4 research outputs found


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    Livestock in Mato Grosso can be considered a national reference, standing out among other factors due to its herd size. However, dairy farming has been losing participation in the domestic scenario. Invariably, beef and milk production have an intrinsic relationship in the state, where beef livestock cycles determine factors to explain the production and price of milk. That is observed in the presence of an intense short-term relationship between milk production and price, as expected, and the calf price and live cattle. The effect of the impulse response on milk production shows that the variable that most impacts the producer's decision concerning milk production are the price of live cattle. Shocks in the price of live cattle produce a negative response in milk production, but the effect of the calf's price in turn positively influences production. The lack of specialized genetics may be one of the main causes of this close relationship, causing changes in the state's beef market and meat production to significantly affect milk production and price.A pecuária de corte em Mato Grosso é referência nacional, destacando-se entre outros fatores pelo tamanho de seu rebanho. Todavia sua pecuária leiteira vem perdendo participação no cenário doméstico. Invariavelmente, a atividade de corte e leite tem relação intrínseca no estado, onde os ciclos da pecuária de corte são fatores determinantes para explicar a produção e o preço do leite. Isso é observado na presença de uma relação de curto prazo mais intensa entre a produção de leite com seu preço, como esperado, mas também com o preço do bezerro e com o da @ do boi gordo. O efeito da resposta ao impulso na produção de leite mostra que a variável que mais impacta na decisão do produtor em relação à produção de leite é o preço da @ do boi. Choques no preço da @ produzem uma resposta negativa na produção de leite, mas o efeito do preço do bezerro por sua vez, influencia positivamente a produção. A falta de genética especializada pode ser uma das principais causas dessa estreita relação, fazendo com que mudanças no mercado de carne bovina do estado e na produção de carne afetem significativamente a produção e o preço do leite. Palavras-chave: pecuária; impulso-resposta; econometria.   Analysis of co-integration between milk dairy and beef cattle in Mato Grosso   ABSTRACT: Livestock in Mato Grosso can be considered a national reference, standing out among other factors due to its herd size. However, dairy farming has been losing participation in the domestic scenario. Invariably, beef and milk production have an intrinsic relationship in the state, where beef livestock cycles determine factors to explain the production and price of milk. That is observed in the presence of an intense short-term relationship between milk production and price, as expected, and the calf price and live cattle. The effect of the impulse response on milk production shows that the variable that most impacts the producer's decision concerning milk production are the price of live cattle. Shocks in the price of live cattle produce a negative response in milk production, but the effect of the calf's price in turn positively influences production. The lack of specialized genetics may be one of the main causes of this close relationship, causing changes in the state's beef market and meat production to significantly affect milk production and price. Key words: livestock; impulse-response; econometrics


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    This study investigates the economic feasibility of a livestock-forest integration system between Nellore cattle and teak species implemented in Fazenda Bacaeri, in the municipality of Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The economic analysis was based on the dataset provided by the Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril and used to elaborate a cash flow, as well as on the following selected criteria, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Profitability Index, for a Minimum Attractive Rate of 4.15% annually. The risk analysis was also carried out using the Monte Carlo probabilistic method, considering seven variables, such as the clearcut and thinning wood price, lean cattle selling price, animal acquisition and forest harvesting costs, thinning and clearcutting yield. The calculated analyzed economic indexes are as follows R$ 4,083,307.77 NPV, 6.48% IRR and 21.36% PI, which indicates the economic feasibility of the studied integration system. The risk analysis shows that this is a low-risk project since the probability of NPV being negative was calculated as 14.4%. However, no matter how efficient the risk prediction tools are, producers must have technical assistance from trained professionals to adequately interpret and mitigate the risks. The studied forest-livestock integration system is economically feasible and low risk


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    The objective of this study was to elaborate a strategic diagnosis about integrating the forest component (teak) into extensive cattle raising areas, in Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso state. For this, the SWOT analysis consisted of initially identifying the internal factors, the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization (interviews) and the external factors, opportunities and threats external to the organization (bibliographic search) to elaborate the External and Internal Factor Evaluation Matrices. The data were obtained from applying semi-structured interviews to some of the key players in the agro-industrial chain, such as (3) producers, (3) farm managers, (2) professional technicians from the livestock field, and (3) collaborators of public institutions, and a bibliographic search/review as well. The answers given by each interviewee were scored according to their relevance. The scores assigned to internal and external factor evaluations were 2.83 and 3.24, higher than the average 2.5, indicating that the integration of forest with pasture areas is internally strong while the studied region has a favorable external environment. In general, the produced diagnosis indicates that the integration of livestock-forest is an attractive activity, promoting production diversity and collaborating with local development. However, there must be strategic planning between the different key players (government, public and private sectors) in order to foster the most appropriate activities for the region, guaranteeing the conditions for the consolidation of the forest-livestock integration system, given its great potential in relation to monoculture systems

    Incorporation of economic viability indicators in agricultural zoning of climate risk for crop-livestock integrated systems in the state of Mato Grosso

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    Uma das especificidades da atividade agropecuária é a dependência com a natureza, que confere rigidez ao processo produtivo, aumentando o risco a que esse setor está sujeito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um protocolo inédito de análise de risco associando informações econômicas e de produção às janelas de plantio geradas pelo ZARC, para sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária, em Mato Grosso. Como primeira aproximação o protocolo foi criado e validado em um sistema de produção de soja com sucessão de milho, em Primavera do Leste- MT e Sorriso- MT. Para cada local foi criado um fluxo de caixa de 13 anos (2007-2020), no qual os indicadores de viabilidade econômica variaram de acordo com a época de semeadura da soja e milho. Utilizando esses sistemas foram analisados três cenários: Cenário 1. Produtor que não realizou gestão risco na propriedade; Cenário 2. Produtor que escalonou a venda de soja e Cenário 3. Produtor que realizou a adesão de seguro de faturamento para o milho nos últimos 4 anos. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, considerou-se que em duas propriedades de pecuária exclusiva seriam implementados dois modelos de integração lavoura-pecuária: soja com sucessão de consórcio milho-braquiária e soja com sucessão de braquiária, em diferentes proporções (25%, 50% e 75% de ILP na propriedade). O foco foi estimar a produtividade pecuária juntamente com os rendimentos de grãos por meio de dois modelos distintos. Para a pecuária um modelo de simulação de produção de forragem foi acoplado a um modelo de déficit acumulado para estimativa da taxa de lotação crítica. Os principais achados para o sistema soja e milho, foram a diferença entre os decêndios de semeadura que resultam em maiores rendimentos de grãos (soja semeada no final de outubro, decêndio 30, e milho semeado no primeiro decêndio do ano, decêndio 01, para ambos os municípios) e a combinação de decêndios que resultam nos melhores indicadores de viabilidade econômica (D29 para a soja e D05 para o milho). A estratégia de escalonar a venda da soja torna o sistema economicamente atrativo, enquanto o benefício do seguro de faturamento, em ambas as regiões, é menos observado nos indicadores por ter sido considerado em apenas 4 dos 13 anos analisados. Para os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária se observou que os modelos utilizados se mostraram capazes de captar o acentuado déficit hídrico, a sazonalidade forrageira e as diferentes datas de semeadura. Especialmente nos meses de seca, o principal benefício da ILP em uma região de Cerrado, é que o produtor conseguiria manter seu rebanho.One of the specificities of agricultural activity is the dependence on nature, which gives rigidity to the production process, increasing the risk to which this sector is subject. The objective of this work was to establish an unprecedented risk analysis protocol connecting economic and production information with the planting windows generated by Agricultural Zoning of Climate Risk (ZARC), for integrated crop-livestock systems, in Mato Grosso state. As a first approximation, we created and validated the protocol in a soybean production system with corn succession, in Primavera do Leste-MT and Sorriso-MT. For each location, a 13-year cash flow (2007-2020) was designed, in which the economic viability indicators varied according to the sowing date of soybean and corn. Three scenarios were analyzed: Scenario 1. Producer who did not manage risk on the property; Scenario 2. Producer who scaled up the sale of soybeans and Scenario 3. Producer who hired a revenue insurance for corn in the last 4 years. In the second part of this work, we considered that two models of crop-livestock integration would be implemented in two livestock properties: soybean with succession of corn-Brachiaria intercropping and soybean with succession of Brachiaria, in different proportions (25%, 50% and 75% ICL on the property). The focus was to estimate livestock productivity and grain yields using two different models. For livestock, a forage production simulation model was coupled to an accumulated deficit model to estimate the critical stocking rate. The main result for the soybean+ corn system was the difference between the sowing dates that result in higher grain yields (soybean sown at the end of October D30, and corn sown between January 1-10, D01, for both cities) and the combination of dates that result in the best indicators of economic viability (D29 for soybeans and D05 for corn). The strategy of scaled up the sale of soybeans makes the system economically attractive, while the benefit of revenue insurance, in both regions, is less observed in the indicators because it was considered in only 4 of the 13 years analyzed. For the crop-livestock integration systems, the models used were able to capture the accentuated water deficit, the forage seasonality and the different sowing dates. Especially in the dry months, the main benefit of the ICL is that the producer would be able to maintain their heard