699 research outputs found

    Inward Motions of the Compact SiO Masers Around VX Sagittarii

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    We report Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of 43 GHz v=1, J=1-0 SiO masers in the circumstellar envelope of the M-type semi-regular variable star VX Sgr at 3 epochs during 1999 April-May. These high-resolution VLBA images reveal a persistent ringlike distribution of SiO masers with a projected radius of ~3 stellar radii. The typical angular size of 0.5 mas for individual maser feature was estimated from two-point correlation function analysis for maser spots. We found that the apparent size scale of maser features was distinctly smaller than that observed in the previous observations by comparing their fractions of total power imaged. This change in the size scale of maser emission may be related to stellar activity that caused a large SiO flare during our observations. Our observations confirmed the asymmetric distribution of maser emission, but the overall morphology has changed significantly with the majority of masers clustering to the north-east of the star compared to that lying to the south-west direction in 1992. By identifying 42 matched maser features appearing in all the three epochs, we determined the contraction of an SiO maser shell toward VX Sgr at a proper motion of -0.507 mas/yr, corresponding to a velocity of about 4 km/s at a distance of 1.7 kpc to VX Sgr. Such a velocity is on the order of the sound speed, and can be easily explained by the gravitational infall of material from the circumstellar dust shell.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Addtions to the Fish Fauna of Prov. Tosa, Japan

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    Relative astrometry of the J=1-0, v=1 and v=2 SiO masers towards R Leonis Minoris using VERA

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    Oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are intense emitters of SiO and H2_2O maser lines at 43 (J=1-0, v=1 and 2) and 22 GHz, respectively. VLBI observations of the maser emission provides a unique tool to sample the innermost layers of the circumstellar envelopes in AGB stars. Nevertheless, the difficulties in achieving astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 SiO maser maps have traditionally prevented a unique interpretation of the observations in terms of physical underlying conditions, which depend on the nature of the SiO pumping mechanism. We have carried out observations of the SiO and H2_2O maser emission towards RLMi, using the astrometric capabilities of VERA. Due to the too-weak emission of the reference calibrator we had to develop a special method to accurately relate the coordinates for both transitions. We present relative astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 SiO maser maps, at multiple epochs, and discuss the astrophysical results. The incorporation of astrometric information into the maps of SiO masers challenges the weak points in the current theoretical models, which will need further refinements to address the observations results.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Alpha-methylnorepinephrine, a selective alpha2-adrenergic agonist for cardiac resuscitation

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a selective alpha2-adrenergic agonist, alpha-methylnorepinephrine (alphaMNE) as an alternative vasopressor agent during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).BACKGROUNDFor more than 40 years, epinephrine has been the vasopressor agent of choice for CPR. Its beta- and alpha1-adrenergic effects increase myocardial oxygen consumption, magnify global myocardial ischemia and increase the severity of postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction.METHODSVentricular fibrillation (VF) was induced in 20 Sprague-Dawley rats. After 8 min of untreated VF, mechanical ventilation and precordial compression began. AlphaMNE, epinephrine or saline placebo was injected into the right atrium 2 min after the start of precordial compression. As an additional control, one group of animals was pretreated with alpha2-receptor blocker, yohimbine, before injection of alphaMNE. Defibrillation was attempted 4 min later. Left ventricular pressure, dP/dt40, negative dP/dt and cardiac index were measured for an interval of 240 min after resuscitation.RESULTSExcept for saline placebo and yohimbine-treated animals, comparable increases in coronary perfusion pressure were observed after each drug intervention. All animals were successfully resuscitated. Left ventricular diastolic pressure, cardiac index, dP/dt40and negative dP/dt were more optimal after alphaMNE; this was associated with significantly better postresuscitation survival. Pretreatment with yohimbine abolished the beneficial effects of alphaMNE.CONCLUSIONSThe selective alpha2-adrenergic agonist, alphaMNE, was as effective as epinephrine for initial cardiac resuscitation but provided strikingly better postresuscitation myocardial function and survival

    Mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las niñas, niños y adolescente en estado de vulnerabilidad en la provincia de Ilo - Moquegua a través de la creación de un albergue infantil y adolescente con un centro técnico productivo

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    Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de mejorar la “calidad de vida” de las niñas, niños y adolescentes en estado vulnerable desde que llegan al albergue hasta su reinserción a la sociedad. Todo esto será posible gracias a la creación de un Albergue donde podrán vivir en un ambiente familiar y un Centro Técnico Productivo dedicado a la su formación Técnica y que cumple con los requerimientos básicos para su funcionamiento bajo los estándares y normativas que cada entidad encargada regula. Se evalúa la problemática social y la existencia de espacios que brinden el servicio Educativo Técnico y de albergue. El proyecto se encuentra ubicado en la provincia de Ilo, Moquegua. Es importante ver la Arquitectura desde el lado humano, para poder contribuir a la mejora de nuestra especie mediante espacios creados con las condiciones aptas para realizar actividades y que no solo sean un espacio encerrado para cumplir alguna función intrascendente.Tesi

    Curcumin (1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1, 6-heptadiene-3,5-dione) Blocks the Chemotaxis of Neutrophils by Inhibiting Signal Transduction through IL-8 Receptors

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    We investigated the impact of curcumin on neutrophils. Chemotactic activity via human recombinant IL-8 (hrIL-8) was significantly inhibited by curcumin. Curcumin reduced calcium ion flow induced by internalization of the IL-8 receptor. We analyzed flow cytometry to evaluate the status of the IL-8 receptor after curcumin treatment. The change in the distribution of receptors intracellularly and on the cell surface suggested that curcumin may affect the receptor trafficking pathway intracellulary. Rab11 is a low molecular weight G protein associated with the CXCR recycling pathway. Following curcumin treatment, immunoprecipitation studies showed that the IL-8 receptor was associated with larger amounts of active Rab11 than that in control cells. These data suggest that curcumin induces the stacking of the Rab11 vesicle complex with CXCR1 and CXCR2 in the endocytic pathway. The mechanism for antiinflammatory response by curcumin may involve unique regulation of the Rab11 trafficking molecule in recycling of IL-8 receptors

    Oversampling effect in pretraining for bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) to localize medical BERT and enhance biomedical BERT

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    Wada S., Takeda T., Okada K., et al. Oversampling effect in pretraining for bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) to localize medical BERT and enhance biomedical BERT. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 153, 102889 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2024.102889.Background: Pretraining large-scale neural language models on raw texts has made a significant contribution to improving transfer learning in natural language processing. With the introduction of transformer-based language models, such as bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), the performance of information extraction from free text has improved significantly in both the general and medical domains. However, it is difficult to train specific BERT models to perform well in domains for which few databases of a high quality and large size are publicly available. Objective: We hypothesized that this problem could be addressed by oversampling a domain-specific corpus and using it for pretraining with a larger corpus in a balanced manner. In the present study, we verified our hypothesis by developing pretraining models using our method and evaluating their performance. Methods: Our proposed method was based on the simultaneous pretraining of models with knowledge from distinct domains after oversampling. We conducted three experiments in which we generated (1) English biomedical BERT from a small biomedical corpus, (2) Japanese medical BERT from a small medical corpus, and (3) enhanced biomedical BERT pretrained with complete PubMed abstracts in a balanced manner. We then compared their performance with those of conventional models. Results: Our English BERT pretrained using both general and small medical domain corpora performed sufficiently well for practical use on the biomedical language understanding evaluation (BLUE) benchmark. Moreover, our proposed method was more effective than the conventional methods for each biomedical corpus of the same corpus size in the general domain. Our Japanese medical BERT outperformed the other BERT models built using a conventional method for almost all the medical tasks. The model demonstrated the same trend as that of the first experiment in English. Further, our enhanced biomedical BERT model, which was not pretrained on clinical notes, achieved superior clinical and biomedical scores on the BLUE benchmark with an increase of 0.3 points in the clinical score and 0.5 points in the biomedical score. These scores were above those of the models trained without our proposed method. Conclusions: Well-balanced pretraining using oversampling instances derived from a corpus appropriate for the target task allowed us to construct a high-performance BERT model