42 research outputs found

    Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network

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    Gravitational lensing by massive objects along the line of sight to the source causes distortions of gravitational wave-signals; such distortions may reveal information about fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have extended the search for lensing signatures to all binary black hole events from the third observing run of the LIGO--Virgo network. We search for repeated signals from strong lensing by 1) performing targeted searches for subthreshold signals, 2) calculating the degree of overlap amongst the intrinsic parameters and sky location of pairs of signals, 3) comparing the similarities of the spectrograms amongst pairs of signals, and 4) performing dual-signal Bayesian analysis that takes into account selection effects and astrophysical knowledge. We also search for distortions to the gravitational waveform caused by 1) frequency-independent phase shifts in strongly lensed images, and 2) frequency-dependent modulation of the amplitude and phase due to point masses. None of these searches yields significant evidence for lensing. Finally, we use the non-detection of gravitational-wave lensing to constrain the lensing rate based on the latest merger-rate estimates and the fraction of dark matter composed of compact objects

    Efficient Copper-Catalyzed S-Vinylation of Thiols with Vinyl Halides

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    The synthesis of vinyl sulfides through the coupling reaction of thiols with vinyl iodides, bromides, and chlorides is described. The thiols can couple with aryl iodides in the presence of only 0.5 mol % Cu(2)O without the need for an ancillary ligand. In the presence of 5 mol % of Cu(2)O and 10 mol % 1,10-phenanthroline as the ligand, the more challenging alkyl vinyl bromides can also be coupled with thiols, giving the vinyl sulfides in good to excellent yields

    1. Copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of alkyl thiols with aryl iodides 2. Efficient copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of thiols with vinyl halides

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    芳香基硫醚在生物化學和藥物的製備上占有重要的地位。本論文主要介紹過渡金屬催化交互耦合反應在生成碳-硫鍵的生成應用。過去的研究著重在鈀、鎳、鈷等昂貴且對環境有害的金屬。因此,第一部分中,我們使用在市面上容易取得便宜且低毒性的氧化亞銅粉末來當作催化劑,進行芳香基碘化物與硫醇的碳-硫鍵交互耦合反應。此反應並不需要添加任何配體,並且可以容忍些許官能基團,例如胺類或是含氮雜環;令人鼓舞的是使用具有立體阻礙的碘苯,也可以順利得到相對應的產物。 早期的烯烴碘化物與硫醇進行過渡金屬催化交互耦合反應,必須使用到鈀、鈷或鎳金屬才能進行。近年使用便宜且低毒性的銅金屬是一熱門的方向,可是需要搭配大量的銅與配體。論文的第二部分,我們發現在1 mol%氧化亞銅的催化下,烯烴碘化物可以有效的與硫醇進行耦合反應,並不需要加入任何配體。針對高挑戰性的烯烴溴化物,我們發現以 10 mol%氧化亞銅搭配 10 mol%二氮菲(1,10-phenanthroline)可以幫助碳-硫鍵的生成。中文摘要……………….……………………………...………........…… i 英文摘要………….………………………………………….………..... ii 圖目錄……………………….…..…………………………………...… .v 表目錄…………………….……………………………………...…...... vi 第一章 序論………….………..………………………….…..…………1 第一節 前言..……………..……..………………………………..1 第二節 過渡金屬催化之交互耦合反應.………….….……..……3 第三節 烯烴硫醚之合成介紹………………………......………12 第二章 簡單的銅催化碳-硫鍵耦合反應……..…………..…………18 第一節 前言………………….………………………..…..……...18 第二節 研究動機……………………………………….…..…….21 第三節 結果與討論………………....……..………........………..22 第四節 結論與展望…………………………….……..….………32 第三章 銅催化硫醇與烯烴鹵化物之交互耦合反應………………33 第一節 前言………………….………………………..…..……...33 第二節 研究動機……………………………………….…..…….35 第三節 結果與討論………………....……..………........………..36 第四節 結論與展望…………………………….……..….………48 第四章 儀器設備與藥品溶劑……………………………...……….…49 第五章 實驗步驟……………………………………...………………51 第六章 光譜數據…………………………………...…………………57 參考文獻………………………………………………...…………94 NMR光譜圖………………………………………………...…………9

    An SOP for analyzing users' interaction on Facebook : A case study of the off-topic phenomenon on Chen Pei-Chi's fan page

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    本研究欲找出臉書粉絲專頁中貼文與粉絲留言的互動關係,以2014年台北市長選舉中,陳佩琪粉絲專頁中的「離題」現象為例,建立一個分析臉書粉絲專頁中互動關係的研究方法,這其中包括了機器處理分析以及人為觀察與詮釋的過程。 我以機器抓取臉書粉絲專頁的資料,藉由共聚類(clustering)將貼文與留言分群,將用詞用字上較為接近的貼文分做一群,留言隨之分類,再將貼文與留言各取其關鍵詞,以兩者之間用詞上的遠離與否,算出兩者的「離題率」。算出的結果顯示離題率過高,遠超過我對該粉絲專頁的理解,我接著進入貼文與留言中觀察,發覺其中有同義詞以及語用落差等問題,進而修正我的研究方法。我挑選該選舉過程中幾項重要事件,分析該事件中貼文與粉絲的互動關係,畫出其互動關係圖,從內容上真正的找出「離題」的樣貌。我將此研究從問題發想、機器運算、人為觀察與詮釋的過程整理為一方法SOP,期望為粉絲專頁中的互動關係觀察提供系統性的分析模式。This study investigates interactive relations between a post and its comments on a fan page. This study takes Chen Pei-Chi’s fan page in Taipei Mayoral Election of 2014 as example. The “Off-Topic” phenomenon on Chen’s fan page helps to establish a model for analyzing such relations. The model includes computing analysis, man-made observations and interpretations I collected data on Chen’s fan page with the help of computer program. By clustering, posts were put into groups according to wording. Comments were put into groups correspondent to each post. I extracted key words from both sides. Next, I compared the wording of posts with that of comments. In this way, I calculated the percentage of “Off-Topic.” The percentage turned out to be too high, far beyond how I had understood fan page worked. Therefore, I went deep into the words of posts and comments and found out there existed problems of synonyms and pragmatic-semantic gaps. I corrected my model based on those observations. I chose some of the most important events from the election and analyzed their interactive relations between posts and fans. I sketched the interactive relations and successfully pictured “Off-Topic” in content. The SOP model, which ranges from forming the initial concept, computing analysis to man-made observations and interpretations, is expected to offer a systematic approach to the analysis of interactive relations on a fan page

    A Unified Droplet Manipulation Algorithm on Cross-Referencing Microfluidic Biochips

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    由於生物微機電系統(bio-MEMS)的迅速發展,數位微流體生物晶片(digital microfluidic biochips)的規模和設計的複雜性,預計在不久的將來會有爆炸性的成長。因此電腦輔助設計強有力的支持,將在生物晶片的未來發展中扮演重要的角色。而在數位微流體生物晶片的多層設計階段中,液滴繞線是一項關鍵的挑戰。繞線必須安排每一個液滴的運動軌跡和考量其間的時間順序,因此具有極高的複雜性且對生物晶片性能具有重大的影響。在此篇論文中,我們提出了第一個交錯參考(cross-referencing)微流體晶片上的統合液滴操作演算法,能夠同時在液滴混合和液滴澆線問題上作最佳化處理。此演算法以創新的元件活化圖(cell-activation graph)為基礎,可以在真實世界的生物晶片上同時執行液滴行動和液滴澆線,並且保證其生物反應的正確性。此外,演算法比之最先進的繞線演算法只有一半的運行時間並進一步提高繞線性能。在規模更大、複雜度更高的測試中,我們的繞線演算法更展現出高度的可擴展性和可繞性。From rapid development in bio-MEMS, the scale of a digital microfluidic biochip and the design complexity are expected to explode in the near future, thus requiring strong CAD support as VLSI industry has taken for granted. Among multiple synthesis stages of a digital microfluidic biochip, droplet routing which schedules the droplet movements in a time-multiplexed manner is a critical challenge due to the complex control constraints on different biochip architectures. We propose the first unified droplet manipulation algorithm to cope with the droplet manipulation problem on cross-referencing microfluidic biochips. Based on a novel graph model called cell-activation graph (CAG), the proposed method simultaneously performs droplet operations and droplet routing and guarantee the functional correctness of bioassays. It further improves the routing performance by 15% with only half of the runtime as compared with the state-of-the-art router. Experimental results on real-life benchmarks show that our algorithm achieves higher routability and scalability than previous droplet routing methods.Acknowledgements . ibstract (Chinese) . iibstract . iiiist of Figures . viiist of Tables . xhapter 1. Introduction . 1.1 Microarrays . . 1.2 Microfluidic Biochips . . 2.2.1 Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochips . . 2.2.2 Digital Microfluidic Biochips . . 3.3 Previous Works on Droplet Routing . . 6.3.1 Graph-Based Routing . . 7.3.2 ILP-Based Routing . . 8.4 Unified Droplet Manipulation . . 9.5 Contributions . . 11.6 Thesis Organization . . 12hapter 2. Problem Formulation . 13hapter 3. Algorithm . 20.1 The Graph-Based Algorithm Overview . . 20.2 Cell-Activation Graph Definition . . 22.3 CAG Construction Procedure . . 223.3.1 Properties of the CAG . . 26.3.2 Droplet Reachability Estimation . . 28.4 CAG Improvement . . 29.4.1 Dynamic-CAG . . 29.4.2 Routability Enhancement . . 32.5 Graph Bipartization Algorithm . . 34.5.1 Optimality . . 36.6 Complexity Analysis . . 37.6.1 Numbers of Elements in the CAG . . 37.6.2 Time Complexity . . 38hapter 4. Experimental Results . 41hapter 5. Conclusions . 48ibliography . 5

    An Efficient Copper-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Thiols with Aryl Iodides

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    Commercially available Cu(2)O powder is a very reactive catalyst for the coupling of thiols to aryl iodides. A variety of functional groups including esters, unprotected amines, alcohols, and heterocycles tolerate the reaction conditions. Moreover, di-ortho-substituted aryl iodides with sterically demanding substrates were also coupled to give the desired aryl thioethers in good to excellent yields

    A General Rhodium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Thiols with Aryl Iodides

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    The general procedure for the rhodium-catalyzed cross-coupling of thiols with aryl iodides is described. The catalytic system consists of 5 mol % of [RhCl(cod)]2 and 10 mol % of PPh3 as a ligand. A variety of aryl iodides reacted with thiols, giving aryl thioethers in good to excellent yields. It is important to note that the deactivated aryl iodides such as 4-iodoanisole is worked smoothly to provide the corresponding aryl thioethers in excellent yields. Functional groups such as free-amines, chloro, bromo and heteroatom-containing heterocycles are all tolerated under the employed reaction conditions

    Therapeutic Targeting of Glutaminolysis as a Novel Strategy to Combat Cancer Stem Cells

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    Rare subpopulations of cancer stem cells (CSCs) have the ability to self-renew and are the primary driving force behind cancer metastatic dissemination and the preeminent hurdle to cancer treatment. As opposed to differentiated, non-malignant tumor offspring, CSCs have sophisticated metabolic patterns that, depending on the kind of cancer, rely mostly on the oxidation of major fuel substrates such as glucose, glutamine, and fatty acids for survival. Glutaminolysis is a series of metabolic reactions that convert glutamine to glutamate and, eventually, α-ketoglutarate, an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle that provides biosynthetic building blocks. These building blocks are mostly utilized in the synthesis of macromolecules and antioxidants for redox homeostasis. A recent study revealed the cellular and molecular interconnections between glutamine and cancer stemness in the cell. Researchers have increasingly focused on glutamine catabolism in their attempt to discover an effective therapy for cancer stem cells. Targeting catalytic enzymes in glutaminolysis, such as glutaminase (GLS), is achievable with small molecule inhibitors, some of which are in early-phase clinical trials and have promising safety profiles. This review summarizes the current findings in glutaminolysis of CSCs and focuses on novel cancer therapies that target glutaminolysis in CSCs

    Synthesis of Aryl Thioethers Through the NCS-Promoted Cross-Coupling Reaction of Thiols with Grignard Reagents

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    A convenient one-pot approach for the synthesis of aryl sulfides through the coupling of thiols with Grignard reagents in the presence of N-chlorosuccinimide is described. The sulfenylchlorides were formed when thiols were treated with N-chlorosuccinimide, and the resulting sulfenylchlorides were then directly reacted with Grignard reagents to provide aryl sulfides in good to excellent yields under mild reaction conditions. Functional groups including ester, fluoro and chloro are tolerated by the reaction conditions employed. It is important to note that this method has a short reaction time (30 min in total), and represents an alternative approach for the synthesis of aryl sulfides over the existing protocols

    Frontier Review of the Molecular Mechanisms and Current Approaches of Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes

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    Exosomes are effective therapeutic vehicles that may transport their substances across cells. They are shown to possess the capacity to affect cell proliferation, migration, anti-apoptosis, anti-scarring, and angiogenesis, via the action of transporting molecular components. Possessing immense potential in regenerative medicine, exosomes, especially stem cell-derived exosomes, have the advantages of low immunogenicity, minimal invasiveness, and broad clinical applicability. Exosome biodistribution and pharmacokinetics may be altered, in response to recent advancements in technology, for the purpose of treating particular illnesses. Yet, prior to clinical application, it is crucial to ascertain the ideal dose and any potential negative consequences of an exosome. This review focuses on the therapeutic potential of stem cell-derived exosomes and further illustrates the molecular mechanisms that underpin their potential in musculoskeletal regeneration, wound healing, female infertility, cardiac recovery, immunomodulation, neurological disease, and metabolic regulation. In addition, we provide a summary of the currently effective techniques for isolating exosomes, and describe the innovations in biomaterials that improve the efficacy of exosome-based treatments. Overall, this paper provides an updated overview of the biological factors found in stem cell-derived exosomes, as well as potential targets for future cell-free therapeutic applications