684 research outputs found

    Dynamic mechanical characterization and sustainability of polyurethane foam and natural fiber laminates

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    Lightweight materials are of incredible enthusiasm to transportation applications. Auxiliary weight diminishment straightforwardly converts into fuel sparing and expanded payload limit. Permeable materials can give huge weight sparing yet their applications are restricted by their low quality and modulus. Higher gas mileage prerequisites for cars have additionally pushed them to search for lighter weight materials, where syntactic foams are required to be helpful in a few segments. Hollow molecule filled composites, called syntactic foams, are additionally named closed cell foams. Encasing porosity inside thin hardened shells of particles gives fortifying impact to each void present in the materials microstructure. Such composites can be custom-made to have higher particular modulus than the polymer matrix and an abnormal state of vitality retention under compression. In our group we have fabricated a laminated composite with polyurethane foam sandwiched between glass/kenaf fibers for fabricating structural components for ballistic purpose in mass transit. Fabricated laminates possessed high strain ballistic impact. Sustainability study of fabricated laminates was done. Polyurethane foam was chemical depolymerised and recycled polyol based polyurethane syntactic foams were also fabricated by incorporating rubber particles into it and characterised for tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength and modulus. Composite fabricated from recycled polyol and rubber particles possessed excellent mechanical properties suitable for structural applications

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Cuban Cyberactivism

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    This article applies power-law degree distribution and network theory as a conceptual framework for assessing the effectiveness of Cuban cyberactivism based on an analysis of previous scholarly work on the topic. While Cuban cyberactivism indicates the potential for a more accessible, just, and transparent media environment, the movement continues to face serious obstacles due to extensive controls put in place by the Communist Party of Cuba

    Sorption studies of few selected raw and nanoclay infused lignocellulosic fibres

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    Effect of lumen morphologies of selected raw untreated and nanoclay infused lignocellulosic fibres on the sorptioncharacteristics have been studied. Sisal, kenaf, banana and coir fibres have been selected, and the sorption characteristics,such as adsorption, desorption and absorption properties are evaluated. Nanoclay particles are effectively impregnated intothe fibres, and the particles serve as a barrier medium by modifying the fibre-gas/liquid interface. The result indicates thatthe nanoclay treated fibres result in reduced moisture adsorption with increased fibre surface area. The adsorptiondesorptioncharacteristics of untreated and nanoclay treated fibres show sigmoidal isotherm sorption behavior, and thesorption hysteresis depends on crystallinity and nanoclay infusion. It is observed that the absorption characteristics ofuntreated and nanoclay treated fibres depend upon the nanoclay treatment and lumen phase morphology


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    Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.) is a plant that produces essential oils. The use of mycorrhiza and P fertilizer on vetiver plants can support growth and increase root crop production. However, the exact dose of P fertilizer is not yet known to increase and support the growth and production of vetiver plants. For this reason, the dose of fertilization treatment was carried out to see which doses could be associated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) which could help the growth of vetiver plants. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) with two factors. The first factor was AMF inoculation consisting of 2 levels, without AMF inoculum (M0) and inoculum administration (M1). The second factor is the dose of Phosphor (P) fertilizer consisting of 3 levels, namely, the dose of 50% P fertilizer as much as 397 mg/polybag (P1), 100% P fertilizer at 793 mg/polybag (P2) and 150% P fertilizer as much as 1,190 mg/polybag (P3 ). The results showed that the AMF inoculum had not been able to increase the growth and yield of vetiver plants. AMF inoculum affects the number of spores and root infections. P fertilizer has not been able to increase the growth and production of vetiver plants. There was no interaction between the two treatments

    Mechanical and the effect of oil absorption on tribological properties of carbon-based brake pad material

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    This research focuses on the mechanical and effect of oil absorption on the tribological properties of carbon-based brake pad material (CBP).  Carbon-based materials, including those at a nanosize, are combined for developed brake pad material. The mechanical properties related to wear properties such as compression strength, stiffness, hardness, and absorption properties were determined. The effect of oil absorption on the tribological properties of carbon-based materials was investigated. The obtained properties are compared with that of a ceramic-made brake pad (commercial). The experimental results show that the mechanical and absorption properties of the developed brake pad material varied with the combination and quantity of additives used to develop each brake pad material. CBP material offered higher performance than ceramic-made brake pads. The CBP material showed a higher shear strength of about 110%, 51% enhanced compressive strength, 35% greater modulus, comparative statistical hardness, 98% lesser water intake, and 97% oil absorption rate than ceramic made brake pad. The tribological properties of friction material after soaked in oil proved that absorption properties affect tribological properties of brake pads, which can be attributed to the oil content in the material system. The effect of oil uptakes on wear rate and friction of the commercial brake pad was higher than CBP materials, implying that the loading of carbon-based materials is a viable way to reduce absorption rate, which helps in increasing brake pad performance. The improved properties are suggestive of materials combinations that may be used to develop brake pad materials

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan Pada Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura Dan Peternakan Kabupaten Muara Enim

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    The Geographic Information System (GIS) for Sustainable Food Agriculture (LP2B) is an information system application that functions to produce accurate, relevant and accountable data and information which will later be used as a basis for planning, stipulating, utilizing, evaluating and controlling the area and land and sustainable food agriculture reserve land that can be accessed by the community and stakeholders. This study uses data collection methods in the form of literature studies, field studies (interviews and observations) and literature studies as a method of approach in data collection. In this study using a system development method using Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, where there are three phases of development, namely the phase of Requirement Planning, Workshop Design and Implementation. In the geographic information system of sustainable agricultural land use web gis based PHP programming using javascript leaflets as the implementation of the projected map of the earth on the geographic information system of sustainable agricultural land. The results of this study can later be used as a reference for the Muara Enim District Government through the Muara Enim Regency Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock Service Office in making decisions on which paddy fields will be used as Sustainable Food Agriculture Land, and are expected to continue to appeal to and pay attention to farmers LP2B so that paddy fields in Muara Enim Regency can avoid land conversion or reduced paddy fields that will threaten food security. Keywords : Geographic Information System, Muara Enim Regency, Land of Sustainable Food Agriculture


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    Sawi pagoda (Brassica narinosa (L.H.Bailey) Hanelt) merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang digemari karena mengandung banyak nutrisi dan antioksidan. Salah satu permasalahan dalam hidroponik yaitu konsentrasi ion dalam larutan nutrisi berubah seiring dengan berjalannya waktu yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan nutrisi. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi AB-mix untuk mengontrol konsentrasi larutan nutrisi sesuai kebutuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi sawi pagoda pada sistem DFT (Deep Flow Technique). Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Non Faktorial dengan perlakuan berupa pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi yang terdiri dari dua taraf, yaitu pengaturan nutrisi setiap tujuh hari dan pengaturan nutrisi setiap hari. Percobaan diulang sebanyak 12 kali, sehingga terdapat 24 satuan percobaan. Setiap satuan percobaan terdiri atas tiga sampel tanaman, sehingga terdapat 72 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot basah tajuk dan total, bobot kering tajuk dan total, serta rasio tajuk akar. Pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, bobot basah akar, dan bobot kering akar. Pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi setiap hari menunjukkan hasil produksi yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan pengaturan konsentrasi nutrisi setiap tujuh hari

    Thermalisme et climatisme, médecines environnementales

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