47,385 research outputs found

    Low scale Seesaw model and Lepton Flavor Violating Rare B Decays

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    We study lepton flavor number violating rare B decays, bslh±llb \to s l_h^{\pm} l_l^{\mp}, in a seesaw model with low scale singlet Majorana neutrinos motivated by the resonant leptogenesis scenario. The branching ratios of inclusive decays bslh±llˉ b \to s l_h^{\pm} \bar{l_l}^{\mp} with two almost degenerate singlet neutrinos at TeV scale are investigated in detail. We find that there exists a class of seesaw model in which the branching fractions of bsτμ b \to s \tau \mu and τμγ\tau \to \mu \gamma can be as large as 101010^{-10} and 10910^{-9} within the reach of Super B factories, respectively, without being in conflict with neutrino mixings and mass squared difference of neutrinos from neutrino data, invisible decay width of ZZ and the present limit of Br(μeγ)Br(\mu \to e \gamma).Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A New Collaborative Digital Social Space

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    To understand the web design principles in a Digital Social Space (DSS) that can attract multiple national cultures into one SNS platform, Internet communication users from different cultures were chosen as targets for this investigation, using questionnaires to collect user preferences on a digital social space. Social network sites (SNS) evolved within a short time into a popular Internet-mediated tool that is being used worldwide on a daily basis. Though presumptions in interaction through SNS create bias in web design that does not translate well into foreign cultures. Results revealed that different culture groups have different understandings of online communication tools in a Digital Social Space (DSS)

    Leptogenesis and Low energy CP violation, a link

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    How is CP violation of low energy related to CP violation required from baryon number asymmetry ? We give an example which shows a direct link between CP violation of neutrino oscillation and baryogenesis through leptogenesis.Comment: 3 pages and 2 figures, Talk presented at 4th Nufac02, July 1-6, 200

    A Novel Method for the Solution of the Schroedinger Eq. in the Presence of Exchange Terms

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    In the Hartree-Fock approximation the Pauli exclusion principle leads to a Schroedinger Eq. of an integro-differential form. We describe a new spectral noniterative method (S-IEM), previously developed for solving the Lippman-Schwinger integral equation with local potentials, which has now been extended so as to include the exchange nonlocality. We apply it to the restricted case of electron-Hydrogen scattering in which the bound electron remains in the ground state and the incident electron has zero angular momentum, and we compare the acuracy and economy of the new method to three other methods. One is a non-iterative solution (NIEM) of the integral equation as described by Sams and Kouri in 1969. Another is an iterative method introduced by Kim and Udagawa in 1990 for nuclear physics applications, which makes an expansion of the solution into an especially favorable basis obtained by a method of moments. The third one is based on the Singular Value Decomposition of the exchange term followed by iterations over the remainder. The S-IEM method turns out to be more accurate by many orders of magnitude than any of the other three methods described above for the same number of mesh points.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A General Optimization Technique for High Quality Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed the development of a large body of algorithms for community detection in complex networks. Most of them are based upon the optimization of objective functions, among which modularity is the most common, though a number of alternatives have been suggested in the scientific literature. We present here an effective general search strategy for the optimization of various objective functions for community detection purposes. When applied to modularity, on both real-world and synthetic networks, our search strategy substantially outperforms the best existing algorithms in terms of final scores of the objective function; for description length, its performance is on par with the original Infomap algorithm. The execution time of our algorithm is on par with non-greedy alternatives present in literature, and networks of up to 10,000 nodes can be analyzed in time spans ranging from minutes to a few hours on average workstations, making our approach readily applicable to tasks which require the quality of partitioning to be as high as possible, and are not limited by strict time constraints. Finally, based on the most effective of the available optimization techniques, we compare the performance of modularity and code length as objective functions, in terms of the quality of the partitions one can achieve by optimizing them. To this end, we evaluated the ability of each objective function to reconstruct the underlying structure of a large set of synthetic and real-world networks.Comment: MAIN text: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Supplementary information: 19 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Neutrino masses along with fermion mass hierarchy

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    Recently a new mechanism has been proposed to cure the problem of fermion mass hierarchy in the Standard Model (SM) model. In this scenario, all SM charged fermions other than top quark arise from higher dimensional operators involving the SM Higgs field. This model also predicted some interesting phenomenology of the Higgs boson. We generalize this model to accommodate neutrino masses (Dirac & Majorana) and also obtain the mixing pattern in the leptonic sector. To generate neutrino masses, we add extra three right handed neutrinos (NiR)(N_{iR}) in this model.Comment: 20 pages, the content on results and phenomenology have been expanded, a new section on UV completion of the model has been added and also some new references, this version has been accepted by Physical Review

    CP violation in neutrino oscillation and leptogenesis

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    We study the correlation between CP violation in neutrino oscillations and leptogenesis in the framework with two heavy Majorana neutrinos and three light neutrinos. Among three unremovable CP phases, a heavy Majorana phase contributes to leptogenesis. We show how the heavy Majorana phase contributes to Jarlskog determinant JJ as well as neutrinoless double β\beta decay by identifying a low energy CP violating phase which signals the CP violating phase for leptogenesis. For some specific cases of the Dirac mass term of neutrinos, a direct relation between lepton number asymmetry and JJ is obtained. For the most general case of the framework, we study the effect on J J coming from the phases which are not related to leptogenesis, and also show how the correlation can be lost in the presence of those phases.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    New limits on "odderon" amplitudes from analyticity constraints

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    In studies of high energy pppp and pˉp\bar pp scattering, the odd (under crossing) forward scattering amplitude accounts for the difference between the pppp and pˉp\bar pp cross sections. Typically, it is taken as f=p4πDsα1eiπ(1α)/2f_-=-\frac{p}{4\pi}Ds^{\alpha-1}e^{i\pi(1-\alpha)/2} (α0.5\alpha\sim 0.5), which has Δσ,Δρ0\Delta\sigma, \Delta\rho\to0 as ss\to\infty, where ρ\rho is the ratio of the real to the imaginary portion of the forward scattering amplitude. However, the odd-signatured amplitude can have in principle a strikingly different behavior, ranging from having Δσ\Delta\sigma\tonon-zero constant to having Δσlns/s0\Delta\sigma \to \ln s/s_0 as ss\to\infty, the maximal behavior allowed by analyticity and the Froissart bound. We reanalyze high energy pppp and pˉp\bar pp scattering data, using new analyticity constraints, in order to put new and precise limits on the magnitude of ``odderon'' amplitudes.Comment: 13 pages LaTex, 6 figure

    Box ball system associated with antisymmetric tensor crystals

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    A new box ball system associated with an antisymmetric tensor crystal of the quantum affine algebra of type A is considered. This includes the so-called colored box ball system with capacity 1 as the simplest case. Infinite number of conserved quantities are constructed and the scattering rule of two olitons are given explicitly.Comment: 15 page