38 research outputs found

    Factors influencing willingness to participate in new drug trial studies: a study among parents whose children were recruited into these trials in northern Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: During the last decade, the number of clinical trials conducted in sub-Saharan Africa has increased significantly which has helped to address priority health problems in the region. Navrongo health research centre since it was established in 1989, has conducted several trial studies including rectal artesunate trial in the Kassena-Nankana districts. However, there is little evidence-based for assessing the impact of new drug trials. This study explored factors that motivate parents to allow their children to participate in new drug trials in northern Ghana. METHOD: The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The participants were randomly selected from among parents whose children were enrolled in a new drug trial conducted in the Kassena-Nankana districts between 2000 and 2003. QSR Nvivo 9 software was used to code the qualitative data into themes before analysis while STATA software Version 11.2© was used to analyze the quantitative data. RESULTS: The results showed that majority (95.9%) of the parents were willing to allow their children to be enrolled in future new drug trials. The main factors motivating their willingness to allow their children to be enrolled in these trials were quality of health care services offered to trial participants (92.9%), detail medical examination (90.8%), promptness of care provided (94.4%) and quality of drugs (91.9%). Other factors mentioned included disease prevention (99.5%) and improved living standard (96.1%). Parents reported that the conduct of these trials had reduced the frequency of disease occurrences in the communities because of the quality of health care services provided to the children recruited into these trial studies. CONCLUSION: Though the implementation of clinical trials in the study area is believed to have positive impact on health status of people particularly trial participants, measures should however be taken to address safety and likely side effects of new drugs given to trial participants during these trial studies

    Informal workers’ access to health care services: findings from a qualitative study in the Kassena-Nankana districts of Northern Ghana

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    Background Over the past two decades, employment in the informal sector has grown rapidly in all regions including low and middle-income countries. In the developing countries, between 50 and 75% of workers are employed in the informal sector. In Ghana, more than 80% of the total working population is working in the informal sector. They are largely self-employed persons such as farmers, traders, food processors, artisans, craft-workers among others. The persistent problem in advancing efforts to address health vulnerabilities of informal workers is lack of systematic data. Therefore, this study explored factors affecting informal workers access to health care services in Northern Ghana. Method The study used qualitative methodology where focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted. Purposive sampling technique was used to select participants for the interviews. The interviews were transcribed and coded into emergent themes using Nvivo 10 software before thematic content analysis. Results Study participants held the view that factors such as poverty, time spent at the health facility seeking for health care, unpleasant attitude of health providers towards clients affected their access to health care services. They perceived that poor organization and operations of the current health system and poor health care services provided under the national health insurance scheme affected access to health care services according to study participants. However, sale of assets, family support, borrowed money from friends and occasional employer support were the copying strategies used by informal workers to finance their health care needs. Conclusion Most of the population in Ghana are engaged in informal employment hence their contribution to the economy is very important. Therefore, efforts needed to be made by all stakeholders to address these challenges in order to help improve on access to health care services to all patients particularly the most vulnerable groups in society

    Assessing the impoverishment effects of out-of-pocket healthcare payments prior to the uptake of the national health insurance scheme in Ghana

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    Background: There is a global concern regarding how households could be protected from relatively large healthcare payments which are a major limitation to accessing healthcare. Such payments also endanger the welfare of households with the potential of moving households into extreme impoverishment. This paper examines the impoverishing effects of out-of-pocket (OOP) healthcare payments in Ghana prior to the introduction of Ghana’s national health insurance scheme. Methods: Data come from the Ghana Living Standard Survey 5 (2005/2006). Two poverty lines (1.25and1.25 and 2.50 per capita per day at the 2005 purchasing power parity) are used in assessing the impoverishing effects of OOP healthcare payments. We computed the poverty headcount, poverty gap, normalized poverty gap and normalized mean poverty gap indices using both poverty lines. We examine these indicators at a national level and disaggregated by urban/rural locations, across the three geographical zones, and across the ten administrative regions in Ghana. Also the Pen’s parade of “dwarfs and a few giants” is used to illustrate the decreasing welfare effects of OOP healthcare payments in Ghana. Results: There was a high incidence and intensity of impoverishment due to OOP healthcare payments in Ghana. These payments contributed to a relative increase in poverty headcount by 9.4 and 3.8% using the 1.25/dayand1.25/day and 2.5/day poverty lines, respectively. The relative poverty gap index was estimated at 42.7 and 10.5% respectively for the lower and upper poverty lines. Relative normalized mean poverty gap was estimated at 30.5 and 6.4%, respectively, for the lower and upper poverty lines. The percentage increase in poverty associated with OOP healthcare payments in Ghana is highest among households in the middle zone with an absolute increase estimated at 2.3% compared to the coastal and northern zones. Conclusion: It is clear from the findings that without financial risk protection, households can be pushed into poverty due to OOP healthcare payments. Even relatively richer households are impoverished by OOP healthcare payments. This paper presents baseline indicators for evaluating the impact of Ghana’s national health insurance scheme on impoverishment due to OOP healthcare payments

    Socio-economic and demographic determinants of under-five mortality in rural northern Ghana

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    Background: In spite of global decline in under-five mortality, the goal of achieving MDG 4 still remains largely unattained in low and middle income countries as the year 2015 closes-in. To accelerate the pace of mortality decline, proven interventions with high impact need to be implemented to help achieve the goal of drastically reducing childhood mortality. This paper explores the association between socio-economic and demographic factors and under-five mortality in an impoverished region in rural northern Ghana. Methods: We used survey data on 3975 women aged 15–49 who have ever given birth. First, chi-square test was used to test the association of social, economic and demographic characteristics of mothers with the experience of under-five death. Subsequently, we ran a logistic regression model to estimate the relative association of factors that influence childhood mortality after excluding variables that were not significant at the bivariate level. Results: Factors that significantly predict under-five mortality included mothers’ educational level, presence of co-wives, age and marital status. Mothers who have achieved primary or junior high school education were 45% less likely to experience under-five death than mothers with no formal education at all (OR = 0.55, p < 0.001). Monogamous women were 22% less likely to experience under-five deaths than mothers in polygamous marriages (OR = 0.78, p = 0.01). Similarly, mothers who were between the ages of 35 and 49 were about eleven times more likely to experience under-five deaths than those below the age of 20 years (OR = 11.44, p < 0.001). Also, women who were married had a 27% less likelihood (OR = 0.73, p = 0.01) of experiencing an under-five death than those who were single, divorced or widowed. Conclusion: Taken independently, maternal education, age, marital status and presence of co-wives are associated with childhood mortality. The relationship of these indicators with women’s autonomy, health seeking behavior, and other factors that affect child survival merit further investigation so that interventions could be designed to foster reductions in child mortality by considering the needs and welfare of women including the need for female education, autonomy and socioeconomic well-being

    Trends and risk factors associated with stillbirths: a case study of the Navrongo War Memorial Hospital in Northern Ghana

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    Maternal and Child health remains at the core of global health priorities transcending the Millennium Development Goals into the current era of Sustainable Development Goals. Most low and middle-income countries including Ghana are yet to achieve the required levels of reduction in child and maternal mortality. This paper analysed the trends and the associated risk factors of stillbirths in a district hospital located in an impoverished and remote region of Ghana.; Retrospective hospital maternal records on all deliveries conducted in the Navrongo War Memorial hospital from 2003-2013 were retrieved and analysed. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarise trends in stillbirths while the generalized linear estimation logistic regression is used to determine socio-demographic, maternal and neonatal factors associated with stillbirths.; A total of 16,670 deliveries were analysed over the study period. Stillbirth rate was 3.4% of all births. There was an overall decline in stillbirth rate over the study period as stillbirths declined from 4.2% in 2003 to 2.1% in 2013. Female neonates were less likely to be stillborn (Adjusted Odds ratio = 0.62 and 95%CI [0.46, 0.84]; p = 0.002) compared to male neonates; neonates with low birth weight (4.02 [2.92, 5.53]) and extreme low birth weight (18.9 [10.9, 32.4]) were at a higher risk of still birth (p<0.001). Mothers who had undergone Female Genital Mutilation had 47% (1.47 [1.04, 2.09]) increase odds of having a stillbirth compared to non FGM mothers (p = 0.031). Mothers giving birth for the first time also had a 40% increase odds of having a stillbirth compared to those who had more than one previous births (p = 0.037).; Despite the modest reduction in stillbirth rates over the study period, it is evident from the results that stillbirth rate is still relatively high. Primiparous women and preterm deliveries leading to low birth weight are identified factors that result in increased stillbirths. Efforts aimed at impacting on stillbirths should include the elimination of outmoded cultural practices such as FGM