79 research outputs found

    Intelligent Marketing Analysis

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    Intelligent marketing represents one of the most productive ways of the company’s market communications with real and potential buyers. It is based conceptually on stating precisely the target segments of consumers where the key mechanism is the database marketing. The database marketing is an interactive approach to marketing which uses marketing media and channels through which it can establish the contact with individual buyers with a view of giving information to the target auditorium, stimulating demands and being in the close relation with buyers recording data relevant for their consumer behavior. Database marketing includes names, addresses, phones, faxes and e-mails of individual consumers and potential buyers for market communication having sale and profit as the result. The basic principles of the database marketing are targeting – stating target markets precisely; selectivity; personalization; active consumer participation; testing; easiness in answering questions; possibility of measuring and the so-called relationship marketing. E-mail marketing is a mixture of classic direct marketing and telemarketing. It is based on databases representing information-guided marketing process which takes position in the context of concern on consumers’ data privacy. Thusit includes the way of managing fundamental marketing tasks in finding new markets; stimulating market requirements and delivering products to buyers; combining numerous media for advertising and measurable reactions and answers of potential buyers

    Transverse Incision for Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis of Osteoporotic Tibial Plateau Fractures

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    Fractures of the tibial plateau frequently require surgical intervention. Open approaches are increasingly being replaced by minimally invasive techniques. Plate fixation may be uni- or bicondylar, and surgical incisions are traditionally orientated in the longitudinal plane. We describe osteoporotic fragility tibial plateau fractures managed with plate fixation applied through minimally invasive transverse incisions. All cases achieved acceptable fracture reduction, restoration of alignment, and timely bone union without infection or wound complications. This technique reduces the risk of wound complications at later arthroplasty, along with the established benefits of current minimally invasive techniques. This is the first report in the literature of the use of transverse incisions for minimally invasive plate fixation of the tibial plateau

    C9orf72 Poly(PR) Mediated Neurodegeneration Is Associated With Nucleolar Stress

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    The ALS/FTD-linked intronic hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene is aberrantly translated in the sense and antisense directions into dipeptide repeat proteins, among which poly proline-arginine (PR) displays the most aggressive neurotoxicity in-vitro and in-vivo. PR partitions to the nucleus when heterologously expressed in neurons and other cell types. We show that by lessening the nuclear accumulation of PR, we can drastically reduce its neurotoxicity. PR strongly accumulates in the nucleolus, a nuclear structure critical in regulating the cell stress response. We determined that, in neurons, PR caused nucleolar stress and increased levels of the transcription factor p53. Downregulating p53 levels also prevented PR-mediated neurotoxicity both in in-vitro and in-vivo models. We investigated if PR could induce the senescence phenotype in neurons. However, we did not observe any indications of such an effect. Instead, we found evidence for the induction of programmed cell death via caspase-3 activation

    Light emitting organic nanofibers from para-phenylene and alpha-thiophene oligomers

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    Wir haben blau, grün und orange leuchtende organische Nanofäden oder Nanonadeln und Mikroringe aus para-Hexaphenyl (p-6P), alpha-Quaterthiophen (alpha-4T) und alpha-Sexithiophen (alpha-6T) mittels Organischer Molekularstrahlepitaxie (OMBE) auf Muskovit Glimmer hergestellt. Die Aggregate haben wir mit der Atomkraftmikroskopie, mit der Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie und durch UV-vis Spektroskopie charakterisiert. Auf der Muskovit Oberfläche wachsen p-6P Fäden parallel zueinander auf und zeigen zwei verschiedene Orientierungsdomänen entlang [110] und [1-10]. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen statistischen Analyse diskutieren wir das Wachstum dieser p-6P Nadeln für verschiedene Wachstumsbedingungen. Zusätzlich zu den Fäden haben wir p-6P Cluster auf der Oberfläche beobachtet. Nadeln werden durch die Aggregation solcher Cluster gebildet. Ein Realraummodell der Morphologie der Nadeln sowie ein Modell für deren Wachstum werden vorgestellt. Indem wir Glimmer zunächst mit einer dünnen Goldschicht bedecken und die Wachstumsparameter variieren, erreichen wir eine weitgehende Kontrolle der Morphologie der Nadeln (Länge von 0,5 Mikrometer bis 1 mm, Höhe von 25 bis 300 nm und Breite von 100 bis 600 nm). Im Gegensatz zu p-6P orientieren Thiophene ihre Wachstumsrichtungen an allen hoch symmetrischen Richtungen von Glimmer. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Mechanismen für das Fadenwachstum von beiden Oligomere gleich sind, nämlich eine Kombination aus Epitaxie und einer Dipol-unterstützten Ausrichtung. Auch die Strukturen dieser Fäden sind ähnlich: die Moleküle liegen parallel angeordnet auf der Oberfläche, ihre Längsachsen orientieren sich schräg zur Längsachse der Fäden. Auf mit Wasser oder Methanol vorbehandeltem Glimmer wachsen diese beiden Oligomere als gebogene Fäden und Mikroringe auf. Diese Oberflächenvorbehandlungen sowie das Wachstum von p-6P auf Gold/Glimmer unterstützen auch den Wachstumsmechanismus auf der sauberen Glimmer-Oberfläche.By using organic molecular beam epitaxy (OMBE) blue, green and orange light emitting organic nanofibers or nanoneedles and microrings from para-hexaphenyl (p-6P), alpha-quaterthiophene (alpha-4T) and alpha-sexithiophene (alpha-6T), respectively, on muscovite mica surfaces are generated. The aggregates are characterized by atomic force microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy. On muscovite mica, p-6P fibers usually grow mutually parallel showing two domains of their orientations with an angle of 120 degree in between. The detail growth of nanofibers from p-6P by performing a systematic statistical analysis of fibers as a function of various growth conditions is discussed. Furthermore, the morphology exhibits p-6P clusters, which are found to be fibers´ building blocks. A real space model of the fiber and a model for their growth are also presented. By introducing a thin gold layer on mica prior to p-6P deposition together with varying growth parameters, the morphology of fibers is controlled in a wide range (length from 0.5 micrometer to 1 mm, height from 25 to 300 nm and width from 100 to 600 nm). In contrast to p-6P, thiophene fibers exhibit various orientations close to mica high symmetry directions. It is shown that the mechanism behind the fiber growth from all molecules on mica is the same, i.e. a combination of epitaxy and dipole assisted growth process. The fiber microscopic structures are similar, too: molecules take lying orientations and they hold themselves parallel pointing their long axes along an oblique direction off the long fiber axis. The growth of both types of oligomers on water or methanol treated mica surfaces leads to the formation of bent fibers and microrings. This surface pretreatment and the growth of p-6P on gold/mica support the fiber growth mechanism on plain mica

    Primary haematogenous osteomyelitis of the patella: a rare cause for anterior knee pain in an adult

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    Acute osteomyelitis of the patella is a very rare condition, which commonly affects children between the ages of 5-15 years. Primary haematogenous osteomyelitis in an adult usually occurs in patients with associated risk factors like intravenous drug abuse, HIV infection, and trauma. This report discusses a similar condition in a 46 year old women with no associated predisposing risk factors. The rarity of this condition and its atypical presentation should be borne in mind while treating an adult patient with anterior knee pain. Point tenderness over the patella should alert a physician to the possibility of osteomyelitis of the patella. The value of bone scan and computed tomography in the early stages to help diagnose this condition has been stressed. The literature has been reviewed and discussed briefly.

Keywords: haematogenous osteomyelitis; patell

    Reconstruction of chronic Achilles tendon ruptures in elderly patients, with vascularized Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL) tendon transfer using single incision technique.

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     Purpose: To report the outcome following reconstruction of neglected Achilles tendon ruptures in elderly patients with Flexor hallucis longus tendon (FHL) biotenodesis.Method: Seventeen cases (mean age 65.7 years), of Achilles tendon reconstruction with FHL biotenodesis for chronic ruptures were reviewed. Outcomes evaluated with American orthopaedic foot and ankle score (AOFAS), calf girth atrophy, range of ankle movement, ability to perform single leg heel raise and patient satisfaction.Results: The mean follow up was 27 months (range 17-52). The mean AOFAS score improved from 57.47 (+/-5.98) to 96.71(+/-3.57). Mean calf girth atrophy was 1.53 (+/- 0.43 cm) on the operated side. There was no significant difference in the range of ankle movement. All except one patient were able to perform single leg heel raise. We observed an inverse relation for patient age and chronicity of tear to the endurance strength of Achilles tendon. All the patients were satisfied with the outcome. We had one complication of superficial wound infection.Conclusion: Single incision FHL biotenodesis is a safe and effective procedure for this complex condition. It mitigates the need for extensive soft tissue procedures like turn down flaps or V-Y plasty. 

    Extending an Asymmetric Double Well Potential Model to HfO 2

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    On the Release of Hydrogen from the S-H groups in the Formation of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Thiols

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    Kankate L, Turchanin A, Gölzhäuser A. On the Release of Hydrogen from the S-H groups in the Formation of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Thiols. LANGMUIR. 2009;25(18):10435-10438.When thiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) form on gold surfaces, it is widely believed that, upon adsorption, the thiol molecules dissociate via S-H bond scission. This mechanism is hard to verify since hydrogen is difficult to detect during this process. Hence, other reaction schemes such as nondissociative thiol adsorption have also been proposed. Here we present experimental evidence that clearly shows that hydrogen is released during dissociative thiol adsorption and interacts with the monolayer terminus. Vacuum vapor deposition was used to form SAMs of 4-nitrophenylthiol, 4'-nitro-1,1'-biphenyl-4-thiol, and bis-(4,4'-nitrophenyl)-disulfide on gold surfaces. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the nitro groups of the thiol SAMs are partly reduced to amino groups, while those of the disulfide SAMs are not. The reduction is attributed to hydrogen released in the dissociation of S-H bonds during thiol adsorption. Possible pathways for the interaction of hydrogen with the nitro groups are discussed
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