15 research outputs found

    PDXNet portal: patient-derived Xenograft model, data, workflow and tool discovery.

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    We created the PDX Network (PDXNet) portal (https://portal.pdxnetwork.org/) to centralize access to the National Cancer Institute-funded PDXNet consortium resources, to facilitate collaboration among researchers and to make these data easily available for research. The portal includes sections for resources, analysis results, metrics for PDXNet activities, data processing protocols and training materials for processing PDX data. Currently, the portal contains PDXNet model information and data resources from 334 new models across 33 cancer types. Tissue samples of these models were deposited in the NCI\u27s Patient-Derived Model Repository (PDMR) for public access. These models have 2134 associated sequencing files from 873 samples across 308 patients, which are hosted on the Cancer Genomics Cloud powered by Seven Bridges and the NCI Cancer Data Service for long-term storage and access with dbGaP permissions. The portal includes results from freely available, robust, validated and standardized analysis workflows on PDXNet sequencing files and PDMR data (3857 samples from 629 patients across 85 disease types). The PDXNet portal is continuously updated with new data and is of significant utility to the cancer research community as it provides a centralized location for PDXNet resources, which support multi-agent treatment studies, determination of sensitivity and resistance mechanisms, and preclinical trials

    Fusion of Inverted Repeats Leads to Formation of Dicentric Chromosomes that Cause Genome Instability in Budding Yeast

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    Large-scale changes are common in genomes, and are often associated with pathological disorders. In the work presented in this dissertation, I provide insights into how inverted repeat sequences in budding yeast fuse during replication. Fusion leads to the formation of dicentric chromosomes, a translocation, and other chromosomal rearrangements.Using extensive genetics and some molecular analyses, I demonstrate that dicentric chromosomes are key intermediates in genome instability of a specific chromosome in budding yeast. I provide three pieces of evidence that is consistent with this conclusion. First, I detect a recombination fusion junction that is diagnostic of a dicentric chromosome (using a PCR technique). Second, I show a strong correlation between the amount of the dicentric fragment and the frequency of instability of the entire chromosome. Third, I demonstrate that a mutant known to stabilize dicentric chromosomes suppress instability. Based on these observations, I conclude that dicentric chromosomes are intermediates in causing genome instability in this system.Next, we demonstrate that fusion of inverted repeats is general. Both endogenous and synthetic nearby inverted repeats can fuse. Using genetics, I also show that many DNA repair and checkpoint pathways suppress fusion of nearby inverted repeats and genome instability. Based on our analysis, we propose a novel mechanism for fusion of inverted repeats that we term `faulty template switching.'Lastly, I discuss two genes that are necessary for fusion of nearby inverted repeats. I identified a mutant of the Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) and a mutant of anaphase inhibitor securin (Pds1) that suppress nearby inverted repeat fusion and genome instability. Studies of Exo1 and Pds1 provide us with insights into the molecular mechanisms of fusion.Our finding that nearby inverted repeats can fuse to form dicentric chromosomes that lead to genome instability may have great implications. The generality of this fusion reaction raises the possibility that dicentric chromosomes formed by inverted repeats can lead to genome instability in mammalian cells, and thereby contribute to a cancer phenotype.Embargo: Release after 5/3/201

    The Role of Replication Bypass Pathways in Dicentric Chromosome Formation in Budding Yeast

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    Gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) are large scale changes to chromosome structure and can lead to human disease. We previously showed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that nearby inverted repeat sequences (∼20–200 bp of homology, separated by ∼1–5 kb) frequently fuse to form unstable dicentric and acentric chromosomes. Here we analyzed inverted repeat fusion in mutants of three sets of genes. First, we show that genes in the error-free postreplication repair (PRR) pathway prevent fusion of inverted repeats, while genes in the translesion branch have no detectable role. Second, we found that siz1 mutants, which are defective for Srs2 recruitment to replication forks, and srs2 mutants had opposite effects on instability. This may reflect separate roles for Srs2 in different phases of the cell cycle. Third, we provide evidence for a faulty template switch model by studying mutants of DNA polymerases; defects in DNA pol delta (lagging strand polymerase) and Mgs1 (a pol delta interacting protein) lead to a defect in fusion events as well as allelic recombination. Pol delta and Mgs1 may collaborate either in strand annealing and/or DNA replication involved in fusion and allelic recombination events. Fourth, by studying genes implicated in suppression of GCRs in other studies, we found that inverted repeat fusion has a profile of genetic regulation distinct from these other major forms of GCR formation

    Racial disparities in prostate cancer: A complex interplay between socioeconomic inequities and genomics.

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    The largest US cancer health disparity exists in prostate cancer, with Black men having more than a two-fold increased risk of dying from prostate cancer compared to all other races. This disparity is a result of a complex network of factors including socioeconomic status (SES), environmental exposures, and genetics/biology. Inequity in the US healthcare system has emerged as a major driver of disparity in prostate cancer outcomes and has raised concerns that the actual incidence rates may be higher than current estimates. However, emerging studies argue that equalizing healthcare access will not fully eliminate racial health disparities and highlight the important role of biology. Significant differences have been observed in prostate cancer biology between ancestral groups that may contribute to prostate cancer health disparities. Notably, relative to White men, Black men with prostate cancer exhibit increased androgen receptor signaling, genomic instability, metabolic dysregulation, and inflammatory and cytokine signaling. Immediate actions are needed to increase multi-center, interdisciplinary research to bridge the gap between social and biological determinants of prostate cancer health disparities

    Fusion of nearby inverted repeats by a replication-based mechanism leads to formation of dicentric and acentric chromosomes that cause genome instability in budding yeast

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    Large-scale changes (gross chromosomal rearrangements [GCRs]) are common in genomes, and are often associated with pathological disorders. We report here that a specific pair of nearby inverted repeats in budding yeast fuse to form a dicentric chromosome intermediate, which then rearranges to form a translocation and other GCRs. We next show that fusion of nearby inverted repeats is general; we found that many nearby inverted repeats that are present in the yeast genome also fuse, as does a pair of synthetically constructed inverted repeats. Fusion occurs between inverted repeats that are separated by several kilobases of DNA and share >20 base pairs of homology. Finally, we show that fusion of inverted repeats, surprisingly, does not require genes involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair or genes involved in other repeat recombination events. We therefore propose that fusion may occur by a DSB-independent, DNA replication-based mechanism (which we term “faulty template switching”). Fusion of nearby inverted repeats to form dicentrics may be a major cause of instability in yeast and in other organisms

    ICG-001 Exerts Potent Anticancer Activity Against Uveal Melanoma Cells.

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    PURPOSE: Uveal melanoma (UM) is uniformly refractory to all available systemic chemotherapies, thus creating an urgent need for novel therapeutics. In this study, we investigated the sensitivity of UM cells to ICG-001, a small molecule reported to suppress the Wnt/β-catenin-mediated transcriptional program. METHODS: We used a panel of UM cell lines to examine the effects of ICG-001 on cellular proliferation, migration, and gene expression. In vivo efficacy of ICG-001 was evaluated in a UM xenograft model. RESULTS: ICG-001 exerted strong antiproliferative activity against UM cells, leading to cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and inhibition of migration. Global gene expression profiling revealed strong suppression of genes associated with cell cycle proliferation, DNA replication, and G1/S transition. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed that ICG-001 suppressed Wnt, mTOR, and MAPK signaling. Strikingly, ICG-001 suppressed the expression of genes associated with UM aggressiveness, including CDH1, CITED1, EMP1, EMP3, SDCBP, and SPARC. Notably, the transcriptomic footprint of ICG-001, when applied to a UM patient dataset, was associated with better clinical outcome. Lastly, ICG-001 exerted anticancer activity against a UM tumor xenograft in mice. CONCLUSIONS: Using in vitro and in vivo experiments, we demonstrate that ICG-001 has strong anticancer activity against UM cells and suppresses transcriptional programs critical for the cancer cell. Our results suggest that ICG-001 holds promise and should be examined further as a novel therapeutic agent for UM

    Inhibition of GATA2 in prostate cancer by a clinically available small molecule.

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    Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) remains highly lethal and in need of novel, actionable therapeutic targets. The pioneer factor GATA2 is a significant prostate cancer (PC) driver and is linked to poor prognosis. GATA2 directly promotes androgen receptor (AR) gene expression (both full-length and splice-variant) and facilitates AR binding to chromatin, recruitment of coregulators, and target gene transcription. Unfortunately, there is no clinically applicable GATA2 inhibitor available at the moment. Using a bioinformatics algorithm, we screened in silico 2650 clinically relevant drugs for a potential GATA2 inhibitor. Validation studies used cytotoxicity and proliferation assays, global gene expression analysis, RT-qPCR, reporter assay, reverse phase protein array analysis (RPPA), and immunoblotting. We examined target engagement via cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA), ChIP-qPCR, and GATA2 DNA-binding assay. We identified the vasodilator dilazep as a potential GATA2 inhibitor and confirmed on-target activity via CETSA. Dilazep exerted anticancer activity across a broad panel of GATA2-dependent PC cell lines in vitro and in a PDX model in vivo. Dilazep inhibited GATA2 recruitment to chromatin and suppressed the cell-cycle program, transcriptional programs driven by GATA2, AR, and c-MYC, and the expression of several oncogenic drivers, including AR, c-MYC, FOXM1, CENPF, EZH2, UBE2C, and RRM2, as well as of several mediators of metastasis, DNA damage repair, and stemness. In conclusion, we provide, via an extensive compendium of methodologies, proof-of-principle that a small molecule can inhibit GATA2 function and suppress its downstream AR, c-MYC, and other PC-driving effectors. We propose GATA2 as a therapeutic target in CRPC