47 research outputs found

    Effects of Social Security System on Human Psychology

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    Social Security, which has social and economic effects in its essence, extending from the past to the present and adding security value to human life with its wide dimensions, has been one of the most important developments in the field of social policy so far. The aim of the study is to determine the dimensions of the effect of the Social Security system on human psychology. With the in-depth interview method, which is a qualitative research method, the results of the interviews with SGK (SSI) experts and psychologists as well as the data obtained by literature research were evaluated. According to the findings, it has been determined that being included in the social security system has a strong and significant positive effect on human psychology. It has also been understood that the development levels of countries and the development of social security rights are inversely proportional. Citizens of underdeveloped and developing countries are greatly affected by this situation. Our country’s social security system can be improved at an advanced level.In conclusion, being included in the social security system includes the power to affect the psychological state of the person positively, along with its effect of improving life in cases where a person will need a regular income and care. Accordingly, it is offered to take stronger and permanent steps in the social security system in order to improve the level of welfare and mental state of our people

    Dijagnostika supkliničkog mastitisa zasnovana na aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between subclinical mastitis and milk arginase activity in dairy cows. Thirty, various breed 4-8 year old cows from Firat University Animal Hospital were used in the study. Subclinical mastitis was diagnosed by the California Mastitis Test (CMT) combined with bacteriological examination of milk samples. The subclinical mastitis group consisted of fifteen clinically healthy but CMT and microbiologically positive animals. CMT and microbiologically negative animals (n = 15) served as the control group. Arginase activity in milk samples was measured by spectrophotometer using the thiocemicarbazide diacetylmonoxime urea (TDMU) method and protein was determined with the folin phenol reagent. Arginase activity in the milk of animals with subclinical mastitis (0.26 ± 0.07 U/mg protein) significantly increased compared to the arginase activity in the milk from healthy animals in the control group (0.10 ± 0.03 U/mg protein). Milk enzyme activity in the mildly severe disease (0.26 ± 0.01 U/mg protein) was significantly lower than in the moderately severe disease (0.30 ± 0.01 U/mg). No relationship was found between the nature of the bacterial infection of the cows with subclinical mastitis and their milk arginase activity. It was concluded that assay of milk arginase activity may be used as an additional laboratory method for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između supkliničkog mastitisa i aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku krava. U istraživanje je uključeno 30 krava u dobi od 4 do 8 godina. Krave su bile različitih pasmina i pacijenti bolnice Firat Sveučilišta. Supklinički mastitis dijagnosticiran je kombinacijom kalifornijskog mastitis testa (KMT) i bakteriološke pretrage uzoraka mlijeka. Skupinu sa supkliničkim mastitisom činilo je 15 klinički zdravih krava pozitivnih pretragom s KMT i bakteriološki pozitivnim nalazom. Petnaest krava s pozitivnim KMT i bakteriološki negativnim nalazom poslužilo je kao kontrolna skupina. Aktivnost arginaze u uzorcima mlijeka utvrđena je spektrofotometrijski, uz primjenu tiocemikarbazid diacetilmonoksim ureja metode (TDMU), a bjelančevine su bile određene pomoću folin fenol reagensa. Aktivnost arginaze u mlijeku krava sa supkliničkim mastitisom (0,26 ± 0,07 U/mg bjelančevina) bila je značajno povišena u usporedbi s uzorcima iz mlijeka zdravih krava kontrolne skupine (0,10 ± 0,03 U/mg bjelančevina). U krava sa slabo izraženim simptomima bolesti, aktivnost enzima u mlijeku (0,26 ± 0,01 U/mg protein) bila je značajno niža u odnosu na krave s umjerenim simptomima (0,30 ± 0,01 U/mg). Nije utvrđena povezanost između prirode bakterijske infekcije i supkliničkog mastitisa odnosno aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku. Zaključak je da analiza aktivnosti arginaze može poslužiti kao dodatna laboratorijska metoda za dijagnostiku supkliničkog mastitisa

    GnRH Stimulation Test in Precocious Puberty: Single Sample is Adequate for Diagnosis and Dose Adjustment

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    Objective: Gonadotropin stimulation test is the gold standard to document precocious puberty. However, the test is costly, time-consuming and uncomfortable. The aim of this study was to simplify the intravenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulation test in the diagnosis of precocious puberty and in the assessment of pubertal suppression

    GnRH Stimulation Test in Precocious Puberty: Single Sample is Adequate for Diagnosis and Dose Adjustment

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    Objective: Gonadotropin stimulation test is the gold standard to document precocious puberty. However, the test is costly, time-consuming and uncomfortable. The aim of this study was to simplify the intravenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulation test in the diagnosis of precocious puberty and in the assessment of pubertal suppression

    Hypophosphatasia Presenting with Pyridoxine-Responsive Seizures, Hypercalcemia, and Pseudotumor Cerebri: Case Report

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    Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by defective bone mineralization caused by a deficiency in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity due to mutations in the tissue-nonspecific ALP (TNALP) gene. The clinical expression of the disease is variable. Six forms of HPP are identified according to age at presentation and clinical features. Patients with the infantile form are normal at birth. First symptoms appear within the first 6 months of life. Along with skeletal findings, HPP patients may present with hypercalcemia, seizures, pseudotumor cerebri, and pulmonary insufficiency. Seizures in HPP are refractory to conventional antiepileptic drugs, but are responsive to pyridoxine. Herein, we report a case of HPP who presented with pyridoxine-responsive seizures in the early neonatal period and was found to have hypercalcemia, skeletal demineralization and increased intracranial pressure. Key words: Hypophosphatasia, pyridoxine-responsive seizures, bisphosphonates, alkaline phosphatase, bone resorption, hypercalcemi

    Mitogenome Phylogeny Including Data from Additional Subspecies Provides New Insights into the Historical Biogeography of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx.

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    Previous molecular studies of the wide-ranging Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx focused mainly on its northern Palearctic populations, with the consequence that the reconstruction of this species' evolutionary history did not include genetic variation present in its southern Palearctic distribution. We sampled a previously not considered Asian subspecies (L. l. dinniki), added published data from another Asian subspecies (L. l. isabellinus), and reassessed the Eurasian lynx mtDNA phylogeny along with previously published data from northern Palearctic populations. Our mitogenome-based analyses revealed the existence of three major clades (A: Central Asia, B: SE Europe/SW Asia, C: Europe and Northern Asia) and at least five lineages, with diversification in Lynx lynx commencing at least 28kyr earlier than hitherto estimated. The subspecies L. l. isabellinus harbors the most basal matriline, consistent with the origin of Lynx lynx in this subspecies' current range. L. l. dinniki harbors the second most basal matriline, which is related to, and may be the source of, the mtDNA diversity of the critically endangered Balkan lynx L. l. balcanicus. Our results suggest that the Anatolian peninsula was a glacial refugium for Eurasian lynx, with previously unconsidered implications for the colonization of Europe by this species


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