13 research outputs found

    Global prevalence and disease burden of vitamin D deficiency: a roadmap for action in low- and middle-income countries.

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    Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for bone health and may influence the risks of respiratory illness, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and chronic diseases of adulthood. Because many countries have a relatively low supply of foods rich in vitamin D and inadequate exposure to natural ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from sunlight, an important proportion of the global population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency. There is general agreement that the minimum serum/plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration (25(OH)D) that protects against vitamin D deficiency-related bone disease is approximately 30 nmol/L; therefore, this threshold is suitable to define vitamin D deficiency in population surveys. However, efforts to assess the vitamin D status of populations in low- and middle-income countries have been hampered by limited availability of population-representative 25(OH)D data, particularly among population subgroups most vulnerable to the skeletal and potential extraskeletal consequences of low vitamin D status, namely exclusively breastfed infants, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. In the absence of 25(OH)D data, identification of communities that would benefit from public health interventions to improve vitamin D status may require proxy indicators of the population risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as the prevalence of rickets or metrics of usual UVB exposure. If a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is identified (>20% prevalence of 25(OH)D 1%), food fortification and/or targeted vitamin D supplementation policies can be implemented to reduce the burden of vitamin D deficiency-related conditions in vulnerable populations

    Gravitational effective action at second order in curvature and gravitational waves

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    We consider the full effective theory for quantum gravity at second order in curvature including non-local terms. We show that the theory contains two new degrees of freedom beyond the massless graviton: namely a massive spin-2 ghost and a massive scalar field. Furthermore, we show that it is impossible to fine-tune the parameters of the effective action to eliminate completely the classical spin-2 ghost because of the non-local terms in the effective action. Being a classical field, it is not clear anyway that this ghost is problematic. It simply implies a repulsive contribution to Newton’s potential. We then consider how to extract the parameters of the effective action and show that it is possible to measure, at least in principle, the parameters of the local terms independently of each other using a combination of observations of gravitational waves and measurements performed by pendulum type experiments searching for deviations of Newton’s potential

    The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment

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    A short-range test of Newton's gravitational inverse-square law

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2005.Recent attempts at unifying the descriptions of gravity and quantum mechanics predict that Newton's Gravitational Inverse-Square Law will fail below some distance scale, possibly as large as 1 mm. Recent measurements of the Dark Energy content of the universe could also imply short-range modifications to gravity.Our previous tests [1] detected no deviation from the Inverse-Square Law, set new experimental limits on possible short-range violations, and constrained a gravity-strength Yukawa interaction to have a length scale below 197 mum at the 95% confidence level. This dissertation describes an improved next-generation of those tests using a new detector and attractor, each of 21-fold azimuthal symmetry. We tested the inverse-square law at separations down to 65 mum; we can now exclude gravity-strength Yukawa interactions to have a length scale below 79 mum at the 95% confidence level. We observed an apparent deviation from the inverse-square law at the shortest separations; we do not know the origin of this anomaly, nor do we know if it is a gravitational effect. Nevertheless, if this anomaly is parameterized as an additional Yukawa potential, has a characteristic length scale below 50 mum at the 68% confidence level with strength at least 5 times that of gravity. This dissertation is a complete description of this experiment

    A scalable and modular automated pipeline for stitching of large electron microscopy datasets.

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    Serial-section electron microscopy (ssEM) is the method of choice for studying macroscopic biological samples at extremely high resolution in three dimensions. In the nervous system, nanometer-scale images are necessary to reconstruct dense neural wiring diagrams in the brain, so -called connectomes. The data that can comprise of up to 108 individual EM images must be assembled into a volume, requiring seamless 2D registration from physical section followed by 3D alignment of the stitched sections. The high throughput of ssEM necessitates 2D stitching to be done at the pace of imaging, which currently produces tens of terabytes per day. To achieve this, we present a modular volume assembly software pipeline ASAP (Assembly Stitching and Alignment Pipeline) that is scalable to datasets containing petabytes of data and parallelized to work in a distributed computational environment. The pipeline is built on top of the Render Trautman and Saalfeld (2019) services used in the volume assembly of the brain of adult Drosophila melanogaster (Zheng et al. 2018). It achieves high throughput by operating only on image meta-data and transformations. ASAP is modular, allowing for easy incorporation of new algorithms without significant changes in the workflow. The entire software pipeline includes a complete set of tools for stitching, automated quality control, 3D section alignment, and final rendering of the assembled volume to disk. ASAP has been deployed for continuous stitching of several large-scale datasets of the mouse visual cortex and human brain samples including one cubic millimeter of mouse visual cortex (Yin et al. 2020); Microns Consortium et al. (2021) at speeds that exceed imaging. The pipeline also has multi-channel processing capabilities and can be applied to fluorescence and multi-modal datasets like array tomography

    Thiamine deficiency disorders: diagnosis, prevalence, and a roadmap for global control programs

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    Thiamine is an essential micronutrient that plays a key role in energy metabolism. Many populations worldwide may be at risk of clinical or subclinical thiamine deficiencies, due to famine, reliance on staple crops with low thiamine content, or food preparation practices, such as milling grains and washing milled rice. Clinical manifestations of thiamine deficiency are variable; this, along with the lack of a readily accessible and widely agreed upon biomarker of thiamine status, complicates efforts to diagnose thiamine deficiency and assess its global prevalence. Strategies to identify regions at risk of thiamine deficiency through proxy measures, such as analysis of food balance sheet data and month-specific infant mortality rates, may be valuable for understanding the scope of thiamine deficiency. Urgent public health responses are warranted in high-risk regions, considering the contribution of thiamine defi- ciency to infant mortality and research suggesting that even subclinical thiamine deficiency in childhood may have lifelong neurodevelopmental consequences. Food fortification and maternal and/or infant thiamine supplementation have proven effective in raising thiamine status and reducing the incidence of infantile beriberi in regions where thiamine deficiency is prevalent, but trial data are limited. Efforts to determine culturally and environmentally appropriate food vehicles for thiamine fortification are ongoing

    Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022

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