172 research outputs found

    Conceptual model of E. coli transcriptional machinery

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    At the moment one type of analysis of transcription regulatory networks (TRNs) in prokaryotes is topological analysis of graph structure of possible regulatory interaction links (see for example [1]). That type of analysis takes into account possibility links that designate the fact that one gene product in some conditions can modulate transcription of the other. The benefit of such approach is that it is allow analyzing TRN at the whole cell level. At the same type it is known that at least some responses are regulated by abundance of elements of transcription machinery [2-3]. We have developed conceptual model of whole cell E. coli TRN with SBGN ER, SBGN PD and SBGN AF languages [4]. That model is the first step towards incorporation of some quantitative information into whole cell TRN modeling.

1.	Freyre-González et al. Functional architecture of Escherichia coli: new insights provided by a natural decomposition approach. Genome Biol (2008) vol. 9 (10) pp. R154
2.	Klumpp and Hwa. Growth-rate-dependent partitioning of RNA polymerases in bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2008) vol. 105 (51) pp. 20245-50
3.	Barker et al. Mechanism of regulation of transcription initiation by ppGpp. II. Models for positive control based on properties of RNAP mutants and competition for RNAP. J Mol Biol (2001) vol. 305 (4) pp. 689-702
4.	Le Novère et al. The systems biology graphical notation. Nature biotechnology (2009) vol. 27 (8) pp. 735-41

    Base sequence dependent sliding of proteins on DNA

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    The possibility that the sliding motion of proteins on DNA is influenced by the base sequence through a base pair reading interaction, is considered. Referring to the case of the T7 RNA-polymerase, we show that the protein should follow a noise-influenced sequence-dependent motion which deviate from the standard random walk usually assumed. The general validity and the implications of the results are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Biotehnološka primjena kvasca Yarrowia lipolytica uzgojenog u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina

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    During the cultivation of a thiamine-auxotrophic yeast strain Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 on ethanol, the growth limitation by thiamine leads to the production of α-ketoglutaric acid. The α-ketoglutaric acid synthesis has been studied in dependence on pH, oxygen supply and ethanol, zinc and iron concentrations. Under optimal conditions, Y. lipolytica produced 88.7 g/L of α-ketoglutaric acid. The culture broth containing α-ketoglutaric acid was subjected to chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide, which led to the formation of succinic acid in significant quantities (71.7 g/L). Further direct esterification of succinic acid with excess absolute ethanol yielded diethyl succinate. Biomass of Y. lipolytica, a superproducer of α-ketoglutaric acid, was characterized by a high content of protein and essential amino acids, free amino acids, and unusually large amount of γ-aminobutyric acid. The unique amino acid composition of the producer makes it possible to use this biomass as a component of parenteral nutrition mixtures and as a basis for neuroleptics.Auksotrofni kvasac Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 uzgojen je na podlozi s etanolom u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina, što je dovelo do nastajanja α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Ispitana je ovisnost njezine sinteze o pH-vrijednosti, opskrbljenosti kisikom i etanolom, te koncentracijama cinka i željeza. U optimalnim je uvjetima kvasac Y. lipolytica proizveo 88,7 g/L α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Podloga za uzgoj koja je sadržavala α-ketoglutarnu kiselinu kemijski je obrađena vodikovim peroksidom, što je dovelo do nastajanja značajne koncentracije sukcinske kiseline (71,7 g/L). Daljnjom izravnom esterifikacijom sukcinske kiseline uz suvišak apsolutnog etanola dobiven je dietil sukcinat. Biomasu kvasca Y. lipolytica, koji proizvodi velike količine α-ketoglutarne kiseline, karakterizira veliki udjel proteina i esencijalnih aminokiselina, slobodnih aminokiselina i neuobičajeno velika količina γ-aminomaslačne kiseline. Jedinstveni aminokiselinski sastav kvasca omogućuje njegovu primjenu u intravenoznoj prehrani i pri liječenju pacijenata antipsihoticima

    Mikrobna proizvodnja limunske i izolimunske kiseline na podlozi od suncokretovog ulja

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    The growth of wild type strain Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2373 and its mutant Yarrowia lipolytica N 15 as well the biosynthesis of citric and isocitric acids on sunflower oil were studied. It was indicated that cell growth was associated with the simultaneous utilization of glycerol and free fatty acids produced during oil hydrolysis. The activities of enzymes of glycerol metabolism (glycerol kinase), fatty acid assimilation enzymes of glyoxylate cycle (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) and citric acid cycle were comparatively assayed in Y. lipolytica grown on sunflower oil, glycerol and oleic acid. Glycerol kinase and enzymes of glyoxylate cycle were active during the whole period of cell cultivation on sunflower oil. Citric acid production and a ratio between citric and isocitric acids depended on both the strain used and the medium composition. It was revealed that wild type strain Y. lipolytica VKM Y-2373 produced almost equal amounts of citric and isocitric acids at pH=4.5 and predominantly accumulated isocitric acid at pH=6.0. The mutant Y. lipolytica N 15 produced only citric acid (150 g/L with mass yield (YCA) of 1.32 g/g). Biochemical characteristics of mutant strain Y. lipolytica N 15 were discussed.U radu je ispitan rast divljeg soja kvasca Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2373 i mutantnog soja Yarrowia lipolytica N 15, te biosinteza limunske i izolimunske kiseline na podlozi od suncokretovog ulja. Utvrđeno je da je rast stanica povezan s istodobnim iskorištenjem glicerola i slobodnih masnih kiselina nastalih tijekom hidrolize ulja. Usporedno je ispitana aktivnost enzima koji sudjeluju u metabolizmu glicerola (glicerol kinaze), glioksilatnom ciklusu asimilacije masnih kiselina (izocitrat liaze i malat sintaze) i ciklusu limunske kiseline u kvascu Y. lipolytica uzgojenom na podlozi od suncokretovog ulja, glicerola i oleinske kiseline. Glicerol kinaza i enzimi glioksilatnog ciklusa bili su aktivni cijelo vrijeme uzgoja stanica na podlozi od suncokretovog ulja. Količina proizvedene limunske kiseline i omjer limunske i izolimunske kiseline ovise o upotrijebljenom soju i sastavu podloge. Otkriveno je da je divlji soj Y. lipolytica VKM Y-2373 proizveo skoro jednaku količinu limunske i izolimunske kiseline pri pH=4,5, a pretežno izolimunsku kiselinu pri pH=6.0. Mutantni soj Y. lipolytica N 15 proizveo je samo limunsku kiselinu (150 g/L, s masenim stupnjem pretvorbe YCA=1,32 g/g). U radu su također razmotrene biokemijske značajke mutantnog soja Y. lipolytica N 15


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    Summary Motivation: Distribution of electrostatic potential around nucleotide sequences is one of fundamental characteristics of DNA contributing to its recognition by DNA-binding proteins. Analysis of electrostatic properties of natural DNAs had to await the development of appropriate calculation methods for long nucleotide sequences. A method recently proposed in our wor

    Proizvodnja limunske kiseline pomoću kvasaca uzgojenih na podlogama s glicerolom, dobivenim pri proizvodnji biodizela

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    The possibility of using glycerol and glycerol-containing waste from biodiesel manufacture as a carbon and energy source for microbiological production of citric acid has been studied. Acid formation on the selective media had previously been tested in 66 yeast strains of different genera (Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces, Torulopsis and Yarrowia). Under growth limitation by nitrogen, 41 strains (belonging mainly to species Yarrowia lipolytica) produced acids; unlike 25 strains of the genera Debaryomyces, Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces and Torulopsis. Among the 41 acid-producing strains, mutant strain Yarrowia lipolytica N15 was selected since it was able to produce citric acid presumably in high amounts. The citric acid production by the selected strain was studied in dependence on the medium pH, aeration and concentration of glycerol. Under optimal conditions, the mutant Y. lipolytica N15 produced up to 98 g/L of citric acid when grown in a fermentor with the medium containing pure glycerol, and 71 g/L of citric acid when grown on glycerol-containing waste. The effect of growth phases on physiological peculiarities of the citric acid producer was discussed.Ispitana je mogućnost uporabe glicerola i otpada bogatoga glicerolom, dobivenih pri proizvodnji biodizela, kao izvora ugljika i energije za mikrobnu proizvodnju limunske kiseline. Prethodno je ispitana proizvodnja limunske kiseline na selektivnim podlogama pomoću 66 sojeva kvasaca različitih vrsta (Candida, Pichia, Saccharomyces, Torulopsis i Yarrowia). Pri smanjenim koncentracijama dušika 41 soj (uglavnom vrste Yarrowia lipolytica) mogao je proizvesti limunsku kiselinu, dok 25 sojeva vrsta Debaryomyces, Candida, Pichiа, Saccharomyces i Torulopsis to nije moglo. Od 41 soja odabran je mutant Yarrowia lipolytica N15, jer je mogao proizvesti veliku količinu limunske kiseline. Ispitan je utjecaj pH-vrijednosti podloge, prozračivanja tijekom reakcije i koncentracije glicerola u podlozi na proizvodnju limunske kiseline pomoću toga soja. U optimalnim uvjetima u fermentoru mutant Yarrowia lipolytica N15 proizveo je do 98 g/L limunske kiseline na podlozi sa čistim glicerolom, a do 71 g/L limunske kiseline na podlozi s otpadom bogatim glicerolom. U radu se raspravlja i o utjecaju faze rasta na fiziološke značajke kvasaca pri proizvodnji limunske kiseline

    Lipase Secretion and Citric Acid Production in Yarrowia lipolytica Yeast Grown on Animal and Vegetable Fat

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the potentiality of the utilization of raw agro- -industrial fat for the biotechnological production of valuable products (lipase and citric acid) by the yeast Yarrowia (Candida) lipolytica. Thirty strains of the aforementioned species were investigated for their capability of lipase secretion and citric acid production on media containing animal fat or rapeseed oil as a sole carbon and energy source. Strain Y. lipolytica 704, exhibiting the highest lipase activity on rapeseed oil (2760 U/mL), was selected for the study of biochemical peculiarities of cell growth, and strain Y. lipolytica 187/1, exhibiting the maximum citric acid synthesis, was selected for the subsequent studies on citric acid production. A relationship between lipase production and residual rapeseed oil concentration was studied. The essential factor for lipase production was found to be the concentration of rapeseed oil in the medium, which should be no less than 5 g/L. Under optimal conditions of cultivation, citric acid production by rapeseed-oil-grown yeast Yarrowia lipolytica 187/1 amounted to 135 g/L; specific rate of citric acid production reached m(CA)/m(cell)=127 mg/(g·h); mass yield (YCA) and energy yield (hCA) were 1.55 and 0.41, respectively