8 research outputs found

    Prikaz in vidiki proučevanja tajvanske filozofije v Južni Koreji: Zgodovinski pregled znanstvenih publikacij v letih 1994–2018

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    This study examined how Taiwanese philosophy has been received and researched in South Korea since its start to the present day. It takes the form of a survey, classifying the articles about Taiwanese philosophy which were published in South Korea over the years from 1994 to 2018 by the theme. It selected nine philosophers whose influence was profound in Taiwanese philosophy and observed the currents in the scholarship on each philosopher. The names of the selected philosophers are: Fang Thomé H., Hu Shi, Huang Chun-chieh, Lin Yutang, Liu Shuxian (Liu Shu-hsien), Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi (Tang Chun-I), Xu Fuguan, Yu Yingshi (Yu Ying-shih). Sixty-one related papers were summarized and reviewed, and each of them was classified by the publication date, author, language, publisher and keywords. The survey revealed the limitations in Asian philosophy scholarship with regard to Taiwanese philosophy in South Korea, in terms of both quantity and quality. The survey also suggested a possible solution to these limitations and directions for scholars in the future. The study thus serves as a foundation that can boost discussion and the balanced development of South Korean philosophy studies, as well as of Asian philosophy in general.V članku sem preučil, kako tajvansko filozofijo sprejemajo in raziskujejo v Južni Koreji od samega začetka do današnjih dni. V raziskavo sem uvrstil članke o tajvanski filozofiji, ki so bili v letih 1994–2018, glede na tematiko, objavljeni v Južni Koreji. Izbral sem devet filozofov, ki so imeli pomemben vpliv v tajvanski filozofiji, in opazoval vplive znanstvenih študij na vsakega od njih. Ti filozofi so: Fang Thomé H., Hu Shi, Huang Chun-chieh, Lin Yutang, Liu Shuxian (Liu Shu-hsien), Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi (Tang Chun-I), Xu Fuguan in Yu Yingshi (Yu Ying-shih). Povzel in pregledal sem 61 člankov ter jih razvrstil glede na datum objave, avtorja, jezik, založnika in ključne besede. Raziskava je pokazala, da so znanstvene študije azijske filozofije, ki vključujejo tajvansko filozofijo v Južni Koreji, pomanjkljive tako v količinskem kot tudi v kakovostnem smislu. Študija torej služi kot temeljno delo za nadaljnje razprave, s tem pa tudi za uravnotežen razvoj študija južnokorejske in azijske filozofije

    Literarni liki v Kim Dong-inovih delih

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    The article is a summary of a master’s thesis which deals with the characters in the literary works of Kim Dong-in (김동인 1900–1951), an important representative of modern Korean literature. In the twentieth century, new literary movements started to develop in Korea, introducing deviations from the established practices of writing, and the testing of new literary genres. It is within this context that the works of Kim Dong-in are to be classified and understood. The article discusses the three most important types of literary characters that appear in Kim Dong-in’s works. There are no strict boundaries between these types, as a character of one particular type may exhibit properties of another. It is however important to be aware that through such characters Kim Dong-in tries to express his own concepts and ideas about aesthetics and naturalism, and it is the emergence of such characters, previously unknown in Korean literature, that established him as a pioneer in this field.Članek je povzetek magistrskega dela, ki obravnava like literarnih del pisatelja Kim Dong-ina, (김동인 1900–1951), pomembnega predstavnika sodobne korejske književnosti 20. stoletja. V 20. stoletju se na področju korejske literature pojavijo nove literarne smeri, ki predstavljajo odmik od uveljavljenega načina pisanja in preizkušanje novih literarnih žanrov. Med temi so tudi dela Kim Dong-ina. Obravnavane so tri najpomembnejše vrste literarnih oseb, značilnih za literarno zvrst Kim Dong-inovih del. Med temi literarnimi osebami ni strogo začrtanih meja; značaj določenega tipa literarnega lika lahko vsebuje značilnosti drugega tipa. Pomembno pa je, da se zavedamo, da je Kim Dong-in skozi svoje literarne osebe izrazil lastne koncepte in ideje o estetiki in naturalizmu, prav tako pa je ravno pojav njegovih, do takrat še nepoznanih literarnih oseb v korejski literaturi tisto, kar ga uvršča na mesto začetnika korejske sodobne literature

    Vloga prevajanja pri razumevanju literature korejske manjšine v ZDA:

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    Roman Native Speaker, čigar avtor je Chang-rae Lee, pripadnik korejske manjšine v ZDA, je bil v korejščino preveden in objavljen dvakrat, prvič leta 1995 in zatem leta 2003. Glavna tema omenjenega romana je iskanje identitete (Američana korejskega rodu), ključ za razumevanje dela pa jezik. Glede na to, kako razumemo identiteto poldruge generacije korejskih priseljencev, ki ji pripadata glavni junak romana, Henry, in pisatelj sam, se lahko interpretacija, ovrednotenje in celo prevod dela precej razlikujejo. Članek proučuje vlogo jezika v omenjenem romanu in analizira novejši prevod v korejščino. Izpostavljene so težave, ki se pojavijo pri prevajanju Leejevih literarnih del, in vloga, ki jo pri razumevanju dela igra prevod. Poleg tega članek obravnava tudi pomen korejskosti, ki ga vsebuje korejska literatura, in ga poskuša ponovno pojasniti

    COVID-19 in North Korea and Its Effect on the Cooperation of North and South Korea in the Field of Health Care

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    COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease that first appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and first spread throughout the country and then worldwide. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, concerned about the rapid spread of COVID-19, officially declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) barred foreign tourists from China on January 21, 2020, and then completely closed its border with China. In this article, I will explore the impact of COVID-19 on North Korean society and research the cooperation plan between South and North Korea. I will also briefly introduce in the post-COVID-19 period. To better understand the health care system and health conditions in North Korea, I will first analyse the infectious disease management system and, in the context of this, then try to investigate in detail how COVID-19 has affected North Korea. From an economic point of view, I will examine the changes in economic cooperation between North Korea and China, and then try to explain the social changes caused by restrictions on movement and lack of goods, and the political situation in North Korea during the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, I will try to research the situation facing North Korea and suggest a way for cooperation between South and North Korea in the future. The basic aim of this research is to find a useful alternative for joint cooperation in the field of health care and safety and to improve cooperation between South and North Korea in the post-COVID-19 era

    Prevajanje Ko Unove poezije iz korejščine v slovenščino

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    Pišem v zrak is a collection of poems by the Korean poet Ko Un, that was translated into Slovenian in August of 2016. The collection features a selection of poems written in the last 15 years. Ko Un's poetry appears simple, however, there are often deeper messages hidden within the verses. His subjects are diverse and embrace such themes as nature, Buddhism, as well as allusions to the political situation of the modern Korean society, and criticism of the modern man. From the structure of his poems, it seems that Ko Un does not want to use any formalism in his work. He uses free verse and sometimes even breaks the verse into two lines, just to defy the set norms of poetry. Complex metaphors, intertwining of the traditional and modern language, and wordplay take precedence over the form. To list all the problems that occurred in the process of translating would be an impossible undertaking, since it would have to include an in-depth analysis of each separate poem. Therefore, this article addresses only the major and most obvious problems we have encountered when translating poetry from Korean into Slovenian. The majority of problems arose due to the difference in the structure of both languages and many due to the vocabulary and cultural differences. The  essential dilemma was how much freedom we have as translators, and to what extent we are allowed to alter a poem  without ignoring the gist the author intends to convey to readers.Pišem v zrak je zbirka pesmi korejskega pesnika Ko Una, ki je bila avgusta lani prevedena v slovenščino. Zbirka zajema izbrane pesmi, ki jih je pesnik napisal v zadnjih petnajstih letih. Ko Unova poezija je na videz enostavna, a pesmi pogosto vsebujejo skrita sporočila, ki jih avtor želi predati bralcu. Pesmi se dotikajo različnih tem, med njimi najdemo pesmi o naravi, budistične pesmi, pesmi, ki namigujejo na politično situacijo v sodobni korejski družbi, kritiko sodobnega človeka itd. Oblikovanje pesmi kaže na to, da jih Ko Un ne želi postavljati znotraj forme. Verz je svoboden, zdi se tudi, da pesnik ponekod načrtno prelomi verz na dve vrstici, to naredi ravno zato, da kljubuje normam poezije. Zapletene metafore, prepletanje tradicionalnega in sodobnega jezika ter besedne igre so bolj pomembni kot sama oblika pesmi. Nemogoče je našteti vse težave, na katere smo naleteli med prevajanjem  zbirke, saj bi morali analizirati vsako pesem posebej, zato smo v tem članku obravnavali le najbolj očitne in največje probleme, ki smo jih imeli pri prevajanju poezije iz korejščine v slovenščino. Večina jih je nastala zaradi strukturnih razlik med korejskim in slovenskim jezikom, veliko pa jih je nastalo tudi zaradi besedišča in kulturnih razlik. Večkrat smo se spraševali, koliko svobode imamo kot prevajalci in do kolikšne mere lahko pesem spremenimo in hkrati obdržimo vse namige, ki jih je pesnik poskušal prenesti bralcu

    Review and Prospects of Taiwanese Philosophy Scholarship in South Korea

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    This study examined how Taiwanese philosophy has been received and researched in South Korea since its start to the present day. It takes the form of a survey, classifying the articles about Taiwanese philosophy which were published in South Korea over the years from 1994 to 2018 by the theme. It selected nine philosophers whose influence was profound in Taiwanese philosophy and observed the currents in the scholarship on each philosopher. The names of the selected philosophers are: Fang Thomé H., Hu Shi, Huang Chun-chieh, Lin Yutang, Liu Shuxian (Liu Shu-hsien), Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi (Tang Chun-I), Xu Fuguan, Yu Yingshi (Yu Ying-shih). Sixty-one related papers were summarized and reviewed, and each of them was classified by the publication date, author, language, publisher and keywords. The survey revealed the limitations in Asian philosophy scholarship with regard to Taiwanese philosophy in South Korea, in terms of both quantity and quality. The survey also suggested a possible solution to these limitations and directions for scholars in the future. The study thus serves as a foundation that can boost discussion and the balanced development of South Korean philosophy studies, as well as of Asian philosophy in general

    The role of translation in understanding the literature of the Korean minority in the United States

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    Roman Native Speaker, čigar avtor je Chang-rae Lee, pripadnik korejske manjšine v ZDA, je bil v korejščino preveden in objavljen dvakrat, prvič leta 1995 in zatem leta 2003. Glavna tema omenjenega romana je iskanje identitete (Američana korejskega rodu), ključ za razumevanje dela pa jezik. Glede na to, kako razumemo identiteto poldruge generacije korejskih priseljencev, ki ji pripadata glavni junak romana, Henry, in pisatelj sam, se lahko interpretacija, ovrednotenje in celo prevod dela precej razlikujejo. Članek proučuje vlogo jezika v omenjenem romanu in analizira novejši prevod v korejščino. Izpostavljene so težave, ki se pojavijo pri prevajanju Leejevih literarnih del, in vloga, ki jo pri razumevanju dela igra prevod. Poleg tega članek obravnava tudi pomen korejskosti, ki ga vsebuje korejska literatura, in ga poskuša ponovno pojasniti

    Religious-Philosophical Articles, Special Edition I

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    A special issue, “Remembering the Past and the Future - Korean Culture in a Changing World,” is devoted to understanding Korean culture. Regardless of the bulk of comprehensive information available today, accurate knowledge of the Asian culture in Europe or the European culture in Asia has not become considerably deeper. Sometimes even to the contrary – the old stereotypes continue to exist as part of the packaging for pseudo information adjusted to the short-term goals of the contemporary globalised society, supplemented by travel guides and announcements tailored to the needs of immediate politically economic conjuncture. And yet, this is only the top of the intercultural communication iceberg. The articles published in this issue reveal the complexity of Korean culture in history and nowadays