37 research outputs found

    Uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy in CaRuO3{\rm CaRuO_3}

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    CaRuO3{\rm CaRuO_3} is a paramagnetic metal and since its low temperature resistivity is described by ρ=ρ0+ATγ\rho=\rho_0+AT^\gamma with γ1.5\gamma \sim 1.5, it is also considered a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) metal. We have performed extensive magnetoresistance and Hall effect measurements of untwinned epitaxial films of CaRuO3{\rm CaRuO_3}. These measurements reveal that CaRuO3{\rm CaRuO_3} exhibits uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy. In addition, the low-temperature NFL behavior is most effectively suppressed when a magnetic field is applied along the easy axis, suggesting that critical spin fluctuations, possibly due to proximity of a quantum critical phase transition, are related to the NFL behavior.Comment: 7 figure

    Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of SrRuO3_3 under epitaxial strain

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    Using density functional theory within the local spin density approximation, structural, electronic and magnetic properties of SRO are investigated. We examine the magnitude of the orthorhombic distortion in the ground state and also the effects of applying epitaxial constraints, whereby the influence of large (in the range of ±4\pm 4%) in-plane strain resulting from coherent epitaxy, for both [001] and [110] oriented films, have been isolated and investigated. The overall pattern of the structural relaxations reveal coherent distortions of the oxygen octahedra network, which determine stability of the magnetic moment on the Ru ion. The structural and magnetic parameters exhibit substantial changes allowing us to discuss the role of symmetry and possibilities of magneto-structural tuning of \SRO-based thin film structures.Comment: 11 page

    Transport Properties, Thermodynamic Properties, and Electronic Structure of SrRuO3

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    SrRuO3_3 is a metallic ferromagnet. Its electrical resistivity is reported for temperatures up to 1000K; its Hall coefficient for temperatures up to 300K; its specific heat for temperatures up to 230K. The energy bands have been calculated by self-consistent spin-density functional theory, which finds a ferromagnetic ordered moment of 1.45μB\mu_{{\rm B}} per Ru atom. The measured linear specific heat coefficient γ\gamma is 30mJ/mole, which exceeds the theoretical value by a factor of 3.7. A transport mean free path at room temperature of 10A˚\approx 10 \AA is found. The resistivity increases nearly linearly with temperature to 1000K in spite of such a short mean free path that resistivity saturation would be expected. The Hall coefficient is small and positive above the Curie temperature, and exhibits both a low-field and a high-field anomalous behavior below the Curie temperature.Comment: 6 pages (latex) and 6 figures (postscript, uuencoded.) This paper will appear in Phys. Rev. B, Feb. 15, 199

    Investigation of the ferromagnetic transition in the correlated 4d perovskites SrRu1x_{1-x}Rhx_xO3_3

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    The solid-solution SrRu1x_{1-x}Rhx_xO3_3 (0x10\le x \le1) is a variable-electron-configuration system forming in the nearly-cubic-perovskite basis, ranging from the ferromagnetic 4d4d^4 to the enhanced paramagnetic 4d5d^5. Polycrystalline single-phase samples were obtained over the whole composition range by a high-pressure-heating technique, followed by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat, thermopower, and electrical resistivity. The ferromagnetic order in long range is gradually suppressed by the Rh substitution and vanishes at x0.6x \sim 0.6. The electronic term of specific-heat shows unusual behavior near the critical Rh concentration; the feature does not match even qualitatively with what was reported for the related perovskites (Sr,Ca)RuO3_3. Furthermore, another anomaly in the specific heat was observed at x0.9x \sim 0.9.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Antiferromagnetic Order in Disorder-Induced Insulating Phase of SrRu_{1-x}Mn_xO_3 (0.4<x<0.6)

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    We have performed the powder neutron diffraction measurements on the solid solutions of SrRu_{1-x}Mn_xO_3, and found that the itinerant ferromagnetic order observed in pure SrRuO_3 changes into the C-type antiferromagnetic (AF) order with nearly localized d electrons in the intermediate Mn concentration between x=0.4 and 0.6. With increasing x, the AF moment is strongly enhanced from 1.1 mB (x=0.4) to 2.6 mB (x=0.6), which is accompanied by the elongation of the tetragonal c/a ratio. These results suggest that the substitution of Mn for Ru suppresses the itinerant character of the d electrons, and induces the superexchange interaction through the compression in the c plane. We have also found that the magnetic and transport properties observed in our tetragonal samples are quite similar to those of recently reported orthorhombic ones.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic properties of bulk and thin film SrRuO3_3: a search for the metal-insulator transition

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    We calculate the properties of the 4dd ferromagnet SrRuO3_3 in bulk and thin film form with the aim of understanding the experimentally observed metal to insulator transition at reduced thickness. Although the spatial extent of the 4dd orbitals is quite large, many experimental results have suggested that electron-electron correlations play an important role in determining this material's electronic structure. In order to investigate the importance of correlation, we use two approaches which go beyond the conventional local density approximation to density functional theory (DFT): the local spin density approximation + Hubbard UU (LSDA+UU) and the pseudopotential self-interaction correction (pseudo-SIC) methods. We find that the details of the electronic structure predicted with the LSDA do not agree with the experimental spectroscopic data for bulk and thin film SrRuO3_3. Improvement is found by including electron-electron correlations, and we suggest that bulk orthorhombic SrRuO3_3 is a {\it weakly strongly-correlated} ferromagnet whose electronic structure is best described by a 0.6 eV on-site Hubbard term, or equivalently with corrections for the self-interaction error. We also perform {\it ab initio} transport calculations that confirm that SrRuO3_3 has a negative spin polarization at the Fermi level, due to the position of the minority Ru 4dd band center. Even with correlations included in our calculations we are unable to reproduce the experimentally observed metal-insulator transition, suggesting that the electronic behavior of SrRuO3_3 ultra-thin films might be dominated by extrinsic factors such as surface disorder and defects.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Novel critical exponent of magnetization curves near the ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions of Sr1-xAxRuO3 (A = Ca, La0.5Na0.5, and La)

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    We report a novel critical exponent delta=3/2 of magnetization curves M=H^{1/delta} near the ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions of Sr1-xAxRuO3 (A = Ca, La0.5Na0.5, and La), which the mean field theory of the Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson type fails to reproduce. The effect of dirty ferromagnetic spin fluctuations might be a key.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The ground state of Sr3Ru2O7 revisited; Fermi liquid close to a ferromagnetic instability

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    We show that single-crystalline Sr3Ru2O7 grown by a floating-zone technique is an isotropic paramagnet and a quasi-two dimensional metal as spin-triplet superconducting Sr2RuO4 is. The ground state is Fermi liquid with very low residual resistivity (3 micro ohm cm for in-plane currents) and a nearly ferromagnetic metal with the largest Wilson ratio Rw>10 among paramagnets so far. This contrasts with the ferromagnetic order at Tc=104 K reported on single crystals grown by a flux method [Cao et al., Phys. Rev. B 55, R672 (1997)]. We have also found a dramatic changeover from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism under applied pressure. This suggests the existence of a substantial ferromagnetic instability on the verge of a quantum phase transition in the Fermi liquid state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B : Rapid co

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetization Studies of the Ferromagnetic Ordering Temperature Suppression in Ru Deficient SrRuO3

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    The synthesis of SrRuO3 under high-pressure oxygen produces a nonstoichiometric form with randomly distributed vacancies on the Ru-sites, along with a significantly reduced ferromagnetic ordering temperature. In order to gain additional insight into the suppression of the ferromagnetism, local studies utilizing 99,101 Ru zero-field spin-echo NMR, and Ru K-edge XAFS, along with complimentary magnetization and x-ray diffraction measurements, have been carried out on samples of SrRuO3 annealed at both ("ambient") atmospheric pressure and "high-pressure" oxygen (600 atm). Consistent with previous work, the NMR spectrum for "ambient" SrRuO3 consists of two well-defined peaks at 64.4 MHz and 72.2 MHz corresponding to the 99Ru and 101Ru isotopes, respectively, and a hyperfine field of 329 kG. Although the magnetization measurements show a lower ferromagnetic ordering temperature for the "high-pressure" oxygen sample (90 K compared to 160 K for the "ambient" sample), the NMR spectrum shows no significant shift in the two peak frequencies. However, the two peaks exhibit considerable broadening, along with structure on both the low and high frequency sides which is believed to be quadrupolar in origin. Analysis of the Ru K-edge XAFS reveals more disorder in the Ru-O bond for the "high-pressure" oxygen sample compared to the "ambient" sample. Furthermore, XANES of Ru K-edge analysis indicates no difference in the valence of Ru between the two samples. The magnetic behavior indicates the existence of some vacancies on the Ru sites for the "high-pressure" oxygen sample.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd Polish-US Workshop on Magnetism and Superconductivity of Advanced Materials, July 14-19, 2002, Ladek Zdroj (Poland), to appear in Physica

    Violation of the Mott-Ioffe-Regel Limit: High-temperature Resistivity of Itinerant Magnets Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n=2,3,infinity) and CaRuO3

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    Srn+1RunO3n+1 represents a class of layered materials whose physical properties are a strong function of the number of Ru-O layers per unit cell, n. This series includes the p-wave superconductor Sr2RuO4 (n=1), enhanced paramagnetic Sr3Ru2O7 (n=2), nearly ferromagnetic Sr4Ru3O10 (n=3) and itinerant ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (n=infinity). In spite of a wide spectrum of physical phenomena, this series of materials along with paramagnetic CaRuO3 shares two major characteristics, namely, robust Fermi liquid behavior at low temperatures and anomalous transport behavior featured by linear temperature dependence of resistivity at high temperature where electron wavepackets are no longer clearly defined. There is no crossover separating such two fundamentally different states. In this paper, we report results of our study that systematically addresses anisotropy and temperature dependence of basal-plane and c-axis resistivity as a function of n for the entire Srn+1RunO3n+1 series and CaRuO3 and for a wide temperature range of 1.7 K<T<900 K. It is found that the anomalous transport behavior correlates with magnetic susceptibility and becomes stronger with decreasing dimensionality. Implications of these results are discussed