29 research outputs found

    Piliation of Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates in the Era before Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction in Malawi

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    The pneumococcal pilus has been shown to be an important determinant of adhesion and virulence in mouse models of colonization, pneumonia, and bacteremia. A pilus is capable of inducing protective immunity, supporting its inclusion in next-generation pneumococcal protein vaccine formulations. Whether this vaccine target is common among pneumococci in sub-Saharan Africa is uncertain. To define the prevalence and genetic diversity of type I and II pili among invasive pneumococci in Malawi prior to the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) into routine childhood immunization, we examined 188 Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates collected between 2002 and 2008 (17% serotype 1). In this region of high disease burden, we found a low frequency of invasive piliated pneumococci (14%) and pilus gene sequence diversity similar to that seen previously in multiple global pneumococcal lineages. All common serotypes with pilus were covered by PCV13 and so we predict that pilus prevalence will be reduced in the Malawian pneumococcal population after PCV13 introduction

    Performance of molecular methods for the detection of Salmonella in human stool specimens [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: The relationship between asymptomatic Salmonella exposure within the gastrointestinal tract and Salmonella bacteraemia is poorly understood, in part due to the low sensitivity of stool culture and the lack of validated molecular diagnostic tests for the detection of Salmonella in the stool. The study aimed to determine a reliable molecular diagnostic test for Salmonella in stool specimens. Methods: We optimised an in-house monoplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of Salmonella ttr and InvA genes in stool by including a selenite broth pre-culture step for Salmonella before DNA extraction and validated their specificity against other local common pathogens. Then we assessed their performance against a well-validated multiplex PCR targeting the same ttr and InvA genes and against stool culture using clinical stool specimens collected from a cohort of 50 asymptomatic healthy Malawian children that were sampled at 1-month intervals over 12 months. We employed a latent Markov model to estimate the specificities and sensitivities of PCR methods. Results: Ttr and InvA primers were both able to detect all the different Salmonella serovars tested and had superior limits of detection when DNA was extracted after selenite pre-culture. Ttr sensitivity and specificity for monoplex-PCR were (99.53%, 95.46%) and for multiplex-PCR (90.30%, 99.30%) respectively. InvA specificity and specificity for using monoplex-PCR was (95.06%, 90.31%) and multiplex-PCRs (89.41%, 98.00%) respectively. Sensitivity and specificity for standard stool culture were 62.88% and 99.99%, respectively. Culture showed the highest PPV (99.73%), and monoplex-ttr had the highest NPV (99.67%). Conclusion: Test methods demonstrated high concordance, although stool culture and monoplexed ttr primers had superior specificity and sensitivity, respectively. The use of selenite pre-enrichment step increased Salmonella detection rate. Taken together, molecular detection methods used here could be used to reveal the true extent of both asymptomatic and symptomatic Salmonella exposure events

    Circulating microparticles are increased amongst people presenting with HIV and advanced immune suppression in Malawi and correlate closely with arterial stiffness: a nested case control study

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    Background: We aimed to investigate whether circulating microparticle (CMPs) subsets were raised amongst people presenting with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and advanced immune suppression in Malawi, and whether they associated with arterial stiffness. Methods: Antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve adults with a new HIV diagnosis and CD4 <100 cells/µL had microparticle characterisation and carotid femoral Pulse Wave Velocity (cfPWV) at 2 weeks post ART initiation. HIV uninfected controls were matched on age, systolic blood pressure (BP) and diastolic BP in a 1:1 ratio.  Circulating microparticles were identified from platelet poor plasma and stained for endothelial, leucocyte, monocyte and platelet markers. Results: The median (IQ) total CMP count for 71 participants was 1 log higher in HIV compared to those without (p<0.0001) and was associated with arterial stiffness (spearman rho 0.47, p<0.001). In adjusted analysis, every log increase in circulating particles showed a 20% increase in cfPWV (95% confidence interval [CI] 4 – 40%, p=0.02). In terms of subsets, endothelial and platelet derived microparticles were most strongly associated with HIV. Endothelial derived E-selectin+ CMPs were 1.3log-fold higher and platelet derived CD42a+ CMPs were 1.4log-fold higher (both p<0.0001). Endothelial and platelet derived CMPs also correlated most closely with arterial stiffness (spearman rho: E-selectin+ 0.57 and CD42a 0.56, both p<0.0001). Conclusions: Circulating microparticles associate strongly with arterial stiffness among people living with HIV in Malawi. Endothelial damage and platelet microparticles are the predominant cell origin types and future translational studies could consider prioritising these pathways

    Genomic identification of a novel co-trimoxazole resistance genotype and its prevalence amongst Streptococcus pneumoniae in Malawi

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    Objectives This study aimed to define the molecular basis of co-trimoxazole resistance in Malawian pneumococci under the dual selective pressure of widespread co-trimoxazole and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine use. Methods We measured the trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole MICs and analysed folA and folP nucleotide and translated amino acid sequences for 143 pneumococci isolated from carriage and invasive disease in Malawi (2002–08). Results Pneumococci were highly resistant to both trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole (96%, 137/143). Sulfamethoxazole-resistant isolates showed a 3 or 6 bp insertion in the sulphonamide-binding site of folP. The trimethoprim-resistant isolates fell into three genotypic groups based on dihydrofolate reductase (encoded by folA) mutations: Ile-100-Leu (10%), the Ile-100-Leu substitution together with a residue 92 substitution (56%) and those with a novel uncharacterized resistance genotype (34%). The nucleotide sequence divergence and dN/dS of folA and folP remained stable from 2004 onwards. Conclusions S. pneumoniae exhibit almost universal co-trimoxazole resistance in vitro and in silico that we believe is driven by extensive co-trimoxazole and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine use. More than one-third of pneumococci employ a novel mechanism of co-trimoxazole resistance. Resistance has now reached a point of stabilizing evolution. The use of co-trimoxazole to prevent pneumococcal infection in HIV/AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa should be re-evaluated

    Recombination in Streptococcus pneumoniae Lineages Increase with Carriage Duration and Size of the Polysaccharide Capsule.

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae causes a high burden of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) globally, especially in children from resource-poor settings. Like many bacteria, the pneumococcus can import DNA from other strains or even species by transformation and homologous recombination, which has allowed the pneumococcus to evade clinical interventions such as antibiotics and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). Pneumococci are enclosed in a complex polysaccharide capsule that determines the serotype; the capsule varies in size and is associated with properties including carriage prevalence and virulence. We determined and quantified the association between capsule and recombination events using genomic data from a diverse collection of serotypes sampled in Malawi. We determined both the amount of variation introduced by recombination relative to mutation (the relative rate) and how many individual recombination events occur per isolate (the frequency). Using univariate analyses, we found an association between both recombination measures and multiple factors associated with the capsule, including duration and prevalence of carriage. Because many capsular factors are correlated, we used multivariate analysis to correct for collinearity. Capsule size and carriage duration remained positively associated with recombination, although with a reduced P value, and this effect may be mediated through some unassayed additional property associated with larger capsules. This work describes an important impact of serotype on recombination that has been previously overlooked. While the details of how this effect is achieved remain to be determined, it may have important consequences for the serotype-specific response to vaccines and other interventions. IMPORTANCE: The capsule determines >90 different pneumococcal serotypes, which vary in capsule size, virulence, duration, and prevalence of carriage. Current serotype-specific vaccines elicit anticapsule antibodies. Pneumococcus can take up exogenous DNA by transformation and insert it into its chromosome by homologous recombination. This mechanism has disseminated drug resistance and generated vaccine escape variants. It is hence crucial to pneumococcal evolutionary response to interventions, but there has been no systematic study quantifying whether serotypes vary in recombination and whether this is associated with serotype-specific properties such as capsule size or carriage duration. Larger capsules could physically inhibit DNA uptake, or given the longer carriage duration for larger capsules, this may promote recombination. We find that recombination varies among capsules and is associated with capsule size, carriage duration, and carriage prevalence and negatively associated with invasiveness. The consequence of this work is that serotypes with different capsules may respond differently to selective pressures like vaccines

    Evaluation of pneumococcal serotyping in nasopharyngeal carriage isolates by latex agglutination, whole genome sequencing (PneumoCaT) and DNA microarray in a high pneumococcal carriage prevalence population in Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate assessment of the serotype distribution associated with pneumococcal colonization and disease is essential for the evaluation and formulation of pneumococcal vaccines and informing vaccine policy. METHODS: We evaluated pneumococcal serotyping concordance between latex agglutination, PneumoCaT by whole genome sequencing (WGS) and DNA microarray using samples from community carriage surveillance in Blantyre, Malawi. Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected, following WHO recommendations, between 2015 and 2017, using stratified random sampling among study populations. Participants included healthy children 3–6 years old (PCV13 vaccinated as part of EPI), healthy children 5–10 years (age-ineligible for PCV13), and HIV-infected adults (18–40yrs) on ART. For phenotypic serotyping we used a 13-valent latex kit (SSI, Denmark). For genomic serotyping we applied PneumoCaT pipeline to whole genome sequence libraries. For molecular serotyping by microarray we used the BUGS Bioscience Senti-SP microarray. RESULTS: 1347 samples were analysed. Concordance was 90.7% (95% CI: 89.0–92.2) between latex and PneumoCaT; 95.2% (93.9–96.3) between latex and microarray; and 96.6% (95.5–97.5) between microarray and PneumoCaT. By detecting additional vaccine serotype (VT) pneumococcus carried at low relative abundance (median 8%), microarray increased VT detection by 31.5% compared to latex serotyping. CONCLUSION: All three serotyping methods were highly concordant in identifying dominant serotypes. Latex serotyping is accurate in identifying vaccine-serotypes and requires the least expertise and resources for field-implementation and analysis. However, WGS, which adds population structure, and microarray, which adds multiple-serotype carriage, should be considered at regional reference laboratories while investigating the importance of VT in low relative abundance in transmission and disease

    Evaluation of Pneumococcal Serotyping of Nasopharyngeal-Carriage Isolates by Latex Agglutination, Whole-Genome Sequencing (PneumoCaT), and DNA Microarray in a High-Pneumococcal-Carriage-Prevalence Population in Malawi.

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    Accurate assessment of the serotype distribution associated with pneumococcal colonization and disease is essential for evaluating and formulating pneumococcal vaccines and for informing vaccine policy. For this reason, we evaluated the concordance between pneumococcal serotyping results by latex agglutination, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with PneumoCaT, and DNA microarray for samples from community carriage surveillance in Blantyre, Malawi. Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected according to WHO recommendations between 2015 and 2017 by using stratified random sampling among study populations. Participants included healthy children 3 to 6 years old (vaccinated with the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [PCV13] as part of the Expanded Program on Immunization [EPI]), healthy children 5 to 10 years old (age-ineligible for PCV13), and HIV-infected adults (18 to 40 years old) on antiretroviral therapy (ART). For phenotypic serotyping, we used a 13-valent latex kit (Statens Serum Institut [SSI], Denmark). For genomic serotyping, we applied the PneumoCaT pipeline to whole-genome sequence libraries. For molecular serotyping by microarray, we used the BUGS Bioscience Senti-SP microarray. A total of 1,347 samples were analyzed. Concordance was 90.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 89.0 to 92.2%) between latex agglutination and PneumoCaT, 95.2% (95% CI, 93.9 to 96.3%) between latex agglutination and the microarray, and 96.6% (95% CI, 95.5 to 97.5%) between the microarray and PneumoCaT. By detecting additional vaccine serotype (VT) pneumococci carried at low relative abundances (median, 8%), the microarray increased VT detection by 31.5% over that by latex serotyping. To conclude, all three serotyping methods were highly concordant in identifying dominant serotypes. Latex serotyping is accurate in identifying vaccine serotypes and requires the least expertise and resources for field implementation and analysis. However, WGS, which adds population structure, and microarray, which adds multiple-serotype carriage, should be considered at regional reference laboratories for investigating the importance of vaccine serotypes at low relative abundances in transmission and disease

    Early signals of vaccine driven perturbation seen in pneumococcal carriage population genomic data

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    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) have reduced pneumococcal diseases globally. Pneumococcal genomic surveys elucidate PCV effects on population structure but are rarely conducted in low-income settings despite the high disease burden. METHODS:We undertook whole genome sequencing of 660 pneumococcal isolates collected through surveys from healthy carriers two years from PCV14 introduction and one-year post-rollout in northern Malawi. We investigated changes in population structure, within-lineage serotype dynamics, serotype diversity, and frequency of antibiotic resistance (ABR) and accessory genes. RESULTS:In the under-fives, frequency and diversity of vaccine serotypes (VT) decreased significantly post-PCV but no significant changes occurred in over-fives. Clearance of VT serotypes was consistent across different genetic backgrounds (lineages). There was an increase of non-vaccine serotypes (NVT) namely 7C, 15B/C, 23A in under-fives but 28F increased in both age groups. While carriage rates have been recently shown to remain stable post-PCV due replacement serotypes, there was no change in diversity of NVTs. Additionally, frequency of intermediate-penicillin-resistant lineages decreased post-PCV. While frequency of ABR genes remained stable, other accessory genes especially those associated with MGEs and bacteriocins showed changes in frequency post-PCV. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrate evidence of significant population restructuring post-PCV driven by decreasing frequency of vaccine serotypes and increasing frequency of few NVTs mainly in under-fives. Continued surveillance with WGS remains crucial to fully understand dynamics of the residual VTs and replacement NVT serotypes post-PCV