9 research outputs found

    Comparison of Individual Penalties According to Gender and Weight Categories of Elite Judo Athletes from Four World Championships

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    © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Background: This research aimed to compare individual penalties by gender and weight categories in judo from the Judo World Championships (WC): Budapest—2017, Baku—2018, Tokyo—2019 and Budapest—2021 in all individual weight categories for females and males. Methods: Data were collected by notational analysis of 2041 penalty videos for females and 3473 penalty videos for males (total n = 5514). All individual penalties—Shido 1, 2, 3 and Hansoku Make (direct disqualification) were analysed by the Pearson chi-square test at the level of statistical significance of 5%. Results: Significant differences were noted in the assigned individual penalties between individual categories (p < 0.001) in both genders. The significant difference was contributed mainly by the weight category +78 kg with penalties Non-combativity (5.3) and Avoid Grip (−3.4) in females, while in males it impacted by the +100 kg weight category and the Non-combativity (4.2) and Avoid Grip (−4.0) penalties. For females, the most dominant individual penalties were Non-combativity (41.6%), Avoid Grip (16.2%) and False Attack (15.0%), and were Non-combativity (40.3%), Avoid Grip (19.5%) and False Attack (16.4%) for males. The largest number of penalties in females were in −52 kg (16.7%), −57 kg (15.9%) and +78 kg (15.2%) categories, while in males, they were −66 kg (17.2%), −73 kg (16.1%) and −90 kg (15.6%). Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the leading penalties in all weight categories for both genders on WC to be Non-combativity, Avoid Grip and False Attack. Additionally, a new trend in heavyweight athletes with a lower number of penalties is noted. The obtained results indicate the need to pay more attention to working with competitors of all ages and genders on education to implement tactical variants, forms and means to use penalties to athletes’ advantage, especially after a possible rule change and to lower the occurrence of injuries.Peer reviewe

    Dog bites and attacks on athletes: lack of effective prevention mechanisms

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    Athletes who train in public places in urban and rural areas are just as attacked and injured by dogs of known owners as they are by dogs with no owners, in a relatively equal proportion. The largest number of bites occurs in the summer, what makes up half of all bites, just when sports activity is most pronounced. Athletes who are most often exposed to potential attacks and bites are cyclists, long-distance athletes, marathon runners, recreational athletes, etc. both during training and competitions. Off-road cyclists are at a significantly higher risk of dog attacks because cycling takes place off-road, that is, away from urban areas. Dog attacks can adversely affect the psycho-physical readiness of athletes. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there have been no cases of injuries to athletes recorded by competent medical institutions or umbrella sports associations. It is necessary to work on more efficient administration (registration and recording of attacks and bites of dogs). It is of utmost importance to educate athletes on dog behaviour, the reasons for their aggressive behaviour and causal mechanisms of dog attacks as well as the first aid education, what can have a great impact on reducing further complications

    Acciones prohibidas en campeonatos mundiales de judo: diferencias entre atletas ganadores y no ganadores

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    [ES] Las sanciones en judo son consecuencia de acciones negativas que no se ajustan al reglamento de competición. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar las diferencias en las penalizaciones entre competidores de judo ganadores y no ganadores. Se evaluaron un total de 1799 combates (hombres=1133 y mujeres=666) en los que hubo penalización, de los Campeonatos Mundiales de Judo de 2017, 2018 y 2019.Las variables se expresaron como proporciones y se compararon con la prueba de Chi-Cuadrado con pruebas Z por pares. La ratio de recibir el primer y segundo shido fue la misma en hombres y mujeres (p>.05), pero fue diferente según las categorías de peso (p.05), la ratio de acciones prohibidas en el primer y segundo shido difirió (p.05), but it wasdifferent for weight categories (p.05), the ratio of forbidden actions in the first and secondshido differed (p.05), mas foi diferente para as categorias de peso (p.05), mais a proporção de ações proibidas no primeiro eno segundo shido diferiu (p<.05).A diferençan as proporções de penalizações dos atletas vencedores en ãovencedores, especialmente a diferença nas ações proibidas que levam ao primeiro e segundo shido, pode refletir algumas diferenças táticas. Os resultados desta investigação podem contribuir significativamente para a compreensão do significado das penalizações no judo, tanto no treino, como na competição, bem como para o estudo maisa profundado do judo

    Effects of different stretching protocols on knee muscles strength and power parameters measured by Biodex dynamometer

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    Cilj istraživanja je usporedba učinaka dinamičkog istezanja i proprioceptivne neuromuskularne facilitacije (PNF) na izokinetičke parametre jakosti i snage koljenog zgloba. Uzorak čini 50 sportaša muškog spola podijeljenih na poduzorke od 10 ispitanika takmičarske razine karate (19 ± 2,4), tekvando (20 ± 3,6), boksanje (19,8 ± 4,3), nogomet (15,1 ± 0,3) i atletski sprint (18,3 ± 2,6). Izokinetički parametri koljena su mjereni Biodex izokinetičkim sustavom 3, na dvije kutne brzine 60 °/s i 180 °/s. Parametri su mjereni nakon dinamičkog istezanja te 48 sati kasnije nakon PNF protokola. Kod karatista i tekvando boraca nisu utvrđene značajne statistički razlike. Kod boksača, nogometaša i sprintera parametri jakosti i snage su veći nakon protokola dinamičkog istezanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju da dinamičko istezanje doprinosi ispoljavanju većih vrijednosti izokinetičkih parametara jakosti i snage.Purpose of the research was to compare the effects of dynamic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on knee isokinetic strength and power parameters. Sample size of 50 male athletes is represented as male athletes divided into sub-samples of 10 athletes at competitive level in karate (19 ± 2,4), taekwondo (20 ± 3,6), boxing (19,8 ± 4,3), football (15,1 ± 0,3) and track and field sprint (18,3 ± 2,6). Isokinetic parameters of the knee were measured using Biodex isokinetic system3, at two angular speeds 60 °/s and 180 °/s. Parameters were measured after dynamic stretching protocol and again 48 h later after PNF protocol. For karate and taekwondo fighters no statistically significant differences were found. For boxers, football players and sprinters the values of strength and power parameters were higher after dynamic warm-up protocol at a statistically significant level. Results of this study confirmed that dynamic stretching contributes to higher values of the strength and power of thigh muscles compared to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation


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    The main goal of research was to compare technical – tactical elements between winners of International karate competitions "Sarajevo Open" – 2004. and others competitors, who didn't won. Research has been taken using video analyses of 19 fights between female, during the karate competitions. We wanted to make this research, as much as it was possible, complete in technical – tactical way so we decided that our final number of analyzed variables should be 31, during 19 fights. Results we had got showed us that winners had bigger frerkvency of using technical – tactical elements in all segments comparing with girls who lost, expect in one (practical realization of leg technique). Statistical results shoved us that in karate training with girls were used only one part of technical possibilities, which karate possibilities make less used and less interesting


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    Abstract We analyzed all matches in final Grand-prix K-1 tournament 1993-2004, an


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    Abstract We analyzed all matches in final Grand-prix K-1 tournament 1993-2004, an

    Increasing postural deformity trends and body mass index analysis in school-age children

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the deviations of the body posture and to assess the occurrence of spine deformities. Additionally, Body Mass Index in school children was related to the trend in postural deformities for different age groups (5-8 years old, n=112; 9-11 years old, n=205; 12-14 years old, n=212) as part of the project “Spine Lab”, granted from the European Commission IPA founds, investigating the importance of public health issues