12 research outputs found

    (Her)ken je student!: Vier studenttypes en hoe ze bevlogen en emotioneel opgeladen worden

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    Voor dit boekje ‘(Her)ken je student!’ hebben studenten en medewerkers hun verhaal verteld over vier verschillende studenttypes, ingedeeld op basis van bevlogenheid en emotionele uitputting. Deze vier types hebben hun eigen karaktereigenschappen en behoeftes. Natuurlijk is iedere student uniek en is geen student precies hetzelfde. Maar dat maakt het ook ongrijpbaar. Want hoe ga je dan om met alle verschillende behoeftes van de honderdduizenden studenten die alleen al in Nederland studeren? De vier herkenbare studenttypes in dit boekje geven richting en bewustwording voor zowel studenten als docenten. Daarnaast worden in dit boekje praktische handvatten aangeboden. Zo kan je als student zelf testen hoe het staat met je eigen bevlogenheid en uitputting. En docenten kunnen de gesprekstips gebruiken om te onderzoeken wat de behoeftes zijn van de student en wat nodig is om deze te kunnen vervullen

    Mindfulness in het HBO

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    Hoewel mindfulness geworteld is in het boeddhisme, is het in de moderne praktijk seculier en populair geworden in het bevorderen van het welzijn. Kabat-Zinn (2003), een van de pioniers van mindfulness, definieert het als the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment. Mindfulness wordt op verschillende manieren toegepast, maar de meest gebruikte vorm van mindfulness-training is het zogeheten Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR). MBSR is een gevestigd programma dat al ongeveer drie decennia beoefend wordt en een verscheidenheid aan oefeningen omvat, zoals formele en informele meditatie, ademgerichte aandacht, bodyscan, het verschuiven van aandacht over de zintuigen heen, monitoren van de moment-tot-moment-ervaringen, eetmeditatie en het vrijwillig verleggen van aandacht naar het huidige moment. Het lectoraat Studiesucces heeft een mindfulnesstraining aangeboden aan studenten in kader van de onderzoekslijn naar studentenwelzijn

    Clinical characteristics of pediatric hidradenitis suppurativa: a cross-sectional multicenter study of 140 patients

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    International audienceHidradenitis suppurativa (HS) rarely affects pediatric patients. The literature on pediatric HS patients is scarce. This is a cross-sectional study based on case note review or interviews and clinical examination of 140 pediatric patients undergoing secondary or tertiary level care. Patients were predominantly female (75.5%, n = 105) with a median age of 16. 39% reported 1st-degree relative with HS. Median BMI percentile was 88, and 11% were smokers (n = 15). Median modified Sartorius score was 8.5. Notable comorbidities found were acne (32.8%, n = 45), hirsutism (19.3%, n = 27), and pilonidal cysts (16.4%, n = 23). Resorcinol (n = 27) and clindamycin (n = 25) were the most frequently used topical treatments. Patients were treated with tetracycline (n = 32), or oral clindamycin and rifampicin in combination (n = 29). Surgical excision was performed in 18 patients, deroofing in five and incision in seven patients. Obesity seemed to be prominent in the pediatric population and correlated to parent BMI, suggesting a potential for preventive measures for the family. Disease management appeared to be similar to that of adult HS, bearing in mind that the younger the patient, the milder the disease in majority of cases

    Evaluating Patients\u27 Unmet Needs in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: results from the Global VOICE project

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    BACKGROUND: A needs assessment for patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) will support advancements in multidisciplinary care, treatment, research, advocacy, and philanthropy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate unmet needs from the perspective of HS patients. METHODS: Prospective multinational survey of patients between October, 2017 and July, 2018. RESULTS: Majority (63.7%, n=827) visited a physician ≥5 times prior to receiving formal HS diagnosis. Mean delay in diagnosis was 10.2 years (+/- 8.9 years). Patients experienced flare daily, weekly, or monthly in 23.0%, 29.8%, and 31.1%, respectively. Most (61.4%, n=798) rated recent HS-related pain as moderate or higher, while 4.5% described recent pain to be worst possible. Access to dermatology was rated as difficult by 37.0% (n=481). Patients reported visiting the emergency department and hospital ≥5 times for symptoms in 18.3% and 12.5%, respectively. An extreme impact on life was reported by 43.3% (n=563), and 14.5% were disabled due to disease. Patients reported high frequency of comorbidities, most commonly mood disorders. Patients were dissatisfied with medical or procedural treatments in 45.9% and 34.5%, respectively. LIMITATIONS: Data was self-reported. Patients with more severe disease may have been selected. CONCLUSIONS: HS patients have identified several critical unmet needs that will require stakeholder collaboration to meaningfully address

    Factors associated with treatment satisfaction in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa: results from the Global VOICE project

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    Background Nearly half of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) report dissatisfaction with their treatment. However, factors related to treatment satisfaction have not been explored. Objectives To measure associations between treatment satisfaction and clinical and treatment-related characteristics among patients with HS. Methods Treatment satisfaction was evaluated utilizing data from a cross-sectional global survey of patients with HS recruited from 27 institutions, mainly HS referral centres, in 14 different countries from October 2017 to July 2018. The primary outcome was patients' self-reported overall satisfaction with their current treatments for HS, rated on a five-point scale from 'very dissatisfied' to 'very satisfied'. Results The final analysis cohort comprised 1418 patients with HS, most of whom were European (55%, 780 of 1418) or North American (38%, 542 of 1418), and female (85%, 1210 of 1418). Overall, 45% (640 of 1418) of participants were either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their current medical treatment. In adjusted analysis, patients primarily treated by a dermatologist for HS had 1 center dot 99 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1 center dot 62-2 center dot 44, P < 0 center dot 001] times the odds of being satisfied with current treatment than participants not primarily treated by a dermatologist. Treatment with biologics was associated with higher satisfaction [odds ratio (OR) 2 center dot 36, 95% CI 1 center dot 74-3 center dot 19, P < 0 center dot 001] relative to treatment with nonbiologic systemic medications. Factors associated with lower treatment satisfaction included smoking (OR 0 center dot 78, 95% CI 0 center dot 62-0 center dot 99; active vs. never), depression (OR 0 center dot 69, 95% CI 0 center dot 54-0 center dot 87), increasing number of comorbidities (OR 0 center dot 88 per comorbidity, 95% CI 0 center dot 81-0 center dot 96) and increasing flare frequency. Conclusions There are several factors that appear to positively influence satisfaction with treatment among patients with HS, including treatment by a dermatologist and treatment with a biologic medication. Factors that appear to lower treatment satisfaction include active smoking, depression, accumulation of comorbid conditions and increasing flare frequency. Awareness of these factors may support partnered decision making with the goal of improving treatment outcomes. What is already known about this topic? Nearly half of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa report dissatisfaction with their treatments. What does this study add? Satisfaction with treatment is increased by receiving care from a dermatologist and treatment with biologics. Satisfaction with treatment is decreased by tobacco smoking, accumulation of comorbid conditions including depression, and higher flare frequency. What are the clinical implications of this work? Awareness of the identified factors associated with poor treatment satisfaction may support partnered decision making and improve treatment outcomes