10 research outputs found

    Caracterização da atividade moluscicida dos extratos das plantas Bauhinia variegata e Mimusops elengi contra o vetor da Fasciola, Lymnaea acuminata

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    A atividade moluscicida das folhas da Bauhinia variegata e da casca do Mimusops elengi foi testada contra o vetor caracol, Limnaea acuminata. A toxicidade de ambas as plantas é dependente do tempo e da concentração. Entre os extratos orgânicos, os extratos de etanol de ambas as plantas foi mais tóxico. A toxicidade do extrato etanólico da folha da B. variegata (96 h LC50 - 14,4 mg/L) foi mais pronunciada do que o extrato etanólico da casca do M. elengi (96h - LC50 - 15,0 mg/L). As frações purificadas em coluna durante 24 h LC50 do B. variegata e da casca do M. elengi foram 20,3 mg/L e 18,3 mg/L, respectivamente. A saponina e a quercentina foram caracterizadas e identificadas como os componentes ativos moluscicidas. A co-migração da saponina (Rf 0,48) e da quercentina (Rf 0,52) com a casca purificada por coluna do M. elengi e as folhas da B. variegata na cromatografia demonstraram o mesmo valor Rf isto é, 0,48 e 0,52 respectivamente. O presente estudo indica claramente a possibilidade de usar M. elengi e/ou B. variegata como moluscicidas potentes.The molluscicidal activity of Bauhinia variegata leaf and Mimusops elengi bark was studied against vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. The toxicity of both plants was time and concentration-dependent. Among organic extracts, ethanol extracts of both plants were more toxic. Toxicity of B. variegata leaf ethanolic extract (96h LC50- 14.4 mg/L) was more pronounced than M. elengi bark ethanolic extract (96h LC50-15.0 mg/L). The 24h LC50 of column purified fraction of B. variegata and M. elengi bark were 20.3 mg/L and 18.3 mg/L, respectively. Saponin and quercetin were characterized and identified as active molluscicidal component. Co-migration of saponin (Rf 0.48) and quercetin (Rf 0.52) with column purified bark of M. elengi and leaf of B. variegata on thin layer chromatography demonstrate same Rf value i.e. 0.48 and 0.52, respectively. The present study clearly indicates the possibility of using M. elengi and/or B. variegata as potent molluscicide

    Solution of Integral Equation using Second and Third Order B-Spline Wavelets

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    It was proven that semi-orthogonal wavelets approximate the solution of integral equation very finely over the orthogonal wavelets Here we used the compactly supported semi-orthogonal B-spline wavelets generated in our paper Compactly Supported B-spline Wavelets with Orthonormal Scaling Functions satisfying the Daubechies conditions to solve the Fredholm integral equation The generated wavelets satisfies all the properties on the bounded interval The method is computationally easy which is illustrated with two examples whose solution closely resembles the exact solution as the order of wavelet increase

    Toxicity of Bauhinia variegata and Mimusops elengi with plant molluscicides against Lymnaea acuminata

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    Molluscicidal activity of binary combination of Bauhinia variegata and Mimusops elengi with other plant molluscicides Saraca asoca and Thuja orientalis against snail Lymnaea acuminata have been studied. It was observed that toxicity of binary combinations of plant molluscicides with other plant molluscicides were toxic against fresh water snail L. acuminata. Among all combinations of toxicity Mimusops elengi leaf + Saraca asoca bark (24h LC50: 98.25 mg/l; 96h LC50: 40.40 mg/l) and Bauhinia variegata leaf powder + Saraca asoca leaf (24h LC50: 123.98 mg/l; 96h LC50: 57.91 mg/l) was more toxic than other binary combinations of plant molluscicides. Mimusops elengi leaf powder + Saraca asoca leaf powder and Bauhinia variegata leaf powder + Saraca asoca leaf powder are more potent molluscicides

    Beneficial cyanobacteria and eubacteria synergistically enhance bioavailability of soil nutrients and yield of okra

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    Microorganisms in the rhizosphere mediate the cycling of nutrients, their enhanced mobilisation and facilitate their uptake, leading to increased root growth, biomass and yield of plants. We examined the promise of beneficial cyanobacteria and eubacteria as microbial inoculants, applied singly or in combination as consortia or biofilms, to improve growth and yields of okra. Interrelationships among the microbial activities and the micro/macro nutrient dynamics in soils and okra yield characteristics were assessed along with the changes in the soil microbiome. A significant effect of microbial inoculation on alkaline phosphatase activity was recorded both at the mid-crop and harvest stages. Microbial biomass carbon values were highest due to the Anabaena sp. - Providencia sp. (CR1 + PR3) application. The yield of okra ranged from 444.6–478.4 g−1 plant and a positive correlation (0.69) recorded between yield and root weight. The application of Azotobacter led to the highest root weight and yield. The concentration of Zn at mid-crop stage was 60–70% higher in the Azotobacter sp. and Calothrix sp. inoculated soils, as compared to uninoculated control. Iron concentration in soil was more than 2–3 folds higher than control at the mid-crop stage, especially due to the application of Anabaena-Azotobacter biofilm and Azotobacter sp. Both at the mid-crop and harvest stages, the PCR-DGGE profiles of eubacterial communities were similar among the uninoculated control, the Anabaena sp. - Providencia sp. (CW1 + PW5) and the Anabaena-Azotobacter biofilm treatments. Although the profiles of the Azotobacter, Calothrix and CR1 + PR3 treatments were identical at these stages of growth, the profile of CR1 + PR3 was clearly distinguishable. The performance of the inoculants, particularly Calothrix (T6) and consortium of Anabaena and Providencia (CR1 + PR3; T5), in terms of microbiological and nutrient data, along with generation of distinct PCR-DGGE profiles suggested their superiority and emphasized the utility of combining microbiological and molecular tools in the selection of effective microbial inoculants