24 research outputs found

    The Effect of Thin Film Adhesives on Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Fiber Composites with Shape Memory Alloy Inserts

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    Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) was placed within Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC) panels alongside film adhesives to examine bonding. Double cantilever beam (DCB) testing was performed using ASTM D5528. C-scanning was performed before testing, modal acoustic emissions (MAE) were monitored during testing, and microscopy performed post-test. Data was analyzed using modified beam theory (MBT), compliance calibration (CC) and modified compliance calibration (MCC) methods. Fracture toughness for control specimens was higher than previously reported due to fiber-bridging. Specimens with SMAs and adhesives stabilized crack propagation. Results revealed SMA-bridging; a phenomenon mimicking fiber-bridging which increased the load and fracture toughness of SMA specimens

    Utilizing Schaefer's fixed point theorem in nonlinear Caputo sequential fractional differential equation systems

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    In the present study, established fixed-point theories are utilized to explore the requisite conditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutions within the realm of sequential fractional differential equations, incorporating both Caputo fractional operators and nonlocal boundary conditions. Subsequently, the stability of these solutions is assessed through the Ulam-Hyers stability method. The research findings are validated with a practical example that corroborate and reinforce the theoretical results

    Effect of Thin-Film Adhesives on Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Fiber Composites with Shape Memory Alloy Inserts

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    A single sheet of NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) was introduced within a unidirectional HexPly 8552/IM7 (Hexcel) polymer matrix composite (PMC) panel in conjunction with multiple thin-film adhesives to promote the interfacial bond strength between the SMA and PMC. A double cantilever beam (DCB) test was performed in accordance with the ASTM D5528 method for evaluation of Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of unidirectional fiber-reinforced PMCs. The modal acoustic emissions (MAEs) were monitored during testing with two acoustic sensors attached to the specimens. The composite panels were subjected to a C-scan before testing and examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques after part failure. The data were used in conjunction with modified beam theory (MBT), the compliance calibration (CC) method, and the modified compliance calibration (MCC) method. The Mode I interlaminar toughness (G(sub IC)) values for control specimens were higher than previously reported and are attributed to extensive fiber bridging during testing. The presence of adhesives with SMA inserts stabilized crack propagation during DCB testing. The results reveal a new phenomenon of SMA bridging, whereby crack propagation would switch from one side of the SMA insert to the other, thus increasing the load and G(sub IC) values of specimens containing SMA

    Applying fixed point techniques to solve fractional differential inclusions under new boundary conditions

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    Many scholars have lately explored fractional-order boundary value issues with a variety of conditions, including classical, nonlocal, multipoint, periodic/anti-periodic, fractional-order, and integral boundary conditions. In this manuscript, the existence and uniqueness of solutions to sequential fractional differential inclusions via a novel set of nonlocal boundary conditions were investigated. The existence results were presented under a new class of nonlocal boundary conditions, Carathéodory functions, and Lipschitz mappings. Further, fixed-point techniques have been applied to study the existence of results under convex and non-convex multi-valued mappings. Ultimately, to support our findings, we analyzed an illustrative example

    Influence of Silicon Carbide Particulates on Tensile Fracture Behavior of an Aluminum Alloy

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    In this research paper the tensile properties and fracture characteristics of an Al–Cu–Mg alloy discontinuously reinforced with silicon carbide particulates (SiCp) are presented and discussed. The increased strength of the Al–Cu–Mg/SiCp composite is attributed to the synergistic influences of residual stresses arising from intrinsic differences in response of the composite constituents, that is, metal matrix and ceramic-particle reinforcements, during cyclic deformation and strengthening from constrained plastic flow and triaxiality in the ductile aluminum alloy metal matrix due to the presence of ceramic particle reinforcements. Fracture on a microscopic scale comprised of cracking of both the individual silicon carbide particulates and even the clusters of silicon carbide particles present in the microstructure. Final fracture of the composite resulted from crack propagation through the matrix between the clusters of reinforcing SiC particles. The key mechanisms governing the tensile fracture process are discussed

    Recent Advancements in Material Waste Recycling: Conventional, Direct Conversion, and Additive Manufacturing Techniques

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    To improve the microstructure and mechanical properties of fundamental materials including aluminum, stainless steel, superalloys, and titanium alloys, traditional manufacturing techniques have for years been utilized in critical sectors including the aerospace and nuclear industries. However, additive manufacturing has become an efficient and effective means for fabricating these materials with superior mechanical attributes, making it easier to develop complex parts with relative ease compared to conventional processes. The waste generated in additive manufacturing processes are usually in the form of powders, while that of conventional processes come in the form of chips. The current study focuses on the features and uses of various typical recycling methods for traditional and additive manufacturing that are presently utilized to recycle material waste from both processes. Additionally, the main factors impacting the microstructural features and density of the chip-unified components are discussed. Moreover, it recommends a novel approach for recycling chips, while improving the process of development, bonding quality of the chips, microstructure, overall mechanical properties, and fostering sustainable and environmentally friendly engineering

    The Tensile Response and Fracture Behavior of Four High Strength Specialty Steels

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    In this technical paper the role of alloy chemistry and secondary processing on tensile response and final fracture behavior of four high strength steels is presented and discussed. The conjoint influence of composition, secondary processing and intrinsic microstructural features in governing stress versus strain response and tensile properties is highlighted. The macroscopic mode and intrinsic microscopic features that result from final fracture of the four high strength steels is discussed. The intrinsic microscopic mechanisms governing tensile deformation and final fracture behavior of the high strength steels are outlined in light of the specific role played by composition, intrinsic microstructural effects and nature of loading

    Influence of Surface Finish and Notch on Flexural Strength and Fracture of a High-Performance Alloy Steel for Innovative Applications

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    In this article, the extrinsic influence of surface finish and notch on flexural strength and fracture behavior of the alloy steel, Pyrowear 53, when subjected to quasi-static bending is presented and discussed. The influence of surface finish on bevel-shaped samples of Pyrowear 53 revealed the isotropic surface finish to carry a higher maximum load during a flexural test. However, from the standpoint of extension, the micromachine-processed samples revealed observable improvement in extension (mm) capability when subjected to static bending. Samples of this alloy steel having a funnel notch had a lower maximum-load-carrying capability when compared one-on-one with the bevel-shaped sample. The macroscopic fracture mode and the microscopic features on the fracture surface are presented and discussed in light of shape of the test specimen. The key microscopic mechanisms governing fracture behavior of this novel steel are discussed in light of the role played by intrinsic microstructural features, deformation characteristics of the microstructural constituents and nature of loading

    Synthesis and Characterization of Ultrafine Tungsten Samples Produced by Plasma-Activated Sintering

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    Plasma-activated sintering was used to densify micron-size tungsten powders to obtain bulk samples. This sintering technique offers the capability of producing bulk samples having a very high density. The average size of the starting tungsten powder particles was 4·61 µm. Using a combination of pressure and temperature, during sintering, 11 different samples were prepared. The bulk samples were produced over a range of pressure from 41 to 61 MPa. At selected pressure levels of 47–61 MPa, the bulk samples produced were sintered at different temperatures. Microstructural observations and density measurements provide evidence for the presence of porosity at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels. The extrinsic influence of processing parameters used during sintering, namely, pressure and temperature, on microstructural development to include the presence, size and distribution of porosity, density, microhardness, nanohardness and stiffness is presented and discussed

    The Quasi-Static and Cyclic Fatigue Fracture Behavior of an Emerging Titanium Alloy

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    Sustained research and development efforts culminating in the emergence of new and improved titanium alloys have provided both the impetus and interest for studying their mechanical behavior under the extrinsic influence of loading spanning both static and dynamic. In this article, the quasi-static and cyclic fatigue fracture behavior of a titanium alloy (Ti-Al-V-Fe-O2) is highlighted. Test specimens of this titanium alloy were deformed both in quasi-static tension and cyclic stress amplitude–controlled fatigue. The quasi-static mechanical properties, cyclic fatigue response and microscopic mechanisms contributing to deformation and eventual fracture are highlighted in light of the competing and mutually interactive influences of nature of loading, intrinsic microstructural effects, deformation characteristics of the titanium alloy metal matrix and macroscopic aspects of fracture