24 research outputs found

    An Inertial Extragradient Direction Method with Self-Adaptive Step Size for Solving Split Minimization Problems and Its Applications to Compressed Sensing

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    The purpose of this work is to construct iterative methods for solving a split minimization problem using a self-adaptive step size, conjugate gradient direction, and inertia technique. We introduce and prove a strong convergence theorem in the framework of Hilbert spaces. We then demonstrate numerically how the extrapolation factor (θn) in the inertia term and a step size parameter affect the performance of our proposed algorithm. Additionally, we apply our proposed algorithms to solve the signal recovery problem. Finally, we compared our algorithm’s recovery signal quality performance to that of three previously published works

    Existence Solutions of Vector Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point of Multivalued Mappings

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    Let K be a nonempty compact convex subset of a topological vector space. In this paper-sufficient conditions are given for the existence of x∈K such that F(T)∩VEP(F)≠∅, where F(T) is the set of all fixed points of the multivalued mapping T and VEP(F) is the set of all solutions for vector equilibrium problem of the vector-valued mapping F. This leads us to generalize and improve some existence results in the recent references

    Existence Result of Generalized Vector Quasiequilibrium Problems in Locally <inline-formula> <graphic file="1687-1812-2011-967515-i1.gif"/></inline-formula>-Convex Spaces

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    This paper deals with the generalized strong vector quasiequilibrium problems without convexity in locally -convex spaces. Using the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed point theorem for upper semicontinuous set-valued mapping with nonempty closed acyclic values, the existence theorems for them are established. Moreover, we also discuss the closedness of strong solution set for the generalized strong vector quasiequilibrium problems.</p

    On the Existence Result for System of Generalized Strong Vector Quasiequilibrium Problems

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    We introduce a new type of the system of generalized strong vector quasiequilibrium problems with set-valued mappings in real locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces. We establish an existence theorem by using Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed-point theorem and discuss the closedness of strong solution set for the system of generalized strong vector quasiequilibrium problem. The results presented in the paper improve and extend the main results of Long et al. (2008).</p

    An Inertial Extragradient Direction Method with Self-Adaptive Step Size for Solving Split Minimization Problems and Its Applications to Compressed Sensing

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    The purpose of this work is to construct iterative methods for solving a split minimization problem using a self-adaptive step size, conjugate gradient direction, and inertia technique. We introduce and prove a strong convergence theorem in the framework of Hilbert spaces. We then demonstrate numerically how the extrapolation factor (θn) in the inertia term and a step size parameter affect the performance of our proposed algorithm. Additionally, we apply our proposed algorithms to solve the signal recovery problem. Finally, we compared our algorithm’s recovery signal quality performance to that of three previously published works

    Proximal Point Algorithm for a Common of Countable Families of Inverse Strongly Accretive Operators and Nonexpansive Mappings with Convergence Analysis

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    In this paper, we investigate and analyze a proximal point algorithm via viscosity approximation method with error. This algorithm is introduced for finding a common zero point for a countable family of inverse strongly accretive operators and a countable family of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. Our result can be extended to some well known results from a Hilbert space to a uniformly convex and 2−uniformly smooth Banach space. Finally, we establish the strong convergence theorems for the proximal point algorithm. Also, some illustrative numerical examples are presented

    Some Globally Stable Fixed Points in <i>b</i>-Metric Spaces

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    In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of globally stable fixed points of asymptotically contractive mappings in complete b-metric spaces were studied. Also, we investigated the existence of fixed points under the setting of a continuous mapping. Furthermore, we introduce a contraction mapping that generalizes that of Banach, Kanan, and Chatterjea. Using our new introduced contraction mapping, we establish some results on the existence and uniqueness of fixed points. In obtaining some of our results, we assume that the space is associated with a partial order, and the b-metric function has the regularity property. Our results improve, and generalize some current results in the literature

    A Modified Tseng’s Method for Solving the Modified Variational Inclusion Problems and Its Applications

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    The goal of this study was to show how a modified variational inclusion problem can be solved based on Tseng’s method. In this study, we propose a modified Tseng’s method and increase the reliability of the proposed method. This method is to modify the relaxed inertial Tseng’s method by using certain conditions and the parallel technique. We also prove a weak convergence theorem under appropriate assumptions and some symmetry properties and then provide numerical experiments to demonstrate the convergence behavior of the proposed method. Moreover, the proposed method is used for image restoration technology, which takes a corrupt/noisy image and estimates the clean, original image. Finally, we show the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to guarantee image quality