6 research outputs found

    Production et utilisation du biochar pour l'amendement des sols rouges lessivés tropicaux

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, la curiositĂ© de la communautĂ© scientifique s’oriente de plus en plus vers la production et l’usage du biochar en agriculture comme amendement. En plus d’ĂȘtre un moyen efficace de valorisation des dĂ©chets agricoles et forestiers, il pourrait contribuer Ă  la restauration de la fertilitĂ© des oxisols tropicaux et donc au maintien de la productivitĂ© des Ă©cosystĂšmes agricoles tropicaux. En retour, cette restauration pourrait contribuer Ă  rĂ©duire la pression sur la forĂȘt tropicale, c’est-Ă -dire la dĂ©forestation pour la production agricole. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite en plein champ dans la rĂ©gion de l’Ouest Cameroun en Afrique centrale. Elle avait pour objectif de produire, caractĂ©riser et tester l'effet de deux biochars, d'origine agricole et forestier, sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques d’un oxisol et sur la production et l’équilibre nutritionnel du maĂŻs. Dans un premier temps, il a fallu construire localement un four pyrolytique amĂ©liorĂ© par rapport Ă  ce qui se fait actuellement, recyclant les gaz de combustion. Les deux biochars fabriquĂ©s Ă  base de rĂ©sidus locaux (Ă©corce d’eucalyptus et rafles de maĂŻs), avec ce nouveau pyrolyseur amĂ©liorĂ© de type « retort » Ă  300°C, ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s (mĂ©thodes ASTM, IBI, EBC) et respectaient les normes internationales de biochar. L’expĂ©rience au champ avec trois rĂ©pĂ©titions couvrait 30 parcelles irriguĂ©es de 4 m x 4 m chacune, disposĂ©es suivant un plan expĂ©rimental en split plot. Deux modes de travail du sol, le labour Ă  plat et les sillons-billons, en parcelle principale et en sous parcelle une combinaison alĂ©atoire des cinq traitements contenant l’un ou l’autre des biochars (T2-T3) ou sans biochar (T1), appliquĂ©s au dĂ©but de la premiĂšre campagne de production uniquement. Le traitement de base dans toutes les parcelles Ă©tait la dose d’engrais minĂ©ral recommandĂ©e pour la culture du maĂŻs dans la rĂ©gion Ă  savoir 200 kg NPK ha⁻Âč +100 kg N ha⁻Âč. Le biochar Ă©tait appliquĂ© Ă  la dose de 15 t ha⁻Âč. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques du sol et des feuilles de maĂŻs ainsi que son rendement sous ces parcelles ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es, six et douze mois aprĂšs l’application du biochar. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par la procĂ©dure GLIMIX de SAS suivis du test de comparaison multiple Tukey HSD lorsque nĂ©cessaire. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent les conclusions suivantes : les biochars d’écorce d’eucalyptus et de rafles de maĂŻs remplissent bien l’essentiel des critĂšres de dĂ©finition proposĂ©s par le IBI et le EBC pour les biochars. Selon IBI, ce sont des biochars de classe 3 (10 ≀ Corg ≀ 30). Le nouveau pyrolyseur pourra servir Ă  produire un biochar de qualitĂ© Ă  partir des rĂ©sidus communs au Cameroun en rĂ©duisant les Ă©missions de gaz. L’application du biochar dans nos conditions a eu peu d’effets sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques du sol ; cependant, l’augmentation significative du pH (0,3 et 0,5 unitĂ©s) et du carbone organique du sol (0,4 %) rendent cette technologie acceptable pour le programme global « 4 pour 1000 » initiĂ© par la France aprĂšs la Cop 21. L’analyse nutritionnelle foliaire a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une augmentation significative de la teneur en Mg et Ca des plants de maĂŻs dans les parcelles amendĂ©es au biochar que non ; le rendement Ă  l’ha du maĂŻs a augmentĂ© de 54 % durant la premiĂšre pĂ©riode de production et de 51 % durant la seconde dans les parcelles ammendĂ©es au biochar par rapport Ă  celles non amendĂ©es. Cette augmentation de rendement se traduit autrement en une dĂ©forestation due Ă  l’agriculture Ă©vitĂ©e de 25 %. Tous ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que le biochar pourrait ĂȘtre un outil prĂ©cieux pour faire face aux enjeux liĂ©s Ă  la dĂ©forestation et aux changements climatiques dans les rĂ©gions tropicales humides, ce par une production agricole durable.In recent years, the interest of the scientific community has shifted increasingly towards the production and use of biochar in agriculture as an amendment. In addition to being an efficient means of recovering agricultural and forestry waste, it could contribute to restoring the fertility of tropical oxisols and thus maintaining the productivity of tropical agricultural ecosystems. As a result, this restoration could help in decreasing the pressure on rainforests, that is, deforestation for agricultural production. This field study was carried out in the West region of Cameroon in Central Africa. Its aim was to produce, characterize and test the effect of two biochars from agricultural and forestry origin on the physico-chemical properties of an oxisol and on maize production and maize nutritional equilibrium. Firstly, we constructed locally a retort kiln that improves on the currently-used technology (gas recycling, smoke and pollution reduction, higher biochar yield). The two biochars made from local residues (eucalyptus bark and corn cobs) using this improved kiln at 300 ° C, were characterized using ASTM, IBI and EBC methods. The field experiment included 30 irrigated plots of 4 m × 4 m each, in a split plot design. Two soil tillage modes: flat plowing and furrow-ridges, with three replicates were compared with four biochar treatments, incorporated to soil at the beginning of the first production period. The basic treatment in all plots was the recommended mineral fertilizer rate for maize production in the area: 200 kg NPK +100 kg N. Biochar was applied at 15 t ha⁻Âč. Maize yield, soil physico-chemical properties and leaf nutritional equilibrium were assessed, six and twelve months after application of the biochar. The results were analyzed using SAS GLIMIX procedure followed by the Tukey HSD multiple comparison test when necessary. Results suggest the following conclusions: Eucalyptus bark and corncob biochars fulfill most of the criteria definition proposed by IBI and EBC for biochars. According to IBI, these are class 3 biochars (10 ≀ Corg ≀ 30). The new pyrolyser can thus be used to produce good quality biochar from common residues in Cameroon with reduced gas emissions. The application of biochar under our conditions has had little effect on the physicochemical properties of the soil; however, the significant increase in pH (0.3 and 0.5 units) and soil organic carbon (0.4 %) makes this technology acceptable for the global program "4 per 1000" initiated by France after Cop 21. Foliar nutritional analysis revealed a significant increase in the Mg and Ca content of maize plants in biochar amended plots; the yield per hectare of maize increased by 54 % during the first production period and by 51 % during the second in the biochar amended plots compared to the control. This increase in yield is otherwise translated into 25 % avoided deforestation due to agriculture. All these results indicate that biochar could be a valuable tool to face the challenges of deforestation and climate change in the humid tropical zones, through sustainable agricultural production

    Diagnostic en vue de l’élaboration d’une stratĂ©gie municipale concertĂ©e pour l’accĂšs Ă  l’eau potable et l’assainissement : Cas de la commune de Kye-Ossi au Sud-Cameroun

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    L’approvisionnement en eau potable dans de nombreuses communes Camerounaises reste un dĂ©fi permanent Ă  relever ; c’est le cas pour la commune de Kye-Ossi qui ne possĂšde pas de rĂ©seau publique de distribution d’eau, ni un service d’assainissement. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude menĂ©e dans cette ville visait Ă  y rĂ©aliser un diagnostic de l’alimentation en eau potable et de l’assainissement de base. Pour se faire, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une analyse documentaire du cadre institutionnel, des interviews semi structurĂ©s, les « focus group » et des enquĂȘtes mĂ©nages. Il ressort de ce travail que l’insuffisance des fonds et l’absence de l’énergie Ă©lectrique sont les principaux problĂšmes des acteurs de l’offre et la demande. 71% des populations consomment sans traiter l’eau des forages, 47% des mĂ©nages utilisent les latrines Ă  fond perdu amĂ©nagĂ©es. Bien que 69% des mĂ©nages soient satisfaits de l’assainissement de base, 74% ne sont pas satisfaits de l’approvisionnement en eau potable. 36% des forages Ă©quipĂ©s de pompes Ă  motricitĂ© humaine sont non fonctionnels. Tous les puits modernes sont fonctionnels. Des sept latrines publiques recensĂ©es, quatre sont privĂ©es et trois appartiennent Ă  la commune. La mauvaise gestion et la mauvaise qualitĂ© des Ă©quipements sont les principales causes des pannes sur les ouvrages

    The Impact of the application of biochar previously used in domestic wastewater treatment on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

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    Biochar has gained attention in agricultural studies due to its ability to ameliorate soil conditions. However, due to its low nutrient content, positive effects on plant growth are generally only observed if combined with mineral fertilizers or manures. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that biochar used to treat domestic wastewater can become enriched with nutrients and subsequently serve as a better soil amendment. The impact of the application of biochar used as substrate in a filter for domestic wastewater treatment (TB) on the growth of  lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa)  plant was evaluated. Its effect on plant growth was compared to pure biochar (BC) using bare soil as a control. The biochars were applied with and without fertilizer using 3 biochar application rates (10, 20 and 30 t/ha). Results showed that biochar does not become enriched after wastewater purification in the short run. Instead, there was a reduction in the mineral composition, available phosphorus and pH in TB compared to BC. Only the BC treatments were significantly different (p=0.001) from the control. However, higher biomass production at 30 t/ha was observed in BC (+322%) and TB (+142%), compared with the unfertilized control. There were no significant differences in biomass production between the biochar and control treatments for application rates below 30 t/ha. Fertilization significantly (p=0.024) improved biomass production with the BC30+F treatments demonstrating the highest performance (+315%) compared to the fertilized control

    Assessment of the sensitivity of water resources in the intertropical zone: a bibliographical study with perspectives

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    Study of the vulnerability of water resources contributing to consumer health in the inter-tropical zone. The aim of this paper is to present the state of the art on the protection of water resources in the inter-tropical zone in order to identify gaps in knowledge that improve drinking water supply. To achieve this, a documentary search online was carried out to assess the progression of work over time. What emerges from this literature review is that the method for assessing intrinsic and specific vulnerability in bedrock areas is practically non-existent. A discrepancy exists and reflects the difference in a coincidence of the level of vulnerability when several methods of determining vulnerability are used in the same study site. The issue of validation is still problematic, as it lies in the fact that a property that is not precisely defined cannot be unambiguously deduced from the measured quantity. The characterisation of specific pollutants and their propagation in the saturated or groundwater zone are not taken into account. All the different components of the water cycle are not always taken into account during a groundwater vulnerability study, yet each water resource is part of a closely related component of the water cycle. HIGHLIGHTS The aim of this paper is to present the state of the art on the protection of groundwater that improve drinking water supply.; Several indices have been identified in the literature.; However, these indices reveal that groundwater vulnerability assessment procedures are not well understood, are poorly used, and remain a challenge for underdeveloped countries.; There is an urgent need to apply effective corrections to the methods of protecting water resources in the intertropical zone for drinking water supply.

    Comparative analysis of a hybrid Photovoltaic-Water Thermal solar system using monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon solar modules

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    The proposed work consists of a comparative analysis of a model of a hybrid solar PV/T waterborne system using monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon solar modules. In this work, we have highlighted that the design of a PV/T waterborne system depends on the type of solar module. We have chosen on the market the polycrystalline / monocrystalline silicon solar modules with a power of 100Wc each and 60Wc for the amorphous. Behind each solar module is glued a coil exchanger of respective dimensions: 22m, 32m length and 12 mm diameter for water circulation. The prototypes of the water PVTs as well as their control modules have been realized in the west of Cameroon. Tests were conducted and the data collected led us to optimize the production of the solar photovoltaic modules. We obtained an average daily electrical energy gain of 10.7% or 10.7Wc (mono-crystalline); 13.9% or 13.9Wc (polycrystalline) and 0.97% or 1.62Wc (amorphous) compared to conventional solar panels. For the thermal side, we obtained an average daily thermal power of 214.944 W or 4 liters of hot water (37°C) for the monocrystalline panel; 298.35 W or 5,6 liters of hot water (44.5°C) for the polycrystalline module and 304,57 W or 13.78 liters of hot water (48.6°C) for the amorphous. These tests were made on an average sunshine of 835.51W/m2 between 7h30 min and 15h30 min. The analysis comparison of the developed models shows us that the PVT with poly water has a better electrical output followed by the mono then the amorphous and the PVT with amorphous water has a better thermal output followed by the poly and the mono. This approach allowed us to recover a quantity of the electrical power of the modules lost by Joule effect while determining the quantity of hot water that can be produced by a PV modul

    Potentiel des biochars à base de résidus agricoles pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques par filtres à flux verticaux plantés d'Echinochloa pyramidalis

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    Version finale de l'article publiĂ© par la revue Environnement, IngĂ©nierie & DĂ©veloppement EIDThe treatment of domestic wastewater by vegetated filters is proposed as an alternative better suited to the socio-economic conditions of developing countries. The use of biochar in these filters in partial or total substitution of conventional filter substrate was the main aim of the present study. The effectiveness of three biochars produced from three crop wastes (Corn cobs, coconut shells and palm nut shells) in improving the purification performance of vertical flow filters vegetated with antelope grass was studied. The experimental set-up consisted of three biochar filters plus a control replicated thrice. The filters were supplied at a hydraulic loading rate of 142 l/m2/jr. The physi-co-chemical characteristics of the water were measured 30 and then 60 days from the beginning of the test; the physical growth parameters of randomly selected plants were measured weekly between the 30th and the 60th day, i.e. 4 times. The results reveal an increase in pH, an improvement in the reduction of nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, and microbes content effluents from biochar filters compared to those from conventional sand filters. Overall, the corn cob biochar filter showed better results after two months. It remains important for future studies to monitor the parameters over a longer period and to test the effect of the combination of the three biochars in one filter.Le traitement des eaux usĂ©es domestiques par filtres plantĂ©s est proposĂ© comme une alternative adaptĂ©e aux conditions socio-Ă©conomiques des pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement. L’utilisation du biochar dans ces filtres en substitution partielle ou totale des massifs filtrants classiques Ă©tait au centre de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude. L’efficacitĂ© Ă©puratoire de trois biochars produits Ă  partir de chacun des trois rĂ©sidus vĂ©gĂ©taux (les rafles de maĂŻs, les coques de noix de coco, et les coques de noix de palmiste) pour l’amĂ©lioration des performances Ă©puratoires des filtres Ă  flux vertical plantĂ©s de roseaux a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e ici. Le dispositif expĂ©rimental Ă©tait constituĂ© de trois filtres Ă  biochars rĂ©pliquĂ©s trois fois et de trois filtres tĂ©-moins alimentĂ©s Ă  142 l/m2/jr. Les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques des eaux ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es Ă  30 puis 60 jours depuis le dĂ©but de l’essai ; les paramĂštres physiques de croissance des plantes mesurĂ©es toutes les semaines entre le 30e et le 60e jour soit 4 fois. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent une augmentation du pH, une amĂ©lioration de la rĂ©duction de la teneur en azote, fer, phosphore et des microbes dans les filtres Ă  biochar comparĂ© aux filtres Ă  sable classiques. Globalement, le filtre avec biochar de rafles de maĂŻs a permis d’obtenir de meilleurs rĂ©sultats au bout de deux mois. Il reste opportun pour les prochaines Ă©tudes de faire le suivi des paramĂštres sur une plus longue durĂ©e et de tester l’effet de la combinaison des trois biochars