9 research outputs found

    Australian democracy and priveleged parliamentary speech

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comThis article responds to recent cases of parliamentary speech which reflect the ascendancy of a totalising ‘mainstream’ approach to public discourse and a political leadership that may, at times, be overly attentive to the majority-rule dimension of democracy. These developments spark a more general discussion of the phenomenology of privileged parliamentary speech, the role of speech freedoms in liberal democratic orders and the duties of parliamentary representatives within them. I make two general conclusions. First, the ways in which we normally argue and think about free speech will not generally apply to the speech of parliamentarians because their speech rights cannot be universalised. Secondly, even if parliamentary speech could be treated as standard speech there would be no legitimate defence (from a liberal democratic point of view) for a strictly populist approach to its use since this could undermine the deliberative function of parliament and lead to the violation of other important liberal democratic principles.Lisa Hil

    Implants as drug delivery devices for the treatment of eye diseases

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    The treatment of diseases affecting the posterior segment of the eye is limited by the difficulty in transporting effective doses of drugs to the vitreous, retina, and choroid. Topically applied drugs are poorly absorbed due to the low permeability of the external ocular tissues and tearing. The blood-retina barrier limits drug diffusion from the systemic blood to the posterior segment, thus high doses of drug are needed to maintain therapeutic levels. In addition, systemic side effects are common. Intraocular injections could be an alternative, but the fast flowing blood supply in this region, associated with rapid clearance rates, causes drug concentration to quickly fall below therapeutic levels. To obtain therapeutic levels over longer time periods, polymeric sustained-drug release systems implanted within the vitreous are being studied for the treatment of vitreoretinal disorders. These systems are prepared using different kinds of biodegradable or non-biodegradable polymers. This review aims to demonstrate the main characteristics of these drug delivery implants and their potential for clinical application.<br>O tratamento de doenças do segmento posterior do olho é limitado pela dificuldade no transporte de doses efetivas de fármacos para o vítreo, retina e coróide. Os fármacos aplicados topicamente são pouco absorvidos por causa da baixa permeabilidade dos tecidos oculares externos e ao lacrimejamento. Embora a administração sistêmica seja capaz de transportar fármacos para o segmento posterior do olho, as barreiras hemato-aquosa e hematorretiniana dificultam a absorção e, normalmente, são necessárias doses elevadas, as quais estão geralmente associadas a potenciais efeitos adversos. Injeções intravitreais são capazes de transportar fármacos para o segmento posterior do olho, mas é uma técnica invasiva, pouco tolerada pelos pacientes e apresenta riscos de infecções oculares e danos aos tecidos. Visando a obtenção de níveis terapêuticos adequados de fármacos no segmento posterior do bulbo do olho por longos períodos, sistemas de liberação poliméricos implantados diretamente no vítreo estão sendo investigados para o tratamento de várias doenças vítreo-retinianas. Esses implantes podem ser preparados a partir de diferentes polímeros biocompatíveis, biodegradáveis ou não-biodegradáveis. Nesta revisão, as principais características destes implantes transportadores de fármacos são descritas, expondo suas potencialidades de aplicação clínica

    The origins and character of 'aboriginal subsistence' whaling: a global review

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