15 research outputs found

    Imaging morphological details and pathological differences of red blood cells using tapping-mode AFM

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    The surface topography of red blood cells (RBCs) was investigated under nearphysiological conditions using atomic force microscopy (AFM). An immobilization protocol was established where RBCs are coupled via molecular bonds of the membrane glycoproteins to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), which is covalently and flexibly tethered to the support. This results in a tight but noninvasive attachment of the cells. Using tappingmode AFM, which is known as gentle imaging mode and therefore most appropriate for soft biological samples like erythrocytes, it was possible to resolve membrane skeleton structures without major distortions or deformations of the cell surface. Significant differences in the morphology of RBCs from healthy humans and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were observed on topographical images. The surface of RBCs from SLE patients showed characteristic circularshaped holes with approx. 200 nm in diameter under physiological conditions, a possible morphological correlate to previously published changes in the SLE erythrocyte membrane

    Single Molecule Recognition between Cytochrome C 551 and Gold-Immobilized Azurin by Force Spectroscopy

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    Recent developments in single molecule force spectroscopy have allowed investigating the interaction between two redox partners, Azurin and Cytochrome C 551. Azurin has been directly chemisorbed on a gold electrode whereas cytochrome c has been linked to the atomic force microscopy tip by means of a heterobifunctional flexible cross-linker. When recording force-distance cycles, molecular recognition events could be observed, displaying unbinding forces of ∼95 pN for an applied loading rate of 10 nN/s. The specificity of molecular recognition was confirmed by the significant decrease of unbinding probability observed in control block experiments performed adding free azurin solution in the fluid cell. In addition, the complex dissociation kinetics has been here investigated by monitoring the unbinding forces as a function of the loading rate: the thermal off-rate was estimated to be ∼14 s(−1), much higher than values commonly estimated for complexes more stable than electron transfer complexes. Results here discussed represent the first studies on molecular recognition between two redox partners by atomic force microscopy

    Reversible biofunctionalization of surfaces with a switchable mutant of avidin

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    Label-free biosensors detect binding of prey molecules (″analytes″) to immobile bait molecules on the sensing surface. Numerous methods are available for immobilization of bait molecules. A convenient option is binding of biotinylated bait molecules to streptavidin-functionalized surfaces, or to biotinylated surfaces via biotin-avidin-biotin bridges. The goal of this study was to find a rapid method for reversible immobilization of biotinylated bait molecules on biotinylated sensor chips. The task was to establish a biotin-avidin-biotin bridge which was easily cleaved when desired, yet perfectly stable under a wide range of measurement conditions. The problem was solved with the avidin mutant M96H which contains extra histidine residues at the subunit-subunit interfaces. This mutant was bound to a mixed self-assembled monolayer (SAM) containing biotin residues on 20% of the oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated SAM components. Various biotinylated bait molecules were bound on top of the immobilized avidin mutant. The biotin-avidin-biotin bridge was stable at pH ≥3, and it was insensitive to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at neutral pH. Only the combination of citric acid (2.5%, pH 2) and SDS (0.25%) caused instantaneous cleavage of the biotin-avidin-biotin bridge. As a consequence, the biotinylated bait molecules could be immobilized and removed as often as desired, the only limit being the time span for reproducible chip function when kept in buffer (2-3 weeks at 25 °C). As expected, the high isolectric pH (pI) of the avidin mutant caused nonspecific adsorption of proteins. This problem was solved by acetylation of avidin (to pI > 5), or by optimization of SAM formation and passivation with biotin-BSA and BSA

    AFM imaging-force spectroscopy combination for molecular recognition at the single-cell level

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    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018Molecular recognition at the single-cell level is an increasingly important issue in Biomedical Sciences. With atomic force microscopy, cell surface receptors may be recognized through the interaction with their ligands, inclusively for the identification of cell-cell adhesion proteins. The spatial location of a specific interaction can be determined by adhesion force mapping, which combines topographic images with local force spectroscopy measurements. Another valuable possibility is to simultaneously record topographic and recognition images (TREC imaging) of cells, enabling the mapping of specific binding events on cells in real time. This review is focused on recent developments on these molecular recognition approaches, presenting examples of different biological and biomedical applications.This work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT-MCTES, Portugal) projects PTDC/BBB-BMD/6307/2014 and PTDC/BBB-BQB/3494/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio