678 research outputs found

    The structure of frontoparallel haptic space is task dependent

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    In three experiments, we investigated the structure of frontoparallel haptic space. In the first experiment, we asked blindfolded participants to rotate a matching bar so that it felt parallel to the reference bar, the bars could be at various positions in the frontoparallel plane. Large systematic errors were observed, in which orientations that were perceived to be parallel were not physically parallel. In two subsequent experiments, we investigated the origin of these errors. In Experiment 2, we asked participants to verbally report the orientation of haptically presented bars. In this task, participants made errors that were considerably smaller than those made in Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, we asked participants to set bars in a verbally instructed orientation, and they also made errors significantly smaller than those observed in Experiment 1. The data suggest that the errors in the matching task originate from the transfer of the reference orientation to the matching-bar position

    Carrier localization mechanisms in InGaN/GaN quantum wells

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    Localization lengths of the electrons and holes in InGaN/GaN quantum wells have been calculated using numerical solutions of the effective mass Schr\"odinger equation. We have treated the distribution of indium atoms as random and found that the resultant fluctuations in alloy concentration can localize the carriers. By using a locally varying indium concentration function we have calculated the contribution to the potential energy of the carriers from band gap fluctuations, the deformation potential and the spontaneous and piezoelectric fields. We have considered the effect of well width fluctuations and found that these contribute to electron localization, but not to hole localization. We also simulate low temperature photoluminescence spectra and find good agreement with experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Haptic curvature contrast in raised lines and solid shapes

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    It is known that our senses are influenced by contrast effects and aftereffects. For haptic perception, the curvature aftereffect has been studied in depth but little is known about curvature contrast. In this study we let observers explore two shapes simultaneously. The shape felt by the index finger could either be flat or convexly curved. The curvature at the thumb was varied to quantify the curvature of a subjectively flat shape. We found that when the index finger was presented with a convex shape, a flat shape at the thumb was also perceived to be convex. The effect is rather strong, on average 20% of the contrasting curvature. The contrast effect was present for both raised line stimuli and solid shapes. Movement measurements revealed that the curvature of the path taken by the metacarpus (part of the hand that connects the fingers) was approximately the average of the path curvatures taken by the thumb and index finger. A failure to correct for the movement of the hand could explain the contrast effect

    Terpene synthases in cucumber (<i>Cucumis sativus</i>) and their contribution to herbivore-induced volatile terpenoid emission

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    Terpenoids play important roles in flavour, pollinator attraction and defence of plants. In cucumber (Cucumis sativus) they are important components of the herbivore‐induced plant volatile blend that attracts natural enemies of herbivores. We annotated the cucumber TERPENE SYNTHASE gene (CsTPS) family and characterized their involvement in the response towards herbivores with different feeding guilds using a combined molecular and biochemical approach. Transcripts of multiple CsTPS genes were upregulated in leaves upon herbivory and the products generated by the expressed proteins match the terpenoids recorded in the volatile blend released by herbivore‐damaged leaves. Spatial and temporal analysis of the promoter activity of CsTPS genes showed that cell content‐feeding spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) and thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) induced promoter activity of CsTPS9 and CsTPS19 within hours after initiation of infestation, while phloem‐feeding aphids (Myzus persicae) induced CsTPS2 promoter activity. Our findings offer detailed insights into the involvement of the TPS gene family in the dynamics and fine‐tuning of the emission of herbivore‐induced plant volatiles in cucumber, and open a new avenue to understand molecular mechanisms that affect plant–herbivore interactions

    Coincident electron channeling and cathodoluminescence studies of threading dislocations in GaN

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    We combine two scanning electron microscopy techniques to investigate the influence of dislocations on the light emission from nitride semiconductors. Combining electron channeling contrast imaging and cathodoluminescence imaging enables both the structural and luminescence properties of a sample to be investigated without structural damage to the sample. The electron channeling contrast image is very sensitive to distortions of the crystal lattice, resulting in individual threading dislocations appearing as spots with black–white contrast. Dislocations giving rise to nonradiative recombination are observed as black spots in the cathodoluminescence image. Comparison of the images from exactly the same micron-scale region of a sample demonstrates a one-to-one correlation between the presence of single threading dislocations and resolved dark spots in the cathodoluminescence image. In addition, we have also obtained an atomic force microscopy image from the same region of the sample, which confirms that both pure edge dislocations and those with a screw component (i.e., screw and mixed dislocations) act as nonradiative recombination centers for the Si-doped c-plane GaN thin film investigated

    Hysteretic photochromic switching of Eu-Mg defects in GaN links the shallow transient and deep ground states of the Mg acceptor

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    Although p-type activation of GaN by Mg underpins a mature commercial technology, the nature of the Mg acceptor in GaN is still controversial. Here, we use implanted Eu as a ‘spectator ion’ to probe the lattice location of Mg in doubly doped GaN(Mg):Eu. Photoluminescence spectroscopy of this material exemplifies hysteretic photochromic switching (HPS) between two configurations, Eu0 and Eu1(Mg), of the same Eu-Mg defect, with a hyperbolic time dependence on ‘switchdown’ from Eu0 to Eu1(Mg). The sample temperature and the incident light intensity at 355 nm tune the characteristic switching time over several orders of magnitude, from less than a second at 12.5 K, ~100 mW/cm2 to (an estimated) several hours at 50 K, 1 mW/cm2. Linking the distinct Eu-Mg defect configurations with the shallow transient and deep ground states of the Mg acceptor in the Lany-Zunger model, we determine the energy barrier between the states to be 27.7(4) meV, in good agreement with the predictions of theory. The experimental results further suggest that at low temperatures holes in deep ground states are localized on N atoms axially bonded to Mg acceptors

    Low threshold room-temperature microdisk lasers in the blue spectral range

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    InGaN-based active layers within microcavity resonators offer the potential of low threshold lasers in the blue spectral range. Here we demonstrate optically pumped, room temperature lasing in high quality factor GaN microdisk cavities containing InGaN quantum dots (QDs) with thresholds as low as 0.28 mJ/cm2. This work, the first demonstration of lasing action from GaN microdisk cavities with QDs in the active layer, provides a critical step for the nitrides in realizing low threshold photonic devices with efficient coupling between QDs and an optical cavit

    Comparative studies of efficiency droop in polar and non-polar InGaN quantum wells

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    We report on a comparative study of efficiency droop in polar and non-polar InGaN quantum well structures at T = 10 K. To ensure that the experiments were carried out with identical carrier densities for any particular excitation power density, we used laser pulses of duration ∼100 fs at a repetition rate of 400 kHz. For both types of structures, efficiency droop was observed to occur for carrier densities of above 7 × 1011 cm−2 pulse−1 per quantum well; also both structures exhibited similar spectral broadening in the droop regime. These results show that efficiency droop is intrinsic in InGaN quantum wells, whether polar or non-polar, and is a function, specifically, of carrier density.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant IDs: EP\J001627\1 and EP\J003603\1)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from AIP Publishing via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.495423