46 research outputs found

    Centrális eredetű tremorok generátorainak vizsgálata klinikai elektrofiziológiai módszerekkel = Clinical electrophysiological investigation of tremors with central origin

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    Létrehoztunk egy olyan internetes adatbázist, mellyel a tremorral járó idegrendszeri betegségekben szenvedők adatainak feldolgozását követően homogén betegcsoportok alakíthatók ki. Tremorometriás vizsgálatokkal igazoltuk, hogy a tremor frekvencia-paraméterei Parkinson-betegségben jellegzetesen aszimmetrikusak, míg esszenciális tremorban (ET) mindkét oldalon hasonló eltérést mutatnak, függetlenül a tremor intenzitásától. Ez arra utal, hogy Parkinson-kórban a két féltekében egymástól függetlenül, míg ET-ban egymással kapcsoltan működő tremorgenerátorkör feltételezhető. Kimutattuk, hogy ET-ban az kézmozgások ritmusossága mindkét oldalon zavart szenved, mely cerebelláris működészavart igazol, és alátámasztja, hogy az ET nem monoszimptómás betegség, hanem több funkcionális rendszert érintő komplex kórkép. Bizonyítottuk, hogy a krónikus valproát kezelés még azokban a betegekben is módosítja a tremor frekvencia-teljesítmény spektrumot, akiknél nincsen klinikailag kimutatható intenzitású tremor. Mivel a valproát befolyásolja mind a bazális ganglionok mind pedig a cerebellum GABAerg működését, feltehető, hogy a különböző típusú tremorokban ezen pályarendszerek is érintettek. Igazoltuk, hogy Parkinson-kórban, ET-ban és Wilson-kórban a mozgást követő EEG béta szinkronizáció latenciája ill. nagysága változik az egészségesekhez képest, ami arra utal, hogy a szupplementer ill. premotor kérgi területek részei a fenti kórképekben megjelenő tremorok generátorköreinek. | In the present project we have established an internet based database, which helps us to generate homogeneous groups of patients with various tremor types. We have proved using complex tremorometry that the frequency parameters of Parkinson-tremor are characteristically asymmetric, while in essential tremor (ET) these are altered on both sides, and these changes are not related of tremor intensity. These data suggest that in Parkinson's disease the tremor generators in the two hemispheres are not connected, however in ET these might be interconnected. We have shown that in ET the rhythmicity of alternating hand movements are altered on both sides, which might be related to cerebellar dysfunction, and suggests that essential tremor affects several functional systems of the brain. We have demonstrated that chronic valpoate treatment alters the tremor frequency parameters even in those patients who have no clinically noticeable symptoms. Since valproate influences the GABAergic functions of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum, our data might suggest, that these circuitries are involved in the generation of various tremor types. We have described that in Parkinson's disease, in ET and in Wilson's disease the latency and/or amplitude of EEG post-movement beta synchronization is affected compared to the control group. This implies that the suplementer and premotor cortical areas are part of the generator circuitry of the above mentioned tremors

    The assessment of visuospatial skills and verbal fluency in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: In the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), examining memory is predominant. Our aim was to analyse the potential role of various cognitive domains in the cognitive evaluation of AD. Methods: 110 individuals with clinically defined AD and 45 healthy control participants underwent neuropsychological evaluation including Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE). AD patients were selected in three groups based on disease duration in years (y) (Group 1: ≤2y n=36; Group 2: 2‐4y n=44, Group 3: ≥4y n=30). Covariance weighted intergroup comparison was performed on global cognitive score and subscores of cognitive domains. Spearman’s rho was applied to study the correlation between cognitive subscores and disease duration. Wilcoxon signed ranked test was used for within group analysis among ACE cognitive subscores. Results: Significant difference was found between ACE total scores among groups (χ2=119,1; p<0,001) with a high negative correlation (p<0,001; r: -0,643). With longer disease duration, all the subscores of ACE significantly decreased (p’s <0,001). Visuospatial score showed the strongest negative correlation with disease duration with a linear trajectory in decline (r: -0,85). In the early phase of cognitive decline, verbal fluency was the most impaired cognitive subdomain (normalized value: 0.64), and it was significantly reduced compared to all other subdomains (p’s<0.05). Conclusion: We found that impairment of verbal fluency is the most characteristic feature of early cognitive decline, therefore it might have crucial importance in the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. Based on our results visuospatial assessment might be an ideal marker to monitor the progression of cognitive decline in AD

    Anti glutamate-decarboxylase antibodies: A liaison between localisation related epilepsy, stiff-person syndrome and type-1 diabetes mellitus

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    We present two patients with partial epilepsy, type-1 diabetes and stiff person syndrome associated with high serum autoantibody levels to glutamate-decarboxylase (anti-GAD). Both patients were or have suffered from additional autoimmune conditions. The presence of stiff person syndrome and elevated anti-GAD levels have to make clinicians look for additional autoimmune conditions including type-1 diabetes. On the other hand, the co-morbidity of partial epilepsy with autoimmune conditions in patients with elevated serum anti-GAD suggests an autoimmune mechanism of partial epilepsy in these cases

    EKG-gyöngyszem: tónusos-clonusos epilepsziás roham kimutatása implantábilis loop recorderrel = ECG pearl: tonic-clonic seizure detected by implantable loop recorder

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    Absztrakt: A szerzők egy 52 éves nőbeteg esetét mutatják be, akinél a sorozatos syncopék hátterében generalizált tónusos-clonusos epilepsziás rohamok álltak, amit implantábilis loop recorder (ILR-) vizsgálat mozgási műtermékei alapján diagnosztizáltak. A beteg a beállított antiepileptikum hatására 9 hónapja panaszmentes. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(29): 1143–1145. | Abstract: A 52-year-old woman is presented with repetitive transient loss of consciousness. Implantable loop recorder (ILR) recorded muscle artifacts during the generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Seizure was diagnosed and antiepileptic drug was started. The patient has been asymptomatic for 9 months. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(29): 1143–1145

    Az epilepsziás betegek ellátásának változása a COVID–19-járvány első veszélyhelyzeti periódusában

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    Bevezetés: A COVID–19-járvány világszerte hónapokra átalakította a járóbeteg-ellátás működését is. Magyarországon a 2020. március 11-től 2020. június 17-ig fennálló egészségügyi veszélyhelyzeti rendelkezések szabták meg az új kereteket. Célkitűzés: Az első veszélyhelyzeti periódus második felében, 2020. április 22. és 2020. május 5. között mértük fel az epilepsziaellátásban részt vevő orvosok véleményét, hogy milyen mértékben változott a betegek ellátása, és hogyan élték meg a változásokat személyesen. Módszer: Internetes kérdőíves véleményfelmérés történt, a Magyar Epilepszia Liga 2020. április 16–17-re tervezett, de a COVID–19-járvány miatt elhalasztott XV. kongresszusára regisztrált neurológusok között. Kilenc egyszeres vagy többszörös feleletválasztós kérdés és ’szabad kommentár’ mezők álltak rendelkezésre. Eredmények: A megkeresett 116 neurológus közül 33-an válaszoltak (28%), összesen 30 kommentár került rögzítés- re. 73%-uk szerint a változások komoly nehézséget okoztak, 15%-uk gondolta, hogy ennek súlyos következményei lesznek. Új betegek fogadása 53%-ban leállt, 25%-ban nagy nehézségekbe ütközött. A gondozott betegek problémá- it 49%-ban a távvizit lehetőségeivel élve meg tudták oldani, de 24%-ban ez nem sikerült. A beteg távollétében lebo- nyolított vizitek 68%-a dokumentált telefonbeszélgetések formájában zajlott. Az orvosok kétharmada veszélyeztetve érezte magát, hogy elkapja a vírust, ebből 40% úgy érezte, nem kap elegendő védelmet, 6% (2 fő) kapta el a fertőzést. Következtetés: A COVID–19-járvány a leginkább az új szakvélemények kiadását érintette, de a gondozási feladatokat sem mindig lehetett megfelelően megoldani. A károkat jelentősen enyhítette az ellátószemélyzet rugalmassága. A te- lefonvizitek, szükség esetén, az epileptológiában pótolhatják a személyes orvos-beteg találkozásokat. A járvány visz- szatérésének veszélye miatt a távvizit-alkalmazások technikai fejlesztése és ezek dokumentálási kérdéseinek megoldá- sa fontos. A járványidőszakban a személyzet védelmére nagy figyelmet kell fordítani a fertőződés elkerülése és az orvosok biztonságérzetének fokozása érdekében

    Disturbed post-movement beta synchronization in Wilson's disease with neurological manifestation

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    We analyzed the changes of post-movement beta synchronization (PMBS) of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in Wilson's disease with neurological manifestation. Our aim was to determine if PMBS in Wilson's disease is altered in a different way than in Parkinson's disease or in essential tremor. Our purpose was to find out whether the analysis of PMBS could help the diagnosis in ambiguous cases. Ten patients with neurological manifestation of Wilson's disease and ten controls performed self-paced movements with the dominant hand during EEG acquisition. Five electrodes above the sensorimotor cortex were selected for evaluation (C3, C1, Cz, C2, C4) as contralateral (C); contralateral medial (CM); medial (M); ipsilateral medial (IM); ipsilateral (I) relative to the dominant hand. Power and latency of PMBS were calculated by time resolved power spectral analysis with multitaper method. PMBS power in the C electrode position was significantly lower in patients than in controls, its contralateral preponderance disappeared in the patient group. In every location, latency of PMBS was significantly longer in the Wilson group compared to controls. More altered PMBS could be measured in patients with both basal ganglia and cerebellar involvements. Since decreased power of PMBS was observed in Parkinson's disease and increased latency in essential tremor, the combined change of PMBS can indicate pathology of different neural circuits and may help the diagnosis in challenging cases

    The Significance of Subclinical Epileptiform Activity in Alzheimer's Disease: A Review

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    Hyperexcitability is a recently recognized contributor to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Subclinical epileptiform activity (SEA) is a neurophysiological sign of cortical hyperexcitability; however, the results of the studies in this field vary due to differences in the applied methodology. The aim of this review is to summarize the results of the related studies aiming to describe the characteristic features and significance of subclinical epileptiform discharges in the pathophysiologic process of AD from three different directions: (1) what SEA is; (2) why we should diagnose SEA, and (3) how we should diagnose SEA. We scrutinized both the completed and ongoing antiepileptic drug trials in AD where SEA served as a grouping variable or an outcome measure. SEA seems to appear predominantly in slow-wave sleep and in the left temporal region and to compromise cognitive functions. We clarify using supportive literature the high sensitivity of overnight electroencephalography (EEG) in the detection of epileptiform discharges. Finally, we present the most important research questions around SEA and provide an overview of the possible solutions

    EEG and ERP biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease: a critical review.

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    Here we critically review studies that used electroencephalography (EEG) or event-related potential (ERP) indices as a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease. In the first part we overview studies that relied on visual inspection of EEG traces and spectral characteristics of EEG. Second, we survey analysis methods motivated by dynamical systems theory (DST) as well as more recent network connectivity approaches. In the third part we review studies of sleep.  Next, we compare the utility of early and late ERP components in dementia research. In the section on mismatch negativity (MMN) studies we summarize their results and limitations and outline the emerging field of computational neurology. In the following we overview the use of EEG in the differential diagnosis of the most common neurocognitive disorders. Finally, we provide a summary of the state of the field and conclude that several promising EEG/ERP indices of synaptic neurotransmission are worth considering as potential biomarkers. Furthermore, we highlight some practical issues and discuss future challenges as well

    Alteration of Visuospatial System as an Early Marker of Cognitive Decline: A Double-Center Neuroimaging Study

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    Amnestic-type mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI) represents the prodromal phase of Alzheimer's disease associated with a high conversion rate to dementia and serves as a potential golden period for interventions. In our study, we analyzed the role of visuospatial (VS) functions and networks in the recognition of a-MCI. We examined 78 participants (32 patients and 46 controls) in a double-center arrangement using neuropsychology, structural, and resting-state functional MRI. We found that imaging of the lateral temporal areas showed strong discriminating power since in patients only the temporal pole (F = 5.26, p = 0.034) and superior temporal gyrus (F = 8.04, p < 0.001) showed reduced cortical thickness. We demonstrated significant differences between controls and patients in various neuropsychological results; however, analysis of cognitive subdomains revealed that the largest difference was presented in VS skills (F = 8.32, p < 0.001). Functional connectivity analysis of VS network showed that patients had weaker connectivity between the left and right frontotemporal areas, while stronger local connectivity was presented between the left frontotemporal structures (FWE corrected p < 0.05). Our results highlight the remarkable potential of examining the VS system in the early detection of cognitive decline. Since resting-state setting of functional MRI simplifies the possible automatization of data analysis, detection of VS system alterations might provide a non-invasive biomarker of a-MCI