362 research outputs found

    Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders Detained by TBS-Hospital Order

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    Sexual offending is a widespread international problem. Deviant sexual interests and antisocial orientation/lifestyle instability are identified as the primary criminogenic needs of sexual offenders. As a consequence, a proper understanding of these constructs is required for the supervision, (risk) assessment, and treatment of sexual offenders. The general aim of this dissertation was to explore to what extent various risk factors of (sexual) (re)offending are relevant for the (risk) assessment and treatment of sexual offenders detained by TBS-hospital order

    Burden of illness of hip fractures in elderly Dutch patients

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    Summary: Patients with hip fractures experience reduced health-related quality of life and have a reduced life expectancy. Patients’ utilization of healthcare leads to costs to society. The results of the study can be used in future economic evaluations of treatments for hip fractures. Purpose: Hip fractures are associated with high mortality, reduced quality of life, and increased healthcare utilization, leading to an economic burden to society. The purpose of this study is to determine the burden of illness of hip fractures in elderly Dutch patients for specific time periods after surgery. Methods: Patients with a hip fracture above the age of 65 were included in the study. In the 1-year period after surgery, patients were asked to complete a set of questionnaires pre-injury (retrospectively), and 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after surgery. The set of questionnaires included the Euroqol 5D (EQ-5D-3L), the iMTA Medical Consumption Questionnaire (iMCQ) and iMTA Productivity Cost Questionnaire (iPCQ). Health-related quality of life was calculated using Dutch tariffs. Costs were calculated using the methodology described in the Dutch costing manual. Results: Approximately 20% of patients with a hip fracture died within 1 year. Health-related quality of life was significantly reduced compared to pre-injury values, and patients did not recover to their pre-injury values within 1 year. Total costs in the first year after injury were €27,573, of which 10% were due to costs of the procedure (€2706). Total follow-up costs (€24,876) were predominantly consisting of healthcare costs. Monthly costs decreased over time. Conclusions: Hip fractures lead to a burden to patients, resulting from mortality and health-related quality of life reductions, and to society, due to (healthcare) costs. The results of this study can be used in future economic evaluations

    The identification of reasons, solutions, and techniques informing a theory-based intervention targeting recreational sports participation

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    This study is the 3rd piece of formative research utilizing the theory of planned behavior to inform the development of a behavior change intervention. Focus groups were used to identify reasons for and solutions to previously identified key beliefs in addition to potentially effective behavior change techniques. A purposive sample of 22 first-year undergraduate students (n = 8 men; M  = 19.8 years, SD = 1.3 years) attending a university in the North of England was used. Focus groups were audio-recorded; recordings were transcribed verbatim, analyzed thematically, and coded for recurrent themes. The data revealed 14 reasons regarding enjoyment, 11 reasons for friends' approval, 11 reasons for friends' own participation, 14 reasons for the approval of family members, and 10 solutions to time constraints. Twelve distinct techniques were suggested to attend to these reasons and solutions. This qualitative research will be used to inform the development of a theory-based intervention to increase students' participation in university recreational sports

    The Cardiovascular Effects of a Meal: J-Tpeak and Tpeak -Tend Assessment and Further Insights Into the Physiological Effects.

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    Meal intake leads to a significant and prolonged increase in cardiac output to supply the splanchnic vasculature. A meal is associated with sympathetic activation of the cardiovascular system, and food ingestion is correlated with an increase in heart rate, an increase in cardiac stroke volume, and QTc interval shortening for up to 7 hours. Given the complexity of the system, one or several of many mechanisms could explain this observation. The shortening of the QTc interval was correlated with a rise of C-peptide following food ingestion, but the mechanisms by which C-peptide may be involved in the modulation of cardiac repolarization are still unknown. This shortening of the myocardial action potential caused by the ingestion of food was further investigated in the present study by measuring the QRS, J-Tpeak , and Tpeak -Tend intervals in search of further clues to better understand the underlying mechanisms. A retrospective analysis was conducted based on data collected in a formal thorough QT/QTc study in which 32 subjects received a carbohydrate-rich "continental" breakfast, moxifloxacin without food, and moxifloxacin with food. We assessed the effect of food on T-wave morphology using validated algorithms for measurement of J-Tpeak and Tpeak -Tend intervals. Our findings demonstrate that a standardized meal significantly shortened J-Tpeak for 4 hours after a meal and to a much lesser extent and shorter duration (up to 1 hour) prolonged the Tpeak -Tend and QRS intervals. This suggests that the QTc shortening occurs mainly during phase 2 of the cardiac action potential. As there was no corresponding effect on Tpeak -Tend beyond the first hour, we conclude that a meal does not interfere with the outward correcting potassium channels but possibly with Ca2+ currents. An effect on mainly Ca2+ aligns well with our understanding of physiology whereby an increase in stroke volume, as observed after a meal, is associated with changes in Ca2+ cycling in and out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum during cardiac myocyte contraction

    Multifractality in Human Heartbeat Dynamics

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    Recent evidence suggests that physiological signals under healthy conditions may have a fractal temporal structure. We investigate the possibility that time series generated by certain physiological control systems may be members of a special class of complex processes, termed multifractal, which require a large number of exponents to characterize their scaling properties. We report on evidence for multifractality in a biological dynamical system --- the healthy human heartbeat. Further, we show that the multifractal character and nonlinear properties of the healthy heart rate are encoded in the Fourier phases. We uncover a loss of multifractality for a life-threatening condition, congestive heart failure.Comment: 19 pages, latex2e using rotate and epsf, with 5 ps figures; to appear in Nature, 3 June, 199

    Criminogene factoren van seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden

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    _ACHTERGROND_ In Nederland is tot op heden niet gepubliceerd over criminogene factoren bij subgroepen seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. _DOEL_ Onderzoeken van criminogene factoren bij kindmisbruikers en verkrachters en die vergelijken met nietseksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. _METHODE_ In een exploratieve studie onderzochten wij 16 kindmisbruikers, 22 verkrachters en 59 niet-seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. We maakten daarbij gebruik van een risicotaxatie-instrument, een checklist voor psychopathie, Implicit Association Tests en zelfrapportagevragenlijsten. _RESULTATEN_ De kindmisbruikers en verkrachters verschilden niet van elkaar in recidiverisico. De kindmisbruikers scoorden lager op psychopathie en associeerden onderdanigheid minder met seksuele aantrekkelijkheid dan de verkrachters. Bij een vergelijking van de drie groepen onderling bleek dat de kindmisbruikers en verkrachters niet significant verschilden van de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten wat betreft psychopathie. Tussen de drie groepen werden ook geen verschillen gevonden in seksuele voorkeur, neuroticisme, altruïsme, woede als trek, vijandigheid en sociale vaardigheden. Wat betreft agressie scoorden de kindmisbruikers lager dan de verkrachters en de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten. Daarnaast rapporteerden de kindmisbruikers meer angst bij het geven van kritiek dan de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten. _CONCLUSIE_ Gezien de gevonden effectgroottes van de verschillen tussen de drie groepen raden wij een vervolgonderzoek met grotere groepen aan. Daarnaast adviseren wij de svr-20 nader op een valide factorstructuur te onderzoeken. Verkrachters dienen behandeld te worden voor zowel seksueel als algemeen geweld

    Depression During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Among HIV-Infected Women on Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda

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    Background: Among HIV-infected women, perinatal depression compromises clinical, maternal, and child health outcomes. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is associated with lower depression symptom severity but the uniformity of effect through pregnancy and postpartum periods is unknown. Methods: We analyzed prospective data from 447 HIV-infected women (18–49 years) initiating ART in rural Uganda (2005–2012). Participants completed blood work and comprehensive questionnaires quarterly. Pregnancy status was assessed by self-report. Analysis time periods were defined as currently pregnant, postpartum (0–12 months post-pregnancy outcome), or non–pregnancy-related. Depression symptom severity was measured using a modified Hopkins Symptom Checklist 15, with scores ranging from 1 to 4. Probable depression was defined as >1.75. Linear regression with generalized estimating equations was used to compare mean depression scores over the 3 periods. Results: At enrollment, median age was 32 years (interquartile range: 27–37), median CD4 count was 160 cells per cubic millimeter (interquartile range: 95–245), and mean depression score was 1.75 (s = 0.58) (39% with probable depression). Over 4.1 median years of follow-up, 104 women experienced 151 pregnancies. Mean depression scores did not differ across the time periods (P = 0.75). Multivariable models yielded similar findings. Increasing time on ART, viral suppression, better physical health, and “never married” were independently associated with lower mean depression scores. Findings were consistent when assessing probable depression. Conclusions: Although the lack of association between depression and perinatal periods is reassuring, high depression prevalence at treatment initiation and continued incidence across pregnancy and non–pregnancy-related periods of follow-up highlight the critical need for mental health services for HIV-infected women to optimize both maternal and perinatal health

    An unconventional path to conventional motherhood: A qualitative study of women's motivations and experiences regarding social egg freezing in the Netherlands

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    STUDY QUESTION: What are women's motivations for social egg freezing and what are their experience regarding the egg freezing process in the Netherlands? SUMMARY ANSWER: Women who engage in social egg freezing are driven by feelings of fear, including the fear of not finding the suitable partner and fear of declining fecundity. They aim to fulfil their desire for having children with a partner. Alternative ways to achieve parenthood are considered if the conventional way of motherhood cannot be achieved. WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN: The reasons for social egg freezing are multi-fold, including amongst others economic, social, health, educational and career factors. The lack of a (stable) partnership, and a strong desire for a genetically related child with a committed partner are considered main reasons. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A qualitative interview study, including 20 women, was conducted in the Netherlands between October 2018 and August 2019. MATERIAL & METHODS: Women between 32 and 42 years of age, who had completed the egg freezing trajectory for social reasons at three different medical centres in the Netherlands participated in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face or via a teleconference tool and were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The interviews lasted between 30 and 90 minutes. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: This study identified one overall theme: "an unconventional path to conventional motherhood" and five interpretive theme's: "fear of not becoming a mother, peace of mind, an unconventional path to motherhood, conventional perspectives, and financial discrimination". Women were afraid of not becoming a mother in the future. Despite the fact that all kinds of alternatives were available, conventional motherhood was preferred. Women chose a non-conventional path to reach this goal and they had to let go of traditional perspectives. Although they had the feeling of being discriminated financially, it gave them 'peace of mind'. The preserved oocytes gave them the sense of a fertility insurance for the future. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: The demographic profile displays a high degree of homogeneity, which may impact generalisability. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: This study contributes to a better understanding of women who cryopreserve their oocytes for social reasons. Healthcare professionals need to be aware of these motivations and perspectives. Understanding the underlying factors and emotional considerations in the decision-making process is crucial to provide proper counselling and optimal patient-centered infertility care. Furthermore, it is important to raise awareness about the possibilities of pursuing (alternative) motherhood to support effective policy making. However, social egg freezing remains closest to women's preferences of conventional motherhood, even in a country like the Netherlands, which is known for its progressiveness and focus on gender equality. Last, policy makers need to stimulate cost-effectivity and prevent younger women of pursuing social egg freezing as kind of a prevention method

    Perioperative platelet reactivity over time in patients undergoing vascular surgery: An observational pilot study

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    Background Despite Antiplatelet therapy (APT), cardiovascular patients undergoing revascularisation remain at high risk for thrombotic events. Individual response to APT varies substantially, resulting in insufficient protection from thrombotic events due to high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HTPR) in ≤40% of patients. Individual variation in platelet response impairs APT guidance on a single patient level. Unfortunately, little is known about individual platelet response to APT over time, timing for accurate residual platelet reactivity measurement, or the optimal test to monitor residual platelet reactivity. Aims To investigate residual platelet reactivity variability over time in individual patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) treated with clopidogrel. Methods Platelet reactivity was determined in patients undergoing CEA in a prospective, single-centre, observational study using the VerifyNow (change in turbidity from ADP-induced binding to fibrinogen-coated beads), the VASP assay (quantification of phosphorylation of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein), and a flow-cytometry-based assay (PACT) at four perioperative time points. Genotyping identified slow (CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*3) and fast (CYP2C19*17) metabolisers. Results Between December 2017 and November 2019, 50 patients undergoing CEA were included. Platelet reactivity measured with the VerifyNow (p = < .001) and VASP (p = .029) changed over time, while the PACT did not. The VerifyNow identified patients changing HTRP status after surgery. The VASP identified patients changing HTPR status after eight weeks (p = .018). CYP2C19 genotyping identified 13 slow metabolisers. Conclusion In patients undergoing CEA, perioperative platelet reactivity measurements fluctuate over time with little agreement between platelet reactivity assays. Consequently, HTPR status of individual patients measured with the VerifyNow and VASP assay changed over time. Therefore, generally used perioperative platelet reactivity measurements seem unreliable for adjusting perioperative APT strategy
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