9 research outputs found

    User behavior modeling: Towards solving the duality of interpretability and precision

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    User behavior modeling has become an indispensable tool with the proliferation of socio-technical systems to provide a highly personalized experience to the users. These socio-technical systems are used in sectors as diverse as education, health, law to e-commerce, and social media. The two main challenges for user behavioral modeling are building an in-depth understanding of online user behavior and using advanced computational techniques to capture behavioral uncertainties accurately. This thesis addresses both these challenges by developing interpretable models that aid in understanding user behavior at scale and by developing sophisticated models that perform accurate modeling of user behavior. Specifically, we first propose two distinct interpretable approaches to understand explicit and latent user behavioral characteristics. Firstly, in Chapter 3, we propose an interpretable Gaussian Hidden Markov Model-based cluster model leveraging user activity data to identify users with similar patterns of behavioral evolution. We apply our approach to identify researchers with similar patterns of research interests evolution. We further show the utility of our interpretable framework to identify differences in gender distribution and the value of awarded grants among the identified archetypes. We also demonstrate generality of our approach by applying on StackExchange to identify users with a similar change in usage patterns. Next in Chapter 4, we estimate user latent behavioral characteristics by leveraging user-generated content (questions or answers) in Community Question Answering (CQA) platforms. In particular, we estimate the latent aspect-based reliability representations of users in the forum to infer the trustworthiness of their answers. We also simultaneously learn the semantic meaning of their answers through text representations. We empirically show that the estimated behavioral representations can accurately identify topical experts. We further propose to improve current behavioral models by modeling explicit and implicit user-to-user influence on user behavior. To this end, in Chapter 5, we propose a novel attention-based approach to incorporate influence from both user's social connections and other similar users on their preferences in recommender systems. Additionally, we also incorporate implicit influence in the item space by considering frequently co-occurring and similar feature items. Our modular approach captures the different influences efficiently and later fuses them in an interpretable manner. Extensive experiments show that incorporating user-to-user influence outperforms approaches relying on solely user data. User behavior remains broadly consistent across the platform. Thus, incorporating user behavioral information can be beneficial to estimate the characteristics of user-generated content. To verify it, in Chapter 6, we focus on the task of best answer selection in CQA forums that traditionally only considers textual features. We induce multiple connections between user-generated content, i.e., answers, based on the similarity and contrast in the behavior of authoring users in the platform. These induced connections enable information sharing between connected answers and, consequently, aid in estimating the quality of the answer. We also develop convolution operators to encode these semantically different graphs and later merge them using boosting. We also proposed an alternative approach to incorporate user behavioral information by jointly estimating the latent behavioral representations of user with text representations in Chapter 7. We evaluate our approach on the offensive language prediction task on Twitter. Specially, we learn an improved text representation by leveraging syntactic dependencies between the words in the tweet. We also estimate the abusive behavior of users, i.e., their likelihood of posting offensive content online from their tweets. We further show that combining the textual and user behavioral features can outperform the sophisticated textual baselines

    Network Flows and the Link Prediction Problem

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    Link prediction is used by many applications to recommend new products or social connections to people. Link prediction leverages information in network structure to identify missing links or predict which new one will form in the future. Recent research has provided a theoretical justification for the success of some popular link prediction heuristics, such as the number of common neighbors and the Adamic-Adar score, by showing that they estimate the distance between nodes in some latent feature space. In this paper we examine the link prediction task from the novel perspective of network flows. We show that how easily two nodes can interact with or influence each other depends not only on their position in the network, but also on the nature of the flow that mediates interactions between them. We show that different types of flows lead to different notions of network proximity, some of which are mathematically equivalent to existing link prediction heuristics. We measure the performance of different heuristics on the missing link prediction task in a variety of real-world social, technological and biological networks. We show that heuristics based on a random walk-type processes outperform the popular Adamic-Adar and the number of common neighbors heuristics in many networks. 1

    Towards Better Understanding of Self-Supervised Representations

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    Self-supervised learning methods have shown impressive results in downstream classification tasks. However, there is limited work in understanding and interpreting their learned representations. In this paper, we study the representation space of several state-of-the-art self-supervised models including SimCLR, SwaV, MoCo V2 and BYOL. Without the use of class label information, we first discover discriminative features that are highly active for various subsets of samples and correspond to unique physical attributes in images. We show that, using such discriminative features, one can compress the representation space of self-supervised models up to 50% without affecting downstream linear classification significantly. Next, we propose a sample-wise Self-Supervised Representation Quality Score (or, Q-Score) that can be computed without access to any label information. Q-Score, utilizes discriminative features to reliably predict if a given sample is likely to be mis-classified in the downstream classification task achieving AUPRC of 0.91 on SimCLR and BYOL trained on ImageNet-100. Q-Score can also be used as a regularization term to remedy low-quality representations leading up to 8% relative improvement in accuracy on all 4 self-supervised baselines on ImageNet-100, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and STL-10. Moreover, through heatmap analysis, we show that Q-Score regularization enhances discriminative features and reduces feature noise, thus improving model interpretability

    Hate Speech Criteria: A Modular Approach to Task-Specific Hate Speech Definitions

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    The subjectivity of recognizing hate speech makes it a complex task. This is also reflected by different and incomplete definitions in NLP. We present hate speech criteria, developed with perspectives from law and social science, with the aim of helping researchers create more precise definitions and annotation guidelines on five aspects: (1) target groups, (2) dominance, (3) perpetrator characteristics, (4) type of negative group reference, and the (5) type of potential consequences/effects. Definitions can be structured so that they cover a more broad or more narrow phenomenon. As such, conscious choices can be made on specifying criteria or leaving them open. We argue that the goal and exact task developers have in mind should determine how the scope of hate speech is defined. We provide an overview of the properties of English datasets from hatespeechdata.com that may help select the most suitable dataset for a specific scenario

    “Zo Grof!”: A Comprehensive Corpus for Offensive and Abusive Language in Dutch

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    This paper presents a comprehensive corpus for the study of socially unacceptable language in Dutch. The corpus extends and revise an existing resource with more data and introduces a new annotation dimension for offensive language, making it a unique resource in the Dutch language panorama. Each language phenomenon (abusive and offensive language) in the corpus has been annotated with a multilayer annotation scheme modelling the explicitness and the target(s) of the abuse/offence in the message. We have conducted a new set of experiments with different classification algorithms on all annotation dimensions. Monolingual Pre-Trained Language Models prove as the best systems, obtaining a macro-average F1 of 0.828 for binary classification of offensive language, and 0.579 for the targets of offensive messages. Furthermore, the best system obtains a macro-average F1 of 0.637 for distinguishing between abusive and offensive messages

    Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (ICAMCS-2022)

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    It is a great privilege for us to present the abstract book of ICAMCS-2022 to the authors and the delegates of the event. We hope that you will find it useful, valuable, aspiring, and inspiring. This book is a record of abstracts of the keynote talks, invited talks, and papers presented by the participants, which indicates the progress and state of development in research at the time of writing the research article. It is an invaluable asset to all researchers. The book provides a permanent record of this asset. Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational SciencesConference Acronym: ICAMCS-2022Conference Date: 12-14 October 2022Conference Organizers: DIT University, Dehradun, IndiaConference Mode: Online (Virtual