5 research outputs found

    Soroprevalência do Toxoplasma gondii em galinhas (Gallus gallus domesticus) de criações domésticas, oriundas de propriedades rurais do Norte do Paraná, Brasil Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in back yard chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) from rural properties in North region of Paraná State, Brazil

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    O Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário que pode infectar todos os animais homeotérmicos. No presente trabalho, verificou-se a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em galinhas de criações domésticas (fundo de quintal), oriundas de propriedades rurais localizadas no município de Jaguapitã, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Estudos prévios demostraram que o parasita está amplamente disseminado nas diferentes espécies de animais domésticos, de companhia e no homem nessas mesmas propriedades. Os soros foram submetidos à reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta, sendo a positividade considerada para àqueles títulos maiores ou iguais a 16. Foram estudados 155 soros , sendo que 16 (10,3%) foram reagentes à toxoplasmose, e 139 (89,7%) não reagentes. Os títulos mais freqüentes foram de 64 (5/31,2%), 16 e 1024 (ambos com 4/25%) e o maior t��tulo encontrado foi de 1024 (4/25%). A soroprevalência do T. gondii não foi influenciada pelo sexo da ave (Exato de Fisher p = 0,12), pela finalidade da criação (corte ou postura, Exato de Fisher p = 0,39), pela percentagem de felinos sororeagentes na propriedade (r = -0,19 p = 0,27), nem pelo número de felinos sororeagentes (r = -0,09 p = 0,60). Através do presente trabalho, demostrou-se uma ocorrência elevada da resposta sorológica ao T. gondii em aves domésticas oriundas de propriedades rurais neste município, conseqüentemente esses animais podem representar risco de infecção para o homem e para outros animais quando consumidos crus ou mal cozidos.<br>Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoa that can infect all homeothermic animals. The occurrence of antibodies against T. gondii in back yard chicken, from rural properties of Jaguapitã county, Paraná State, Brazil was studied, serun samples were analysed by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA). Titers higher or equal to 16 were considered positives. A total of 155 sera were studied, 16 (10.3%) of which were positive to T. gondii, whereas 139 (89.7%) were non-reactive. The most frequent titers were 64 (5/31.2%); 16 (4/25%) and 1024 (4/25%); whereas the highest titer was 1024 (4/25%). The seropreavlence of T. gondii was not influenced by avian sex (Fisher exact p = 0.12), by the avian purpose (fisher exact p = 0.39), by the percentage of positive cats in the same property (r = -0.19 p = 0.27), nor by the number of positive cats (r = -0.09 p = 0.60). The present work showed a high occurrence of antibody against T. gondii in domestic chicken from rural properties in Jaguapitã county. These animals may be source of infection to human beings and to other animals when consumed raw or semiraw

    Occurrence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii and factors associated with transmission in broiler chickens and laying hens in different raising systems

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    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence and identify the risk factors associated with transmission of T. gondii to chickens raised in different systems (free-ranged and confined) to produce eggs or meat. The 810 animals were allocated in two experimental groups according to the production system purpose: 460 broiler chickens (Group 1) and 350 layer chickens (Group 2). In order to analyze the possible factors involved in T. gondii infection in the chickens, an epidemiological questionnaire was developed for all properties.The serological detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies was performed by Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFAT) and by Enzime Linked Imunossorbent Assay (ELISA). Since the agreement index (kappa) between these two serological techniques was considered high, 21.2% of the 810 animals were considered reactive. In Group 1, 12.2% (56/460) were positive, while in the Group 2 the positivity rate was 33.1% (116/350). The production system may be influencing the seropositivity of the animals in both groups. However, only in Group 2 it was possible to notice a statistically significant relationship between the breeding system and the frequency of positive sera. This result indicates that, at least for laying hens, the production system is directly involved in T. gondii infection. The contact with cats in Group 1 did not influence the distribution of seroreactive animals, but in Group 2 a significant relationship was observed. The occurrence of anti-T. gondii antibodies was high in both groups (broiler and posture chickens). Free-ranged chickens raised for egg production proved to be the most exposed group to the T. gondii infection. This can be related to the fact that these animals stay for longer periods in the farms, in direct contact with possibly contaminated soil by the presence of domestic cats

    Dermatophyte agents in the city of São Paulo, from 1992 to 2002

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    Dermatophytosis are superficial mycoses caused by fungi that can invade stratum corneum and keratinized tissues. In order to study the frequency of dermatophytes species and the clinical manifestations caused by these fungi, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, the authors analyzed cultures isolated at the Mycology Laboratory from a selected population (15,300 out-patients of the Hospital das Clínicas, Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo) from January 1992 to June 2002. The most prevalent dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum (48.7%), followed by Microsporum canis (20.9%), Trichophyton tonsurans (13.8%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (9.7%), Epidermophyton floccosum (4.1%), and Microsporum gypseum (2.5%). These agents determined more than one clinical manifestation, i.e., tinea corporis (31.5%), tinea capitis (27.5%), tinea unguium (14.8%), tinea cruris (13.9%), tinea pedis (9.9%), and tinea manuum (1.9%). Clinical variants of dermatophytosis and their relationship to the etiologic agents were studied and the results were compared to those obtained in previous studies in other regions of Brazil and in other countries