20 research outputs found

    Identification of Potential Tourism Object and Management Strategy in Supporting Original Revenue of the Government of Kupang City

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    This research was conducted to determine tourism objects in The City of Kupang, as well as conservation strategies and the development of the area into a tourist destination. The research method used was a survey method, and field observations. The number of samples taken consisted of 2 people, each from the Arts and Culture Tourism Office, and Tourism Business Managers, in addition, the other 6 samples are the community, which was determined intentionally (purposive sampling), while 10 other samples were randomly appointed (accidental sampling), i.e. tourists, who are visiting the tourism area. Research findings: First, the tourism object consists of cultural heritage, museums, art works, churches, mosques, all natural with beautiful architects, ecotourism objects (protected forests, mangrove forests, beaches, natural caves, natural springs, agro-tourism areas) and other attractions, such as special interest tourism objects. The contribution of the tourism sector to Regional Original Revenues in 2018 amounted to 15.95%, with an average annual growth of 31%. Second, the strategic steps for the development of tourism areas are budget allocation for the development of tourism potential, including ecotourism objects, enhancing the quality of The Apparatus to overcome tourism problems, minimizing environmental damage as a result of developing tourism areas, increasing tourism promotion through online media, mass media, brochures and leaflets; and increasing the level of community participation, starting from the planning up to the implementation stage of tourism development. Thus, the Government must be more proactive in promoting tourism and building synergies with communities around tourism objects


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    ABSTRACT This research  aims to know the financial feasibility of  “PD. Pasar” management and to design  a  strategy to  improve  the performance of  “PD. Pasar”.  The research covers seven market  in Kupang town that are managed by “PD. Pasar”.  Data collection applied  interview method by using semi structural questionnaire in order to get primary data.  Purposive sampling was chosen  to get  respondents from the seven market. While, for depth interview, several key informants  were selected from the seven market’s management. Secondary data were collected from various sources that related to the research.  Data analysis for secondary data was focused on several aspects, those were: legality, institution, and business environment. Investment criteria namely : Net Prest Value (NPV),  Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BC Ratio) and Pay Back Periode (PBP)  were applied in order to know the financial feasibility of the “PD. Pasar” management.  While SWOT Analysis used to construct a designn to improve the “PD. Pasar” management. The Result of the research shown: 1) there were several regulations that were used as  legalistic based in market management  of the “PD. Pasar”, however, those regulations were not covered yet all aspects  of  the “PD. Pasar”  management. 2) It was found that retribution fee that was imposed  since   2006  to  the seller  was too low and it needs to be increase according to current economic condition. 3) “PD. Pasar” management especially space management, controlling and coordination were not  well implemented.  4) Financially, “PD. Pasar” was not feasible yet.  Based on the data analysis it was found that : NPV = Rp – 2.776.18.147,-, Net BCR =0, 55 and PBP = 25,25 years. 5) In order to improve the performance of “PD. Pasar”  it needs  to  increase the quality of  “PD. Pasar” management in all aspects and develop a unique characteristic  as a competitive advantage for the each  traditional market involved in the research.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan finansial usaha  manajemen PD. Pasardan mengetahui strategi dalam peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. Lokasi penelitian adalah tujuh pasar  yang dikelola oleh PD Pasar Kota Kupang.Pengumpulan data  menggunakan metode wawancara semi struktural berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan yang disiapkan. Pengumpulan data difokuskan kepada aktivitas desk research yang meliputi telaah pustaka dan pencarian data sekunder dandata primer melalui  nara sumber terpilihdengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling.Teknik pengolahan data dibatasipada aspek hukum,  kelembagaan,  lingkungan dan  finansial. Analisis data untuk mengetahui kelayakan finansial menggunakan teknik Payback Period, Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) dan analisis SWOT Untuk mengetahui tentang strategi pengembangan perusahaan kedepan.Temuan penelitian; terdapat beberapa regulasi yang dijadikan dasar hukum dalam pengelolaan pasar, namun regulasi tersebut belum mengakomodir semua aspek pengelolaan pasar. Tarif retribusi pasar perlu dinaikkan karena nilai tarif  berlaku sejak tahun 2006 tidak sesuai kondisi ekonomi saat ini.Manajemen Pengelolaan Pasar khususnya manajemen penataan ruang pasar, pengawasan dan koordinasi belum dilaksanakan secara baik.Aspek Keuangan; secara akumulatif PD. Pasar belum mengalami keuntungan ekonomis ditunjukkan melalui Nilai NPV sebesar (– 2.776.18.147,-) lebih kecil dari Nol.Nilai BCR 0,550  berarti setiap Rp. 1 rupiah yang diivestasikan  mendatangkan kerugian secara ekonomis sebesar Rp. 0.550,- Tahun 2013 tambahan nilai investasi sebesar Rp. 3.592.000.000,- Butuh waktu  25,25 tahun kedepan untuk mencapai BEP. Dalam rangka pengembangan pasar tradisional ke depan, manajemen PD. Pasar perlu membenahi kinerja perusahaan pada semua aspek pengelolaan pasar serta mendorong agar masing – masing pasar tradisonal yang ada mampu menampilkan keunikan dan karakteristik yang dimiliki sebagai salah satu daya tarik bagi pedagang maupun pembeli


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    The problems faced by Vanilla Farmers are the lack of services from economic institutions established by the Government in developing productive economic enterprises in the village and the lack of availability of various aspects of community empowerment that affect the income and economic welfare of vanilla farmers.The research method is descriptive qualitative using a Likert scale, to measure the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of social phenomena with an ordinal scale. The research location is in Luba Village, Lembur District, Alor Regency. The data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentaries. Research objectives: (1) Knowing the Role of Village-Owned Enterprises in Empowering Vanilla Farmers (2) Knowing what are the obstacles of Village-Owned Enterprises in Empowering Vanilla Farmers, and (3) Knowing the success of Village-Owned Enterprises in Empowering Vanilla Farmers. The role of BUM Desa then has an impact on the attributes of community empowerment, including Human Development, Business Development, Environmental Development and Institutional Development. The results of the study are (1) The role of BUM Desa socially and economically for vanilla farmers by taking into account several dimensions of empowerment, including Human Development, Business Development, Environmental Development and Institutional Development, the results obtained were 53.77% BUM Desa in the category Enough Role in empowering farmers. vanilla. This result has not been maximized because several aspects in the context of empowerment have not been maximally played by BUM Desa. (2) The obstacles to empowering vanilla farmers include the lack of development of training and routine meetings, inequality of facilities and infrastructure to support the vanilla business, the lack of environmental conservation activities, the distribution of business capital has not yet been implemented so that it has not been utilized by vanilla farmers. (3) The Village Government should further increase capital participation in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa) sourced from Village Funds, to develop their BUM Desa business units


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    Corn is a strategic food commodity in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of risk of sweet corn farming production and to determine the factors that influence production and the factors of risk to sweet corn farming production. The method used in this study was a survey method. The method was determined randomly. The data were obtained through intervi ews with 43 maize farmers randomly. The analysis method used was the coefficient of variation analysis and multiple linear analysis. The results showed the risk of maize farming production with moderate maize production factors was land area, fertilizer, labor, experience and pesticide with a risk level of 1% <CV 2%. The coefficient of variation in land area (0.1%), fertilizer (0.1), labor (0.1), experience (0.1) and pesticide (0.1) when compared with other production risk factors. Is the real land area and seed at alpha 5%. The source of the production risk at influence by pesticide where the pesticide variable with a coefficient value of 0.437 and a probability value of 0.001. So that the increase in the amount of pesticides has a significant effect on the risk of corn farming production


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    This study aims to determine the income and marketing mix strategy in the Sima Indah Home Industry. The research method used in this study is the case study method. The research location was specifically determined with the consideration that IRT Sima Indah is one of the production centers for processing corn and beans in Kupang City and processed products from the local industry were marketed to almost all mini markets and supermarkets in Kupang City. The data collected are primary data and secondary data. The data collected is then analyzed using the formula π = TR-TC to determine income and descriptive analysis to determine marketing mix strategy


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    In principle, regional autonomy provides opportunities for citizens to develop their creative power by paying attention to regional potential. Efforts must be made for village development in order to improve the quality of life of the community by using a strategy to increase the village's original income by running a business called BUMDes. Where BUMDes is able to be the motor of increasing the village economy. Managing BUMDes the most important aspects are in terms of management, finance and performance, which must be analyzed in as much detail as possible so that the business unit is run efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this study was to determine the decision-making factors of BUMDes Nekbaun management in determining the type of business unit run and the financial performance of BUMDes Nekbaun. This research was conducted in Baumata Timur Village, Taebenu District, Kupang Regency, with 9 informants who run BUMDes Nekbaun. Data were analyzed descriptively and analysis of financial ratios of liquidity, solvency and profitability . The results showed that the four types of businesses run by BUMDes Nekbaun were agreed through deliberations with the people of East Baumata village and financial performance seen from the Liquidity ratio in 2019 of 7.88% due to the increase in current assets greater than current debt, the Solvency ratio in 2019 was 0 , 13% experienced a decrease this was due to the increase in the total value of debt which was smaller than total assets and the profitability ratio in 2019 was 0.22%, which means that the use of existing funds by utilizing the assets obtained is in good condition


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    This research was carried out from December 2019 to January 2020 in Mata Air Village, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. The aims of this researchwere to determine the performance of BUMDes INA HUK in generating a net profit after tax and the performance of BUMDes INA HUK in generating net profits with available capital. The research data were obtained through observations, interviews and documentation on 9 respondents. The location of this research was BUMDes INA HUK, which was intentionally determined since it was one of BUMDes with active status. The results showed that BUMdes INA HUK's net profit after tax from three business units in 2019 was Rp. 19,517,016 and the total capital available at BUMDes INA HUk was Rp. 250,000,000.00. The net profit after tax on INA HUK BUMDes was 19.13% with good industry standard valuation standards of 20%. BUMDes INA HUK's performance in increasing the net profit after tax with available capital was said to be not good at 7.80% with an industry valuation standard of 40%


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) keragaan pendapatan produk olahan Jagung dan Kacang Tanah, 2) strategi pemasaran produk olahan Jagung dan Kacang Tanah pada home industry UD. Jagung Komodo di Kelurahan Sikumana, Kecamatan Maulafa Kota Kupang. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengetahui besar pendapatan produk olahan Jagung dan Kacang Tanah menggunakan rumus π=TR-TC, sedangkan strategi pemasaran adalah Bauran Pemasaran 4P. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) keragaan pendapatan yang diperoleh home industry UD. Jagung Komodo yaitu Rp 459.972 yang diperoleh dari produk Marning Jagung sebesar Rp 23.056, produk Kacang Telur yaitu Rp 230.000 dan produk Kacang Sembunyi yaitu Rp 186.722. (2) Strategi pemasaran yang digunakan home industry UD. Jagung Komodo meliputi strategi produk dimana produk yang dihasilkan dikemas dengan ukuran 300 gr dan 500 gr serta kemasannya sudah mencantumkan merek, alamat, komposisi dan tanggal kadaluarsa. Harga yang ditetapkan untuk Marning Jagung 300 gr yaitu Rp 10.000 dan 500 gr yaitu Rp 16.000. Sedangkan harga Kacang Telur 500 gr yaitu Rp 27.000 dan Kacang Sembunyi 300 gr yaitu Rp 10.000. Home industry UD. Jagung Komodo melakukan kerjasama dengan pihak distributor (6 toko) yang ada di Kota Kupang untuk memasarkan produknya. Kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan home industry UD. Jagung Komodo yaitu memperkenalkan produknya pada pihak distributor, dengan demikian produknya akan dikenal oleh masyarakat. Kata kunci : Keragaan pendapatan, Strategi pemasaran, home industry.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) Income performance of processed corn and peanut products; 2) The marketing strategy for processed corn and peanut products in the home industry “UD Jagung Komodo in Sikumana Village, Maulafa District, Kupang City. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used to determine the income of processed corn and peanut products uses the formula π = TR-TC, while the marketing strategy is the 4P Marketing Mix. The results showed that 1) Income performance of UD. Jagung Komodo home industry of Rp 459.972 were obtained from the product of Rp 23.056 marning Corn, Beans Egg product of Rp 230.000 and hide Peanut products Rp 186.722 (2)The marketing strategy used by UD.Jagung Komodo home industry including product strategy whereby the resulting product is packaged with a size of 300 g and 500 g, and the packaging is to include the brand, address, composition and expiration date. Marning set price for Corn 300 gr of Rp 10,000 and 500 grams of Rp 16,000. While the price of beans eggs 500 g of Rp 27,000 and hide Nuts 300 gr Rp 10,000. Home industry UD. Jagung Komodo cooperates with distributors (6 stores) in Kupang City to market their products. Promotional activities undertaken by the UD home industry. Jagung Komodo that is to introduce its products to the distributor, thus the product will be known by the public. Keywords: Income performance, marketing strategy, home industry


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    The research has been done in BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in Nita Sub Districk Sikka Regency. Is aimed at recognizing financial performance from the liquidity, the solvability and the rentability of BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in 2017-2019. The writer determine the location of the research deliberately (purposive sampling). The writer considerete from all BUMDes in Sikka Regency BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri is catagorizeed as the BUMDes was expended fit the potential of the vilage. BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri is establish in 2017. The writer use current ratio, total debt to total asset ratio and return on asset to calculate liquiditas, solvabilitas and rentabilitas of BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in 2017until 2019. The result of the research show BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri gets liqudity value as 5.088%, 2.559 % and 2.265% in 2017- 2019. Based on the resalt above BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri categorized as liqudity and grow up well. The writer analyze BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri get solvability value as 3,34%, 14,79% and 15,04% in 2017-2019. The writer conclude that BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri categorized as solvabel and grow up well. Meanwhile, the writer found that BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri gets rentability value as 1,94%, 1,52% and 1,74% in 2017-2019. Based on the data the writer conclude that ability to make a profit is categorized bellow established standart

    Revenue Performance of Sweet Corn (Pioneers) and Hybrid Corn (Bisi-2) Farmers in Pukdale Village, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency

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    Limited land owned by farmers which in the same land farmers grow 2 types of maize with different time, namely sweet corn and hybrid corn within 1 year. In the dry season farmers grow hybrid corn and in the rainy season farmers grow sweet corn. Farmers capital for purchase production facilities, especially for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and medicines whose prices are getting higher and higher, in addition to the price of corn and hybrid corn which always increases fluctuations, and in terms of cost and time of hybrid corn is higher than sweet corn. This will have an impact on income obtained by farmers. Sampling in this study was carried out by proportional random sampling. Determination of a large sample for the participation of smaller than 10000 can use the Slovin formula (Soekidjo, 2003) with the formula, to answer the objective, it can be used an analysis using total corn farming with total corn farming at one planting season, and to answer the purpose of both methods used using Gross Profit Margin. The results showed that the total income of hybrid maize and sweet corn in the research location was IDR.49.425.000 with an average income per respondent of IDR.852.155 / season and the average income per hectare was IDR. 1.433.855 / season. While the total income of sweet corn farming obtained by respondent farmers is IDR.55.383.000 with an average income per respondent is IDR. 1.065.057 / season and the average income per Ha is IDR. 3.018.147 / season. The percentage of gross profit margin shows that the percentage of sweet corn of 20.63% is received within 2 months and while hybrid corn is 23.20% received within 3 months.   REFERENCES   Andi B. 2016. Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani             Jagung Pada Lahan Kering Di  Zona             Agroekologi Iiiay Wilayah Timor             Barat. Skripsi. Fakultas Pertanian.             Universitas Nusa Cendana. Kupang. BPS Kabupaten Kupang.2018.Statistik             Pertanian Kabupaten Kupang. BPS NTT.2018. Statistik Pertanian NTT.             Badan Pustaka Statistik NTT. Calvin Dkk. 2016. Perbandingan Pendapatan             Usahtani Jagung Manis dan Jagung             Biasa Di Desa Tontalete Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.  Jurnal . Derna, H. 2007. Jagung manis. Diakses di             http://Derna.com/2007/Tanaman             Jagung Manis. On the 7th November 2018. Djamaludin,2003.AnalisisEkonomiUsahata             Jagung diDesa Nunmafo             KecamatanKupang Timur Kabupaten             Kupang. Skripsi Faperta   Undana. Kantor Desa Pukdale (2018). Profil Desa             Pukdale: Kecamatan Kupang Timur             Kabupaten Kupang Palawi,  2002. Analisis Dapatan Usahatani             Jagung dan Kacang Tanah dari             Program Wanita di Desa Tesabela             Kecamatan Kupang Barat. Skripsi             Faperta Undana. Poerwanto, R.2008. Departemen Agronomi             dan Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian-             IPB. Bogor Soekartawi. 2002. Analisis Usahatani.             Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas             Indonesia(UI-Press).  Warsana.2007.                                                           Soekartawi. 1995. Ilmu Usaha Tani.UIPress.             Jakarta Sugiarto. Dkk. 2007. Ekonomi Mikro.             Gramedia Pustaka. Jakarta Ilmu Manajemen Industri. Pengertian Gross             Profit  Margin  dan Rumusnya             https://ilmumanajemenindustri.com/pengertian-gross-profit-margin-marjin-laba-kotor-rumus-gpm/ accessed on 6 January 2019.