737 research outputs found
Search for lepton flavor violation via the intense high-energy muon beam
A deep inerastic scattering process \mutau is discussed to study lepton
flavor violation between muons and tau leptons. In supersymmetric models, the
Higgs boson mediated diagrams could be important for this reaction. We find
that at a muon energy () higher than 50 GeV, the predicted cross
section significantly increases due to the contribution from sea -quarks.
The number of produced tau leptons can be at = 300
GeV from muons, whereas events are given at
GeV.Comment: Contribution to the 6th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories
& Superbeams(NuFact04), Jul. 26-Aug. 1, 2004, Osaka Univerisity, Osaka,
Japan, talk given by S.K., to appear in the Proceedings, 3 pages, 4 figure
Possible non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons in e+ e- -> W+ W- within THDM
We discuss the origin of the nondecoupling effects of the heavy Higgs bosons
within the two Higgs doublet extension (THDM) of the Standard Model (SM) and
illustrate it by means of the one-loop calculation of the differential
cross-sections of the process e+ e- -> W+ W- in both the decoupling and the
non-decoupling regimes. We argue that there are many regions in the THDM
parametric space in which the THDM and SM predictions differ by several
percents and such effects could, at least in principle, be testable at the
future experimental facilities.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; to appear soon in EPJC. v2 - several minor
corrections (typos), references adde
Triple gauge vertices at one-loop level in THDM
Renormalized triple gauge vertices (TGV) are examined within the
two-Higgs-doublet model of electroweak interactions. Deviations of the TGV from
their standard-model values are calculated at the one-loop level, in the
on-shell renormalization scheme. As a consistency check, UV divergence
cancellations anticipated on symmetry grounds are verified explicitly.
Dependence of the TGV finite parts on the masses of possible heavy Higgs
scalars is discussed briefly.Comment: 10pages, 13figure
Magnetic Instability in a Parity Invariant 2D Fermion System
We consider the parity invariant (2+1)-dimensional QED where the matter is
represented as a mixture of fermions with opposite spins. It is argued that the
perturbative ground state of the system is unstable with respect to the
formation of magnetized ground state. Carrying out the finite temperature
analysis we show that the magnetic instability disappears in the high
temperature regime.Comment: 7 pages, RevTe
Some aspects of radiative corrections and non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons in two Higgs Doublet Model
The possibility of having relatively large non-decoupling effects of the
heavy Higgs particles within the two-Higgs doublet extension of the electroweak
standard model is briefly discussed and demonstrated on an example of the
one-loop amplitude of the process e^+e^- -> W^+W^-Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the AM2003
Dimension-six top-Higgs interaction and its effect in collider phenomenology
Measurement of the Yukawa interaction between the top quark and the Higgs
boson should be useful to clarify the mechanism of fermion mass generation.
We discuss the impact of non-standard interactions characterized by
dimension-six operators on the effective top Yukawa coupling.
The cross section of the process is calculated including these operators, and possible deviation
from the standard model prediction is evaluated under the constraint from
perturbative unitarity and current experimental data.
We find that if the new physics scale is in a TeV region, the cross section
can be significantly enhanced due to the non-standard interactions.
Such a large effect should be detectable at the International Linear
Collider.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex4, 20 eps figure
A light Higgs scenario based on the TeV-scale supersymmetric strong dynamics
We consider a model based on the supersymmetric QCD theory with N_c=2 and
N_f=3. The theory is strongly coupled at the infrared scale \Lambda_H. Its low
energy effective theory below \Lambda_H is described by the supersymmetric
standard model with the Higgs sector that contains four iso-spin doublets, two
neutral iso-spin singlets and two charged iso-spin singlets. If \Lambda_H is at
the multi-TeV to 10 TeV, coupling constants for the F-terms of these composite
fields are relatively large at the electroweak scale. Nevertheless, the SM-like
Higgs boson is predicted to be as light as 125 GeV because these F-terms
contribute to the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson not at the tree level but at
the one-loop level. A large non-decoupling effect due to these F-terms appears
in the one-loop correction to the triple Higgs boson coupling, which amounts to
a few tens percent. Such a non-decoupling property in the Higgs potential
realizes the strong first order phase transition, which is required for a
successful scenario of electroweak baryogenesis
Triviality and vacuum stability bounds in the three-loop neutrino mass model
We study theoretical constraints on the parameter space under the conditions
from vacuum stability and triviality in the three-loop radiative seesaw model
with TeV-scale right-handed neutrinos which are odd under the parity. In
this model, some of the neutrino Yukawa coupling constants can be of the order
of one. Requirement of strongly first order phase transition for successful
electroweak baryogenes is also prefers order-one coupling constants in the
scalar sector. Hence, it is important to clarify whether this model satisfies
those theoretical conditions up to a given cutoff scale. It is found that the
model can be consistent up to the scale above 10 TeV in the parameter region
where the neutrino data, the lepton flavor violation data, the thermal relic
abundance of dark matter as well as the requirement from the strongly first
order phase transition are satisfied.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure
Enhancement of W+/- H-/+ Production at Hadron Colliders in the Two Higgs Doublet Model
We discuss the associated W+/- H-/+ production at the CERN Large Hadron
Collider. The dependence of the hadronic cross section on the Higgs sector
parameters is investigated in detail in the framework of the general Two Higgs
Doublet Model (THDM). We study the possible enhancement of the THDM prediction
for the cross section compared to the prediction of the Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model (MSSM). We find regions in the THDM parameter space where the
THDM prediction can exceed the one of the MSSM by two orders of magnitude.
These regions of large cross section are in agreement with theoretical bounds
on the model, derived from the requirement of vacuum stability and perturbative
unitarity, and are not excluded by experimental constraints.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
Tree-unitarity bounds for THDM Higgs masses revisited
We have reconsidered theoretical upper bounds on the scalar boson masses
within the two-Higgs-doublet model (THDM), employing the well-known technical
condition of tree-level unitarity. Our treatment provides a modest extension
and generalization of some previous results of other authors. We present a
rather detailed discussion of the solution of the relevant inequalities and
offer some new analytic formulae as well as numerical values for the Higgs mass
bounds in question. A comparison is made with the earlier results on the
subject that can be found in the literature.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; correction to typos; will appear in Eur. Phys.
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