in one pass and overall symmetric counterflow of streams has shown a reduction of heat transfer area 25 % compared to previously tested in industry WPHE with unsymmetric passes arrangement
Mathematical modelling of the thermal and hydraulic behaviour of plate heat exchanger in the fouling conditions
The mathematical model of Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) subjected to fouling is proposed. It is represented by the system of ordinary differential equations. The model is accounting for the distribution of process parameters along the PHE channel that allows predicting fouling development in time at different locations along the channel length. The development of the fouling deposit is accounted with the fouling model presented by the equation in dimensionless form. The relative influence of different terms is characterized by empirical coefficients which can be identified with the data of monitoring the PHE thermal and hydraulic performance. The model allows also the prediction of pressure drop variation in PHE with the development of fouling deposition layer and respective reduction in channels cross-section area. The application of the model and its accuracy is demonstrated with two case studies considering the monitoring of PHEs thermal and hydraulic performance in the industry at sugar factory and in District Heating system